MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 27

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Han Changsheng once heard that Elder Lan Fang was eighty-eight years old this year. He thought that he would see an old-fashioned old man. Whoever knows that he came to be an old man with a sacred wind, could not help but feel a little worried. Until the little stinky egg in his arms pulled down his sleeve, he returned to God and was busy looking for the feeling of acting. He said: "The disciple went to see Elder Lan Fang."

Elder Lan Fang smiled and said: "You don't have to be polite. Good boy, come and let me see."

Han Changsheng grinds and walks forward.

Elder Lan Fang saw that his hands were wrapped in gauze and could not help. Han Changsheng said: "My hand..."

Elder Lan Fang smiled and said: "I heard Yue Shizhen said, you are hurt in the process of fighting with the devil, in order to save your younger brother. You are a good boy, you are very kind, I like it very much."

Han Changsheng: "..." was praised by the righteous person, and he could not be mixed in the wicked world.

Lan Fang pulled up Han Changsheng's hand and began to give him a pulse.

Han Changsheng’s face was strange and asked: “Elder, why are you accepting me as a disciple?”

Lan Fang said indifferently: "The kittens are always in the wrong place."

Han Changsheng's mouth was pumped. He had thought that their demon teaching would be enough to do whatever they wanted. I didn't expect the righteous person to be more inexplicable. Just because a cat likes him, he has to accept him as a disciple? If you have a dozen cats on this mountain, don’t you mess around? ! There is also a small stinky egg. This guy is also very strange. I used to listen to Anyuan’s corner. It seems to be very familiar with Anyuan, but he never brought Anyuan to the ghost place to see the old man. He only went up the mountain for a few days. The little stinky egg was very close to him, but he also fed a small stinky egg and a meat buns. Didn’t Anyuan’s door to never feed a small stinky egg? Or to say... small stinky eggs must not like the name of Sakura Yu Yuling!

Lan Fang seems to have seen the doubts of Han Changsheng and said: "This cat has been with me for decades. After I entered the valley, I ordered other disciples of Yuehua to stay close. One time I practiced fire. I was enchanted, the whole body couldn’t move, and other disciples never entered the valley because of my orders. I didn’t know that I was in danger. At that time, I almost lost my life. Fortunately, this kitten gave me food and water to save my life. I have also heard about some of your deeds. When you are young, you will surrender to the yin and yang, and when you are in a critical moment, you will come forward and protect the same door. It is rare to be so good."

Han Changsheng is another glimpse. This old man shouldn’t be alive, or is it too long to stay in this valley to find out the passage of time? A cat is dead, but it can live for ten years. If you look at the age of a small stinky egg, you can still accompany him for decades.

Lan Fang loosened the pulse of Han Changsheng: "Your bones are strange, the muscles are light, and the internal interest is smooth. It is a good material for practicing martial arts. With your talent and age, it is only a violent thing."

Han Changsheng blinked. When the old teacher chose him as the heir, it was also because he was very talented, and none of his peers could catch up with him. I didn't expect him to be lazy and tempered. He hadn't seen any achievements in the 20th, and he didn't want to do anything. He left the guards and the four lobby owners to break his heart.

Elder Lan Fang smiled and said: "Do you think that the practice is too hard and too tired, it takes a long time but it is difficult to see results, so I don't want to work hard? In fact, the key to martial arts lies in a comprehension. Some people are diligent, so they grow up. Fast, but diligence is not the whole reason why he can improve. It is because he spends more time than others and thinks more than others, so it is easier to "enlighten". I tried your skills yesterday, and your foundation is still solid. So you don't need to go through a long time, as long as you 'enlighten', you can take it to the next level."

Again: "From today, you don't have to practice with other disciples. Come to me every day. I will tailor a suitable cultivation method for you."

The little stinky egg seems to have heard that they are ready to start practicing, so she jumped from Han Changsheng’s arms and kissed him at his feet, then jumped into the grass and disappeared.

Han Changsheng’s mood is very complicated. Lan Fang told him that as long as he can realize the epiphany, martial arts will advance by leaps and bounds, and it sounds like it can be done without special efforts. If it is in the past, Han Changsheng may be really interested in listening to what he has in his opinion. As long as his martial arts can become stronger, the left and right guards and the four lobby owners will not force him to practice all day, he can do what he wants. More, not to leave the church. But now is not the time. There are still ten days, only ten days, the mysterious old man is going to die, the day is one day and one day, and then going on like this, the task of black and white impermanence to him will be screwed up!

Han Changsheng said: "My brother was injured. I have to take care of him. I am afraid I can't..."

Before he finished speaking, Lan Fang said: "It is difficult for you to be kind. For this reason, you will come to me every afternoon, and you can take care of your younger brother in the morning."

Han Changsheng listened to him saying that he had nothing to say.

Elder Lan Fang is not a troublesome person. Since Han Changsheng has already come to him, he has not had a lot of nonsense. Now he has been teaching Han Changsheng to practice swords. This is the first day. He didn't know enough about Han Changsheng, so he started the guiding test. Han Changsheng did not dare to expose his martial arts roads. He only chose the simplest swords to deal with when he tried, smashing, stabbing, cutting, folding...

Until the sky was dark, Lan Fang finally let Han Changsheng go back.

Han Changsheng left the valley and immediately went to Anyuan. At this time, it was the time for dinner. Anyuan’s legs and feet were inconvenient. It was not good to go out for food. Yue Peng arranged a special trip to give Anyuan food.

Han Changsheng came to the disciple's room and happened to see a young disciple carrying the food box to Anyuan's room and immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The disciple was shocked and looked back at Han Changsheng and said, "Master."

Han Changsheng stepped forward and asked: "Is this for the Emperor?"

The disciple nodded.

Han Changsheng grabbed the lunch box in his hand: "I will send it, you can go." And regardless of the disciple's reaction, he went from the disciple's room of Chaoan Yuan. The disciple was stupid for a moment, looking at his empty hand, and had to turn and leave.

Anyuan’s room door was not locked. Han Changsheng pushed the door with the food box. When Anyuan saw Han Changsheng deliver the meal, he could not help but be surprised: “Master, how are you?”

Han Changsheng said: "You hurt your leg. I don't trust you, so I will accompany you for dinner."

An Yuan was very moved to see Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng opened the food box and took out the dishes as they were on the table. The amount was just enough for two people to eat.

Anyuan stood up with the sheets and stood up. He wanted to move to the table. Han Changsheng came over and hit him directly. Anyuan was shocked and subconsciously grabbed Han Changsheng’s neck: "People, you..."

"Don't say anything!" Han Changsheng blocked his mouth with his index finger. His expression was serious and overbearing. "Let me serve you. If you are hurt or hurt, I will feel bad!" After saying this, my heart They all dumped their acting skills. The role of his good brother is really too authentic!

An Yuan stunned, no longer looking at his eyes, turned his eyes away.

Han Changsheng put An Yuan down at the table and handed the chopsticks to him. The two chatted about each other while eating.

Anyuan asked: "You saw the elder Lan Fang this afternoon? How?"

Han Changsheng knew that Anyuan worshipped the elders of Lan Fang, so he first praised Lan Fang and said: "Nothing, just a few tricks with me, let me go tomorrow afternoon."

An Yuan Yan Yan said: "If I can be lucky enough to get the guidance of Elder Lan Fang."

Han Changsheng immediately said: "It doesn't matter, I will learn it, I will teach you."

An Yuan was shocked: "This... how is this done? You are a pro-disciple of Elder Lan Fang, how can you..."

Han Changsheng said: "You Yue... We are the people of Yuehua School to study martial arts, one is to remove the magic martial arts, the second is not to carry forward the martial arts? I will also be a cultivator in the future, and the elder Lan Lan pointed out I, let me point you, what's wrong with us? Is it necessary to hide private between our teachers and brothers?" The ghosts are rare for your Yuehua faction, Laozi just wants to please you! Hurry up and hook up!

An Yuan looked around and looked at Han Changsheng silently. He bit his lip for a while and whispered: "People..."

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows: "Well?"

Anyuan’s heart fell to the sea, but he couldn’t say a word. After a while, he shook his head and bowed his head. He whispered: "Eat."

After the two had finished their dinner, they chatted for a while, until the end of the night, Han Changsheng was reluctant to leave.

In the next few days, Han Changsheng went to Anyuan every morning to see that Anyuan’s injury was not recovered quickly enough. He sighed and sighed. Anyuan’s foot injury is not good, his task is difficult to complete, how can he not worry? However, his performance in the eyes of An Yuan is another scene.

Every afternoon, he reluctantly went to Peach Blossom Valley and Lan Fang to practice swords.

After the contact, he found that Lan Fang was a strange person. Wugong is divided into internal power and external power. The external work focuses on strength and speed. The Nanquan North leg is the most famous. The speed is fast and the power is big enough to collapse. The internal power pays attention to the use of Yili, and the ultimate practice is Shaolin's Admiralty. Cover the iron cloth shirt, you can not get into the gun. The masters of the rivers and lakes are both internal and external, and when Han Changsheng and the elders of Lan Fang contacted, they found that the elders of Lan Fang rarely pressed people with internal strength. Han Changsheng did not even know how deep his internal strength was. He only knew Lan Fang’s The sword is so sharp. He is not blindly pursuing speed, nor has a fancy move. He clearly uses the sword of anyone, but the sword is as long as his hand. He can always use the sword just right, let the opponent It is difficult to parry. This is about the ultimate in swordsmanship in foreign work.

Even so, Han Changsheng did not do his best when he practiced with him. Once Lan Fang asked him to practice on his own, he began to be lazy. It’s all about the dog fairy. Elder Lan Fang looked in his eyes, but did not say anything. When the time came, he would let him come again tomorrow.

Seeing that time passed by, Anyuan’s injury was still not good. Xuanji’s old man still didn’t know which corner was in the armpit. Han Changsheng was almost crazy!

Han Changsheng rushed back to the room and went straight to the floor: "Black and white impermanence! Dog gods! Come out quickly, ah!"

No one responded to him in the quiet room.

It’s not black and white that has forgotten the things of Han Changsheng and Anyuan. It’s just one day in the sky, one year in the world. At this time, the black and white impermanence of the heavenly court’s debriefing has just caught up with the fate of Xianjun.

Anyuan Xianjun was changed by a mortal to the cliff when he was robbed by the mortal. Now all the heavens know, and the singer Xianjun naturally knows that he has already begun investigations before the black and white impermanence. I don’t know if I don’t investigate, and a survey is really a big jump.

Black impermanence worried about the fate: "On the fairy, although the judge has exhausted the mana to let Anyuan Xianjun return to the sun, will his life will be affected?"

The fate of Xianjun smiled: "Whether it is affected? You can see it yourself." With a wave of sleeves, there is a scene in front of the black and white impermanence and the gold on the book of life.

After watching for a moment, the black impermanence was scared, and the white impermanence was scared.

"How can this be? On the fairy, how can this be good?"

Ming Ge Xianjun said: "How can it be good? The temperament of the mortal is already the same. We are immortals, and we cannot easily intervene in the mortal things. All things are caused by the mortal named Han Changsheng. I am afraid. Only he has corrected it." Speaking and sighing, "It’s a pity that I read through countless folk scripts and wrote an interesting book for An Yuanxian. Even his name in the mortal world is It took me three days and three nights to rule out countless options. Unfortunately, it is a pity!"

White impermanence asks: "How much is it like a illusion?"

Ming Ge Xianjun said: "Too much, I have not finished checking."

Black impermanence: "Who is Han Changsheng? Can he change his life when he is a mortal?"

The fate of Xianjun said: "I am also very puzzled about this matter. I have sent Tianbing to investigate."

Three gods, you see me, I see you, all helpless.

White impermanence said: "Before we went to heaven, I ordered his mortal to be the brother of Anyuan Xianjun in the mortal world to make up for the mistakes he made. Now it has been a few days since the mortal, and I don't know that the mortal can still go well."

The look of the fate suddenly became very serious: "There is another thing that I discovered only recently. You come with me."

The three gods drove into the clouds and did not come to the star pool in a moment. The fate of Xianjun came here with black and white impermanence, only to see the stars in the star pool, shining. There are all the stars in the star pool. The gods above the stars in the heavens have a star representing themselves. When you observe the stars, you can know the status of the god.

The singer Xianjun pointed to a star in the star pool: "Can you see the star of Anyuan Xianjun?"

Black and white impermanently fixed eyes, revealing a confused expression. Black impermanence: "The stars of Anyuan Xianjun... It seems a bit strange."

White impermanence nodded: "The half is brighter and the half is darker. What is the reason?"

Ming Ge Xianjun said: "This is what I discovered recently. This star represents Anyuan Xianjun, the stars are so, I am afraid that it will be reflected in the character of the present."

Black and white impermanence is a glimpse: "Character?"

Mingge Xianjun nodded: "My character set for Anyuan Xianjun is a combination of goodness, wisdom, generosity, cheerfulness, and so on. It can be said that there is no weakness. But I don't know why, the stars of Anyuan Xianjun actually Gradually darkened, but only half-dark. This is probably a sign that his character in the mortal world will change. However, this bleakness is not obvious at present, and the bright cover is bleak, and it cannot be seen without careful observation. ”

White impermanence mouth pumped, and did not say. The fate of the immortal singer who wrote to Anyuan was seen by all the gods. Basically, as long as someone dares to say that Anyuan is swearing, the change will fall to the end of the ruin. However, there are always such small people with eyes and no beads around Anyuan, all of which are in order to set off the good character of Anyuan. Whoever encounters this kind of life will have a psychological metamorphosis.

Black impermanence: "Does this affect the Anyuan Xianjun robbery?"

The fate of the beard is on the beard: "This will not affect it for the time being. Do you see the auxiliary star next to it?"

Black and white impermanently nodded together.

Ming Gedao: "This is the star of the Anyuan disaster. As long as this star is not destroyed, it means that he is in the robbery, and there is no failure. Even if there is any scorpion in the process, the star will not be able to remedy. ""

Black and white, the usual glare of the catastrophe star, is still sighing.

White impermanence: "That's the case, but also please ask the celestial soldiers to check the origin of Han Changsheng. Time is not early, we have to hurry down to see how the mortal will correct the number of lives."

Life is a wave of sleeves: "Go!"

The author has something to say: the second is more

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