MTL - Endless Pampering Only For You-Chapter 3418 Because I love you (2)

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Yin Shaojie took her little hand, put it on her lips and kissed, "To protect you, I'm not afraid of anything."

In fact, he had experienced more dangerous things than this, but those who did not need to tell her in the past.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, went up, and beaked at him.

Yin Shaoxi kissed her in cooperation.

Mu Xiao's novel, "And the three of you are working well together, it makes me feel like you can solve it even if you have a hundred lions!"

These things that six people have experienced have made them more trusting in each other.

Yin Shaojie laughed. "A hundred lions? This is still difficult."

Mu Xiaoxiao is of course joking. If she really ran out of a hundred lions, she would be scared to death.

Yin Shaoxu's hands covered her eyes.

"Okay, it's late. You really should sleep. What's the matter? Let's talk tomorrow."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't take down his hand and muttered, "I'm not sleepy."

As soon as he finished speaking, he yawned.

Yin Shaoji knew her, she was sleepy, but she was still in a state of excitement.

He turned over suddenly, pressed her underneath, and burrowed into her clothing with great discomfort.

"If you can't sleep, then we will do something comfortable to ensure that you can fall asleep right away."

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted with a smile.

I thought he was teasing her, who knows, his hands started to go down.

"do not……"

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked, knowing he was really here.

Yin Shaojiu covered her little mouth, sucked hard, and plundered the honey from her mouth.

"I can't sleep either, let's do something, otherwise we won't be able to sleep tonight."

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, still reluctant to push him away.

Especially he was so desperate to protect her today.

He is today's hero.

Heroes, of course, need to be praised.

After Yin Shaojiu stripped her away, the two hugged each other naked, leaving no gap between the skin and the skin.

The feeling of the skin is really comfortable.

Yin Shaojie was surprised, tonight she was a little active.

After he entered, her legs were still wrapped around his waist.

Her little hand hooked his neck, pulled him down and kissed, lips and tongue blended together, no one could tell who was.

Maybe they are one.

Mu Xiaoxi spit out the sweet smell impatiently. Her eyes were bright, like the night sky outside the desert, dotted with stars.

Tonight, he deliberately slowed down his pace and remained gentle with her.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes and looked at him exasperated.

Yin Shaojie likes to see her addicted to herself. When she didn't hold back, she began to move her waist hard.

"Wait ..." Mu Xiaoxiao held his arm.

Yin Shaojiu slowed down suddenly, leaned up to kiss her eyes, "What's wrong?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's cheeks were rosy and touching because of emotions.

Her chest was undulating, her lips were bitten, and her words of shame seemed to squeeze out very hard.

"I think ... on it."

Yin Shaoxu froze, and there seemed to be flare in the black eyes.

"you sure?"

Mu Xiao nodded.

Yin Shaojie laughed, and her big hand clasped her waist, so she lifted her up, and the two changed positions.

He goes down, she goes up.

This posture makes them seem closer.

Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath.

Yin Shaojie tied her fingers and taught her how to move her waist.

It didn't take long for Mu Xiaoxiao to feel as if he had run a few kilometers and was too tired.

She regretted it, and why did she abuse herself?