MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 926 He has seen no problem

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"Uncle, go up the mountain?" Jia said with a smile. This person he really knows, an old man named Wang Yilong, because he met several times in the medical hall, also listened to Wang Yao said the story of the old man, knowing that he had a very serious disease, but now it is almost good It is.

"Ah, just down." The old man smiled happily.

He just went to Dongshan to look at the medicine field. It was winter. He was still worried about the herbs in the medicine field. In fact, making money is secondary. The key point is that he feels that Wang Yao is kind enough to provide them with them. Such a way to make money, they have to do a good job, so as not to let down the hope of others, let alone the medicinal materials in this medicine field have not been affected, this trip on the Dongshan, the body feels comfortable some. Stronger than being bored at home.

"You are old-fashioned!"

"Ah, very good." Wang Yilong smiled cheerfully.

When he was eating these two nights, he even drank a small glass of white wine. Originally, the son and the daughter-in-law disagreed, but after seeing Wang Yao that day, Wang Yao said, it is enough to drink and control the amount. From then on, his son and daughter-in-law will not say it. What, but the wine is good wine. In the first month of work, the boss of their pharmaceutical factory gave them every benefit. Among them, there is good wine brought back from the south. It is said that a box is better. Hundreds of dollars, this price of wine is good wine for them.

"When I take the time, I will be a guest at my house!" Wang Yilong said.

He knew that the people outside the village seemed to be Wang disco's apprentices, and they followed the other side to learn something, and the husband and wife lived in the village. As long as they were better with Wang Yao, he felt that he was not an outsider.

"Well." Jia Ziwei said after listening to the road.

In the afternoon, there was no patient in the medical hall. Today's weather is very warm, and all are zero.

After waiting for a while, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Yao simply closed the door of the medical hall and went out to the mountain.

After the mountains of Nanshan, there are mostly trees and half green, because there are many pine trees.

"There is a lot of strength." Wang Yao stood on the hill and looked at the mountain. The **** of the mountain behind the mountain is very large. The steep one is not just a certain place, but almost the entire south of the mountain. In this way, it has been to a place farther behind the mountain, and then connected to the pedestal hill, and then to the rear is a mountain road.

He flashed his body and the next moment he came to the forest under the mountain.

"Sure enough, the breath in the Nanshan Gathering Spirit has drifted out." This situation has long been felt. The role of "Gathering the Spiritual Array" is to gather the aura in all directions on the Nanshan Mountain, but these auras cannot be Bound, more or less will overflow some, and then return to this world, this problem Wang Yao has long noticed, but he did not take any short-term measures, because this side of the "Aura" is originally some "strong" The meaning of taking pride is now excused, which is a kind of compensation.

The mountains behind the mountains and the mountains on both sides are affected by these "aura" that overflowed, and the trees are extremely lush.



Wang Yao stopped his footsteps, and then a black snake appeared not far in front of him. This is a snake with a length of more than three meters and an adult arm. In the winter, the black snake did not hibernate. This forest walks.

"Little black."

After seeing Wang Yao, the black snake set up.

"Walk with me?"

Wang Yao walked in front, and the black snake followed him, extremely spiritual.

It was discovered below the mountain that the weeds in this mountain had reached the waist. Although the winter was dry, there was no dying.

At the lowest place, Wang Yao stopped and then turned to look at the Nanshan behind him. From here, although the mountain is not high, the mountain is very steep. Ordinary people are afraid that they are not willing to take risks. Climbing.

Then he went on and went up the opposite mountain. The height here is slightly lower than that of Nanshan. Standing here, you can see another mountain and the road passing through the mountain in the north. You can hardly feel it here. The breath above Nanshan.

"It's not bad here." Wang Yao nodded.

"Little black, don't you hibernate in winter?" He leaned down and patted his tongue gently. The black snake had a pair of eyes that were quite spiritual.

"Go, let's go back to Nanshan."

One person, one snake, went down the mountain and went to Nanshan.

"Okay, it’s here, Xiaohei, you are busy."

The black snake seemed to understand the words of Wang Yao, and turned back into the forest.

"Don't go to sleep in winter, run around." Wang Yao smiled and said to himself.

Under the mountain, in the village, a family.

"Mom, why are you not careful about this? Nini is still so small, how can you let her touch the thermos bottle? How dangerous it is!" The daughter-in-law returned home and heard that her daughter was burnt by hot water. Not happy.

"Oh, I am not careful." The old man said.

"Let me see."

"Looking for Wang Yao, I have already taken medicine. He said nothing."

"Looking for him to look after, a small clinic." The mother of the child said.

"It works, people in the village are looking for him to see a doctor. The medicine is getting sick and it is cheap."

"I see you this is a cheaper picture?" Her daughter-in-law was not happy after listening.

"What's wrong, noisy?" At this time, her son came back from the outside.

"Nini is hot."

"Ah, it’s hot, is it serious?" the man hurriedly asked after listening.

"Looking at the young doctor in your village, is he reliable?"

"Reliable, absolutely reliable." The man said, "I don't know anyone else. Wang Yao, this medical technique, I saw it with my own eyes, absolutely powerful." The man said.

"I think I still go to the hospital to see it. This is a scald after all. Nini is still small. If it leaves a scar, it is not good!"

"Go, don't go." The man waved his hand.

"Mom, don't take it seriously, you blame this child for being disobedient," the man comforted his mother.

"Is Nini's arm still hurting?" He turned and asked his daughter.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"You see, it doesn't hurt anymore, don't look."

"Are you his father?!" The woman was not happy after listening.

"Look at it."

"Okay, go to the hospital to see it, but also rest assured." The old man said.

"Well, then go and see," the man thought for a while.

Then drove the car with his daughter and wife and left the village, rushing in the direction of Lianshan County.

"Nini, tell the truth to my mother, does the arm hurt in the end?" In the car, the woman asked her daughter.

"Mom, it really doesn't hurt, I don't lie." The little girl said.

She really can't feel the pain now.

"Yeah." The woman sighed a little after listening.

When they arrived at the hospital, the time was coming to work.

"Doctor, my daughter let the hot water burn, you give it a look?" They built the card in line, and finally saw the doctor before they got off work.

"Isn't this already bandaged?" The doctor looked at Nini's arm.

"This is a temporary treatment in a clinic in the village, or some are not at ease," said the woman.

"That line, I will give it a look." The doctor said carefully and took apart the gauze.

There are still some little girls' arms, but those blisters have all disappeared.

"This is not serious!" The doctor looked at it carefully, but the skin was a little red.

"The blisters have already receded. When is it hot?"

"This is this morning."

"In the morning, is it hot by clothes?"

"This is not clear, but my mother said that there was a large blisters at the time!" The woman said, this was what she heard.

"It's okay." The man was rich and put the child with gauze.

“Need to get some medicine?”

"Can you get some medicine, your village?" The doctor asked more.

The man said his village.

The doctor gave a glimpse.

"The village where Dr. Wang is, are you looking for him?"


"Hey, look for him and see what he is doing in the county hospital. His medical skills are much better than ours!"

Read The Duke's Passion