MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1400

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Just now, Promi was in the battle, and it seemed that he had not planned to unlock the cage of the Holy Light. There seemed to be a few seconds of hesitation. This hesitation may not be felt by others, but Lin Yun was very clear that this Holy Light The cage is a continuous spell, which must be maintained by the mage of light. As long as it is disconnected, the mage will dissipate.

Shaking his head, Lin Yun shook off the thought that flashed in his mind. Without thinking about it, he can summon four holy light magpies to help out when constructing the cage of holy light, it is enough to show that this is a character that fully complies with The most sacred and glorious people can get the approval of the four holy light magpies, which itself explains the problem.

He is not the person with the purest soul and the most perfect character. It is impossible to get the approval and help of the four holy spirits when constructing this cage of holy light.

The bravery of the sword, the wisdom of the magic book, the holy light holding the staff, and the piety of the last two arms, can evoke any holy light and spirit, which shows that the light master has the same character.

"Lord Promi, let's leave here quickly. The fighting here must have attracted the attention of many undead. The Skull King has fallen. Those undead may take this opportunity to launch a crazy counterattack ... "

Promi's face was a little unhealthy and pale, and she seemed to be weak, but nodded and said nothing.

Zhe Linyun glanced at the side of the undead plane. In the distance, the dense sea of ​​undead was surging, but there seemed to be no more undead attacking on this side, but he fought himself ...

Soon, Lin Yun discovered an ocean of countless ghouls. These crazy ghouls madly attacked the undead around their territories, and the undead were constantly being torn apart. Now it has started to become chaotic. It can be expected that the undead from the Undead Army will definitely not have time to counterattack in a short time, and they are busy with internal conflict ...

Zhe Linyun's look was a little weird, especially when I saw those ghouls, I couldn't help thinking of Emil. I don't need to know that when I was brainwashing, it was definitely overdone.

The situation in front of me is definitely the time when the Skeleton King has not died, Imir has started to stir up. This guy is completely convinced that only after killing all competitors can he get what he wants ...

Zhe Linyun opened the door to the space and returned to the fortress with Promi. On the other side of the battlefield, Ymir held a large hamstring that was taller than him, and howled to command the undead army under his command.

"Kill these idiots, kill these skeletons that shelter our enemies, **** idiots, **** skeletons, kill them ..."

Guiyimir raised his head and looked at the large flock of birds circling in the distance. Seeing these black birds was like meeting the biggest enemy, and his eyes were blood red.

"These **** skeletons shouldn't let us go and kill the dead birds that should be burned to the ashes, then kill them all, kill them ..."

Countless ghouls, zombies, screaming and charging, there is no battle at all, no strategy, 冇 a large number, it is enough to shoot like a tide.

I want to say that the undead plane, the most insensitive to the death of the bird is the skeleton of the dead, these guys are all bones, do not care about the death of the bird, and the death of the bird will never attack the skull.

However, all ghouls, zombies, and other low-level undead who have a physical body have natural hatred for the loss of the wrecks. Who made these undeads at the beginning were basically low-level undeads, and basically they were the food for the wrecks. Or put it directly into the pot and wait for the food to eat ...

Because there are many dead birds in the territories of the skulls opposite, Imir wants to kill those dead birds, but the skeletons don't let it go and think this is an invasion of the territory. Then hit it and grab the territory.

Now, instead of fighting for the territory, I will kill the revenge birds in the opposite territory. These horrible skeletons are all obstacles to prevent their revenge. Therefore, we must kill them all ...

Inexplicably, the lords leading the skeletons found that the ghouls and zombies they encountered this time were like crazy, and even the cannon fodder was crazy.

After the undead waves met, instead of stopping to confront each other and tearing off each other's bones and heads, it was a forward charge. When they met the skeleton, they waved a claw at will. It did n’t matter if they did n’t die. There were other undeads following. Just a paw to kill ...

Skull lords are stunned. With their wisdom, they can't figure out what is going on. Why the **** ghouls and zombies do not follow the rules of the undead plane?

Although no one has set this rule, but countless years have come down. All the undead lords have done so. Suddenly there is one that doesn't do this, and suddenly they are stunned ...

The Skeleton Gate can never understand the hatred of the undead who possesses the flesh to the mourning bird. That is really the instinct engraved in the fire of the soul, especially the ghouls. The hatred of the mourning bird is simply ...

Aunty, we used to eat meat, but now there is something to grab meat from us, and they eat me as meat ...

I ca n’t bear it. If you ca n’t bear it, then you can kill it ...

Conversion to Mill ’s idea was endorsed by almost all ghouls. By the way, enough zombies, who had been reported to be miserable birds, were inexplicably approved, and then became the craziest army of undead.

Although these undead do not know what the idea is, they only know that it is right to kill the wrecked bird. That is enough ...

Then, after the Skeleton King was slain, the Bloodstained Collar became completely chaotic. At first, Imir attacked the Skull Territory next door, and then the other undead lords who followed the flow followed the war. No one knew why the war would start. Anyway, it's good to start a war anyway.

I just happened to be killed by the Skeleton King, the best opportunity to compete for territory, what are you waiting for, go to war ...

Inexplicably, the confusion of the blood-stained collars is extremely chaotic. Within a few thousand kilometers, there are battlefields of the undead everywhere, wars of the undead are everywhere, and even the blood-stained collars have other undead lords joining in. The undead lord who came in, before he reacted, was dragged into the mire of war, and the scene became more and more chaotic ...

On the other side, Lin Yun and Promi also returned to the fortress and removed the seven fine needles tied to Promi. This time, Lin Yun involuntarily took the opportunity to sense Promi's soul again.

A soul that is as pure as a newborn baby is purely like a blank piece of paper ...

Removed the seven fine needle seals and sent Promi away. Lin Yun always felt that something was wrong. This was Promi.

Soul is like a blank piece of paper. Morality is perfect to the point of being inhuman, it is just the incarnation of a saint.

观察 After several consecutive observations, Lin Yun felt that he might think too much and couldn't do it by himself. He suspected that others couldn't.

The next step is the busy treatment. There are many people infected with the plague on the human defense line. Almost half of them are infected with the plague, from the magic wizard to the seventh rank of Heaven Order.

Lin Yun held the book of death and urged the power of the true chapter to **** out all the plague forces in the infected mage's body. Crystal Phoenix was busy digesting the plague heart recently. Yes, but in the face of the plague power spreading from the heart of the plague, it is too easy to devour it.

It took a week to dissolve all the plagues infected by the plague-infected mages, and then turned in the passage for several days, turning the area where the plague had spread, and all the remaining plague power was crystallized. The Phoenix devoured.

After the plague was resolved, Lin Yun did not stay in the fort. The newly built defensive fortress was very close to the sea of ​​fire. When the sea of ​​fire dissipated, it was time to fight the undead again.

At the same time, enough powerful men on the human defense line recovered and lost the containment and weakening of the plague force. The next war will at least not be as miserable as before.

Zhe Linyun left the mage army on the front line, and then he got into the half plane to study the newly obtained scepter.

The scepter looks like it was formed by stacking the skulls of countless undeads. At first glance, it looks like a bunch of small skulls of undead skulls. But if you look closely, you can see that those skulls can encompass all the planes of the undead. The types of undead, even ghosts, also have twisted marks on them.

The whole scepter is the abbreviation of the undead plane, but the surface of these undead skulls is permeated with a layer of paste-like things, so that the scepter has no special flavor, at most it is carved from a stone. The scepter is purely to hold the plague.

It took three days, but still couldn't find how to break the seal on the scepter. On the fourth day, Lin Yun tried to drop blood on the scepter. Instantly, a small skull on the scepter looked like The sculpture woke up, devouring a trace of blood, and then where the blood dripped, the small skulls woke up one after another.

The layer of paste on the outside of the scepter was as if it had been melted and eroded by blood. A pure scent of death was released from the inside of the scepter. Lin Yun contacted the right hand of the scepter and quickly turned into a pale white Bones, and this change is still spreading. In just one second, Lin Yun's right hand and the front part of his arms turned into bones.

松开 When the scepter was released, the right hand, which had become a bone, quickly returned to its original form, but there was no pain in it, as if everything just was just an illusion.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun's mind flashed a few words, and instantly understood which component of the book of death was this scepter!

Chapter of the Deceased!

This component was obtained after Bain conquered the Undead Plane. In fact, several of the components of the Book of Death were found on the Undead Plane, but where were they found and how were they found. There are no detailed records.

It is because of this incident that there have been legends that the book of death was conceived on the plane of the undead. Later, I did not know what had happened, and the book of death that had not yet been conceived was left elsewhere.

I was finally left on that bone bone plane, so the book of death is incomplete. It is only the book of death itself, without a component.

构件 Many components are found on the undead plane, and it seems that this view is also verified.

The chapter of the dead is one of the components found on the plane of the undead. The component that is exclusive to the dead has the purest power of death. Any living being, when holding the chapter of the dead, will become an undead creature, and It is a comprehensive change from all conveniences, the magic will become the power of death, and any spell released will also become the undead spell.

Thinking of the skeleton turning into a zombie, Lin Yun suddenly realized that he thought it was the power of the plague heart. The skull king transformed into a zombie, which can better use the power of Pegg's scepter, but now I want to Think, the plague heart does not seem to have this ability at all. It was indeed the power of the scepter at that time, but not the plague heart, but the scepter itself exerting its power.

The way the chapter of the deceased unravels the seal is to use vitality to dissolve the power of this exclusive death creature, and blood is the most vital thing in living life.

Lin Yun took out a bottle of life potion, watered the Chapter of the Dead, rich vitality. For the seal outside the Chapter of the Dead, it was like the strongest acid, rapidly eroding the protection of the outer layer, and the silence on the surface of the scepter. At this time, the little skull was greedily devouring the strong life force of the life potion.

The more life power swallowed by ,, the thicker the pure breath of death emanating from the scepter, which is the purest death power, like the power from the source of the undead plane, darkness, silence ...

After an hour, all the small skeletons on the scepter awakened. These small skeletons turned and turned, slowly forming the shape of a skull. The interior of the skull seemed to be burning with the fire of the soul.

The terrible death force corrodes everything around, many tools in the alchemy laboratory seem to have decayed for thousands of years in an instant, everything has turned gray, and more death forces want to erode Lin Yun body.

Lin Yun looked at the skull that was spreading the power of death in front of him, smiled, and took out the book of death. At the moment when the book of death appeared, the sharp soul screamed continuously, which seemed to form the ones in front of the skull. The little skull felt a great threat.

The wanton proliferation of death forces rushed to Lin Yun frantically, but these death forces broke with the chains on the surface of the book of death, all swallowed up by the book of death, and the swallowing power continued to increase, and soon the alchemy experiment All death forces in the room were swallowed in.

The small skulls that make up the skull can't remain the original. The huge skulls were torn and turned into countless small skulls. With the power of horrible death, they frantically poured into the new book of death. Among blank pages.

The densely populated small skulls appeared on the pages of the book. These small skulls kept on rolling and screaming and screaming, but they could not make any effective resistance, and they were easily suppressed.

In less than a minute, the diffuse power of death on the surface of the page quickly converged, and finally turned into a skull pattern on the page. It looked no terror, but passed through the picture with the strongest and purest breath of death. It came out.

Lin Yun also fully understood the power of the chapter of the dead through the book of death.

The biggest ability is to transform yourself into an undead creature. This transformation is not camouflage, but a complete transformation. It releases an ice cone, which may all manifest as bone spurs. All magic power becomes death force, and all spells become Undead spells, everything changes without any difference from a real undead creature.

But this transformation is reversible, as long as you remove that transformation, it will immediately change back to the original.

When the undead creature holds the chapter of the dead, it can be transformed into any kind of undead. Of course, it requires a lot of power, and the chapter of the dead cannot do this alone, and must be coordinated with the book of death. Only then.

The reason why Pegg's scepter is so powerful is that in addition to the plague heart, the power of the chapter of the dead must be added. The purest death force contained in the chapter of the dead is simply almighty for the undead. s things.

The chapter of the dead was completely fused with the book of death. The back of the book of death also appeared with a skull mark. The chains bound on the surface of the book of death were twice as many as before. The book of death was never used. At that time, the chain would suffocate the shackles of death. Any component in it that wants to rebel, don't want to turn out any waves ~ ~ Induced the power of the chapter of the dead, Lin Yun opened it. The power of the Book of Death, the spur of the Chapter of the Dead, instantly, a layer of gray death power flew out of the Book of Death, turning into a swirling smoke that wrapped Lin Yun inside.

He didn't feel any pain, but he had a very strange illusion. It seemed that vitality had been transformed into another force, and magic had been transformed into the force of death.

The smoke dissipated, and Lin Yun became a miserable white skeleton. He spit out a frost rune and prepared to create an ice mirror, but the original frost rune became a death rune full of death power. .

Bingbing Mirror has also become a shield made of white bones, which looks like a mirror, but how to look awkward is exactly a mirror-like white bone shield ...

Lin Yun stretched out his bone claws and scratched his head. A series of sparks emerged from the place where the bone claws and the head meet, as if two pieces of metal were colliding and rubbing against each other, but Lin Yun didn't feel anything special ... ...

He shook his head, turned and walked to the other side of the alchemy laboratory. In front of a mirror-like alchemy instrument, he quietly looked at his new body, and Lin Yun's skull and chin kept one by one.

The laughter turned into a soul wave, but there was no sound in the alchemy laboratory ...

Zhe Linyun tried to grin, but found that the skeleton could not grin at all, and only a continuous chin combination was a smile ...

〖To be continued〗 【】

Read The Duke's Passion