MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 39 stand-in lover 17

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Jian Yuyan knew for a long time that Yan Yiming was a smarter woman than he imagined, no matter how calm he was, Yan Yiming still saw the clue.

But even so, there are some things that Jian Yuyan still can't tell her.

I can't say it, and I dare not say it.

His life experience, his difficulties.

He had to marry a wife, and the choice of wife must have nothing to do with Yan Yiming.

As far as Jian Xiang is concerned, he has no reason to refuse, he has a responsibility, and he cannot refuse, because he wants to protect Yan Yiming.

For Yan Yiming, not long ago he promised her that he would take her back home and settle everything, so he couldn't tell her now, for fear that she would be sad, sad and worried.

So now when Yan Yiming asked, Jian Yuyan was silent for a moment and then shook his head. After a while, he said guiltily, "Ah Ming, the day I promised you to go to Jian's mansion may be later."

"Is Jane not allowed?"


Yan Yiming looked into his eyes in the dark and said seriously, "Then wait for his consent before going."

Jian Yuyan was taken aback.

Yan Yiming smiled, and said leisurely after a long time, "Everyone said that I was too impulsive to ruin this face, but I never regretted it, Zi'an, do you know why?"


"I remember I once told you that if you can't obey your heart in your life, what's the point of living? Because of this scar, I got what I wanted, so I don't regret it. You and I became friends because of this face , but I don't want you to be with me because of this face, I want you to see clearly, I am me, she is her, you see clearly, and you still like me, so my life is just No regrets."

Jian Yuyan's heart suddenly tightened, and he held her in his arms and said in a deep voice, "You have a long life, so don't say such things."

"I don't mean anything else." Yan Yiming pushed Jian Yuyan's chest to make him lie down more comfortably before continuing, "At the beginning I didn't know whether you liked me or her, so I just wanted you and me to share a name. But now that you know that you have me in your heart, it is not that important whether you want this title or not. There will always be times when people are in a dilemma in their lives, so when it is impossible to preserve both, there is always a certain choice."

Jian Yuyan's heart tightened suddenly, and the hand holding Yan Yiming couldn't help but move.

No matter how smart Yan Yiming was, Jian Yuyan would not feel that she could guess his embarrassment and difficulty in making a choice, but Yan Yiming's words clearly seemed to mean something.

Jian Yuyan raised her eyes to meet Yan Yiming's gaze and asked her, "There is a choice, but how should I choose?"

"I'm an ordinary person, so I only look at what I want in my heart." Yan Yiming sighed, "As long as I don't regret it when I think about it later, that's enough."

Never regretted it later.

Isn't this exactly what he has been thinking about for so many years, but he has never figured it out.

No matter what his life background is, he always thinks that it has been decades since the fall of the previous dynasty. Now the world is peaceful, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the people live in peace. What the students talk about is His Majesty's sage, but when they talk about the previous dynasty, there is endless ridicule and abuse. , It was a tyrannical era.

Jian Xiang always said that the Nangong clan was ambitious, the Taizu raised troops to shake the country, and now His Majesty's name is not right, they may not be good people, but they are all good emperors.

Jian Yuyan forgot when he said these words to Jian Xiang, and for the first time, Jian Xiang, who has always been kind, became furious, pointing at him and scolding him for saying such words, could he ever feel sorry for the dead ancestors.

He said that the Nangong clan wiped out their whole family. He said that the blood of the royal family had stained the entire moat red. Now the entire Jinling city is still buried with countless undead from the previous dynasty. You step on this land and look at your biological father's tablet. What face to say such a thing!

That night, Jian Yuyan dreamed that the most beautiful glazed tiles in the capital were being burned by the fire. The man screamed, the woman screamed, and the man in the yellow robe watched everything quietly, and was finally annihilated in the raging fire.

Only then did Jian Yuyan understand that some things have been firmly fixed on his body since birth, and have become his responsibility and his fate, and he cannot escape no matter what in his life.

He has a choice, he can't give up his destiny, but he can't give up Yan Yiming.

So Jian Yuyan finally agreed to the marriage, he couldn't escape, couldn't hide, he couldn't let Jian Xiang know that he was shaken by a woman, if Jian Xiang knew, even he couldn't keep Yan Yiming; but he He never told Yan Yiming, he didn't dare to imagine whether Yan Yiming would abandon him if he found out.

Yan Yiming said that she had no regrets in this life, but he didn't.

His life is nothing more than one path and two outcomes, either he fails and returns his life to Jiuquan, don't involve Ah Ming, lest he cause disasters because of him; He will give her the best compensation.

Before that, he chose to remain silent.

There will be a long time to come, and she will definitely understand his difficulties at that time.

He was just worried that Jian Xiang would find out about Yan Yiming. Now he can't trust Jian Yuer anymore. If Yan Yiming stays in Meiyuan, Jian Yuyan is not at ease no matter what. Besides, there are many people in Meiyuan. Yan Yiming would know something.

But Yan Yiming made it clear before that he would not leave Meiyuan, Jian Yuyan had to think of a reason to avoid Yan Yiming's suspicion.

Unexpectedly, after going to Meiyuan one day, Yan Yiming took the initiative to ask him if he could move out of Meiyuan.

Jian Yuyan was pleasantly surprised, but she was not in a hurry to let her see anything, and asked her in a gentle voice why she suddenly wanted to leave.

Yan Yiming sat in front of the bronze mirror, stroked the scar on his face with his fingers and said slowly, "At first, I wanted to have a chance to sing on stage once or twice, but now it's no longer possible. It's against the rules to stay in Meiyuan."

The little girl beside Yan Yiming interjected, "Miss met Yu Mo today, Yu Mo saw the girl's face so sarcasm..."

Yan Yiming signaled the girl to shut up, but Jian Yuyan felt extremely distressed when he heard it. He always felt that Yan Yiming's face had a great relationship with him. Yan Yiming was ridiculed because of his appearance, no matter how kind Jian Yuyan was to women , and now his face is cold.

Redeeming Yan Yiming to leave the Plum Garden was just a word to him. The owner of the garden thought that Yan Yiming had no hope in this life after seeing Yan Yiming's ruined face. . But Jian Yuyan didn't want to spoil Yan Yiming even more after she ruined her face, and now she wants to redeem her even more.

The owner of the garden couldn't help being shocked, but he didn't dare to ask more questions. In the end, he could only watch Jian Yuyan and Yan Yiming go away in a carriage with a group of actors who were equally shocked. Yu Mei's pretty face turned red with anger. , "Young Master Jian is blind..."

Before the words fell, the young man who had just left with Jian Yuyan came back, and several of them immediately shut up again. The garden owner asked him what he forgot, and the young man glanced at Yu Mo and said, "Young Master said, Yu Mo Miss Mei has worked so hard in the plum garden for so many years, now it's time to rest."

The words were euphemistic, but the meaning was clearly that Yu Mei was not allowed to appear on the stage again in the future, and Yu Mei's face was flushed and pale just now.

The owner of the garden was stunned for a while and couldn't help asking why, the young man smiled, "Then I have to ask Miss Yumei what she did."

A group of people looked at Yu Mei together, and the few people who had laughed at Yan Yiming with Yu Mei that day were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word, for fear of involving themselves again, watching Yu Mei cry like tears, After everyone backed away, they couldn't help but glanced in the direction Yan Yiming left.

Mr. Jian really hurts holding someone in his palm.

Yan Yiming's new residence is better than she imagined. It was just a courtyard before, but now it is clearly a mansion. It is not too big, but although the sparrow is small, it has all kinds of internal organs, promenades and lakes. Yan Yiming and Jian Yuyan were the two masters, so they seemed more and more empty.

Yan Yiming likes the small bamboo forest in the back garden the most. There is a small bamboo house in it, and there is running water. Staying there in summer is both cool and artistic.

Jian Yuyan still came every day. He personally mentioned the words to the small bamboo house. The two sat in the bamboo forest and played chess.

Yan Yiming lay on the bed and sighed, it was very comfortable here, and he didn't want to go out after staying for a long time.

Jian Yuyan peeled a grape for her, "If you don't want to go out, then don't go out. It's summer now, and there may not be a home that is comfortable outside."

Yan Yiming glanced at him, and there was no clue on his face, he turned to bite the grape and chewed slowly, "But it's boring not to go out alone."

"I will come to accompany you every day," Jian Yuyan said, and after thinking for a while, he smiled softly, "If you are really bored, let me know, and I will accompany you out."

Yan Yiming replied softly, covered his face with a veil, and fell asleep.

Jian Yuyan walked slowly, even though it was midsummer, she was afraid that she would catch a cold, so she carried her back to the house and covered her with a thin quilt.

Jian Xiang and Mrs. Jian finally found a marriage for Jian Yuyan. The daughter of the Dingbeihou family, Mrs. Jian only thought that Dingbeihou's family background was excellent, but Jian Yuyan knew that Dingbeihou was in charge of the imperial army in the capital, and occasionally haunted the Prime Minister's mansion. In the secret room of the study.

Mrs. Jian has been so happy from ear to ear every day since she agreed on her marriage, she pulled Jian Yuer to talk about things, but the more Jian Yuer listened, the more confused she became.

She always thought of the golden hairpin that the woman had decisively dropped on her face. Could it be that such a staunch and decisive woman would be indifferent to Jian Yuyan's marriage?

When Jian Yuyan met Jian Yuyan at the house, Jian Yuer subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't help calling him, and after looking around to see if there was no one there, she asked him in a low voice, "...Did she... ever know that my brother is going to marry a wife? "

Jian Yuyan never thought that Jian Yuer would ask about this matter, but maybe he has carried everything silently for more than 20 days and could not mention it to anyone. Now Jian Yuer asked Jian Yuyan after a slight pause and answered,

"she does not know."

Jian Yuer took a breath, "Why didn't you tell her?"

Jian Yuyan let out a long sigh of relief.

He fears.

He was afraid of the consequences after Yan Yiming knew about it, even if he didn't know what kind of consequences it would be.

Jian Yu'er looked at Jian Yuyan in a daze. Everyone said that she was overjoyed, but Jian Yuyan's face was not a little bit happy. She'll always know."

Jian Yuyan's heart suddenly seemed to be pierced by a needle.

After a long time, he said, "I will tell her."

After a while, when he can completely protect her, he will tell her all his secrets at that time.

When I went to Yan Yiming's place at night, Yan Yiming was combing his smooth long hair after taking a shower. Jian Yuyan sat on the bed and stared at her seriously. Yan Yiming saw his appearance in the mirror and chuckled, "Before Just look at it, what is there to see now."

"It's still pretty," Jian Yuyan said, turning over from the bed, and skillfully took the cloth towel to help her dry her hair.

Yan Yiming sat obediently in front of the mirror and said, "I brushed my hair with a hand, but let my hair hang around the front."

This poem clearly talks about the scene when the husband combs his wife's hair. Jian Yuyan suddenly felt all kinds of emotions, put down the cloth towel in his hand, hugged her from behind and said softly, "A Ming, let's tie our hair."

He just wanted to marry her as his wife.

Just want to get married with her.

Yan Yiming's eyes froze, he twirled a strand of blue hair with his fingers and looked at it for a long time, then nodded.

Two cups were exchanged, two sections of blue silk were cut from the hair, and carefully **** with red thread. Jian Yuyan carefully held the tied long hair in his hand as if he was holding something precious, but Yan Yiming finally took it away. In the little cabinet next to the bed.

Jian Yuyan held her in her arms contentedly and called her name over and over again, and Yan Yiming patiently agreed over and over again.

When he was about to fall asleep vaguely, he seemed to hear Jian Yuyan's deep and affectionate voice, he said that no matter what happens, he must believe him, and believe that the only person he loves is her.

But after all, she couldn't hear Yan Yiming's answer, she had already fallen asleep.

The eldest son of the Jian family, Mr. Ruyi, whom so many women in the capital like, will eventually marry a wife. Even if Jian Yuyan doesn't like to make publicity, he can't hide it.

The little girls in the mansion heard some people talking about it when they went out to purchase, and they chattered non-stop when they came back. The next day, these girls never appeared in the mansion again.

Yan Yiming asked Jiang Yi why there was another change in the house, Jian Yuyan said that maybe the girls did something wrong and were punished.

Yan Yiming responded without asking any further questions, and picked up a pen to complete the unfinished portrait.

Jian Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief seeing Yan Yiming's earnest drawing. When the officials came to talk to him about this in the morning, Jian Yuyan felt her heart pounding in her throat.

The date of marriage is still early, but the engagement is just seven days later.

When Jiang Yi heard about this, Jun Yi's eyebrows frowned, and he asked someone to go to Meiyuan, but the people in Meiyuan said that Yan Yiming had been redeemed by Mr. Jian, and they didn't know where he went now.

Jian Yuyan hid people so well that he couldn't even find Jian Xiang, let alone Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi suddenly had an indescribable premonition that the last time we parted in the teahouse might be the last time.

Seven days after the engagement date, Jian's mansion and Dingbei Hou Fu were beaming with joy, and the woman who was about to marry Jian Yuyan even blushed when she mentioned Jian Yuyan, only Jian Yuyan remained calm.

Jian Xiang only needs him to agree to the marriage, but he doesn't care if he likes it or not. Later, I don't know how to hear that Jian Yuyan took the former Meiyuan opera singer out to raise him outside, and he didn't say anything. It's nothing to be a man. Blunder.

Jian Yu'er saw that everyone was beaming, but she couldn't be happy at all. She left the house with an excuse, and walked a few steps by Xiaonan Lake without any purpose, only to find that there was a man sitting under a willow tree in the distance. familiar figure.

She would never be wrong, it was Yan Yiming.

The face is still covered with a veil, sitting by the lake at this moment, I don't know what I am thinking.

Jian Yu'er subconsciously wanted to leave, but couldn't help but walked back. After thinking for a long time, she walked over gently. After hearing the movement, Yan Yiming turned his head to look, and saw her slightly surprised for a moment, but then calmly said "What a coincidence."

Jian Yuer whispered back, "Yes, what a coincidence."

She looked at Yan Yiming's veiled face, but she couldn't see it clearly. Yan Yiming turned his head and smiled, "Want to see it?"

Jian Yu'er blushed immediately and shook her head, her fingers were tightly twisted together, and after a long time she suddenly said "I'm sorry."

Yan Yiming looked at her in surprise, she knew that Jian Yuer would come here, but she never expected that Jian Yuer would say these three words.

Jian Yu'er Jian Yan Yiming didn't speak, her face became redder all of a sudden, and she didn't dare to look at her again, until Yan Yiming said nothing happened, and then she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The two have been silent one after another.

After a while, Jian Yuer asked Ai Ai expectantly in a low voice, " you know..."

It's just that Jian Yu'er couldn't continue after talking halfway.

Yan Yiming turned his head and looked at her, "Know what?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Jian Yu'er shook her head hastily. She was confused just now and almost said it. She was relieved that she didn't say it, but she heard Yan Yiming say calmly, "Do you know that he is going to get married?"

The handkerchief in Jian Yuer's hand fell to the ground suddenly, she looked at Yan Yiming in shock, "Did he tell you?"

"No." Yan Yiming blew on the veil, "He has been hiding it from me, but I guessed it a long time ago."

She already knew...

Jian Yuer's heart was beating so hard that she was suddenly a little scared. She knew it a long time ago but never told Jian Yuyan what she wanted to do...

Jian Yuer didn't dare to guess, since that golden hairpin, Jian Yuer never dared to guess what this woman was thinking.

"Don't tell him," Yan Yiming said suddenly.


"Don't tell him that I already know." Yan Yiming stood up, "or don't tell him for now."

"Temporarily... what do you mean..."

Yan Yiming smiled, "You will know when the time comes."

What does it mean for the time being, and what will it mean when the time comes, Jian Yu'er has no idea at all.

Yan Yiming had already left, and Jian Yuer stood alone by the lake for a long time, when she returned to Jian's mansion and met Jian Yuyan who was about to go out, Jian Yuer clenched her fists and finally said nothing, just asked casually if she was going to see her.

Jian Yuyan nodded and strode away. Jian Yuer stared at Jian Yuyan's back from a distance, and suddenly wanted to cry.

The seventh day of July is the day when Jian Yuyan gets married.

Jian Yuyan explained to Yan Yiming the night before that he had something to do tomorrow, and perhaps he would come very late, Yan Yiming drew carefully and just nodded.

Jian Yuyan walked over from her side. Although the painting was almost finished, it was almost early in the morning. Jian Yuyan gently advised her, "Draw again during the day tomorrow, and be careful to burn your eyes at night."

"It's almost there," Yan Yiming said, with a smile on his lips and he said softly, "If you don't finish the painting, you won't have time."

Jian Yuyan was taken aback, "No time?"

"I mean it's almost there, so take advantage of this time to finish the painting quickly." Yan Yiming raised his head and kissed him on the cheek, "If you're sleepy, go and rest first."

Jian Yuyan picked up a book from the bookshelf, "It's nothing, I'll wait for you."

Yan Yiming didn't say anything more, the candle was burning slowly, the study was extremely quiet, occasionally a slight sound of flipping a book could be heard.

Yan Yiming didn't put down his pen until the moon was on the treetop. Jian Yuyan put away the book and wanted to read it, but Yan Yiming blocked him and said that he would read it after she finished framing it.

Jian Yuyan chuckled and didn't insist. It was too late and she put out the candle and went back to bed to sleep.

When Jian Yuyan woke up in the morning, Yan Yiming was still sleeping, but after hearing the movement, he opened his eyes in a daze and called out "Zian". Jian Yuyan turned her head, kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "It's still early, don't need to get up, wait for me to come back at night."

Yan Yiming turned over to indicate that he heard it, Jian Yuyan smiled lightly, and told the maids to take good care of Yan Yiming before leaving in a hurry.

On the seventh day of July, the two families set the day for the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Jian Yuyan was dressed in gorgeous clothes and was so handsome. When she walked into the Dingbei Hou Mansion, all the women in the mansion blush and heartbeat. They envied that the sisters in the family could marry Jian Yuyan. Such a man.

Dingbeihou, who knew the inside story, was even more excited. His daughter married Jian Yuyan, and the fate in the future would not only be the young wife of the Xiangfu.

At the engagement banquet, the two families were all smiles, everyone shouted congratulations when they saw Jian Yuyan, and the son-in-law who used to play together teased him that he would soon have a wedding ceremony, but Jian Yuyan suddenly laughed when he thought of Yan Yiming.

He has already had a married man, and he has already had a bridal chamber.

It's just that everyone doesn't know it.

It wasn't until noon that he returned to Jian's Mansion from Dingbeihou's Mansion. Jian Yuyan changed his clothes, thinking that the engagement banquet ended earlier than he thought, and it happened to pass by now, but Jian Yu'er blocked the door and said I have something important to say.

Jian Yuyan had no choice but to go back to the room and ask her what happened.

Jian Yuer stared at him fixedly, Yan Yiming forbade her to say anything, but she always felt that something was wrong, after hesitating for a few days, she finally couldn't help calling Jian Yuyan, "A few days ago I saw her in Xiaonanhu. ,she says…"

Jian Yuyan suddenly stopped smiling.

People in the mansion said that Yan Yiming hadn't been out of the mansion at all these days.

Suddenly, unspeakable panic rose in my heart, and I asked cautiously as if my heart was being held, "What did she say?"

"She said she knew you were going to get married a long time ago..."

Jian Yuyan was suddenly a little unsteady, Jian Yuer hurriedly helped him, seeing Jian Yuyan's gaffe, she hurriedly explained, "I didn't want to hide it from you, but she said that I'm not allowed to tell you that she already knows that you are going to get married, so..."

So what, Jian Yuyan couldn't listen anymore.

She already knew.

She forbade Jian Yuer to speak out.

She knew it all along but never showed a hint of it.

After Jian Yuyan was stunned for a moment, he seemed to think of something in a blink of an eye, and ran there desperately.

Under the scorching sun in August, Jian Yuyan stood in front of the painting that Yan Yiming finished overnight yesterday, her heart was completely chilled.

"I'll show you when it's framed tomorrow."

"If you don't finish painting today, you won't have time."

Now he finally saw it, and his portrait was finally finished, but there were a few words added to the painting.

Resolutely and decisively leave, never to see each other again.

The huge mansion is still exquisite and beautiful, but at the moment it is empty.

Yan Yiming left behind his portrait and the blue hair of the two of them, while she left alone and never came back.

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