MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1446

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But now it is not necessarily the case. The **** Lich did not expect that the off-duty would do this. The slaughter and killing with a terrible impact, marked a residual image in the air, and instantly hit one of the bones.

It looks terrible impact, just to make one of the condensed bones slightly sideways.

And then there is a little bit of this deflection, just stuck at the key place of this spell at this moment, the spell has not been fully condensed, the bones that have been condensed have collided one after another, like a domino At the forefront, only a very small force was exerted, which led to the collapse of the entire line.

Suddenly, the spell collapsed ...

Not only was the spell interrupted, but the spell collapsed. This is more serious than the interruption of the spell ...

The slaughter was flung out, but the cast of the Bloody Lich dissipated, and then the power of backlash directly hit the body of the Bloody Lich, crushing his lower body and directly destroying his lower body into nothingness. , Not even a bit of debris was found.

If it wasn't for the **** Lich who reacted at the moment when the spell backwash collapsed, and evaded in time, he is now dead, and the dead residue can't be found ...

Escaped this crisis, the power of death in the **** Lich's body was almost out of control ...

A forty-fourth-level orc almost killed him with a single blow, and the **** Lich was exploding. If he did n’t know that he might be really blasted, the Bloody Lich now really wanted to take his off duty regardless of everything. Already.

Zhe Linyun hid in the distance to watch the fun, Anderfa grinned and laughed.

"Is this Lich a idiot, you dare not move, this Lich dared to release the tenth-level spell directly. Do you really think the curse of doom is a joke? The power of the Lord of Doom is not even God It may not be valued, although the special power of the Lord of Doom is basically useless to other gods.

But no one except the **** who has the power of chaos can completely resist the curse of his doom. This idiot may really be killed by off-duty ... "

The damage of the wheel of Wan Fa is due to the **** Lich. At this meeting, the other two faces of Anderfa are still being repaired in the Wheel of Wan Fa. It will not be completely repaired in a short while. The chakras have been merged into one body. As long as the chakras of the Falun Dafa are not destroyed, he will never die and will become stronger and stronger.

The first time I was injured after being advanced, it was because of the **** Lich that Anderfa did n’t blame her ...

Agalon's breath has been stable, Alonzo has returned to normal, and the three deans are gathered together, but no one will dare to do it casually, especially watching the **** Lich almost because of a weird accident. After being killed by the puppet, no one dared to take action. Let those without the doom curse go to kill the **** Lich. Now no one will doubt whether the off-duty can kill the **** Lich.

Strictly speaking, instead of taking the **** Lich off work, taking a shift is now the key to provoking change. As long as he can provoke change, there will be various accidents in the Bloody Lich. These accidents are the best way to kill the Bloody Lich. Important section. Nuisance

He was frightened and lost the slaughter, but destroyed the lower part of the **** Lich. He was surprised when he was off duty. He didn't know how terrible the coincidence behind this kind of victory was needed. Several kinds of coincidence contracts that were basically impossible appeared. Will cause this terrible unexpected result.

He grabbed the fledgling Tu Yushao in his hands, and grinned with a grin after leaving work.

"Hey, the ugly old cadaver, come here and fight with Uncle Uncle for three hundred rounds. Uncle Uncle's slaughter has begun to yearn for the taste of blood, come, and then break my head, rest assured, rest Uncle Ban's speed is very fast, and you will definitely not feel any pain.

Auntie, it looks awesome. It turned out to be scary. Startled off-duty, stupid, don't run, shit, off-duty made you not to run ... "

Hu Xiuban was slaughtering and slaughtering, chasing the **** Lich through the whole bone battlefield and escaping, the only upper body of the Bloody Lich was exploding, even if no matter how to control the emotions, they were a bit out of control.

After countless years, the **** Lich has no emotion when looking at anything, but now, it is still about to be blown away by gas. At the waist wound, a large amount of death force condenses into a gray mist. It seems that the **** Lich is moving fast with the power of this erupting death.

The class is only forty-four, and the **** Lich is so ironed that he has to hide so much. Don't even try to catch up after the class, even if the skeleton battlefield is not particularly large.

He couldn't catch the **** Lich after leaving class, and Lena also flew out, floating in the air, Lena sprayed a piece of ice debris, and all of a sudden, the whole bone battlefield began to snow and ice, and the temperature of the air was crazy. With a plunge, in less than three seconds, the entire surface of the bone battlefield turned white.

The water is condensed, the frost elements are condensed, and the cold air makes all the elements here except the frost element become a bit slow. The original fiery and active fire element is now like drowsy, heaven The mage below the level, don't even want to release a fire spell above level 3 here.

Even the power of death seems to have been greatly affected. After Lena sprayed three pieces of ice debris in succession, the snow and ice fell, and the whole world seemed to be covered by dense snow and ice. After ten seconds, the snow and snow were completely Dissipated.

的 The ground on the entire battlefield has become an ice field, and the temperature here has plummeted to the point where steel can be frozen and broken. At this temperature, a piece of steel may be easily broken when it falls to the ground.

The cold temperature has little effect on everyone here. Lin Yun floats on the surface of snow and ice, but only supports the most instinctive fusion shield, because the probability of accident of this shield is the lowest, basically There is no problem with the fusion shield of the Heavenly Mage, especially when there is no external force to impact the fusion shield ...

Maintaining this state, the possibility of being affected by the curse of doom plummeted to a minimum ...

But the **** Lich like a crazy dog ​​chased by a proud off-duty has no such good luck. Lena just released a dozen freezing techniques casually, and an accident occurred ...

Freezing is just a low-level spell in the hands of the mage, but in Lena's hands, the frost spell no longer has a limit on her level. Her freezing power is comparable to that of the mage's ninth-level spell. Zero-degree quick freezing. The ultimate effect of frost spells.

Frost spell can be said that it is already a talented ability of Lena, unlike the original spell ...

释放 Frost spells were released at that time, but under the blessing of the blood of the Frost Dragon, the power of Frost spells would become stronger than ordinary spells.

Although the same frost spells and frost spells of the same level will be more powerful in the hands of the frost dragon, under normal circumstances, this difference in power of less than half a level may bring the difference between life and death. This is also the frost dragon. Strong reliance.

But now compared to before, it is like the difference between a five-colored dragon and a sub-dragon beast ...

The Yalong beast is not recognized by the Dragon, but it is a Warcraft with a bit of Dragon blood. Whether it is a human mage or the Dragon itself, Yalong is defined this way. In the final analysis, it is because the fists are not hard enough, and some strong Yalongs with blood veins mutate. Will be removed from the name Yalong, there are some exclusive names.

这种 And this difference is the difference between the current Lena and the Lena at the time, not the difference in rank, but the difference in blood.

If more than a dozen freezing techniques are thrown out, Lena will not continue to shoot, because these dozen freezing techniques have already taken effect ...

If it is normal, this kind of freezing technique does not even want to rely on being close to the **** Lich's body within a thousand kilometers, normal battle, even if Lena's current blood rank is terrible, the real battle with the Bloody Lich, The **** Lich can also be separated by thousands of kilometers, easily killing Lena ...

But now, the previous lesson is already horrible enough. The **** Lich dared not release any powerful spells, let alone tenth-level spells. Ninth-level spells did not dare to release them. Except for the spells that maintain speed and flight, all others I dare not release at will.

More than a dozen freezing techniques ~ ~ It looks like a dozen small ice cones appearing in a semi-enclosed circle. It is too easy to avoid this kind of surrounding.

But the **** Lich didn't dare to carelessly. When he avoided it halfway carefully, the rest of the class caught up with him, and his thunderous voice blew behind the Bloody Lich.

"Old corpse, why don't you run, come here, obediently let the off-duty master break your head, and then off-duty master will really get angry ..."

The off-duty chased behind, looking at the **** Lich, as if he had met someone with deep hatred, especially when Lin Yun watched the battle in the distance, and Agalon was watching the battle. At that time, the anger rose sharply.

Damn, this old corpse ran quite fast. I almost scared Uncle Ben, a guy who was about to hang up, but he wasted so much time. Teacher is watching the battle ...

So many people are watching me, but I haven't been able to kill this old dead body that can only run for so long ...

The more I think about leaving the class, the more I feel ashamed, and the more angry I am ...

It was this thunderous roar, but it caused unexpected changes. One of the exploded tiny ice cones volatilized into a frosty mist. This mist seemed to be shaken by the sound of the off-duty wave and drifted a little to the side. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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