MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 73

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Han Changsheng did not deny it. Liu Xiaoqi recognizes that he is passing the smell, so no matter how easy he is, his acting skills will be more brilliant, and he will not be Liu Xiaoqi.

Han Changsheng said: "Let's go, change the place to talk."

Before leaving the inn, the two walked to an unmanned alley. Han Changsheng asked, "How come you?"

Liu Xiaoqi said: "I... I came to see you. This afternoon, I saw that you and the two brothers have collapsed. I just found it after the taste."

Han Changsheng said: "Look for me? Then why don't you go upstairs?"

Liu Xiaoqi lowered his head and did not speak.

Han Changsheng guessed that he was afraid that he would not dare to trade, so he said, "Well, what are you looking for?"

Liu Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed, but he still had the courage to look up at Han Changsheng and asked: "Master... I mean, who are you?"

Han Changsheng jumped his lips and said: " call me Han handsome, or call me Han Da." He warned, "You can only call me when no one is there."

Liu Xiaoqi moved to see Han Changsheng. He is not allowed to call this name in front of people, that is to say, Han Changsheng looks at him differently?

Han Changsheng said: "You still don't say what is it for?"

Liu Xiaoqi looked down at his clothes, obviously tangled, but after a while, he still braved the courage: "Han brother, what I want to say is very important to me, so I have to ask you a few questions first. You Who is it?"

Han Changsheng said: "This, there is no comment."

Liu Xiaoqi bit his lip and whispered: "That, what is your relationship with the two brothers?"

Han Changsheng frowned and meditated for a while, saying: "This... I am a friend with him. Why, what do you have to say about him?"

Liu Xiaoqi said: "I...I..."

He was a long time for me, but he couldn’t say why, Han Changsheng was anxious for him: "What happened?"

Liu Xiaoqi took a deep breath and said: "Han brother, why did you ask me about the show knife door before?"

Han Changsheng also wants to ask him about the show, but he is afraid that he still refuses to say it. He did not expect that he would take the initiative. Han Changsheng thought for a moment, if both of them had reservations, no one would like to put himself first. This will greatly affect the progress of his investigation. After checking this for a long time, the only person who may have a deeper involvement with the show knife door is Liu Xiaoqi.

So Han Changsheng said the truth: "For the sake of Tianyuan Mountain Villa."

Liu Xiaoqi is silent. After a while, he said: "The second brother is the person of Tianyuan Mountain Villa?"

Han Changsheng nodded: "He is the owner of the Tianyuan Villa - but now there seems to be no less owner."

Liu Xiaoqi smiled bitterly: "Han brother and the second brother are really good. Are you coming to Yuehua for him?"

Han Changsheng did not know how to answer this question, only silence.

Liu Xiaoqi said: "Since the two brothers went to Nanshan to send letters, the smell of the master suddenly changed, and the temperament seems to have changed. It was only then that I didn't think too much. I thought that the two brothers changed their habits and caused the smell to change. Han Big Brother is the second person who knows outside the family? Just don't know where the original master went."

Han Changsheng said: "Is this related?"

Liu Xiaoqi shook his head: "No. I like Han Dae very much. I came to Yuehua School. I was bullied everywhere. Only Han Da is good to me and I don't want others to bully me. Han Da Ge also caught the bad guys like Yin and Yang." Real heroes."

Han Changsheng was once again boasted of being a hero, feeling that his body was full of arrows, full of heart plugs.

Liu Xiaoqi took a deep breath and said: "I believe Han Da Ge, so I told you my life. Han Da brother did not guess wrong, I am the person who is the show knife door. Han Da Ge is not doubt, Tianyuan Villa that year Is the killing of the door to the door of the show?

Han Changsheng said: "It is not a killing of the door. It only kills the roots of the Tianyuan Villa." As for the killing of other people in Tianyuan Villa."

Liu Xiaoqi said: "This is actually the case..."

Han Changsheng saw that he seemed to be unclear about the events of the year, and his heart was suddenly cooled. He originally hoped to discover the truth from Liu Xiaoqi. It seems that Liu Xiaoqi doesn't know much. After all, he was only two years old.

However, Liu Xiaoqi’s next words made Han Changsheng startled: “I originally thought that it’s impossible for us to sit down and kill the Tianyuan Mountain Villa. After all, we are thousands of miles away from Tianyuan Mountain Villa. I can't send so many people. But if it's just Huangpu Zhuangzhu..." He bit his lip and looked heavy. "When I was a child, I listened to me and the head. They said, they are sorry for Tianyuan Villa. I have been very curious, I went to inquire and knew that Tianyuan Villa was destroyed by people 15 years ago. I don’t know if they are referring to this thing, but I think it is impossible to think about it. At that time, I Although I am young, but I am also in this world, I have never heard of the fact that all of us have been rushing to Heavenly Palace. It turned out that I wanted to marry..." Han Changsheng was shocked: "Is it really what you guys show?"

Liu Xiaoqi bit his lip and tangled: "I... I don't know. I asked him and the head. They told me not to ask, I never said anything to me. I just said that they are sorry for Tianyuan Villa, I only Do you suspect that it will be involved in this matter."

Han Changsheng said: "You marry them..."

Liu Xiaoqi said: "A few years ago, we saw the knife door being destroyed, and only I escaped alone."

These things have been known before Han Changsheng, and now they are confirmed, only feel sorry. He checked for a long time, that is, he wanted to find out who the real murderer killed Anyuan’s father. If it was really a showman, but now the show knife door is gone, and there is one Liu Xiaoqi, who has nothing to do with him. The dead can't talk, how do you know more clearly about the things of the year?

Han Changsheng said: "Why did you join the Yuehua School?"

Liu Xiaoqi said: "There are two reasons. One is that our head and Yue Peng's head are very good. When I was a child, I also hoped that I could learn the swordsmanship. When I grow up, I will send me to Yuehua to study. Two years. I fled alone, drifting away for a few years, martial arts were low, and even survival became a difficult problem. I went to the Yuehua faction."

Han Changsheng asked: "So, Yue Peng knows that you are the person who shows the knife door? He is not very good to you, see how much his daughter likes to bully you."

Liu Xiaoqi shook his head: "The head does not know. I have not said it to others. I don't know who can believe it. Han, you are the first person to know my identity."

Han Changsheng glanced at his nose and said, "What about the second reason?"

Liu Xiaoqi said: "Two... it is because of the second brother."

“Hmmm?” Han Changsheng frowned: “Because Anyuan?”

Liu Xiaoqi smiled bitterly: "Han brother helped the second brother to check his **** hatred. I also want to check the **** hatred of our show. We have never had a fight with the world. There is almost no enemy. The rumors on the rivers and lakes are because we have offended nearby. The thief's nest was only slaughtered. In fact, it is not that simple. There is indeed a group of thieves in the vicinity of our show, and the heads and elders arrested the thief's head in order to protect the nearby people. The young people who have fallen into the grass are killed, except for the crimes. The rest of the reprimands are scattered. They have passed away for three or five months. Suddenly, a group of masters came in and saw people. Killing, it became the tragedy of the year... The martial arts of our show knife door is indeed not high, but the ordinary mountain thief is so powerful? Can we fight the whole martial art up and down without any help? And the thieves It’s already gone, it’s not what they do.”

Han Changsheng’s more frowning is more frowning: “What does this have to do with Anyuan?”

Liu Xiaoqi said: "After I escaped, I went to investigate the so-called thieves that broke into that day, but I could not find their whereabouts. I spent many years investigating. Our show knife door is just a small martial art, and there is no What is the strength of victory, usually only occasionally exchanges martial arts with other martial art, the martial arts conference has not come to participate, we prefer to perfume, rely on this to make money, the people in the martial art live rich and healthy. Waiting for me to grow up I will recall the group of gangsters in the future. I think they are like killers who have been hired. I think about it, I don’t know if we have offended the knife door, so that those people want to destroy us, there is The conflicts are also trivial things that can't be made to this level. The only thing I can think of is the father and the head of the Tianyuan Mountain Villa who have always kept their mouths open."

"Ha?" Han Changsheng said, "So, do you think that Anyuan hired a killer to kill your martial art?"

Liu Xiaoqi immediately said: "I know that the two brothers are also very good and will not do such a thing. I just heard that the Shaozhuang owner of Tianyuan Villa was received by the Yuehua School, and I remembered that the head of the year was good with Yuehua. I mixed into the Yuehua faction and wanted to see if I could find anything related to our martial art."

Han Changsheng licked his teeth. How things seem to be getting more and more complicated, and the things in Tianyuan Mountain Villa have not been checked yet, and there is a public case of a show knife door. If Huangfu is not killed by the people who show the knife door, if the people who show the knife door are so sorry that Tianyuan Villa is just because they know the inside story, is it possible that the person who hired the killer was the murderer who killed the Huangfu root? In order to destroy the mouth?

Han Changsheng said: "Do you know which martial art on the rivers and lakes, the knife method is similar to the show knife door, twists and turns?"

Liu Xiaoqi stunned and thought for a long time, shook his head: "I can't think of it."

Han Changsheng muttered: "That's blame. Do you know who you are, and who is better with the head of the show? You may know the inside story of fifteen years ago?"

Liu Xiaoqi sighed: "So many years, I can ask anyone who can ask, no one knows about this."

Han Changsheng snorted with some irritability, and suddenly remembered the mysterious master who met in the middle of the night in the middle of the night, saying: "Right, has there been any intruders in Yuehua recently?"

Liu Xiaoqi looked blank: "I have never heard of it."

"Well?" Han Changsheng muttered: "Who would it be? In the back of the mountain, except for the elders of Lan Fang, who else is there?"

Liu Xiaoqi said: "I didn't go into Yuehua for a long time. Even the elders of Lan Fang heard a lot, I don't know if Han Da asked."

Both of them were puzzled, and when they got to this point, they got stuck. The sky is already dark and I can't reach my fingers. Han Changsheng said: "Go back first, I will come back to you later."

Liu Xiaoqi nodded.

Han Changsheng said: "Yes, why did Yue Peng bring you and Yue Yuer to the Wulin Conference?"

Liu Xiaoqi said: "It is for the master and the second brother. The elders Lan Fang and the mysterious old man were found dead in the back mountain. The dragon sword was stolen, and the master and the second brother were missing. The head was sent for a long time and there was no big The news of the brothers and the two brothers, I don’t know if you will come to the martial arts conference, or you can hear your news at the martial arts conference. My sister and I have the best relationship with you, and the head is taking us out. I hope we can help. Find you, or you don't want to go back, let us persuade you."

Han Changsheng sneered aloud and said: "I know, it's okay, go back to rest."

Liu Xiaoqi stood in the same place for a while, whispered: "Han brother, I know that you are a good person. I have seen many people in these years, and I have been deceived. Your mind is simple, your heart is good, and your martial arts are excellent. I ... please help me."

The mind is simple, the heart is good... Han Changsheng was re-engaged by Liu Xiaoqi's knife. He waved his handlessly: "Go ahead, let's talk later."

The author has something to say: thanks to 芷芷, temperx2, xiaoxiao, Yue Mingya x2, Murong 澜 skirt, pumping paper 7, tangled mines