MTL - Endless Pampering Only For You-Chapter 3378 This is the result he never expected (2)

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It was a sip, in fact she cut the remaining half.

Yin Shaojie was also polite and ate it.

He looked at Dick with a smile and said, "It's really good. You are a talented chef who has been delayed by the prince's identity."

This sentence, on the surface, looks like Quadric.

But Dick's face flashed with a look of displeasure, but he soon covered it.

Mu Xiaoxiao wiped out the steak made by Dick for three times and five for two. In fact, she did not even taste the taste carefully, so she drank the beverage and continued to eat other things.

William and others didn't say anything, they just watched the show.

I'm almost eating.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at William and said, "Let's go out and play. Will you go together?"

William is not the same as them. Although they also came to congratulate the king, they were children just for fun, but William had something to do privately.

So she wasn't sure if William was free, so she asked him.

William shook his head and said, "Come on, let's play."

Mu Xiao nodded, indicating that he understood.

So, after dinner, their group said goodbye to Sara and Mankama.

The king's birthday was a big day to celebrate the country. Many people came. Sara and Mankama also had many friends, so they were very busy and couldn't spend time with them.

However, Dick chose to go with Little.

Mu Xiaoxiao also thoughtfully said, "There should be a lot of people looking for you, right? You don't need to accompany us, we can just play for ourselves."

In fact, the king also arranged for someone to wait on them, but Mu Xiaoxiao felt trouble and refused.

Dick smiled and said, "It's okay, you are more important."

His words made Mu Xiaoxiao cry and laugh.

Yin Shaojiu held Mu Xiao's hand and gave her a sideways glance.

Mu Xiaoxiao could only touch his nose.

Han Qiqing poked his head from the side and asked her, "Little, where are we going now?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "First out of the palace, then, do you want to go to the beach to watch the sunset, or go to the desert?"

Han Qiqing said happily, "Desert? I haven't seen the desert yet! Let's go to the desert to watch the sunset?"

Mu Xiaoxiao actually wanted to go to the desert, so he agreed.

However, she still asked Xiaomeng and Ye Sijue for their opinions. They both said that they could follow the team and go anywhere.

Dick then said, "If you go to the desert, you can ride a sand motorcycle, which is also very interesting. At this time, you are just facing the sunset and running towards the setting sun. It is beautiful to enjoy the sunset."

Han Qiqing was amazed by the picture he described, and was excited to go immediately.

"Then let's go! Before the sun goes down."

Fortunately, they ate early for dinner. At this time, the sun had just begun to set west.

It is naturally unrealistic to get out of the palace.

The palace is really too big. It takes at least twenty minutes to half an hour to walk from here to the door.

Pedestrians were treated as a late walk.

After a while, a few cars came on, apparently coming to pick them up.

Four cars stopped in front of them.

The front door opened the back door, and suddenly a dark shadow came out like lightning.

When everyone saw what it was, the girls were screaming in fright.

Mo Xiaomeng shrank into the arms of Ye Sijue.

Han Qiqing hid behind Song Shijun.

In contrast, Mu Xiaoxiao calmed a lot, but she held Yin Shaojiao's hand and clenched a bit, showing that she was also afraid.

After all, there was a black leopard in front of him.