MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 60 Ann can tell if I'm male or female 3

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In the third year of Yongxi, Song Taizong issued an edict to recruit brave people in the border areas as soldiers, and distributed them food and weapons. Three thousand... Those who are willing to serve in the army will be honored and recorded, and those who are willing to return to farmers will be given three years."

These reward systems for motivating soldiers had long been forgotten, but now Shao Jingyu brought them up. Except for Yan Yiming, everyone in the room was shocked immediately, and when they looked at Yan Yiming again, they couldn't help but envy.

Although everyone doesn't know the little general's ability to kill the enemy, and what reward he will reward, but his identity is there, so no one will question his guarantee at this moment.

Merit, status, money, no matter what it is, it is something that everyone here dreams of.

If they had known that the first person had such good luck, they would have spoken a long time ago. This little white-faced boy can't hold back a word for a long time on weekdays. Today, he is more active than anyone else when he encounters this kind of opportunity. Now he has snatched the first-class good thing. If he leaves, everyone will inevitably be angry, especially those who usually dislike him.

The Baihu who reminded Yan Yiming in advance not to stand out, was taken aback by Yan Yiming's active appearance, and hurriedly spun around on the ground twice. There are so many opportunities, why don't you listen to advice!

After finalizing the first person, everyone has already thought about countless things in an instant. The first-class credit has been taken away by Yan Yiming. Everyone is betting whether it is worthwhile to follow this little general. After some consideration, they gradually have other ideas. The man also stood up and loudly expressed his willingness to follow Shao Jingyu.

Yan Yiming saw that he didn't show the slightest irritability, and even talked to all the soldiers who were willing to follow him one by one, he never showed overjoyed expression when he saw the tall and strong man, and never disliked the thin and young one, he was clearly aloof and respected all present Everyone seems to be very different from each other, but they quietly draw closer to everyone.

The soldiers who had spoken to him were all joyful and excited, and when they saw Shao Jingyu again, they were no longer as uneasy as before.

They were soldiers who had never met the general, so how could they imagine that one day they would be able to speak to them.

Yan Yiming gave a "tsk", some people are natural generals, and being a general should not only be about riding and shooting martial arts, this kind of soft and hard solicitation is also essential.

It took less time than Yan Yiming estimated for the 700 people to be selected. When the young general beside Shao Jingyu reminded the 700 people to follow Shao Jingyu to find another camp, the sky was just on fire.

Sure enough, it was much more difficult than all the previous strategies, Yan Yiming thought to himself while tidying up, under such a background, even if he took the initiative to say a word, he had to think carefully about not taking a wrong step.

When she walked out of the tent, Yan Yiming heard the disdainful voices of the soldiers who shared her tent behind her, saying that Shao Jingyu only had an embroidered pillow, and what would be the future of following him, maybe there would be no survivors after leaving the station this time.

Yan Yiming sneered, put the burden on his shoulders, and strode away.

Three days later, the coach Cao Meng finally ordered that the army approach and attack the Mongolian Mobei King who is entrenched in Mobei.

Cao Meng's troops were divided into two groups, with the army on the west route as the main attack direction. Cao Meng directly led 30,000 cavalry to approach the king of Mobei. The first three generals on the left and right each led 10,000 troops. Tens of thousands of cavalry attacked the Monan King of Mongolia to contain his troops to support the attack of the West Route Army. The two generals on the left and right marched northward and directly attacked the king's court of Mobei King.

Shao Jingyu's first outing was arranged by Cao Meng under the command of the left and right generals, and he approached the royal court with 20,000 cavalry.

On the verge of killing the enemy, Yan Yiming finally became more nervous than ever.

Hanging around his waist was a throat-sealed cold knife, and when the cold wind blew on his face, there was an indescribable bitterness, and the war horse under his crotch was pacing restlessly with its hooves and sniffing heavily. Not far ahead, Shao Jingyu was dressed in black and black armor, with his left hand holding the reins of a black horse, and his right hand holding a single-hook gun, showing an indescribably heroic posture in the night wind.

The whip was swung towards the night sky, and there was an ear-splitting sound in the silence. In an instant, thousands of horses galloped, and the earth trembled.

This place is far away from King Mobei's royal court, but the Jingqi approached him just to catch him off guard. When the elite soldiers approached, Mobei King was even drinking and having fun with his concubines.

The Xia army entered, but the Mongolian army had no defense at all. In an instant, the Mongolian army was in a mess, iron and blood ruthless. When the sharp blade pierced into the flesh, the warm blood jumped out and stained the shirt on the body, and only white lights appeared in the eyes. blade and blood.

Yan Yiming's hand holding the handle of the knife couldn't stop shaking.

She has countless memories of swords up and down, but now she is no longer the girl who can calmly face life and death, and she is still timid when swinging a knife.

But between life and death, there is no room for her to hesitate for a second. If she is distracted, she will lose her breath in an instant just like the comrade who has spoken to her beside her.

When he cut the man off the horse for the first time, the blood of the Mongolian man was so wet that the hand holding the handle of the knife was almost unable to hold the knife, but when the enemy approached again, he had to hold it tightly again.

Killing people is numb.

The screams around him didn't stop for a moment, the flames scorched his cheeks and it was hot and painful, Hu Koubei, who was holding the rein tightly with his left hand, felt bloodstains, and his left leg was accidentally slipped by the spear just now, Yan Yiming mumbled He snorted but couldn't take care of it at all.

The Mongolian army in the royal court of the Mongolian army had no time to prepare for the unexpected attack, and was defeated in an instant.

The horrified sound of horseshoes and fighting finally awakened King Mobei from his drunken dream. There was no time to deploy, and he got on his horse and fled with a group of royal families under the cover of the Mongolian army.

Shao Jingyu gave an order with a flash of cold eyes, and the horse gave a long cry and chased in the direction where King Mobei was fleeing. General Zuo came back to his senses and called him in a cold sweat, but Shao Jingyu was Already ran a hundred meters.

In his anxiety, General Zuo hurriedly ordered his men to chase after Mobei King, and even more so to protect Shao Jingyu's life.

Captain Qingqi and others led a thousand cavalry army to pursue the direction where King Mobei was fleeing. After chasing for hundreds of miles, they couldn't catch up with Shao Jingyu and others, let alone King Mobei. They couldn't catch up and had to return.

General Zuo said angrily that he knew this would happen a long time ago, even if the coach can't control this young master, how can he manage it.

Fortunately, this raid was extremely successful. Apart from protecting the King of Mobei and fleeing more than a thousand people, a total of more than 3,000 men and women from the King of Mobei's tribe and 10,000 livestock were captured. It was already a very good small victory.

The only regret is that King Mobei and several little kings have escaped.

I can only hope that the young master is safe, and don't be stopped by King Mobei or get lost.

When the cold moon was in the sky, Shao Jingyu led no more than a hundred people to run hundreds of miles in the vast night sky in search of the enemy's traces. At the beginning, because of Shao Jingyu's word "chasing", everyone followed him before they had time to think. Now they are fighting with the army Leaving the direction, although Qi Bai Xiaoqi is brave, but it is very likely that the main force of the Mongolian army will be gathered and killed, and everyone will inevitably feel panic.

But looking at the figure in front of him again, he gritted his teeth and rode his horse to catch up.

The horse didn't stop, and the people never relaxed their vigilance. Yan Yiming had forgotten how long he had been running, and finally saw a flash of fire in front of him.

A cold gun was provoked, and the Mongolian army in charge of guarding was killed in an instant. The brave cavalry rushed into the army of Mobei Wang Ting, who fled in the middle of the night and then panicked. Ready to flee.

There were obviously less than 700 people, but the Mongolian army had no resistance at all in the current chaos.

Shao Jingyu didn't fight with the soldiers and pointed at King Mobei who was about to get on his horse and run away again. The lieutenant beside him shot down the prince next to King Mobei with an arrow. He has caught up with King Mobei.

But the lieutenant suddenly called out to be careful, Shao Jingyu turned his head and saw a cold light flashed, the Mongolian army stabbed straight in, and in astonishment, the blade was indeed approaching and threw the long spear away, Yan Yiming's palm was so painful that it was life and death. Shao Jingyu pulled back.

Shao Jingyu was surprised that this white-faced soldier was so extraordinary, but he had no time to delay, so he rode his horse to catch up with King Mobei again.

The gun went up, the gun fell, and with a howl, King Mobei was cut off from his horse, and the leader was dead, and the Mongolian army surrendered without fighting.

After a long night of raiding, Shao Jingyu's debut battle won an incomparably beautiful victory!

Read The Duke's Passion