MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 36 stand-in lover 14

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Jian Yu'er forgot why she came here, and also forgot what she said just now. The blood in her whole body seemed to be sucked out in an instant. The golden hairpin clearly scratched Yan Yiming's face. It was as if it had stabbed her eyeball hard.

The blood was dripping, leaving only the red mist in the eyes and the wound that couldn't be wiped away.

Only then did Jian Yuer remember that she said that from the very beginning, she shouldn't have appeared in front of his eyes, she said that this face should never have appeared in the first place.

Thus, this face that "shouldn't have appeared" was destroyed beyond recognition in an instant.

She clearly didn't do anything, but at this moment, Jian Yu'er felt in horror that she was the culprit who ruined this face.

She was eager to explain something, but she seemed to be choked by someone and couldn't say a word, only tears seemed to be out of control, blurring her vision together with the dazzling red mist.

Standing there blankly as if she had lost her soul, next to her ears was the sharp and uncontrollable wail of the girl beside Yan Yiming, and she seemed to hear Jian Yuyan's familiar voice when she was at a loss. Overwhelmed with fear, she hastily turned around and kept explaining that she didn't do it.

But at this moment, no one can hear her anymore, and no one pays attention to her anymore.

Yan Yiming completely cut off all Jian Yuyan's thoughts about Jian Yu'er with a shocking knife, and taught Jian Yuyan what cruelty is in an extremely decisive way.

She looked at Jian Yuyan's uncontrollably rushing figure, saw her horrible appearance clearly in Jian Yuyan's panicked pupils, and smiled, stretched out a hand that was also blood-stained, touched his scratched cheek and asked him, "Now , I still don't look like her..."

Jian Yuyan has lived for so many years. When he was a child, Jian Xiang told him that he was not a child of the Jian family. Behind him was the shame of subjugation and the hatred of extermination. Until now, he still feels that it is more like a story that has nothing to do with him; He fell in love with Jian Yuer, but Jian Yuer said that he would only be the elder brother. At that time, Jian Yuyan only felt that some things that he had insisted on for a long time were lost, a little sad, and more empty.

But now, Yan Yiming was lying in his arms, clearly in extreme pain, but asked him with a relaxed look he had never seen before, if he still looked like Jian Yuer, at this moment, Jian Yuyan heard the sound of rationality collapsing.

Jian Yuyan yelled like crazy to call the doctor, but she was extremely careful when holding Yan Yiming, her well-shaped lips were pale and trembling at the moment.

"It's not like..."

Jian Yuyan said.

The wound was too deep, **** and frightening. Jian Yuyan was overwhelmed with trembling hands and did not dare to touch her, fearing that pulling and moving carelessly would only make her hurt more, so she knelt beside her to support Yan Yiming's body. body, grabbing her hand trying to touch the wound,

"It's never been like it." The man who had never cried before had wet eyes at this moment, his beautiful peach eyes were bloodshot, and he said to her in a hoarse voice, "She is her, you are you, I love you really It's not because of her, Ah Ming, why do you..."

Why are you so stupid.

Why are cruel...

The person I love is really you.

Yan Yiming smiled weakly, but because he was so embarrassed at the moment, even the smile looked forced and worried. Jian Yuyan hugged her carefully, watched her slowly close her eyes, and finally heard her insignificant voice, "Zian...I really hurt..."

She said she was in pain.

How can it not hurt...

It hurts so much, why do you want to move...

When the doctor arrived, Yan Yiming had fainted and even went into shock due to excessive blood loss.

The wound is as long as a finger, no matter how it is treated, it will remain on this face forever from now on, and it will never disappear again.

No one will think she looks like Jian Yu'er anymore, because everyone will only see this scar at first sight.

Jian Yuyan stared blankly at Yan Yiming who was already sound asleep, and tried to caress the wound on her cheek with her finger, but Yan Yiming didn't know whether he was dreaming of something or frowned because of the pain.

Jian Yuyan suddenly withdrew his hand at a loss.

He remembered what Yan Yiming said when he left the plum garden last night. She said that even a slight swipe of a person who has never been injured will make people feel pity, while those who are used to injuries are full of holes and no one cares.

How could he not care? Jian Yuyan took Yan Yiming's hand and buried her face in her palm.

In fact, I have always cared about it, in fact, I care about it the most, but it is too late to find out.

After all, Yan Yiming lost too much blood. After passing out that day, he fell into a deep sleep and never woke up. The doctor said it shouldn't be so serious, but he couldn't give a reason why he couldn't wake up.

Jian Yuyan was by her side almost all the time, carefully dabbed some water on her lips, and occasionally went to the East Palace for important business, Nangong Xuan asked him why his face was so bad recently, Jian Yuyan looked at Nangong Xuan , suddenly felt an unspeakable sense of compassion.

He remembered that Nangong Xuan once said that the thing he regrets the most is that he didn't find out earlier that the person he really loves is actually her, so that he regretted it all his life. At that time, Jian Yuyan never really understood this sentence, but now, thinking of Yan Yiming who was unconscious, Jian Yuyan was really afraid.

In the middle of the night, Jian Yuyan carefully held her in his arms from behind her, feeling the still warm skin, and finally felt a little relieved.

On the second day after that day, Jian Yuer, who was in a state of despair, failed to wait for Jian Yuyan, and when she came to Meiyuan for the second time, she was blocked by the maid beside Yan Yiming.

The little girl was guarding her with red eyes, afraid that she would do something again.

Jian Yuer was dumb and said with difficulty, "...I just want to see her..."

"No need," the little girl looked at this familiar face and couldn't help crying again, "If it wasn't for you, how could our girl be hurt like this, now her face is ruined, you are finally happy and satisfied! "

"I didn't..." Jian Yuyan said anxiously, she really just wanted her to leave the capital, just wanted her to leave her brother, she really didn't think of hurting her, but it's useless to say anything now.

She wasn't like her anymore, but she wasn't happy at all.

Jian Yuyan heard the movement and came out, her eyes fell on Jian Yuer's face with indifference that he had never seen before, and it was also the fear that Jian Yuer had never seen before, she was at a loss and called her brother, but Jian Yuyan stood far away from her Ask him coldly what are you doing here.

Jian Yuer could bear what the maid said just now, but Jian Yuyan's tone suddenly made Jian Yuer's eyes reddened with grievance.

"...I just want to see her", Jian Yu'er said in a low voice, and carefully took out a small delicate bottle, "This is the medicine given by the empress back then..."

"No need", Jian Yuyan glanced at the small bottle, he had already ordered the best medicine from the prince, "She hasn't woken up yet, you can come back when she wakes up", Jian Yuyan said, as if thinking of something He said again, "Even if she wakes up, she doesn't want to see you, so you should go back."

Jian Yu'er clenched the vial in her hand, lowered her head and stared at the tip of her shoe, tears fell silently.

Jian Yuyan just glanced at it, turned around and walked to the back room.

Jian Yu'er suddenly couldn't bear it anymore, she had never felt Jian Yuyan's indifference before, she hurriedly called out to Jian Yuyan, "I really didn't expect it to be like this..."

"So what?" Jian Yuyan paused.

"So... so she did it herself, not me. I really didn't do it." Jian Yu'er said in a crying voice, "I'm just afraid that she will ruin your reputation and I want to talk to her... "

"Is it over now?"

Jian Yu'er's voice stopped suddenly, and she raised her head in a daze.

Jian Yuyan lowered his eyelashes and didn't even look at her. He was holding Yan Yiming's medicine bowl in his hand. It was just to help her stomach medicine. Seeing that Jian Yuer didn't say anything, "Leave immediately after talking, don't disturb Ah Ming's rest."

Jian Yu'er seemed to have been slapped hard, and she couldn't stand for a moment. The face she forcibly defended was stripped clean at this moment, and she finally cried, "I'm just angry that she took you away... I just want her to go, I want her to stay away from you..."

This was the first time that Jian Yu'er had spoken such straightforward words to him, but now when he heard them, there was only endless irony, even mixed with unconcealed disgust.

The confession again could no longer touch Jian Yuyan's heart. Hearing these words, Jian Yuyan felt faintly sick when he thought of the love he had loved for so many years.

I just want her to stay away from him...

"But what right do you have to keep her away from me?" Jian Yuyan turned her head and looked at her mockingly, "Who are you to me?"

He suddenly felt a little ridiculous, Nangong Xuan back then, Jiang Yi now, and Shao Jingyu who had been communicating with him all the time, as well as himself now, why didn't they ever feel that there was anything wrong.

He has never regretted it as much as he does now. He once liked Jian Yuer.

It was never Ah Ming who should really stay away, but Jian Yuer.

Jian Yuer has never looked down on Ah Ming, but she gave him the cleanest self, and Jian Yuer, Jian Yuyan looked at her and sneered,

Your feelings are really casual and scary.

Jian Yu'er walked out of the plum garden in a daze, and suddenly her legs went limp the moment she left, and the maids waiting outside hurriedly supported her and asked what's wrong.

What's the matter, Jian Yuer's lips trembled, she suddenly remembered what the woman said to her that day, she said,

"Miss Jane, it's a very lucky thing to be liked by others. Even if it's inappropriate or not, I will never think there is any shame in this relationship."

She used the wrong method at the beginning, and didn't understand her feelings at the beginning.

Up to now, the relationship is no longer there, and Jian Yuyan no longer exists.

Jian Yuer, I really regret that I ever liked you,