MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 979 Chores

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"It's amazing."

"The geography creates magic." Wang Yao smiled.

"Look, there is a unique herbal medicine here." He pointed to a few dry plants between the peaks.

"what is this?"

"Yan Huanglian, rare in our wild." Wang Yaodao.

"Dumb to eat Huanglian who can't tell the Huanglian?"

"Yes, berberine has antibacterial, anti-virus, and diarrhea effects."

"Then you don't pick it?"

"No, I have a lot of medicines to replace it, and you can see how long they grow between the rocks." Wang Yaodao.

"Well, it's very strong."

"Well, I will take you to another place."

Wang Yao led the way in front, Su Xiaoxue followed, and soon, the two of them came to a rock on the edge of Shandong. This is a square rock, which is very flat, like a large table.

"How are you feeling here?"

"A big wind!" Su Xiaoxue.

The wind is on all sides, and the whistling winds are all unstable. It is the opposite of the place where the wind is not there.

"It is very different from the place just now."

"How can you find such an interesting place?"

"Have you seen that mountain village?" Wang Yao reached out to a mountain village in the south of the mountain.

"That is my family. I grew up in this village since I was a child. I am very familiar with the situation nearby. I used to play this mountain when I was a child."

"No wonder."

In the cold weather, there are a few pine trees on the mountain besides the stones. In fact, there is really nothing to play with, but Su Xiaoxue is very interested. They both turned around on this mountain. This mountain Although it is not high, it is connected to several large, large areas.

"The mountain looks very tall." Su Xiaoxue pointed to a mountain in the far north, and you can see a cloud floating on the mountainside.

"The mountain is called the dog ear mountain, because it is like a dog's ear, you look at it and distance, if ordinary people want to go from here, at least for a long time." Wang Yaodao.

"Yes, it is not very far away?"

"Want to go?"

"Yeah!" Su Xiaoxue nodded.

"Let's go!"

Suddenly, Wang Yao suddenly held Su Xiaoxue in the words, and then the whole person stood up and flew in the rocky mountains. What valleys, cliffs, trees and rivers were not obstacles in his eyes, Su Xiaoxue directly The extra warmth in his arms, extraordinarily practical, seeing the mountain is getting closer and closer to them, and they didn't take much time, they came to the foot of the mountain.

"Well, it's quite tall!" Standing down the hill, looking up at the mountain.

"Go up?"

"it is good."

This time Su Xiaoxue did not let Wang Yao hold, and the two men went up the mountain together.

The height of this mountain peak is twice that of the mountain where they were just now, plus the current time, the north wind whistling, and the style outside is big.

Su Xiaoxue’s hair was motionless, and there was no wind blowing on her. All the winds were separated in front of them and detoured.

Hu, Su Xiaoxue opened his arms and looked around from here, feeling very comfortable.

Unconsciously, the sunset over the mountains, when they went down, the sky was already dark.

In the town, Nanshan Medicine.

"Zheng Zong, you are really hard to see!"

"Oh, my brother, I am running around the New Year. It has just started, and there is still a big stall. It is not intentional."

In his office, Zheng Weijun smiled.

"The medicine you produce is getting better and better, and the demand is getting bigger and bigger!"

"I know, I know, I am ready to increase production in the next few years."

"How much is it increased?"

"Twenty percent."

"How is that enough? Even if your output doubles, it is definitely in short supply!" said the middle-aged man.

He is also the big agent of this medicine, but this medicine has made him taste the sweetness. So this is coming over the years, I want to talk about it and increase the supply. I want to maintain a good relationship with this Zheng Gongzi and engage in long-term cooperation.

"I think too, but I can't keep up with this medicinal supply!"

"What is missing, tell me, I will help you find a way!" The man patted his chest.

"I have contacted this, the medicinal materials will soon be in place, but the amount will not be mentioned at once, and then, we are also preparing to try to produce the second drug."

"New medicine, what medicine?"

"Clean heat."

"Common medicine?"

"Yes, commonly used drugs."

"I have set this medicine first."

"This has not gone to production, and did not go through the procedure!" Zheng Weijun said with a smile.

"Brother, are these things hard to get you?"

After chatting for a while, the middle-aged man left to leave.

"Call, the third!" sent away the guest, Zheng Weijun stretched a lazy waist.

After the year, there have been three large agents visiting the door.

“The market is so good?”

In fact, the word of mouth of this drug is very good, whether it is outpatient or hospital, the sales situation is absolutely good.

Lianshan County, People's Hospital.

"Pan Ge, don't you fool me?"

"Go, I am fooling what you do, you are sick, you don't know, you say, you go to inquire, my master's reputation and medical skills, how many people came from outside the province to see him,"

"When you go, ask, when will I go."


Pan Jun called Wang Yao.


"Well," his colleague listened.

He always felt uncomfortable in the recent past, but he didn't check what went wrong in this hospital. He went to the city hospital for examination and didn't find out the problem. So he didn't take it seriously, but recently it hurts during the day and hurts at night. And when I went to sleep at night, I had nightmares and some strange nightmares. This scared him. This was looking for Goddess and fortune tellers. There was no way to do this. I talked with Pan Jun and suddenly remembered His master.

"Thank you, no matter if I am sick or not, I will treat you."

The next morning, Pan Jun accompanied him to the medical center of the mountain village.

Once inside,

Huh? !

Wang Yao sighed softly.

Because he felt the cold breath from this person.

"Well?" Su Xiaoxue looked at him more after the man approached.

"What is it, Xiaoxue?"

"Well, it feels strange to him." Su Xiaoxue.

She felt that this man had a strange feeling that could not be said, which made her very uncomfortable.

"The blame is right." Wang Yao smiled after listening.


"Doctor Wang."

"Please sit down, where is not comfortable, talk about it."


After sitting down, the man in his thirties began to say carefully about some of the discomforts in his own days.

"When did you start, the second day?"

"Well, the second day has not been so big, it is accurate to say that it is the third day." The man, who is also a doctor, recalled it carefully.

Read The Duke's Passion