MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 951 Seller

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Zheng Weijun was put on the bus by his driver and assistant. He was eventually drunk and unconscious.

"Take care of him." Wang Yao did not forget to swear.

"You rest assured, Mr. Wang."

Wang Yao left the hotel in another car, returned to the home, and then went directly to Nanshan.

Above the Nanshan Mountain, it was as usual, and nothing happened overnight.

The next morning, the sun rose as usual.

Among the counties thousands of miles away, Miao Qingfeng and Miao Changhong are among a restaurant.

"He may be out of town today."

"Where did you find it?"

"I found it, it should be to Jinmen."

"When are we going to burst out?"

"Let's wait, you can't be too conspicuous."

"Jinmen is very big, don't find him when he is." Miao Changhong said.

"Don't we bring a lot of good things when we came here?"



"But how is it? He is not very close to the situation now."

"You don't have to be on him. He is definitely not going alone. It is estimated that Yang Guanfeng or Lu Xiufeng will go with him. We can follow them on these two people and follow them."

"That hurry!"

"I have already given them up." Miao Qingfeng.

The next afternoon, a car drove out of the county.

"They have left the county."

"Lu Xiufeng?"


"It's still thoughtful you think!" Miao Changhong laughed after listening.

"Who is following?" It is best for the two of them not to disappear at this time, otherwise the first one will doubt their head after a problem.

"There are people in the stockade, waiting for them to go to the place, and determine the location, we will pass." Miao Qingfeng.

"A few thousand miles ago, what problems should be caused, shouldn't we be involved in our heads?"

"Yes, let him taste the painful taste."

And the county, under the seemingly calm surface is a piece of boiling.

"What do you mean?"

"We found the trace of Miao Tianchuan, but the person who followed him had an accident."

"What an accident, don't pant, finish your words in one go."



This is the first time they have sacrificed the case for the police because of this case.

"What's special!" The police officer sweared directly.

The case has not been updated, and his own men have sacrificed. Can this be irritating?

Lu Xiufeng and Yang Guanfeng, who heard the news, were silent for a long time, and they even ate several cigarettes.

"This is not the way, the Miao Tianchuan, too special, too dangerous."

"Well, we have never faced such a criminal." Lu Xiufeng said.

This is the kind that you can't help even if you find the other side's trace.

"Found, kill?" Lu Xiufeng said.

Yang Guanfeng stared down at the ashes that fell in the ashtray.

"Yes, but it can't be crowded. Who knows what else he carries, and if it causes a large number of casualties, it can be troublesome."

"Yes, this has to be considered carefully."

At this time, it is within the other town of the county more than two hundred miles away.

"Do you have a murder, or a policeman?!" Looking at the news on the phone, Miao Qingshan looked up at the surprised Miao Tianchuan with amazement.

"They are too annoying, they need to give them a little color to look at." Miao Tianchuan is very calm.

This kind of thing is not the first time he has gone. When he set up the company before, he did not do less, collected money and disasters for people, and now he is not entangled in those people.

"They can find our traces. The people in the stockade will soon come over. I am afraid you don't know. In addition to the Miao Xi River in the stockade, there are still a few people who are very difficult roles, but they are a little older. Miao Xihe still needs some face. It is not necessary to ask them to come out. It is now a special situation. I guess they will soon be out of the mountain. If they find us, then it is really troublesome." Tianchuan Road.

He knows more about the secrets in the stockade than Miaoqingshan. Although the latter is the grandson of the old patriarch, it is more like a flower growing in the greenhouse. Those cruel reality, whether it is the old patriarch or he The sons did not tell Miao Qingshan, but also because of a kind of mentality to protect each other, do not want to involve the other party.

Miao Qingshan did not speak, but the brow was locked. He struggled in his heart and hesitated.

Obviously, things are very serious now. In fact, he has not done anything. Whether he is in the stockade or outside the stockade, he has not killed anyone, and even has no injuries. Now he has become a wanted criminal. And it is a particularly important kind, and with Miao Tianchuan, this pot is more and more back, it is not clear, the road does not understand.

Can't continue this way.

In his heart, he also sprouted the idea of ​​leaving Miao Tianchuan.

"What do you want?" Miao Xihe looked at the dazzling Miaoqingshan Road.

"It's nothing."

"Is it absolutely I am too much."


"Oh, Castle Peak, you are the grandson of the old patriarch, but there are some things, you know too little, neither in the stockade nor outside the stockade is not so peaceful, many things are very dark, people eat Human." Miaoxi River Road.

"Come on, smoke?"

"no, thank you."

The sky outside is getting darker.

After a day of running, Miao Chengtang finally came to Jinmen. The big city near the capital city, prosperous, far more than a hundred times over the stockade, accompanied by the staff to help him arrange a temporary residence, originally Lu Xiufeng personally came, but in the middle of the road, he folded back Changed to another experienced policeman.

Huh, when I got here, Miao Chengtang was a little relieved.

"Slightly safe thanks."

The face of Miao Qingfeng thousands of miles away is hard to see because people are lost.


"It didn't take long for Lu Xiufeng to leave the city because he had something to turn back and sent another person to go."

"Ah?" Miao Changhong listened afterwards. "What should I do?"

"Continue to wait, the two of them will have to go there sooner or later, it is impossible to leave Miao Chengtang there, no matter what?" Miao Qingfeng.

"Hey, isn't there a positioning system? Can we just find the car where he is located?"

"This is not prepared in advance, and now it is a bit late." Miao Qingfeng.

"No hurry, he can't run."

Miao Changhong did not speak after listening.

This is easy to say, not to mention the big city outside, that is, you are not so good looking for a person in this small county.

Thousands of miles away from Jinmen, settled in the night of the day, Miao Chengtang saw his friend Miao Qingyuan in the stockade. The two people were very happy to meet each other. He was known in his hometown. This is a happy event in his life. Miao Qingyuan also introduced him to a person, a person with money.

"How is the impression on Jinmen?" Xu Xinyuan said with a smile.

"It's very good." Miao Chengtang said.

Here and the stockade are completely different worlds, and the county where he is located is different. After all, it is a small place. It is bustling and bustling. People come and go, and the traffic is like a river. When he first arrives, he is still adapting.

"That's good."

"This is what we said in advance." Xu Xinyuan gave him a bank card, which is 100,000.

“Thank you.” Miao Chengtang hesitated a moment and then accepted the bank card, which means that the cooperation between them was officially reached.

"Well, let's go to the food first, let's talk while eating." Xu Xinyuan said with a smile.

Soon, a delicious dish on the table came up.

"Come, be happy for us, be friends, have a drink."


Both Miao Chengtang and Miao Qingyuan drank the wine from the glass.

"Come, eat."

This is the first time they have met. Xu Xinyuan is not in a hurry to ask too many questions about the “Thousand Medicine Valley”. More is just a chat, like an old friend who has not seen for a long time.

Let's put a long line and catch a big fish. He still understands this truth.

This time, I will meet you as a guest.

"There is nothing to look for me." Xu Xinyuan said.

"Oh, thank you."

Xu Xinyuan left to leave, leaving two of them to find a tea house and asked for a private room.

"This person, what is it?"

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