MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1385

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Edro Haha laughed, Lin Yun shook his head and glanced at Edro mercifully.

"Stupid guy, life has come to an end, the intertwining of death and life, your last sacrifice is only your own, let me guess, the final sacrifice is to use the light mage best, best is There is no light mage, and the flame mage replacement is reluctant, but the consumption of magic will be a little larger.

In the end, a Lich transformation ritual that does n’t require a life box will be completed. A Lich without a weakness, a Lich without a life box, right? "

Suddenly Edro's eyes burst into a flash of amazing light. Before they even spoke, the two young wizards yelled suddenly.

"Stupid, you are going to die soon. The great Lord Edro will rule here. The power of death has eroded this plane. This place will eventually become a land of death. We are all Lord Edro's most loyal subordinates ... ... "

"Come full of scolding, the more angry, the more resentful you are, the better it will be as a material, the stupid solo mage will die a lot here every day, no one will care ..."

Hearing the curses of the two young wizards, Edro suddenly smiled.

没 "Yes, no matter how you know it, it doesn't matter, because you are going to die soon ..."

Zhe Linyun shook her head, and the information she wanted to know was already available. The floating island above her head turned out to be the idiot who wanted to be transformed into a Lich in front of her, so it was easy to do and save time.

Zhe Linyun stood in the seal of the French formation and suddenly spit out a ruled rune. In a moment, three dark green vines emerged from the ground, instantly binding the three people in front of her.

The two wizards did not have a little resistance at all, and they were tied and sturdy in an instant, and their mouths were bound to death by vines. Edro, suddenly the power of death erupted in his body. He wanted to make These vines decay and wither.

After the power of death eroded these vines, the original dark green vines suddenly turned into blood red, and a sharp spine retracted into the vine, but a small mouth full of sharp teeth appeared on the surface. These small mouths 嚎Screaming and biting on Edro's body, Edro's face changed in a short while. As soon as he opened his mouth and prepared to scream, Vine bound his mouth.

The eyes of the two young wizards were terrified. Within a few seconds, they turned into a pile of corpses, and Edro's body was also shrinking. The death force in his body was continuously swallowed up. The more death forces swallowed up, the vines became thicker and thicker, and the surface was more vivid as blood dripped.

不用 "Not to be surprised, this is a hybrid of **** vines and death thorns. In terms of spells, this thing is called **** thorns, which swallows blood and death. It is a perfect match to bind the undead mage.

For the sake of alchemy labs, I will let you understand that there are no liches without faults, and no liches without faults, which means that they can be killed at any time, so the ritual you are performing is basically Not a Lich Transformation Ritual, but a sacrifice to the Lich consciousness, sacrificing everything to the Lich consciousness.

Can you tell me where did you get the information about this ritual? "

Edro's eyes were full of fear and hatred. He didn't believe what Lin Yun said, and Lin Yun shook his head.

If the sequelae of exile are gone, summon Lord Sean, there is no need for so much nonsense, just look for it from the soul of this guy, now, let's forget ...

Zhe Linyun stepped out of the gravity matrix step by step. It seemed that the power of that matrix had no effect on him at all.

Zhe Linyun walked towards the teleportation array, and the flames rose behind her. The bodies of the three people, together with the **** thorns, were all burned to ashes.

Through a small teleportation array, a flash of light appeared on the floating island above him, surrounded by all kinds of empty buildings. There was nothing alive in it. Zhongyangyang was a ten-story mage tower. The magic circle is set not far from the mage's tower.

Except for these buildings, only tall trees are left under the ground. These seem ordinary trees, but Lin Yun can see that these two or three meters thick trees are all below. Small branches of a giant tree that penetrate the floating island and grow out.

Looking at these giant trees, Lin Yun's eyes flickered suddenly. There were no fallen leaves here. All the leaves on the trees were emerald green, and none of them were withered.

Xun released a mage's hand and grabbed a few leaves. Looking at the fall and lines on the surface of the leaves, Lin Yun smiled.

Tapped lightly on a three-meter thick tree branch.

"Hey, can I come out for a moment, I want to make a deal with you. The half-dead dreaded undead mage had been killed before, you should already know, after all, there is nothing to hide from you here."

I waited for a few seconds, but there was still no response from the trees, and the surroundings were still dead and quiet.

Lin Yun continued to knock on the trunk of the giant tree.

"Look, big guy, you should know that the Undead plane has collided with the Leviathan plane, and now at least a few thousand kilometers of space have overlapped together.

应该 You should already feel that the rules of the Leviathan plane are being invaded, and the origin of the plane is being eroded. Before long, here will be completely eroded by the undead plane.

应该 You should know that the thing that those undead creatures hate most is things full of life force, and you, or you, are bound to be destroyed. Where did the stupid mage get the sacrifice ceremony from before?

If you want to conceal this sacrifice ritual, at least one of the Lich King is the one behind it. It has noticed here, can you continue to be silent? Have you been silent until destroyed by the undead and unwilling to face the human mage? "

Lin Yun shook his head. When he saw this huge tree that could hold a floating island, Lin Yun knew that this is a branch of the ancient tree of the ladder. Only the floating island supported by the ancient tree of the ladder will attract Go to the other floating islands and spin around.

It's just that not all ancient ladders are conscious. At least in the future records, most of the ancient ladders are unconscious.

When the Leviathan plane was conquered, the battle with Leviathan almost broke the entire Leviathan plane. At the middle of the Leviathan plane, there was a huge ancient ladder. This ancient tree holds up a huge continent.

The continent has already been shattered, and now it has become countless floating islands, but more of it has fallen to the ground. The ancient tree on the ladder is broken, and it has become countless small giant trees. According to calculations, there are absolutely forty-nine tiers of ancient ladders of consciousness, which have been completely broken into countless copies. These consciousnesses are integrated into the small ancient ladders.

Leviathan died forever, and the ancient tree of the ladder was also broken. At the beginning, no matter how cruel Levitan was, he did not treat the ancient tree of the ladder. Instead, the human mage destroyed the ancient tree of the ladder. These ancient lives are not to be seen by the human mage. It is also normal ...

When Lin Yun was about to turn around and leave, the surface of the giant tree suddenly began to float. These creepy trees slowly appeared an old face. After the old face appeared, he stared at Lin Yun, which was like a sculpture. Wood carving on the trunk surface.

After looking at this woodcarved face for a few minutes, Lin Yun suddenly smiled bitterly, remembering a very important thing ...

"Hey man, listen to me, I know you may spend thousands of years in a spring and autumn period, but now you do n’t have so much time to waste. If we say a few words, it will take hundreds of years. In time, this plane is long gone.

So, can you please speed up a little bit?

For five years, there is only a maximum of five years. This time is calculated according to human time. After five years, no one can stop the undead plane from swallowing the Leviathan plane! "

Zhe Linyun's words seemed to work. The woodcarved face slowly moved, and an old and slow voice came from the woodcarved face.

"Human, what do you want?"

Lin Yun has a headache. It ’s too much work to communicate with this guy. Basically speaking, he can be regarded as the fastest of this guy. It is said that when these guys communicate with each other, say hello. It takes years to consume energy, and it takes years to breathe.

"Look, it's not what I want now, I'm here to help this plane, but also to help you. I want to cut off the connection between the Leviathan plane and the undead plane, and let the Leviathan plane Will not be swallowed up by the undead plane, so that you will not be pushed down by the undead.

But now, I need some little help from you, I am injured, I need a little sap from you, and then there is, I need you to help me find two people. "

The face on the trunk was silent for more than five hours before suddenly speaking again.

"Human words are not credible."

Zhe Linyun put down the book of Wan Mang in her hand, rolled her eyes, and for five hours, she uttered such a sentence?

听 "Listen, if you are so slow, you may have a large group of undead outside waiting to dig out your tree roots when we have a good deal.

You think I'm more credible, or the undead, more credible. At least we adapt to the environment here, and think that there are ancient trees on the ladder, but I am afraid that no one will think that the ancient trees on the ladder have no reason to be destroyed.

This is the last time I spoke. If you do n’t believe it, forget it. Even without your help, I will drive away the undead. Ten seconds, if you do n’t hear your answer after ten seconds, then Goodbye. "

After ten seconds, the face on the trunk suddenly opened his mouth, and a cloud of white light floated out of the giant tree's mouth. Lin Yun took out a potion bottle to catch the sap.

After Ju Ju spit out the sap on her face, she stared at Lin Yun.

"Human, who are you looking for?"

Zhe Linyun handed off the rest of the class and Lena's breath to the face of Jushu, and then she smiled.

"If you find them, let them come here to find me, rest assured, we will drive away those abominable undead creatures."

After getting the sap of the ancient tree on the ladder, Lin Yun turned and entered the mage's tower, and outside, the face on the trunk became a woodcarving again, and five hours later, the face slowly murmured again.

"Human, I will pass the message on, I hope you will not let us down."

Lin Yun didn't care about the ancient ladder outside the tree and communicated with these guys, it will definitely exhaust people. If the normal negotiation is not completed in more than ten years, it can't be completed at all. Dozens of words are considered good.

Now Lin Yun is busy refining pharmaceutical agents. The alchemy laboratory in the mage's tower is quite complete. Although things are not necessarily the best, they should be available.

The sap of the ancient ladder is the legendary source of life. It is the same as the sap of the mother tree of the forest elves. It has the purest life force, and this life force contains the power of new life. The power of new life.

But this kind of thing is only effective when sent by this ancient life in person. The sap collected forcibly has no such power and can be used as a life potion at best.

With this unexpected material, refining pharmaceutical agents will be much smoother.

I spent three days refining two bottles of potion, one bottle of pure black color and one bottle of pure white color, but also exuding white light.

Zhe Linyun swallowed the black potion. After a few seconds, a slight spatial fluctuation spread from the surface of Lin Yun's body. It seemed that some fluctuations continued to escape from Li Linyun's body.

After these special spatial fluctuations appeared in normal space, they quickly dissipated and were swallowed up by the surrounding space.

After a few minutes, Lin Yun took a long breath, and the residual power of exile was finally completely dissipated, and the connection with the natural half-plane was returned to the most perfect state in an instant.

The power of Xun's exile did not cut off this connection, but completely wrapped Lin Yun, shielding all connections of Lin Yun to the outside world. In this case, the calculated spatial coordinates could not be right.

After the negative effects of exile were eliminated, Lin Yun once again took the bottle of white medicine, which was a medicine specially used to treat the previous injury.

After taking the medicine, the mild life force appeared, and it seemed that Lin Yun's body was immersed in the warm hot spring. After a few minutes, a trace of weak power penetrated into the soul, and the soul was slowly invaded in this full. In the hot springs of the new force.

This is a rare new potion that works for the soul. The main material is the sap sent by the ancient life, such as the ancient tree of the ladder, which is called the source of life by the human mage.

After taking the potion, the effect of the potion will persist until it is completely restored. This will greatly speed up the recovery. After about half a month, the super power should be restored.

The urgent matters are temporarily settled, and the next thing is to worry about attacking the undead. According to the information obtained here, there is no advantage on the human side in the place where the undead calls the blood-stained collar. The main reason was that the mage was too powerful and did not dare to appear on the battlefield at will.

If added together, the number of strongmen on the Undead Plane is definitely more than Northrend's strongmen, especially those who have survived countless years, and have surpassed the order of heaven.

The Death Plane swallowed up a new plane, this kind of thing may not be able to alarm those old powerhouses, but if the powerhouses like Agalon have entered the battlefield themselves, then it may not be.

So the situation is not very good now, and can only be deadlocked with those undead. Specifically, it will not be received here. After all, this is just a small city with a distance from the frontline bloodstained collar.

The situation on the Leviathan plane was chaotic, and forces of all sizes, even solitary wizards, came to the Leviathan plane to seek their own benefits.

I knew from the previous encounter with Edro. Lin Yun looked at the alchemy notes left by Edro and thoroughly confirmed his previous judgment. This poor guy was preparing his own Everything, soul, life, magic, knowledge, everything is actively sacrificed to a Lich.

It's just that this ritual has been manipulated by people. It looks like a perfect Lich transformation ritual. Some of the knowledge used above is not only partial, but also very profound. Lin Yun couldn't understand everything when he watched it. Not to mention poor guys such as Edro, they will only execute according to the record.

Even in the notes of the notes, it seems that this thing is not only for him, but also for other mages who have obtained this transformation ceremony.

After checking it a few times ~ ~ Lin Yun's face is a little dignified. An inconspicuous part of this note hides the name of the Lich, but just hides in those languages ​​and hides those It seems that there is no special record combined according to a special method, and then translated into Ino language, which is exactly the name of a Lich known by Lin Yun.

Bloody Lich De Crisse, a forty-nine-level Great Lich, a lord of the Bloody Lich Lord, a terrible guy only a distance away from the Grand Lord, has been an ancient Lich for at least tens of thousands of years on the undead plane. .

The Aino language is a language created by the oldest Lich Wise in the Undead Plane, and contains the power of ominous and death.

People in Northrend who know the Ino language can't say none of them, but there are definitely no more than three people. The actual time of the Ino language is actually forced by the Lich after the future undead plane is conquered by Bain. Hand it over.

From this note, it was found that De Crisse's name was Lin Yun's complexion. It was no wonder that the **** Lich's territory was not close to the blood-stained collar.

At least tens of thousands of kilometers apart, although among the undead powers of the level of De Crisse, only his territory is closest to the bloodstained collar ...

But it started to move so quickly, but it was still a little unexpected ...

Those who can get this note can basically be regarded as the strongmen of the Northrend world. At least they must have the rank of nine titled magic wizard, and they are eligible to perform the transformation ceremony in the way described in this note.

〖To be continued〗 【】

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