MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 92

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The top ten killers of Shadowmoon Gate received a secret order from the doorkeeper this morning and immediately rushed to the place where they gathered. After they were all together, the door owner did not arrive immediately. There was an incense burner in the lobby. There seemed to be no smoke in the incense burner, but when you look closely, it seems that white smoke has leaked out.

"How come the doorkeeper hasn't come yet?"

A killer waited impatiently and couldn't help but ask.

The tenth killer Ronnie looked very upset today, and he kept his head down and constantly licking his nails.

"What about your flute?" asked the ninth killer sitting next to him.

Ronnie was shocked and looked up: "Ah, huh?"

The ninth killer smiled and said: "Don't you always bring your flute and piano to call those beasts? How did the flute disappear? Oh, yes, I heard that your mission failed a few days ago, almost called Yun Yu sent those pustules. Did you kill you?"

Ronnie’s expression was a little angry, Zhang mouth wanted to say something, endured forbearance, and swallowed again.

"When the door owner suddenly summons us all, what is it for?" Someone started talking.

"There should be a new mission."

"What mission is for us to work with ten people?"

"I am afraid it is not a task. It is really an eventful autumn recently."

"It’s all blaming Lu Honghua, there’s nothing wrong with thinking about it. It’s really a lot of trouble to come to us recently.”

“It’s all awesome, don’t worry.”

After a while, the door of the Shadow Moon Gate, Li Wei, finally appeared. The killers have bowed to Li Wei. Ronnie looked at Li Wei and quickly lowered his head and looked flustered. Fortunately, no one paid attention to him.

Li Wei sat down on the south seat and tilted his legs. He seemed to feel uncomfortable. He changed his legs and leaned back on the back of the chair.

"The doorkeeper, you gather here, but what is the mission?"

Li Wei took a sip of tea and wiped her mouth: "There is a task in nature, and there is a big task. I want you to kill."

Several killers glanced at each other. It is not uncommon to kill people. They are the killer organization, collecting money and killing people. This is something that is done every month every year. It’s just that Li Wei is so singular.

"Who are you going to kill?" asked the number one killer.

Li Weidao: "I want you to kill a total of ten people - oh no, it is eleven, but there is one I have killed myself this morning, and there are still ten - Oh no, it is nine One person has sincerely voted for me, and I have promised to spare him a life."

The killers listened to Li Wei’s words, and they couldn’t help but face each other. They all showed a skeptical look.

"What the **** is it?"

Li Wei smiled slightly and looked back at the incense burner on the table. He said to himself: "The time is almost up."

A few clever killers moved and suddenly realized that things were wrong.

"You!" The top killer slammed the sword out, but did not attack, bowed his head and looked at his hand incredulously.

Li Wei didn't know whether it was a hand loose or a deliberate one. The teacup in his hand fell to the ground, only to hear a bang, and two people rushed in from the door. It was Hua Xiaoshuang and An Yuan.

Sitting in the first seat of the Shadow Moon Gate, Li Wei, who is the makeup of Han Changsheng, took a table, and when he did not know when he had more decapitation, he rushed to the top of the Shadowmoon. The number one killer said that it should be a great martial artist. However, he was like a wooden stake, and Han Hansheng slaughtered. A blood shadow flashed, and the pile killer went straight.

Ronnie turned and ran out, the ninth killer sitting next to him said: "Are you a traitor?" He shot to catch Ronnie. This caught an empty space and was replaced by a small pair of flowers passing by. The face fell distortedly.

The other killers were shocked and they pulled out their swords to prepare for a stop. However, at this time they discovered that they had no strength and the internal forces could not be made.

However, in a flash, the nine masters were all put down by Han Changsheng's three-person cut vegetables. Each of the first-level killers of the Shadow Moon Gate carries two brands, one for identification and one for the second-level killer under the command. Because the killer is a job that hangs his head on the waistband of the trousers, today people may still die tomorrow, so the people who kill the seats will also change. Everyone has a different identity card, but the first-level killer The ten-number token will not change. Han Changsheng searched all the brands on them and threw them into a bag. Ronnie slammed into the corner and looked at him. Han Changsheng gave him a hand. He scared back two steps. Han Changsheng said: "What about you? ”

Ronnie came back to God and quickly handed over his brand to Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng clap his hands and said: "I didn't expect things to be so smooth."

This morning, Han Changsheng led Ronnie through Ronnie and fought a battle with Li Wei. Although the main martial arts of the Shadow Moon Gate was high and strong, it was not Han Changsheng’s opponent. He was cut off by the first level. Han Changsheng took his token and summoned the top ten killers at Shadowmoon Gate. Despite their high martial arts, the top ten killers of Shadowmoon Gate are not firewood. If the real knife is really hit, there is something wrong with it, so Han Changsheng came up with this trick. Speaking of it, it can be so easy, but also thanks to Liu Xiaoqi.

Han Changsheng put ten incense and soft stalks in the incense burner beforehand, which can seal the internal strength of the top ten killers. However, these ten people have been mixing rivers and lakes for a long time. The ten soft gluten has its own special smell. It is not easy for them to recruit them. They always carry all kinds of detoxification materials. Once they are discovered, this plan will not be completed. There will be a stunned snake. In Kunlun Mountain, Liu Xiaoqi gave Han Changsheng a special fragrance called no phase. No phase separation, colorless, tasteless, non-toxic, can relieve nerves and help sleep. If this is the case, the non-phase is just plain, but the most amazing thing is that it does not know whether it can paralyze people's sense of smell or neutralize the medicinal properties of other drugs, as long as they are ignited with other odorous things, all The smell will not smell. In this way, the non-phase and poisonous fragrance will be put together, not only can cover the smell of the poison, but also the effect of no dispersal itself, it is easier for the master to be poisoned without knowing it.

This Shadow Moon Gate is the murderer of dozens of people who slaughtered Liu Xiaoqi's slashing knife door. Liu Xiaoqi's martial arts inconvenience was personally shot. Han Changsheng's move was also to let Liu Xiaoqi indirectly report the enemy.

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "These troubles have been solved. The Shadow Moon Gate is no leader. With these tokens, the rest of the people will be dissolved and things will be completely solved."

Han Changsheng nodded.

Ronnie laughed and said: "So I will go first?"

Han Changsheng said: "Remember what I said to you?"

An Yuan and Hua Xiaoshuang’s faces all showed a confused look.

Han Changsheng privately confessed to Ronnie and asked him to send a message to the outside world, saying that Anyuan had killed the shadow door and the top ten killers, and made a name for the Anyuan.

Ronnie’s face showed some weird look, but nodded: "I know."

Han Changsheng said: "Go."

Ronnie ran out immediately.

Anyuan asked: "What did you say to him?"

Han Changsheng said: "Ah, nothing, just let him wash his face from now on, don't do evil again."

Anyuan nodded: "It should be."

Hua Xiaoshuang, but he smiled and stared at Han Changsheng.

Where did Han Changsheng dare to look at Xiaoshuang and said: "Let's go."

Out of the shadow moon gate, Han Changsheng gave a few pieces of the token just received to Hua Xiaoshuang: "These are handed over to you, how to contact the second-level killer Ronnie said last night, this solves these. ”

The flower double received the token and said nothing.

Han Changsheng also handed it over to Anyuan: "These are you."

Anyuan accepted.

Han Changsheng said: "There are many long night dreams. We have to go through the things of Shadowmoon Gate and gather at the inn."

Hua Xiaoshuang once again looked at Han Changsheng with a smile and smiled. He took the token and left.

When Huan Xiaoyi went, Anyuan also went to perform his own task. Han Changsheng looked at Huanxiao and walked away, and immediately chased away in the direction of Anyuan’s departure.

"Wait." Han Changsheng called Anyuan. "This is not an urgent matter. You will accompany me back to the inn. I have other things to do."

An Yuanyi said: "You are not saying that you have to deal with this matter first?"

Han Changsheng couldn’t help but say, pull him up and leave: "That is not anxious at this moment."

An Yuan looked at Han Changsheng. The makeup on Han Changsheng’s face has not been removed. He said: "The people in your martial art are very good at the art of tolerance."

Han Changsheng perfunctors: "I am also a flush student."

An Yuan said again: "If you have something, why don't you find flowers to accompany you, but find me?"

Not waiting for Han Changsheng’s excuses, Anyuan added: “You seem to want to separate me from the flowers.”

Han Changsheng suddenly smiled. He wants to let Anyuan and Hua Xiaoshao make less contact. He now takes the flower doubles away, and he is afraid that the flowers will hinder the next thing he will do. He can only smile and say: "You misunderstood, how come."

An Yuan glanced at him deeply, and did not entangle him again. He honestly followed Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng walked over to a tree and jumped in. After a while, he held a big wooden box and handed it over to Anyuan: "You will help me first."

An Yuanqi said: "What is this?"

Han Changsheng said: "After a while, you will know. In short, it is useful. You are holding it."

Anyuan smashed it, but it was not too heavy, and he held the wooden box in his arms.

Han Changsheng took Anyuan into the city and pointed to a teahouse. "You will wait for me first. I will go back and change my clothes and wash my face. You will accompany me to work."

Anyuan has no opinion on this.

Han Changsheng left, and Anyuan entered the teahouse alone, and Fang Fang stopped when he entered. The teahouses are all martial arts people, and the Yunxiao people who met the night before are actually here.

When Anyuan came in, everyone's eyes immediately gathered. Anyuan immediately untied his straw hat from his back and found a remote place to sit down and wait for Han Changsheng.

"Oh." Someone sneered with a disdain. “Pretend to be the same.”

Naturally, some people were fascinated by An Yuan’s appearance, staring at him and desperately looking at it, and wanted to see more of his peerless looks from the veil.

The teahouse is noisy, and everyone’s face is impatient and whispering to the people around them.

"Do you say that Shadowmoon Gate is not playing us?"

"Yeah, I also think this thing is strange. I suddenly received a message in the morning, saying that the people of Shadow Moon Gate will come here today, but you see that there are so many martial arts people gathered here, it seems to be directed at the Shadow Moon Gate. Do people in Shadowmoon Gate dare to show up?"

"Isn't this a trap? The killer of Shadowmoon Gate brings us together with these martial arts people, so do you?"

"No, they have such courage? There are dozens of people here, how do they do it?"

“Where will it be poisoned?”

"We didn't dare to eat anything in the teahouse. We used the medicine to wake up. We didn't see any fragrance everywhere. Where can we poison?"

"In short, this is too strange."

When everyone was anxious, a young man dressed in a Yunzi school disciple was coming in from the back door of the teahouse. The young disciple went to the place where the Yunxiao sent people to sit. Dwarf Ma Zi said: "Little brother, where are you going, you will not see you in the morning."

The person called the younger brother smiled and said: "I am not feeling well in the morning."

The short pocks snorted and didn't say anything.

This "little younger brother" is Han Changsheng. He spent a lot of effort to cloth the board today. The news is that he released it, and gathered the martial arts people who came to the shadow gate in the land to gather a witness. The young disciple of the Yunxiao School was born and squandered in the inn. When he woke up, he would be confused. If he did what he did, he wouldn’t remember it; he would open the small doubles, bring Anyuan here, and the wooden box he held in his hand. It is a good bureau of Han Changsheng.

"Master, brothers, isn't that the Anwar of the Yuehua faction?" Han Changsheng pointed his fingers at Anyuan.

Yunxiao sent everyone to look at him, look stunned: "Take him what he does, he will be alone, can not afford what the storm."

Dwarf Ma Zidao: "Yes, why didn't Li Jiulong be with him?"

Han Changsheng coughed: "The wooden box in his hand seems to be a little weird. Is it bleeding down?"

Everyone was shocked when this statement came out.

"Blood? I didn't see it."

"It seems to be a bit red, what is inside?"

Han Changsheng said: "I am going to find out."

The wooden box was placed on the table, and An Yuan was absently watching the door, waiting for the appearance of Han Changsheng. Inadvertently, Han Changsheng dressed up as a young disciple of the Yunxiao School has appeared at his desk.

The person who came is not good. Anyuan realized that this person seemed to be coming to himself, and looked back at him with vigilance. Han Changsheng went to Anyuan and suddenly he said: "Oh!"

Anyuan quickly shot to help him, but he saw his arms stretched out and swept the wooden box to the ground.


Suddenly screams.

In the wooden box, a human head rolled out, and fell out with the human head, and there was a blood-stained wooden sign with a shadow.

Anyuan saw the human head in the box and was shocked, but he quickly calmed down. Undoubtedly, this person is the leader of the Shadow Moon Gate.

For a time, the swords and scabbards couldn't stop, and the martial arts people in the teahouse couldn't sit still, and they looked around. As a killer, Li Wei is a ghost. Of course, there are not many people who know him. Suddenly, it is very suspicious for a person to come here with a human head.

Han Changsheng picked up the wooden sign "eyes fast": "What is this? Is it the thing of Shadowmoon Gate?"

All four are shocked.

A martial artist who had seen Anyuan at the Wulin Conference asked: "You are the Emperor Anyuan of Tianyuan Villa? Who is this head?"

Anyuan sighed and said: "It’s the shadow of the door of the moon."

Suddenly four times!

"The Shadow Gate Gate Lord? He killed the Shadow Moon Gate Lord?"

"I was preempted by this kid!"

"The brand brought me to see... Yes, this is really the thing of the Shadow Moon Gate! I have a friend who was killed by the Shadowmoon Gate killer, I have seen their brand."

Han Changsheng feared that the world would not scream indiscriminately: "Huangfu Anyuan killed the shadow moon gate master! Huangpu Anyuan will kill the shadow moon gatekeeper!"

The teahouse was completely boiling, and everyone’s mother-in-law’s mother-in-law was mourning and praised. Anyuan was surrounded by the crowd, and no one could see the expression under his veil.

Han Changsheng cheered in the bottom of his heart. Became! It has finally become! There was nothing wrong with this time. Anyuan won this credit. His wise strategy is not a go-ahead!

The author has something to say: thanks to Alan, o mines and Su Fan-Sakura rockets

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