MTL - Elixir Supplier-Chapter 988 Strange disease

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In the past few days, three young people from the village have come to Wang Yao to see a doctor. They come every day. Their illness is special. They are sick at specific times of the day, convulsing and losing their ability to speak. The consciousness is awake.

Wang Yao gave them a diagnosis and found that they were infected with a special toxin, and the cause of their onset was very strange. All three of them went to the same mountain. After returning, they became ill on the same day. The time is not long, a short time, but gradually fixed time is getting longer and longer.

"When you were on the mountain, did you touch something special?" Wang Yao was very curious, how they infected this special strange disease.

"Well, that, um." The three young people hesitated after hearing the question.

"I am." The young man headed out stood up.

"We have been to a place, a collapsed tomb."

"Ancient tomb?"

"Yes, um, that the tomb is not counted, it should be the tomb of the Republic of China." The young man headed the road said, "There is no decent protection there, it is a circle."

"Are you in?"

"Well, curious, go in and look."

Oh, Wang Yao smiled after listening.

The young people nowadays are really interesting. These tombs have always been regarded as symbols of unlucky. In addition to the days that must be gone on weekdays, even the graves of their loved ones are not willing to go. Of course, those Except for the ancient tombs that contain treasures, these roads are interesting, so a cemetery actually wants to go in and see.

"What's there?"

"There is nothing, it is broken."

"You moved?"

"Well, I took a picture."

"Great courage!" Wang Yao smiled after listening.

The average person sees those things that are considered to be very unlucky, and they have to detour. I did not expect that a few of them are so daring, so wonderful, and they are moving into the hustle and bustle of others.

"The doctor, doctor, we are sick, can you treat it?"

"Yes." Wang Yao smiled.

This is the dialogue they met, and then Wang Yao began treatment. In the course of treatment, he found that the toxins among the three young people were more stubborn than he had imagined. Yes, it was stubborn. It was known that after taking the "detoxification" for three consecutive days, it was completely removed.

"Well, you have thoroughly solved the poison."

"Is this all right?"

"You can't do it yourself. Didn't it happen yesterday?"


They all said the same thing. In fact, they felt the effect on the first day of taking the drug. Although it still occurred, the duration of the onset was obviously shortened by a large margin. At that time, they felt the joy and shock.

It’s effective, it’s right.

After the first treatment, they saw hope, so they did not hesitate and could not wait for the next treatment.

The next day, they were even more surprised. The whole day, the disease did not happen.

The three of them were happy for almost one night without falling asleep.

Now I heard that Wang Yao said that his illness is good, naturally he is happy, and at the same time he is worried that he will relapse.

"I said that nature is good."

"Thank you for your doctor."

The three people paid the consultation fee very happily and then left happily.

"Hey, you said that we are really good, will it recur?"

"This is easy. Since it is here, I will take it for two more days here. Wait a minute, if you have a seizure in a few days, then you can basically confirm that our disease is good. If it happens, come back to him."

"Yes, that's it."

In this way, the three young people did not return home, but returned to Lianshan County to live down.

It didn't take long before I had lunch, and there was a guest in the medical hall, a guest who made him somewhat surprised.

Guo Sirou,

The beauty is still the same, but it is a little thin.

"How did you come?"

"Look at you, something is in trouble." Guo Sirou sighed softly.

"Come, sit down and say, what is it?"

"Please help me see a doctor." Guo Sirou sat down.

"See you, are you?" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"You don't have a big problem with your body, you just need to rest, let go, don't think too much." Wang Yao can see that Guo Sirou has more thoughts and some sorrows.

"Not me, my brother, right."

"Guo Gongzi, what happened to him?"

"He is in the county, and he is poisoned." Guo Si said.

"Scorpion venom, thousand medicine valley?"

"Yes, it is there." Guo Si said.

"Well, OK, come on." Wang Yao hesitated.

Honestly, he doesn't have any good feelings about this Guo Gongzi, but he is very appreciative to his sister. As a friend of his own, a friend's help is naturally to help.

"Well, I will let him come."

In fact, Guo Zhenghe is now in Haiqu City. After receiving the phone call from his sister, he immediately rushed over by car. When he arrived, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. The whole person is not adult. That's right, it's so serious, his face is distorted, and the white is white. People have almost lost consciousness and are in a state of coma.

"Positive." Seeing his brother like this, Guo Sirou rushed forward.

"Don't touch him." Wang Yao stopped him.

"The mites on his body may be contagious."

It’s not just him, but Xu Xinyuan, who is also infected with mites, and is equally serious.

"Another kind of poison."

Recently Wang Yao received three visits, each time a different drug, different illnesses.

"This thousand medicine valley is indeed an expert in this respect, and the research is very deep."

"How?" Guo Sirou was very worried and anxious.

"Fortunately, it is still timely." Wang Yao was checking out.

This locust is very troublesome, spreads quickly, into the internal organs, and into the brain, if it is late for even a long time, it is estimated that it will become ill, and it will irreversibly damage the body, even if it is now It will take a lot of time to treat it. A lot of precious "spirits" need to be used.

"Okay, ready for treatment."

The "medicine" was used as the main medicinal material to understand the "smoke-toxic" medicinal materials, and then a pair of "peiyuan soup" was prepared, and the share capital was used to accelerate the recovery of organs damaged by the organs.

After taking the medicine, the two of them vomited and vomited for a while, spit out a lot of disgusting blood, with a disgusting taste.

"These individuals, what do you mean by studying these harmful things?" Looking at the blood on the ground, Wang Yaodao.

"These people must be punished!" Guo Sirou's face was very ugly because his younger brother endured the pain that ordinary people could not imagine, and screamed there, this is a strong person on weekdays. Even if the knife is cut, there is no slamming.