MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 113

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After experiencing parting, I know that it is a feeling that is more unbearable than death.

Jiang Yi has already experienced it once, and he doesn't want to have a second time, nor can he bear it.

Yan Yiming said that he couldn't kill other people who went out of him, but in fact there was nothing he couldn't kill, but if they were the ones who died, even though Ah Ming couldn't go back, he would lose all opportunities. He ruined her extravagant hope of going home, and she would definitely not choose to stay by his side, and then he would no longer have the bargaining chip to force her to stay.

At that time, as Ah Ming said, as long as she wanted to leave, he would not be unable to keep her.

She can do all the broken jars and smashes.

So he won't be so stupid as to really do something to other people, not to mention that as long as there is no Ah Ming by his side again in the world, what is the meaning of the rest of his life.

Of course, death is the worst ending. Compared with this ending, he prefers to let her be restrained and have to stay by his side.

as now.

Jiang Yi's words echoed in his mind many times, and even Little Apple froze for a moment, but neither person nor machine doubted the veracity of these words.

Jiang Yi's state at the moment, those stubborn eyes that made people palpitate, all told Yan Yiming that this was not a joke.

Yan Yiming wanted to tell him to ask him to wake up, but the lips that should have been bright red were extremely pale because of biting too hard.

You can choose to die, but is it really worth it?

Yan Yiming couldn't even understand, "Even if I finally stayed, what's the use of you not being there at that time."

"Even if I'm alive, what's the use if you're not here?"

Jiang Yi said, he didn't even refute Yan Yiming's words, just this one sentence, Yan Yiming could no longer say a word.

She once said to Jian Yuyan that there are too many things in this world that are more important than love, life, freedom, family affection, she will not give up everything for love.

But now, can she just give up like this?

In desperation, she asked Little Apple what to do.

Little Apple waited for a long time before opening weakly, "If Jiang Yi really chooses to commit suicide, then host, you really have to stay here forever until..."

Having said this, Little Apple sighed sadly before continuing, "Until Jiang Yi dies."

Seeing that his host was shutting himself up, Little Apple hastily added, "Of course there is still a chance to save it, maybe one day Jiang Yi changes his mind and decides to let you go free, or maybe he finally figured it out... Host, don't worry, even if you really live to be a hundred years old in this world, when you return to this world, it will definitely be the time you passed through, so..."

So the host, you can live with him, and you will survive after this life is over...

But looking at Yan Yiming's increasingly dejected face, Little Apple didn't dare to say these words.

Jiang Yi held her cold hand and led her to walk under the gray sky in early winter. Yan Yiming was pulled by him in a daze, walking without knowing the direction.

She couldn't think of a way to escape, she couldn't leave and could only stay by his side, and she didn't even dare to irritate Jiang Yi with another harsh word.

Traveling through nearly eight years, this is the time when she was most at a loss and most helpless.

Jiang Yi took her back to Jiangfu.

The emperor treated him very well, and the house was grand and exquisite, but until now, there was still only Jiang Yi as the master, and there were not many servants in the mansion. Compared with Dingguo Mansion, Jiang Mansion, or Shao Mansion where Yan Yiming lived for a long time, the space is terrifying, even a little indescribably cold.

Yan Yiming's attention was finally attracted a little bit, his eyes skipped over the empty mansion, and then his eyes fell on an old man who was hurriedly trotting over in the distance. The old man seemed to be quite old but his figure was swift, he looked Yan Yiming from top to bottom with a red face, smiled and said to Jiang Yi, "Hey, we are going to have a mistress in our house."

Yan Yiming was about to say no, Jiang Yi's handsome brows and eyes showed an undisguised smile, "You're right."

Yan Yiming: "..."

The old man looked at Yan Yiming with an unbelievably hot gaze, Yan Yiming looked away awkwardly, Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Ah Ming is thin-skinned, Uncle Li, don't tease her."

"No joke, no joke", Li Bole grinned from ear to ear, urging the two of them to change clothes and wash up, then turned around happily and went to the kitchen to order dinner to be prepared.

The thin-skinned Ah Ming looked at Jiang Yi in a daze. At this moment, he returned to his previous appearance, and the crazy and paranoid person seemed to be locked in the darkness again.

Looking at Jiang Yi's familiar smile, Yan Yiming suddenly became courageous again, and said with a jolt, "Young Master, I think we still need to discuss it."

Jiang Yi didn't get angry, but pretended he didn't hear it at all, "The cook in the house is very good at making cakes, and the Poria cakes that were given to you before was also made by herself. We washed and changed our clothes, so we can have dinner directly."

Yan Yiming was silent for a moment, then suddenly pulled out the hand held by Jiang Yi, and said lightly, "No need."

Jiang Yi couldn't listen to it at all, Yan Yiming's guilt began to recede due to having nothing to do, replaced by indescribable irritability, she shook off Jiang Yi's hand and added, "I have no appetite."

"Then rest first," Jiang Yi didn't seem to care, "I'll ask the girl to bring it over, and eat when I have an appetite."

Yan Yiming raised his eyes to look at her, Jiang Yi stretched out his hands to straighten her somewhat messy long hair, and brushed her cold ears with his fingers, Jiang Yi stretched out his hands to cover her ears, just like the snowy days before, Jiang Yi naturally He held her in his arms behind her, covering her ears with warm hands.

Then he rubbed his neck and asked her if she was cold.

In an instant, all the irritability was like a balloon that was punctured, and it returned to the helplessness that made people not know how to deal with it.

Jiang Yi didn't listen to her initiative at all, she pretended to be indifferent and seemed to hit a ball of cotton, which made people feel powerless.

When it was useless to do anything, Yan Yiming closed his eyes in some collapse, and could only follow Jiang Yi to his room.

The curious girl who couldn't hide her eyes hurriedly took the clothes over, Jiang Yi took it, and ordered the girl to go out to prepare hot water, the girl looked at Jiang Yi again in surprise, and then slipped out.

"A Ming", Jiang Yi finally faced her words squarely, and stopped talking about his topic of ignoring her, he said, "I know what you want to talk about, and I have only one answer, I don't allow it."

"But what's the point of being together like this?"

"I think it's very interesting." Jiang Yi smiled, and leaned closer to her, the distance between the tip of their noses was only **** wide. They all found it very interesting.”

Yan Yiming: "..."

"And the most interesting thing is that you wanted to leave so much but had to stay by my side." Jiang Yi's voice approached, "It was you who came to my side and made me adapt to life with you. bear the consequences."

Therefore, please Fox Fairy, set aside a part of your long years for me, and I,

"It's not much," Jiang Yi said, he raised her chin and kissed her lightly, "Stay with me for the rest of my life, then no one will stop you."

At that time, you will be free.

Read The Duke's Passion