MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 100

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Han Changsheng rode a horse to a creek and jumped off the horse to the river to drink water.

The stream was very clear, and his face was reflected. He looked at the face reflected on the water and was a little distracted. Anyuan is really good looking, even if he has been with him for so long, sometimes he will be surprised to forget to look away when he looks at him inadvertently. This point, Han Changsheng actually knew from the beginning, just refused to admit that there is actually a **** at this time than he is handsome than he is handsome than he is charming...

Han Changsheng smiled and laughed at himself, reaching out to touch the water and trying to touch the face. At the moment of the encounter, the face in the water surface spread out.

When did you start to like which bastard? Starting from the mood of that night? No, that night just made him have to face the buds that he had already sent out in his heart. Since when he started, he couldn’t tell, because of his identity with An Yuan, his emotions against Anyuan were strongly suppressed from the beginning, and the good feelings of Ding’s point will be suppressed by him, and the feelings that can be suppressed. It was always the fastest, and when he realized it, it was already a fire of the original, and it could no longer escape.

"Ah!" Han Changsheng sighed in dismay, tearing away the things on his face and burying his face in the cold river. When he lifted his face, his face was already blushing.

Han Changsheng took out the mirror and the easy-to-capacity tool, and turned it up against the face. This time, he was extraordinarily long. After everything was ready, Han Changsheng rode his horse and chased him in the direction of Anyuan’s departure.

Anyuan was waiting for Han Changsheng in the town ahead, and they met successfully the next afternoon.

When I saw Han Changsheng, Anyuan asked: "Have you found something that you have found?"

Han Changsheng said: "Found it."

Anyuan asked: "What did you drop, not even say hello, and left a note and hurried away?"

Han Changsheng handed him a tiger's tooth.

Anyuan Yiyi: "What is this?"

Han Changsheng said: "This is what I got in the last town. I think it is suitable for you and I am going to give it to you."

Anyuan took over the tiger's tooth dagger and tried to scratch his sleeve, which was very sharp. He said: "Give me?"

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "I haven't given you any gifts for so long."

Anyuan was silent for a while and accepted: "Thank you."

After giving the tiger a dagger, Han Changsheng went to the inn: "I won’t be on the road today, take a break, I bought wine on the road, drank the wine and took a good sleep..."

Anyuan silently followed him. I don't know why, he is very upset. Han Changsheng is a bit unusual. Although this guy is not normal at all, today's performance is particularly strange. Anyuan can't say anything, that is... always feel that something is going to happen.

"Are you going to the wine fairy valley?" Anyuan suddenly walked behind.

Han Changsheng was shocked: "What?"

Anyuan looked at him silently.

Han Changsheng turned his guilty distraction: "What do I go to Jiu Xianu? I really went back to the city."

In the past, Anyuan saw that Han Changsheng’s behavior was not normal, as if he wanted to deliberately involve him in some incidents. When it was time to annihilate the Shadow Moon Gate, An Yuan’s feeling became stronger. The thing in the teahouse said that it was not the bureau that Han Changsheng deliberately gave him. He did not believe it. This way, Han Changsheng deliberately led him to the direction of Jixian Valley, as if he hoped that he could come to the wine fairy. This kind of thing is difficult for Anyuan to associate with Lu Honghua’s words before the end of the martial arts conference.

When the two arrived at the inn, it was not too early, and they were ready to rest after packing up and eating.

Han Changsheng specially called the inn of the inn to send the wine up and said: "These days are tired, I have a drink today and have a good night's sleep."

The anxiety in An Yuan’s heart is even heavier.

Han Changsheng made himself and Anyuan poured wine and made a drink. He had a glass of wine, and Anyuan had to sit down at the table, but did not drink, just watching him silently.

He has never been exposed, has been, just to understand what Han Changsheng's real purpose is. However, after so long, he is still puzzled. Han Changsheng’s mind, he couldn’t figure out, and it’s getting more and more uneasy for a long time, and he is still patient, saying nothing, doing nothing because he is worried that after exposing the identity of Han Changsheng, this People will leave.

But now, he feels that Han Changsheng is getting farther and farther away from him, and he will be unable to endure it.

An Yuan raised the cup in front of him and drank it.

Han Changsheng said: "After you return to Yuehua School, look at your younger brothers and sisters, what are your plans?"

Anyuan looked up at him in a panic and looked at him: "Are you not going back with me?" Han Changsheng beheaded: "I want to go with you, but when you get there, do you always have plans for the future?"

An Yuan silently said for a moment, "I have no place to go. Although my swordsmanship does not count the true biography of Elder Lan Fang, but also the teacher Cheng Yuehua. Now Master...Yue Peng is no longer there, Yue Huapai It is bound to be like a sand, I want to stay for a while, teach them swordsmanship, at least... let the Yuehua faction pass on."

Han Changsheng sighed and smiled: "You are really... really a good person, Yue Peng is hurting you, and you still remember to hang the Yuehua faction."

Anyuan smiled bitterly: "Chou Qiu Qiu, gracefulness, can't be mixed up, let alone Yue Peng also got retribution."

Han Changsheng poured the wine to the two people and grinned. "You didn't want to slay the demon?"

An Yuan stunned and looked at Han Changsheng with a complex look. After a long time, he said: "I thought it was a demon to kill my father, destroy my villa, and now the misunderstanding has been solved..."

Han Changsheng’s face suddenly froze. Grandma’s legs, even if he tried his best to put Anyuan on the position of the martial arts ally, it was only half the success. According to An Yuan’s life, he must annihilate the cult and help the martial arts. This is the complete completion of his Robbery. If Anyuan does not have the intention of crusade against Tianning now, then what is he doing is not busy? !

An Yuan continued: "I don't hate the devil, but... if the demon continues to do evil, I can't condone."

Han Changsheng immediately said: "The devil teaches evil, and it should be annihilated." Speaking of this, he was so sad that his scalp was numb, and he finally said it with a hard scalp. Although his lord did not do his best, his feelings for Tianning did not lose to anyone. He grew up in the mountains, drinking the water from the mountains, eating the food from the mountains, and all the close people around him are Tianning people. In the past, everyone dared to say that Tianning taught The bad words made him hear that he must have the whole person regretting why he came to this world. From the black and white unparalleled handing over to him, he asked him to help Anyuan to annihilate the demon. Since he has countless times, he wants to pick up the child, but he still has to keep his scalp and stay with Anyuan. Going in, not for anything else, just because it is more important to him than to the martial art.

Han Changsheng said: "I have some connection with the magical religion, so I also know a little about the magical religion. The people in the magical religion are not all bad people. On the contrary, there are many good people. If you see them, you will I know that some people in the demon religion were taken back when they were young. Some people were brought back by the abduction. They did things for the devil, not because they were in the heart, but because they were threatened and tempted. If there is a wicked person, then there is only one - the leader of Tianning!"

An Yuan looked at him with awkwardness. What is Han Changsheng's position in Tianning Education? Anyuan guessed for a long time. What is certain is that Han Changsheng's status is very high. Perhaps his true identity is quite famous in the rivers and lakes. An Yuan even guessed whether he was the leader of Tianning, but a teacher who had been swaying all day long did not return, and the magic teaching was too unreliable. Han Changsheng mentioned that he had a bad big brother more than once. Before Anyuan, he also guessed that the person he said should be the demon leader, but this is the first time he pointed out.

I don't know why, An Yuan actually thought that Han Changsheng's expression at the moment was a bit sad. He couldn't help but say: "If I can do something for you... you can tell me."

Han Changsheng waved his hand and drank the wine in front of him: "I want it, you can't do it."

Anyuan is naturally dissatisfied: "You don't say, don't know?"

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "Drinking and drinking."

I drank two more cups and ate some peanuts and beef. It was about the wine. Anyuan suddenly took a deep breath and put down the chopsticks. Some excitement: "When can you tell me the truth?"

"If I say that I hope that you can kill the ruins of the ruins of the mountains?!"

Anyuan stopped. After a while, he even smiled: "In my current ability, I am not strong enough. But if you want, I will try hard. I just ask... just ask you to be honest with me. ”

Han Changsheng said: "Some words are not the time now. I will talk about it until that day. I will accompany me to drink today, and I will not hurry to see you tomorrow. I will sleep again in the sun!"

Han Changsheng was really high in alcohol today. He drank a cup and a cup. Anyuan looked around and couldn’t help but accompany him. Not long after, both of them were drunk. Han Changsheng swayed out a sachet from his parcel and said, "This wine... don't drink today, you take it on the road."

Anyuan drank a little dizzy and waved his forehead.

Han Changsheng climbed into the bed and fell asleep. Anyuan didn't get drunk so much. He sat at the table for a while, got up and poured himself a cup of tea before he walked to the bed.

Han Changsheng's sleeping position is rare without a little defense. He breathes heavily, but his face is still as white as ever - it is a fake face!

Anyuan sat at the bed for a while and stared at Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng slept very comfortably. It seems that he was really drunk. Han Changsheng has been sleeping very light for a long time. When Anyuan and his bed are together, he will wake up when he turns over. He also always tries to turn his face to sleep in the bed, bowing his body, always in a precautionary posture, but today, in his sleeping position, anyone can shoot him!

Anyuan’s breathing gradually became a little rush. He hesitated for a while, biting his lip, and finally made up his mind to touch his hand to Han Changsheng’s ear.

When Chang Han grew up, the seams between the fake face and the real face were always very careful. If you don’t care carefully or have doubts, you will find it difficult to find the flaws. But today, Anyuan just touched it and immediately touched the raised place. His fingers stayed there, waiting for a while, Han Changsheng still did not move, so he was heart-to-heart, carefully unveiled Han Changsheng's fake face -


While the mask was separated from Han Changsheng's face, Han Changsheng suddenly caught Anyuan's wrist. Anyuan was shocked and shouted out – but he had already seen the face under the mask. A clear face that I have never seen before.

However, in a flash, Anyuan was dragged onto the bed and pressed under him. Han Changsheng began to madly plunder the air in his mouth. Anyuan tried to struggle, but he only stopped after a moment of pushing, and then he caught Han Changsheng's neck. Han Changsheng closed his eyes, but Anyuan kept his eyes open and wanted to see the face in front of him.

A warm hand penetrated into Anyuan's clothes and walked up his body, and a warm breath was sprayed on his ear. When he was in love, he heard a touching words.

"I like you."

The author has something to say: thanks to Xiaoxiao, ox3, pumping paper 7, lx2 mines

I said that eating the second time soon is very fast!

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