MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 44

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Han Changsheng almost didn't squirt out. Give Xiao Anyuan a urinal pot?

An Yuan’s face was hard and he took a moment: “...don't remember.”

Han Changsheng stunned his stomach and smiled. Just kidding, remember not to remember, okay!

Yi Laosan looked at Han Changsheng doubtfully, saying: "Young master, he is..."

Without waiting for Anyuan to open, Han Changsheng walked up and hooked Anyuan’s shoulders, a close-knit look, and the human and animal smiled harmlessly: "I am his master."

Yi Laosan looked at Han Changsheng: "You are Yue Peng's Yue Peng? I didn't expect it to be so young."

An Yuan slanted Han Changsheng, Han Changsheng did not defend, and after sweeping the eyes of the old guys, those guys dressed up: "Who are they?"

Yi Laosan quickly went to the table and pulled two chairs for An Yuan and Han Changsheng. After the bandits heard about the identity of Anyuan, you look at me. I see you. The hostility to them seems to have weakened a lot. The knife was just put down and the knife was put down.

Han Changsheng sat down abruptly, and Anyuan sat down beside him.

Yi Laosan sighed and said: "The young master has been away for more than ten years. It is estimated that things happening in the Heavenly Government are not clear. These things have been long."

It turned out that this day, although the Taoist government was not a rich place, but because there is a Tianyuan Mountain Villa, those who are unconcerned do not dare to do evil, so the people of Tiandaofu live and work in peace and happiness, and the people's livelihood. However, since the Tianyuan Mountain Villa fell, the nearby rogues invaded Tiandaofu, and Tiandaofu had no barriers. It fell into a Shura field of weak meat. The people who lived here were either dead or fleeing, or Also fell into the grass for the king of the mountain. The fields are ridiculous, the workshops are abandoned, and the Heavenly Government has gradually fallen into this appearance.

After Anyuan listened, his face was very heavy. Han Changsheng Yu Guangyu saw his fist pinched tightly. Anyuan said: "Why are you in this mountain village?"

Yi Laosan said: "When the young master left, I was only a teenager in the age of ten. In order to survive, several of our brothers also fell into the grass, set up a sundial help, and some extra travelers on weekdays to protect. My own villagers. It’s a small master who didn’t know Taishan and only sinned the young master and young master. Last night, I actually recognized the young master. The young master did not change much when he was a child. He just couldn’t be sure. Today’s young master found this. When the villa came, the small one was finally confirmed." He wiped the tears. "You are back, the young man is very happy, but now the mountain has been... the young master, why are you coming back?"

The thieves knew the identity of Anyuan, and they were not hostile. Some people also poured wine on Anyuan and Han Changsheng, and some people went to eat them.

"I didn't expect it to be a small owner. I was offended." Two other nights who participated in the night attack came up to apologize. "No wonder you are so powerful, we can really rush to the Dragon King Temple, haha..."

Han Changsheng retired the wine bowl they sent, and looked at Anyuan with a sneak eye. This guy, yesterday gave the old three silver, and then ran away in the middle of the night, in the end is out of heart, or recognize the easy old three? If it is good, how can you look at your face like this? If you remember Yi Laosan, how many things did he remember? Can you still remember Li Jiulong on the shore of Daming Lake?

A mountain thief asked with expectation: "Small owner, are you coming back this time, is it going to revitalize Tianyuan Villa?" The other thieves immediately stopped their work and looked forward to Anyuan.

Most of these thieves are the local people who have fallen into the grass. Some older people still remember the scene when the Tiandao Village lived and enjoyed life when the Tianyuan Villa was brilliant. Although young people don't have much time to remember, they also heard from the elders that the owner of Tianyuan Mountain Villa is a good person. If Tianyuan Mountain Villa is still there, today's Heavenly Government will never become this appearance.

Han Changsheng said: "Yi Laosan, since you were the next person in Tianyuan Mountain Villa, when the Emperor Huangzhuang was killed, you are also in the villa?"

Yi Lao three nod, think of things fifteen years ago, gnashing his teeth: "The **** demon religion, that is, they have made our heavenly government into such a thing! I told my brethren some time ago, wait for us to recruit more Brothers, let’s go to the mountains and kill the old masters!”

Han Changsheng almost smiled. Just because of these few guys who are not martial arts, they still want to kill Tianning.

An Yuan looked at Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng was busy and said: "What happened on the day, you know?"

Yi Laosan listened to Han Changsheng’s question, his expression was a bit confused, and he grabbed his head: “Know, everyone in Tiandaofu knows. Tianning teaches us to pass through our heavenly palace, because we hate the old master, so we killed the old The owner also ransacked the valuable things in the villa."

Han Changsheng frowned. In this way, the **** case of Tianyuan Mountain Villa is even more impossible for them to teach in Tianning. Although Tianning teaches people to kill, they never steal money. Tianning teaches that there is no shortage of money, not to mention that Tiandao is located in the Western Region. Out of the mountain, but in the north, grabbed the property so far and far away to return to work and hurt the people!

Anyuan asked: "Have you seen the people of the demon?"

Yi Laosan grabbed his hair again: "I saw it, Master, you didn't see it that day. A dozen blindfolded guys saw people, and your niece hid you in the cupboard. I scared that day. I have to hide under the table before I escaped. They killed a lot of people!"

An Yuan’s eyebrows are close, and his head is contemplative. He seems to be trying to remember the things of his childhood.

Han Changsheng laughed and said: "Blind face? A dozen people?" That old master took him on a trip, and the Communist Party brought three or four people. They are not thieves in Tianning, and they never win by number. However, he can't say this. He knows too much and will definitely cause Anyuan's doubts.

“What's wrong?” asked Yi Sansan. “How do you start to ask about this?”

Han Changsheng also asked: "Is this mountain house rebuilt?"

Yi Laosan shook his head: "No! This Zhuangzi was abandoned for a few years. Later, when several of our brothers did not have a place to stay, they returned here. But the things in Zhuangzi have not been touched by our brothers."

A few people chatted, and the sky was already dusk.

In order to entertain Anyuan and Han Changsheng, several thieves deliberately made a table of wine, although not rich, but also considered the heart.

An Yuan and Han Changsheng rushed for a few days, and had barely eaten a few serious meals, so they did not deny their kindness.

At the dinner table, Yi Laosan asked: "Master, you are investigating this matter again, is it going to find a demon teacher?"

Last night, another man who participated in the robbery immediately said: "The Shaozhuang master and the master Wu Yi of the Shaozhuang master are so superb that they can definitely give the magic to a pot!"

Han Changsheng’s nostrils screamed at the heavens and the earth. If you let these guys know that their young master is the demon leader, don't scare them all!

Anyuan only said: "When I was young, many things could not be remembered. This time I came back to find out what happened in the past. If you have a head debt and you have to take revenge, you have to understand the account."

Several thieves looked at each other and their face was difficult to cover the expression of disappointment.

One person whispered: "That is the plan to reinvigorate Tianyuan Villa?"

Another person said: "Well, let the **** who help the bad guys drive out."

Yi Laosan glanced at them, and the few people snorted.

Anyuan Emei: "Gust help?"

Several thieves face each other. After a while, finally someone couldn't help but say: "The Shaozhuang Lord, the evil wind gang is the bandit gang nearby. Since the Tianyuan Mountain Villa fell, the nearby bandits and horse thieves invaded the heavenly government, and made the heavens and the government unpopular, especially evil. They are not only robbing money, but also robbing women and children. Although our brothers have robbed foreigners, they have to protect the villagers, so they are the most fierce to fight with the evil wind."

Yi Laosan stopped talking and carefully watched the faces of An Yuan and Han Changsheng. An Yuan’s face is expressionless, and he is not convinced. Han Changsheng is lacking in interest. It’s been more than two months since the martial arts conference. Before that, I can’t find out what happened fifteen years ago. I’m not interested in it. What good wind to help the evil wind, with Anyuan's life experience has nothing to do, he does not want to insert a finger. Now he is a little scared of his life that he can change his life. Because of a Li Jiulong, he has become more and more involved with snowballing. Now he can’t wait to be with anyone who doesn’t care. Pull on the relationship.

Yi Laosan saw their reluctance, and the people who were busy with each other’s mouths yelled: “Where is the evil wind help, how can the Shaozhuang owner be in danger! The sky is not early, Shaozhuang and Yue’s master go first. Take a break, what will be said tomorrow."

Han Changsheng responded and got up and left the table and swayed.

Tianyuan Mountain Villa also had hundreds of people in the same year, so there were a lot of houses, and Yi Laosan placed two empty rooms for them to let them stay first.

The sky soon became dark, but Han Changsheng did not sleep.

Fifteen years ago, he always felt that something was wrong. What is certain now is that people are definitely not killed by Tianning. However, according to those dog gods, the original book of life, Huangfu Tugen is the master of the Tianning religion, only because it was still young. Han Changsheng cried and made a hard change and changed their route, so that they missed Tianyuan Villa. Since the lifeblood has changed, the emperor’s roots should be alive and well, how can they die? Is the fate of the book a mistake, or ... the murderer also has a relationship with him Han Changsheng? Did he change the murderer's life? So what is wrong with this?

But he was only five years old, he has such a great ability!

Han Changsheng shook his head, changed his body, and found a fire, and sneaked out the door. All in all, he first investigates what is wrong with the villa!

The village was quiet, late at night, and the thieves and Anyuan had already slept. Han Changsheng touched the master bedroom and pushed the door open. This should be the place where the emperor was born.

He lit the fire and looked at the entire room. The room was very messy, the desk was split in half, the cabinet fell, and there were dark traces on the ground, which seemed to be old blood. He bent down and touched it, there was a lot of dust, it seems that no one has been here for many years.

Han Changsheng set the fire to the side and began to look around to see if he could find out what was going on.

Suddenly, a cold voice rang behind him: "What are you looking for?"

The author has something to say: thanks to the 芷芷, Yue Mingya, dyed mines

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