MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 924 Is rich

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"Generally not used?" Lu Xiufeng said.

"The drug is hardly used. There are too many medicinal herbs with the same effect. It can replace it, and it is much less harmful. As long as it is a little common sense, people will not take the risk." Miao Qingfeng .

"This is a new discovery." Yang Guanfeng said.

"Is there anything else?"

Miao Qingfeng looked at Miao Changhong, who was still checking the body. The latter shook his head.

"temporarily unavailable."

"Yeah." Yang Guanfeng nodded.

"So, what we have to do now is to consider this five poisonous sticks?"

"Well, this is a point. Check if this medicine is not filed." Yang Guanfeng said.

“Can I see their blood samples?” Miao Changhong suddenly looked up.

"The blood sample, of course." Lu Xiufeng glanced, then smiled.

Then they went to see a sample of blood, very little blood, and the Miao Changhong actually drank a little after passing the consent.


"Is it poisoned?"

"No." Miao Qingfeng shook her head.

"how is it?"

Miao Changhong carefully felt his eyes closed and then shook his head.

"Sorry, I have to think about it."

Then he quickly picked up the bottle of mineral water, because his tongue was already numb and his body was trembling.

"Is it okay?" Miao Qingfeng hurried to ask him in front of him.

"There is no big problem." Miao Changhong waved his hand.

"I need to take a break."

"Sorry, Captain Yang."

"It doesn't matter, I will arrange someone right away."

Soon, there was a car coming over and they were taken to the guest house, let them go back to rest, and Lu Xiufeng followed.

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?" He found that Miao Changhong's face was a little pale at this time.

"Yes, it will be fine to take a break."

"Okay, then you should rest first. If you have something, please call me at any time."


Then the two of them left.

"Is it really okay?" Miao Qingfeng asked after they left.

"Five poison sticks and wisteria orchids." Miao Changhong said.

"Wisteria, you are sure?" Miao Qingfeng heard after listening.

"I am sure." Miao Changhong nodded.

"How is it possible? In the stockade, it is a controlled medicinal material." Miao Qingfeng was shocked after listening.

"It can't be wrong." Miao Changhong said, "I don't have any other skills. This ability to distinguish is still there."

"That explains a problem, there are ghosts in our stockade."

"Not necessarily the people in the stockade, haven't they ran out of the stockade? How many of them should use these poisons?" Miao Changhong said.

"The patriarch is too soft and has made such a big hidden danger. Now we have a mouthful to say, obviously a victim, but it has become a key object of doubt." Miao Qingfeng sighed.

"The purpose of the patriarch’s sent us is not to let us prove our innocence?"

"How come?"

"We know where those people are not?" Miao Changhong asked.

"This is naturally knowing, what do you mean?"

A little thought, Miao Qingfeng guessed the idea of ​​Miao Changhong.

Planting a blame,

Yes, this is the idea. Since the other party can frame them, they can naturally fall into the other side. In this way, the suspicions in their stockades can be lifted very directly, plus those who are themselves from the stockade. Escape, a little investigation will know, this seems more convincing.

"how is it?"

"Good idea." Miao Qingfeng indulged for a moment, then paced back and forth in the room.

"Attention is good, but we have to figure out how to implement it. We can't be noticed by the other side. We can't be caught by the police here. After all, there are still many professionals here, many of them from the provincial capital. The experts in the middle, the two are not as simple as they seem, we will not hold them with care when we are careless." Miao Qingfeng.

He often contacted Yang Guanfeng and Lu Xiufeng in the “Thousand Medicine Valley”. Although he did not know much about two people, he knew something about their skills. Those seemingly unrelated questions and irrelevant actions actually It may all be profound.

"This thing has to be thought out, it must be thoughtful, this is outside, not in the stockade."


In a small pub, in a private room.

"This restaurant is good. I used to eat it once during my last business trip. I didn't expect it to be so many years later. This small restaurant is still here." Lu Xiufeng smiled.

"You are a man of good fortune!"

"You, don't frown all day, a pair of days to fall down." Lu Xiufeng poured a glass of wine to Yang Guanfeng.

"Do our work, but ask for innocence, try your best, at least I think so, every case can be broken, that is, the gods in the sky can not guarantee this?" He smiled and ordered a flue.

"This is the case." Yang Guanfeng said, "But the real case, especially such a murder case, can't be broken, it is a knot, always feel sorry for the dead."

"So, ah, you are old, you look at you, wrinkles on your face, look at me again, is it still beautiful?"

"You can't talk nonsense!" Yang Guanfeng laughed after listening.

Among the mountain villages thousands of miles away,

A very interesting patient came inside the medical hall.

"Say, how much do you want?"

This is a very rich man, why do you say that, because his finger carries a very large emerald ring, and whether it is his words or manners, he is a local tyrant, a family has The people of the mine, in short, are the three words "not bad money."

"Don't look." Wang Yao smiled and shook his head.

The man’s illness is also very strange, and some are embarrassed to say the kind of export.

Don't watch him grow tall and fat, but he can't get it.

Taking medicine for health care has no effect, but it is extremely bad for him. I went to see some famous old Chinese doctors. The effect is also good and bad. As a man, a rich man, a favorite. How can a rich man with a bite be able to do this in this respect? So he looked around and asked around. I don’t hear that there is such a young doctor who has extraordinary medical skills. It is almost a disease that can be treated, so he will come over. The answer to the result is two words - no look.

This made him very surprised, and then he understood it when he thought about it. It must be a question of money. In his opinion, the absolute part of the problem in the world can be solved with money. In fact, it may be true, but the thing he encountered today is really impossible to solve with money.

Wang Yao didn't want to see him, that is, he didn't care if he moved to a Jinshan.


Wang Yao flipped a page of books.

He didn't want to fight. Today, he was able to meet such a wonderful patient in this place. He said that he should have not come to such a talented person for a long time. He thought he had everything when he had money.

"Three thousand."

Wang Yao turned another page.

The man was not in a hurry and was not angry. Instead, he came to the interest. He felt that it was very interesting to be able to use the money to solve some problems. For example, a very high scholar was born by him. I used the money to shoot it down. Now I saw him nodding his head. The kind of high-profile look that used to be in the ditch, such as those who look like ice and jade, can resist one banknote. The attacks were all under the attack of money. The same is true of this doctor in front of me.

"fifty thousand."

He is still raising the price. Now he feels that his treatment of physical illness is secondary. The first thing is the next hypocritical mask of this young man, let him bow his head and let him surrender.

"100,000." The price is still increasing.

Wang Yao put down his medical book and stared at the man sitting in front of his eyes.

Hey, there is a door, I can't hold it anymore. I didn't show it to me just now. This money is added to this level and I can't help it. This is not enough!

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