MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 111

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Shao Jingyu looked at Yan Yiming's surprised but slightly alienated face, and thought of Yan Yiming's words "I just learned it" just now, and his mind went blank for a moment.

Yan Yiming dragged his "injured" leg and greeted Shao Jingyu in a pretentious manner. Shao Jingyu subconsciously reached out to help her, but Yan Yiming cleverly dodged it, raised his beautiful eyebrows and looked back. Please Shao Jingyu sit down casually.

When he turned his head, Shao Jingyu saw the marks behind her ears with keen eyes, and he couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, but then loosened them weakly.

Perhaps, it was really because he missed her for too long, and now he thinks too much about her.

Yan Yiming saw Shao Jingyu's still expressionless face from the corner of his eye, and calmly put down the chess piece in his hand and sighed exaggeratedly, "I won't play anymore, I can't win."

Yun Xiao laughed for a while before saying, "I was just like a princess when I first started playing, and I couldn't win no matter what."

Yan Yiming also smiled, and dealt with Yun Xiao casually but intentionally or unintentionally guided him.

When I saw Yun Xiao playing backgammon today, Yan Yiming's heart moved, so he took the initiative to show his flaws in front of Yun Xiao. Although this move was very deliberate and did not meet her usual IQ, Yun Xiao played this game first, and she I just got it out of curiosity, and it just so happens that her acting skills are really good.

After fulfilling these conditions, although Shao Jingyu will not give up all his thoughts, he will definitely add a lot of doubts in his heart.

Yan Yiming didn't want to confront him directly at all. Yan Yiming could almost imagine how aggressive Shao Jingyu would be if he confronted him face to face. I can't help but fight him on the spot.

Therefore, it would be great to be able to save "Ming" with a curve.

Yan Yiming is now being watched secretly when he comes in and out. When Jiang Yi came back, he heard that she was sitting in the back garden talking with Shao Jingyu and Yun Xiao, and he was slightly surprised.

During the communication with Yan Yiming, Jiang Yi found that Yan Yiming was indeed very resistant to Shao Jingyu, or tried to avoid being recognized. In fact, she didn't want to be recognized by anyone, she just wanted to leave, but even if Jiang Yi caught the little tail, now she can only be forced to accept this fact.

Now that Shao Jingyu has doubts, Yan Yiming must be planning to take some measures to dispel Shao Jingyu's suspicions.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi is really thankful that he was the first person to be suspicious. At that time, Yan Yiming hadn't been on guard, and he hadn't tried every means to deceive him, so he would be the only one who understood her and could truly have her. people.

Jiang Yi waited for a while, then took the cloak hurriedly delivered by the servants, and then walked away in a leisurely manner.

The chessboard had already been put away, and it was getting colder. The servants made hot tea and brought it up. Seeing Jiang Yi coming, Yun Xiao actively asked Jiang Yi to sit down, and sat opposite Yan Yiming with a good look. By the way, I vacated the seat next to her for Jiang Yi, and said with a smile,

"Master Jiang came in time, just in time for a cup of hot tea."

"It's better to come early than to come early. Thank you, General, for your hospitality." Jiang Yi smiled and walked over. He shook off the cloak in his hand and put it on Yan Yiming's shoulders, and tied it carefully in front of the two of them. When you are sick, be careful of catching a cold."

It's okay not to say it, but it's really a bit cold when I say it, Yan Yiming glanced at Shao Jingyu from the corner of his eye and smiled, "You're still careful."

"If you are not careful, I am the only one who is careful." Jiang Yi joked, took the hot tea handed over by Yun Xiao, paused, then handed the cup to Yan Yiming, and replaced the cold cup in her hand. come over.

Many years ago, Yan Yiming's body was much weaker than now, and the doctor warned her not to use this or that. She never paid attention to it, but Jiang Yi always remembered it clearly.

The tea delivered to him is always hot, the stove beside him is always warm, and the longan delivered from afar is always peeled by him and packed in a beautiful celadon bowl.

In private, only the two of them are like this, even if there are maids by their side, even if Jiang Yi and Jiang's family gradually get along better, when eating with the elders, Jiang Yi will take care of her to the point where she can't find anything fault.

So it is natural for Jiang Yi to take care of her now, and it is also natural for Yan Yiming to be taken care of, but it is precisely this, in the eyes of Yun Xiao and Shao Jingyu, that is very different.

Yun Xiao only thought that she was shown a face of affection, but Shao Jingyu saw the indescribable warmth and tacit understanding between the two. It was cold, even the tea was cold, and there was even some indescribable bitterness. Lost interest in tea.

Jiang Yi saw it, and said to Yun Xiao, "It seems that General Yun's Huangshan Maojian does not suit General Shao's taste."

Yan Yiming glanced at Jiang Yi, Shao Jingyu was very oppressive but he liked lighter tea, Jiang Yi was obviously trying to find fault, but it's better for him to stay quiet and not interrupt.

Yun Xiao also looked at Shao Jingyu inexplicably. He knew his preferences after being by Shao Jingyu's side for so many years. Just as he was about to say something, Shao Jingyu raised his eyelids and said, "In the northwest for a few years, I do prefer tea with a stronger taste."

Yun Xiao immediately shut his mouth.

Jiang Yi nodded knowingly, "Your Majesty happened to appreciate a lot of excellent Tieguanyin a while ago, in that case, after returning to Beijing, ask someone to send some to the General's Mansion."

"No need," Shao Jingyu said lightly, "The General's Mansion still doesn't lack this amount of tea."

Jiang Yi chuckled softly, "The princess and I both prefer Biluochun, it seems that this tea must be wasted, but I don't know if General Yun likes it or not?"

"Of course I do."

"The princess also likes Biluochun?"

Yun Xiao and Shao Jingyu spoke at the same time, Jiang Yi put down the tea cup in his hand and said to Yun Xiao, "Since General Yun likes it, let someone send it over."

That's all, he glanced at Yan Yiming lazily and said, "Because Jiang loves Biluochun the most, and the princess loves Wu and Wu, so I can only follow my taste."

Yan Yiming choked his throat with a sip of tea, and glared at Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi blinked his eyes sideways as if he felt it.

Shao Jingyu finally couldn't sit still, put down his teacup and wanted to leave, Jiang Yi glanced at Shao Jingyu and said leisurely, "The general is leaving now, Jiang has something to explain to the general."

Shao Jingyu paused, Yan Yiming was taken aback, and immediately looked up at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi finally put away his casual smile, and his dark eyes also lost the only remaining warmth. Yun Xiao said, "Please trouble General Yun to send the princess back to rest first."

My heart jumped wildly for a moment, and I took another look at Jiang Yi before getting up, "I'll go back and rest first."

Shao Jingyu watched Yan Yiming and Yun Xiao leave, instead of sitting down, he still looked down at Jiang Yi condescendingly, with a little impatience on his stern face, "Master Jiang, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yi sat there with a handsome face and a much thinner figure than Shao Jingyu, but his aura was not weak at all. He tidied up his clean sleeves slowly and said, "Jiang arrived a few days later than the general. Changzhou, it is time to thank the general for taking care of the princess."

"It's nothing more than a little effort," Shao Jingyu frowned handsomely.

"That being the case, can the general evacuate the hidden eyes and ears of the princess?" Jiang Yi said, "By the way, there is also a girl who is waiting for her. Yesterday, the princess had something to ask her, but the girl went to see the general, so I found out It is the general's man. Since you are so reluctant to let go, please ask the general to take her back, so as not to rush around every day, and feel sorry for this girl's heart."

Jiang Yi intentionally staggered the truth, but it was ironic. It was more embarrassing than directly exposing Shao Jingyu and staring at Yan Yiming. Shao Jingyu was already a little angry, but he couldn't refute it because of Jiang Yi's weird words. .

Today, Jiang Yi made fun of intentionally or unintentionally when he came here, how could Shao Jingyu not feel it.

He originally thought that Princess Lin'an was too much like Yiming, so he made some investigations. He never thought that Princess Lin'an had such a past with Jiang Yi.

Shao Jingyu was silent for a moment, suppressed his anger and said to Jiang Yi, "The princess of Lin'an has made meritorious deeds in saving the crown prince, so she should not be detained like ordinary criminals, but she is the daughter of King Jiang Xia, so she ordered people to monitor her with her, and Lord Jiang please be careful. Word."

"So that's the case, but I blamed General Shao by mistake." Jiang Yi cooperated with Shao Jingyu in acting, but the sarcasm in his tone couldn't be stopped, "It's just that I have arrived in Changzhou now, the princess is mine after all. For the sake of the general's reputation, I also ask the general's people to stay away from the princess, lest they misunderstand anything."

The veins on Shao Jingyu's forehead were twitching, he couldn't bear it and looked at Jiang Yidao coldly, "Master Jiang is protecting Princess Lin'an like this now, I wonder if the deceased wife in the underground will feel chilled if he knows it."

"Jing's wife was born with insufficiency. At the beginning, I said that I didn't want Jiang to be dragged down by her illness. Now that Jiang has a good relationship again, it must be joy for Jing's wife to know her. It is the general who indulged his people and finally forced his beloved to death. Now Isn't it even more chilling that General Yan has been coveting other women after his death for only four years?"

For so many years, no one dared to mention Yan Yiming in front of Shao Jingyu, but Jiang Yi did. Not only did he mention it, but he also exposed Shao Jingyu's scar bloodily. Shao Jingyu clenched his fists tightly. Word by word, "What did you say?"

Jiang Yi chuckled and stood up. Although his body was a little thinner, his stature was not low at all. Jiang Yi looked directly into Shao Jingyu's eyes that were about to kill someone, "Listen to General Yun, the princess is the same as General Yan." There is a red mole in the corner of the eye, and it just so happens that the Princess is good at boxing and kicking. The General thought of General Yan, and inevitably had some unrealistic thoughts, but the Princess is the Princess, and General Yan is General Yan. See people clearly, so as not to make a joke."

"Master Jiang is so sure that Shao has admitted the wrong person?"

"There are no ghosts and gods in the world, and General Yan is dead." Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows, "Compared with such absurd claims as rumors, the general should go to see the stele of General Yan. I almost forgot, General Yan Before he died, he said that he did not want to see the general again in this life."

Jiang Yi finally finished the last sentence, his eyes were on Shao Jingyu's face in a daze, and he took two steps back with a sneer and brushed away with Shao Jingyu.

Shao Jingyu stood in the cold wind, Jiang Yi's last words remained in his ears, General Yan didn't want to see you even after death, how could he appear before your eyes again.

The image of Yiming dying in his arms resurfaced again, and those words would reappear over and over again every night without warning.

She didn't even want to see him to death, she hated him so much, so how could she still talk to him with a smile on her face like Princess Lin'an.

Shao Jingyu's heart, which had been silent for many years, suddenly felt uncontrollable pain again. He held his heart tightly, and after a long time, he sat back on the stone bench in a daze, letting the cold wind of early winter make his eyes red .

During dinner, the servant girl who had been serving Yan Yiming had changed. Yan Yiming was surprised for a moment and wanted to understand what Jiang Yi and Shao Jingyu had said after leaving today.

The maid was gone, Little Pingguo said, even the eyes and ears hidden by her side were completely removed.

This made me a little curious, I gave Shao Jingyu so many hints over and over again but he still couldn't make Shao Jingyu give up, Jiang Yi's words actually had such a significant effect.

When Jiang Yi came again, Yan Yiming asked him what he had said to Shao Jingyu. Jiang Yi glanced at her and said teasingly, "The little daughter-in-law is too delicate because her husband is not around, and everyone covets her. Now My husband has already returned, it would be too shameless if I don't retreat."

Yan Yiming nearly choked on another mouthful of water, his words were rough and reasonable, Jiang Yi's analogy is really good.

But we're not there yet, are we?

"At the beginning you told me that we couldn't tell the slightest difference from a married couple." Jiang Yi returned to the old account, "How can I be wrong when I say that?"

At that time, Jiang Yi was only sixteen, and under the clear sky of Xia Ye, he told her that no one in this world wanted her, he would want her, and no one would marry her, so he would marry her.

In order to coax him, Yan Yiming said that our relationship is closer than husband and wife, so why should we care about this status.

Later, everyone in the Jiang family agreed to his request, and he became a veritable son-in-law of the Jiang family. When the two were playing around, Jiang Yi once said that even if they hadn't really married, no couple in this world could compare to his love for her. .

Yan Yiming didn't know how to speak again, and looked at Jiang Yi's face and sighed helplessly.

Facing Jiang Yi like this, how should she tell him that she will definitely leave and there will be no ending between them.

The time they can talk and play like this is only half a year left.

That's all.

The affairs in Changzhou were finally dealt with, and the emperor's imperial decree was sent to Changzhou, ordering Shao Jingyu and Jiang Yi to **** the crown prince, and **** Lin'an princess, Jian Yuyan and others back to Beijing.

Although it was escorted, the treatment of these "prisoners" was really too good.

Jian Yu'er and Mrs. Jian were arranged in a carriage, followed by Jian Yuyan's carriage. Yan Yiming was supposed to ride in the same carriage as Jian Yuer and Mrs. Jian, but Master Jiang ordered that Princess Lin'an could enjoy one alone.

For Master Jiang to come in and have a rest when he is tired from riding a horse.

Shao Jingyu seemed to have disappeared from his side since that day, and even when everyone set off, he couldn't see him. Hearing from the maids that Shao Jingyu wanted to **** the prince to safety, he was probably at the front.

Yan Yiming said "Oh", but she didn't really want to know.

The crown prince's return to the capital was much more ostentatious than the grand occasion when Yan Yiming went to the capital, not to mention Jiang Yi and Shao Jingyu, who are now appreciated by His Majesty, are beside him. Everyone sat down to rest, and Jian Yuer, who had never seen each other, also sat together. Jiang Yi ordered someone to buy Yan Yiming's favorite Poria cake.

The clear and delicate snacks were delivered, and Jian Yuyan happened to see them and suddenly said, "It turns out that the princess also likes Poria cakes."

Shao Jingyu paused again, only the prince who didn't know what the princess liked at the beginning was a little confused, who would like it?

"Women always prefer desserts, but they just choose some of them," Jiang Yi said.

After that, the maids hurriedly sent many more words, "Mr. Jiang ordered someone to prepare three copies. I wonder if Mrs. Jian likes it."

Jian Yuyan glanced at Jiang Yi one more time, he thought that he was very careful, but now it seems that he is not as good as Jiang Yi.

Everyone continued on their way, Yan Yiming sat in the carriage eating snacks and drinking tea, Jiang Yi came in after a while, Yan Yiming poured him a cup of tea.

Jiang Yi looked at her while drinking tea and said suddenly, "Just now I suddenly discovered an interesting thing."

"What's the matter?" Yan Yiming said casually.

"Miss Jian was here just now, and both the crown prince and General Shao avoided Miss Jian to avoid suspicion. I just remembered that Miss Jian had been childhood sweethearts with General Shao back then, and she almost became the princess." Jiang Yi looked at Yan Yiming Wei Wei continued with a froze expression, "The actor Jian Yuyan once liked also has a very similar appearance to Miss Jian. It's interesting to say that several of them have some inexplicable relationship with Miss Jian. Ah Ming, what is the reason for this? "

Yan Yiming opened his mouth, and said for a while, "Miss Jian has an outstanding appearance and a gentle personality. It's not surprising that so many people like her."

"That's right," Jiang Yi nodded, "But it's a pity that these people all fell in love with other people..."

"Others." Yan Yiming squeezed a piece of hibiscus cake and stuffed it into Jiang Yi's mouth, "We won't talk about the past."

Jiang Yi smiled while chewing on the sweet pastry that he didn't like very much, "Then let's not mention it."

Shao Jingyu had already given up, and the crown prince and Jian Yuyan hadn't discovered anything so far, so let the past go, what he wanted was Yan Yiming's future.

Because of the prince, the daily journey back to Beijing this time was less than a hundred miles, and it took nearly half a month to arrive.

The prince, who had been missing for nearly a few months, and the queen cried all day in the harem, and the king of Yue, who was supposed to return to Beiping, also stayed in the capital because of the queen.

Now that she finally came back, the queen even wanted to go out of the city to meet her son in person, but was held in the palace by the emperor and the king of Yue, and several princes went out of the city to greet her in person.

As for Yan Yiming and Jian Yuyan's so-called "sinners", Jiang Yi pinched Yan Yiming's cheek with a smile and said, "I can only wrong you first."

No matter how meritorious they are, they are still "rebellious ministers and thieves" at this moment. After Yan Yiming and others entered the capital, they finally parted ways with the prince and others. The prince and others went to the palace to answer, while they went to the prison to wait.

Two hours later, Jiang Yi personally came to the prison to pick him up.

Yan Yiming looked back at Jian Yu'er and the others, Jiang Yi understood, "Your Majesty has been trying to find out Jian Yuyan's identity. Now that he has meritorious service, he must be fine."

Yan Yiming breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Yi smiled and put the cloak on her shoulders, "They are fine, and you are fine."

"Everyone is alive and well, your goal has finally been achieved." Jiang Yi looked at Yan Yiming's stunned face and said slowly, "After so many years, you can finally leave."

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