MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 52

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Han Changsheng intends to take Anyuan back to the vicinity of the Yuehua School. The Mingyue faction is not far from the Yuehua School. First, check Liu Xiaoqi's life experience, and then see if there is any new evidence for the death of the elders. They returned to the Central Plains from Heaven, and they spent nearly half a month.

They arrived at an inn in the evening. There are still three or five days away from Yuehua School. If you want to return to Yuehua School, you must not go back with An Yi, who is not remembered. How close he is to investigating Liu Xiaoqi is also a difficult point. Han Changsheng has not thought about how to do it. In the past few days, Han Changsheng and Anyuan’s footsteps have slowed down somewhat.

As soon as I entered the inn, Han Changsheng saw that the inn was full of martial arts people.

A few people around a young man wearing blue clothes are complimenting him: "Lu Shaoxia is really young and promising." "Will Lu Shaoxia attend the Wulin Conference?" "Your shackles are passed on by you."

Han Changsheng glanced at the few guys. Surrounded by the middle, is a young man in his twenties, with a pair of Danfeng eyes, a tall nose, a thin lips, a arrogance between the eyebrows, the most laughter, but some casual and noble, cold, It doesn't seem to put people around you in the eye. Seeing that he breathed, I know that I am a master. It is no wonder that such a young person is so proud. As for the few people around him, some Sabre, some with swords, and some long guns on one side, it seems to be different sects, age is not equal, there are young people and middle-aged people, all over the world, I do not know How did it get together?

After waiting for a few people to compliment, the young man finally said: "The maiden, stop, the speech is very good!"

Han Changsheng almost fell to the ground. Such a noble and glamorous man, actually speaking a Baoji dialect, is really... big scenery.

Anyuan saw him staring at others in a daze and gently licked him: "What are you looking at?"

Han Changsheng shrugged and walked to the counter of the inn to open the room.

"The treasurer. Give me two rooms." Han Changsheng said.

The shopkeeper lost the smile and said: "The guest officer, recently there are many small land guests, only one room, or someone just retired."

Han Changsheng frowned: "No other room?"

The shopkeeper said: "This is the same as the shop, but the guest officer..." Han Changsheng and An Yuan both covered their faces with straw hats, but the clothes were still pretty bright, and they were not willing to sleep.

Han Changsheng is a little annoyed. When I slept with Anyuan in the evening, he couldn't remove makeup. When I was in Tiandao, I didn't remove makeup for a few days, and my face was acne, which really affected his domineering.

Anyuan did not have any opinions, standing by and waiting.

Han Changsheng thought about it, but decided to give up, and then go to other nearby inns to see if there is any room available. He had not turned around and turned sharply. The conversation on the side of the table once again attracted the attention of Han Changsheng.

"Lu Shaoxia, will the martial arts generals announce the plan to encircle Tianning?" "Yes, the magical teachings have become more and more arrogant in these years. I heard that they killed the moon-moon elders of the Mingyue month a month ago. Let me put it down and let us slash the martial arts one by one and take away our martial arts cheats. It is really hateful! Never let them indulge!"

I bother! Han Changsheng secretly groaned. Who indulges who? At the beginning, the martial arts were gathering thousands of people to attack the Lushan Mountain. Was it not beaten by the original Tianzun Master Gao Fengfeng? It’s simply that you are not doing it yourself!

"Let's change the inn." Anyuan's cold voice pulled Han Changsheng's mind back. "Other inns may have a room."

Han Changsheng figured out a hanging money and shot it directly on the counter: "One room, I want it!"

An Yuanyi.

Someone patronizes the business, the shopkeeper is naturally very happy, immediately collected the money to register, and then handed a sign to Han Changsheng: "The third Kunfang room on the left hand side of the building is, the officer has any instructions to call me immediately. ”

Anyuan looked at Han Changsheng: "Why don't you go to another hotel to see?" They didn't care when they didn't live in the wild. They went to the inn, bathing everything in a room, two big men live together. How much is inconvenient.

Han Changsheng sneered at the shoulders of Anyuan in a close-knit manner: "What happened to a room, the feelings of the mentor and the apprentice are so good, I like to sleep with you a bed, and there is a person who can squat at night. How comfortable it is."

An Yuan’s face was red, but fortunately, there was a straw hat that could not be seen. He turned his eyes and sighed slightly. Is this a confession? This guy really has a bad intention for himself? Sleeping at night is also deliberately glaring at him, isn't it? Did his name in his dreams dream of him or did he deliberately give it to him? If you are dreaming, dreaming of him every night is too much! Does this guy have... do you like yourself? !

Han Changsheng did not notice the abnormality of Anyuan. He pretended to look at the front casually, but he was always eavesdropping on the table. Who is this Lu Shaoxia? Why are these martial arts people holding the stars on his stars? Anyway, it’s just a young man. The rivers and lakes are still very well-recognized. Just enter a slightly famous martial art, and when you are older, even if you are rooted, you have to respect him. This is also one of the reasons why Han Changsheng is disgusted with the decent name. These people are sore and sour, which makes people feel toothache. This young man can be a center. It should be that his origins are quite powerful. Why do they talk to him about the Wulin Conference? Which martial art kid is so powerful?

Suddenly, Han Changsheng noticed a familiar guy in the crowd. The man was young and not too big. He looked at Jomo thirty, with a sword at his waist, and looked at the young Lu Gongzi with a false look.

At this time, the familiar guy turned his eyes and saw the Anyuan and Han Changsheng wearing straw hats.

Han Changsheng suddenly remembered. This guy is a big disciple of the Yunxiao School! The first time he and An Yuan met the mysterious old man, he met him and two other disciples of Yunxiao. Han Changsheng was still on his face at the time! If he was not disrespectful to the mysterious old man, he would not make a big misunderstanding, so that the mysterious old man thought that Han Changsheng was a good-hearted good-hearted child and taught his disrespectful juniors for himself.

Now Han Changsheng changed his face, and Anyuan wore a straw hat. They didn’t wear Yuehua’s clothes anymore, so the Yunxiao school disciples didn’t recognize them at a glance. However, on the same day, Anyuan also wore a straw hat to cover his face. The expression on his face was somewhat confused. Until the person on the side smashed him, he only returned to God and continued to laugh at Lu Shaoxia.

Han Changsheng heard a knife at the front of the building and said: "Lu Shaoxia, after dinner, can you be willing to appreciate the light in the next two moves?"

Han Changsheng and Anyuan have already gone upstairs, and the words behind are not heard.

It’s not early in the day. Han Changsheng and An Yuanjin entered the house and put down the ceremony. They went downstairs to have dinner.

The people downstairs are still there, Han Changsheng and An Yuangang are seated, somehow, the topic of the table has actually returned to the demon.

"It was too hateful to teach that day. The martial arts conference in this world can't wait any longer. The matter of conquering the demon must be put on the agenda. I am the first to participate!"

"Go and go, Laojin, what are you robbing, Lu Shaoxia, let us go to the Eight Diagrams!"

Han Chang was so angry that his teeth were itchy. If Anyuan was on the side, the chopsticks in front of him had already been thrown out of the faces of the guys, and he had to knock a few front teeth.

Anyuan called Xiao Er, and after ordering a few dishes, he said: "On the first place, sweet-scented osmanthus."

The second child should have a voice, and it happened that the table next to him also waved him to the past, and also ordered a scent of osmanthus.

Xiao Er walked away. After a while, he took a jar of wine and walked straight toward the table where there were more people. He put the wine down at their desk and came to Han Changsheng and Anyuan. He laughed and said: Can't live, the store osmanthus has been sold out."

Han Changsheng was so angry that the anger that he had endured for a long time finally sprang out at this moment. He slammed the table and the wooden table was short. He shouted: "Mom got a bask, do you know who Laozi is?"

Suddenly, the entire hotel was silent, and the eyes of the martial arts people who were still talking and laughing were shooting at him.

The author has something to say: thanks to 芷芷x3, Yue Mingya, cai, azure, night moon, temper, foggy flowers, rabbit white x5 mines

I am sorry that these two days are a bit too much, so the update is a bit less. When I am busy, I will add more compensation!