MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 102

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Due to the status of the prince, even if he is now a prisoner, Jian and others have never treated Nangong Xuan badly, and they still serve him with delicious food and drink, but they are strictly guarded and called house arrest.

After the ups and downs of the past few days, he can finally continue to live in luxury, but Nangong Xuan's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

After being arrested, Nangong Xuan was angry with Jian Xiang for committing such crimes, but he didn't think that Jian Xiang could escape from the pursuit. After all, there were pursuers before there were interceptions. He was brought to justice, so the only thing he had to worry about during this time was his own life.

He never thought that Changzhou Sheriff, who is only a few hundred miles away from Jinling, is actually a member of King Jiangxia. What about Suzhou, which is further south?

Nangong Xuan had to think about the most serious and worst consequences. The conflict between the court and King Jiangxia became completely transparent. The peace of the world that everyone thought for many years finally came to naught, and war was inevitable.

And the court will pay a heavy price for its contempt for King Jiangxia.

It's just that what he couldn't figure out was what Jian Xiang was doing. He was already an extremely powerful minister, but he became a rival to King Jiang Xia.

He has met many people in the past few days, but the one who came most often was Jian Yuyan. Looking at his playmates who grew up with him, Nangong Xuan didn't know whether it was pain or disappointment.

And Yan Yiming, the princess of Lin'an County, saw her for the first time after arriving in Changzhou today.

When they met each other, Nangong Xuan was unexpectedly thrilled.

Nangong Xuan had already seen this woman's murderous side a few days ago, and it was really difficult for Nangong Xuan to compare the Lin'an princess who offered to marry him back then with the female Luo Sha who killed someone with a knife that day.

Yan Yiming was neatly dressed in a dark red dress, his long hair was **** to reveal his beautiful facial features. At this moment, he quietly sneaked into the room, blocked Nangong Xuan's voice violently, paused for a moment, then pulled his wrist and left. here.

Seeing the guards staggering outside the door, Nangongxuan's eyes suddenly changed when they fell on Yan Yiming again.

She wants to save him.

But why?

Nangong Xuan couldn't figure it out, and the situation at the moment didn't have time for him to figure it out, so he didn't struggle anymore but quickly followed behind Yan Yiming.

Yan Yiming quickly walked out of the slightly complicated back garden, and quickly turned over the wall, squatting on the top of the wall to signal Nangong Xuan to hurry up. Nangong Xuan stared dumbfounded at her going up, and then his eyes fell on the wall a little higher than him. With a tense face, he didn't know what expression to show, and finally said in a muffled voice, "I...can't go up."

"Hahaha", Yan Yiming laughed mercilessly. Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince who never had to look at others lose face because of a wall was boundless joy. Seeing Nangong Xuan's complexion getting worse and worse, Yan Yiming Finally put away the smile and stretched out his hand, "I'll pull you, hurry up..."

As soon as the words fell, the noisy voices not far away were getting closer and closer. The dazzling fire seemed to have burned in front of them. His hand quickly turned over the wall.

The moment he jumped, he could hear countless people behind him shouting "they are there!"

It was only then that Nangong Xuan realized that Yan Yiming was well prepared. After turning over the wall, the two steeds were flicking their tails irritably. Yan Yiming briefly reminded him to get on the horses and slip away, then whipped his whip and jumped out instantly.

Why is it so irresponsible for someone to save someone?

Nangong Xuan really couldn't figure out Yan Yiming's brain circuit, but the situation was urgent, so he could only mount his horse quickly and chase Yan Yiming's direction. The guards who were chasing him swarmed out from the back door, and the two of them had disappeared without a trace. no trace.

Wei Xiongjie came after hearing the news, and repeatedly confirmed with the guard guarding Nangong Xuan, "Are you sure that person is the princess?"

"Young people don't dare to lie to adults."

The soldier who went to investigate also rushed over, "My lord, the princess is indeed not in the room."

Wei Xiongjie stood on the spot silently, looking at the dark night where he could clearly see nothing, his handsome face became fierce and determined bit by bit.

"Chasing, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies, how far can the two of them escape?"

Wei Xiongjie didn't understand why he wanted to save the prince, why he wanted to betray the prince.

He couldn't figure out the reason why the princess defected.

And since this is the case, is the previous exposure also related to the princess, she is the biggest flaw in this plan.

Wei Xiongjie gritted his teeth, and Jian Xiang and Jian Yuyan, who heard the news, hurriedly asked him whether it was true that the princess had rescued the prince, and they had different expressions after receiving the answer.

Jian Xiang suddenly wanted to understand why the emperor noticed their intentions. It turned out that it was all due to the Princess Lin'an. Thinking of this, all his plans for many years were ruined because of her. ten thousand paragraphs.

On the other side, Jian Yuyan had a subtle expression on his face.

He originally planned to let Nangong Xuan go in the near future, but he was worried that Nangong Xuan would not have the ability to protect himself after leaving, so he was still hesitating, but he didn't think that Princess Lin'an would save His Highness.

Isn't she the daughter of King Jiangxia, so why did she risk her life to save the prince? Doesn't she know what kind of situation she will face in the future?

Jian Yuyan suddenly felt that he didn't seem to know anything about this Princess Lin'an. But the good thing for him now is that Princess Lin'an has attracted everyone's suspicion, so he can carry out the next actions recklessly.

But before that, Jian Yuyan's face softened a little, he wrote a letter and carefully packed it, and called the hidden guards to send the letter to Ah Ming who was far in the northwest as usual.

Yinwei took the letter and was a little confused for a moment.

In the past, the princess ordered them to hide beside the young master and took the opportunity to become the private guard of the young master, and used the identity of the hidden guard to convey the news for the princess. All the letters sent to the young master were given by the princess, and the letters written by the young master were also All in the hands of the princess.

There is no so-called A Ming girl in the northwest, and everything is basically arranged by the princess.

But now, the princess has fled, and fled with the crown prince. Even the hidden guards became confused for a while, and couldn't see clearly what the master wanted to do. They were even a little uncertain whether the princess was their master or not. .

Seeing Yinwei's hesitation, Jian Yuyan suddenly sensed something was wrong, and frowned delicately, "What?"

After a moment of hesitation, Yinwei hesitated, "Young Master...Actually, there is no A Ming girl in Northwest..."


Jian Yuyan shouted sharply, "Why not?"

He didn't believe it, "If you didn't, how would you know her appearance, how would you receive her letter, and where did you send my letter?"

Kneeling on the ground with a thump, "The princess ordered me to hand over the portrait and the letter to the young master, and the young master's letter... was also delivered to the princess."


After a long time, Jian Yuyan's gloomy voice came from the top of his head, "So from the beginning, you are all her people."

"The subordinate is guilty", Yinwei lowered his head and made no excuse.

Jian Yuyan was silent for a long time, then slammed herself on the chair weakly.

How did that happen? Amin is not in the northwest at all, so where is she? He received her letter, so she must be alive.

"Where did the princess ask you to give me the portrait and letter?"

"This..." Yin Wei thought for a moment, "All the letters were sent to the young master by the princess. As for the origin of the letters, the subordinates really don't know."

Seeing that Jian Yuyan's complexion is getting uglier, Yin Wei also guessed that for so many days, he was played and applauded by the princess, and the young master would be furious. Now that the princess has left, he inevitably tried his best to recall some of the past in order to survive. The details really reminded him a little.

"By the way," Yinwei's eyes lit up, "I don't know the origin of the letter, but I do know about the portrait."

"Say", Jian Yuyan hovered on the verge of rage.

"The portrait was drawn by the princess himself, but the princess asked me to send the portrait to the painter, and asked him to draw a new one in comparison with that painting, and specially asked the painter to make it simpler and rougher."

Jian Yuyan's breathing stopped suddenly, "What about the original painting?"

"The original painting has been burned by the princess."

The painting was drawn by Princess Lin'an, she knew how to paint, and knew A Ming's appearance, but at the time she complained that he never told her that A Ming and Jian Yu'er looked similar.

Now that it has been painted, but let other painters imitate it, why is this, because he is afraid of being recognized by others, the painting is for him, so Lin'an Princess must be worried that he will recognize the handwriting.

But they had never seen each other before, never knew each other, how could he recognize her handwriting?

"...Are you sure that the painting was drawn by the Princess herself?" Jian Yuyan said with some difficulty.

"The subordinate is sure, and the subordinate will wait by the side when the princess paints."

Jian Yuyan sat on the chair in a daze, the anger on his face disappeared completely, leaving only endless bewilderment and bewilderment.

What is she hiding, and why does she know Ah Ming so well.

Everything, what is going on?

Read The Duke's Passion