MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 681 The so-called pride of heaven

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  Chapter 681 The so-called proud son of heaven

   "However, if you can read it in three days and memorize it in one month, there is no way to do it?" The maid next to Liufang whispered, "Commander, it's not that we don't want to listen to you, this is indeed a bit difficult."

Ayu was puzzled: "Is there any word in it that you don't know? It doesn't matter. I have already invited the nanny in charge of the House of Internal Affairs. I will bring someone to read the specific regulations for you in the past three days. Don't look at such a big deal. A few boxes, not all of them are actually rules, some are blank books, I plan to ask someone to help transcribe, and everyone can have a copy at that time."

"No..." the maid blushed as she said that, "The Commander doesn't know, we maids have also been able to read and write before entering the palace, but we are not proficient, just a few words. Back, it may be more difficult."

"That's right, Commander, we are stupid, no more than those students who are studying, how can we memorize them in a month?" Liu Fang said, "Besides, we have to be on duty. Masters do things, and we servants also have to Do what you should do well, you can't just spend your time on it, if you blame it, it will become the master's fault."

  Liufang said this very straightforwardly, she was afraid that Ayu was too young, she would not be able to understand it if she said it was obscure, and she was a newcomer, and some court ladies didn't understand the rules, so she followed the way of a caring person.

   "Is it difficult to memorize in January?" Ayu didn't ask Liufang, but Tangyuan.

  She remembered that Sister Tangyuan was familiar with the various rules in the imperial city in advance, and it was Tangyuan's reminder that she thought of such a method.

  With rules to follow in everything, you won’t be afraid of chaos, and you won’t have to work hard to fight people next time.

   Tangyuan shook his head: "It's not difficult."

  She is illiterate and has no talent. When the young master listened to the female teacher's class at home, she also attended many classes, but with little success.

  Many of the previous rules were dictated by her listeners, and she memorized what they said, and wrote them down in about four or five days.

   And she is nothing. When the young master went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ask for these booklets, he even read them all, saw some mistakes on the spot, and memorized them all.

  Compared to the little master, what is she?

  Giving these people a month is enough, and there is no need to spend a lot of time every day.

  Besides, the rules all have something in common, nothing more than what can be done and what can't be done, which is much simpler than reading those who don't know.

"Commander, leave this matter to me. After a month of safekeeping, they will all be able to memorize it." Tang Yuan thought, she can't let the little master be bothered by these small things, she is a person who does big things, how can she be **** by these things stop?

  Some conventional methods are not easy to use, and there are some unorthodox ones. She is best at these, so it’s nothing.

  Ayu also thought that Tangyuan is very good at dealing with these things, so she nodded: "Alright, I'll thank you then."

   "It's not hard work, this is what I should do." Tangyuan said, and changed her words again, "Oh, the rules start now, I will call myself a slave from now on."

After Tangyuan finished speaking, he went to greet the maids, eunuchs and guards who were still confused: "Come, come, everyone must know the functions of each hall better than me, so I won't talk about it, let's start with the common rules in the imperial city." Speaking of which, let’s talk about our Astrology Department first…”

   Seeing this scene, Ayu was also relieved, so she went to the Little Royal Garden and waited for Qin Huai.

While sitting in the Little Imperial Garden, Ayu said to Tuanzi: "Spirit, what Sister Huarou said before reminded me, since the Tian family has handled this matter, does it mean that the Tian family knows the truth about Princess Ruyi?" Identity? General Hua seems to know about it, combined with the Queen Mother's attitude before, I have some doubts that the identity of Princess Ruyi was deliberately placed by the Tian family."

  【Why do you think so? 】

"When I went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I saw a dossier that everyone can look up. It contains a memorabilia of the Dachang Imperial City over the years. According to my analysis, the way the Tian family handles things and how I got along with the Tian family before. He is a People who attach great importance to the queen, if it is the queen's child, he will definitely cherish it very much. Including the queen, he is also a person who pays attention to rules and decency, but Princess Ruyi obviously does not meet these, or it means that she will hold it up in front of others. We didn’t perform well in front of us, or Princess Ruyi is not as favored as rumored, and the Tian Family and the Empress didn’t pay much attention to teaching her.”

"Actually, there is another point. Since Princess Ruyi was sent to other nobles to be raised by other nobles because of her health, the other nobles knew her identity as a princess, so they would definitely teach her well and not let her be like this. Even if she is domineering, It seems to be just a superficial effort, unlike those noble girls I saw, their domineering is not superficial, but they really look down on other people, even talking to the servants at home feels that they have lost their status."

   "So I think, from this point of view, Princess Ruyi is not a real princess, but this is more like the truth."

  【Congratulations, you have completed the mission "The Mystery of Princess Ruyi's Identity" and obtained 200 mission points! 】

  Ayu burst out laughing: "Elf, but I haven't done anything yet!"

[The task is for you to investigate the identity of Princess Ruyi. You have already passed the observation and analysis, invited foreign aid, and even fought against Princess Ruyi. From this point of view, you have all the necessary elements for the investigation. Isn’t this complete? Have you completed this task? 】

   "Then isn't she really a princess?"

  【Well, whether it is true or not is up to you to verify. ] Tuanzi wanted to say of course not, otherwise how would you complete your mission? However, regardless of energy consumption, the source space also reminds Tuanzi not to interfere too much, it can only be so ambiguous.

  When Ayu completes the task, the source space will be able to get the source energy. Although Tuanzi took advantage of the loophole, it is actually completed. Even if the source space is helpless, she has to give her a pass.

   It's just that the source energy obtained is not as much as expected.

   What's more, according to the task released by the source space, this task will take at least four or five years to complete, so there will only be 200 points.

   But Tuanzi said that his son cracked the truth with his ingenuity, erased all kinds of roundabout links, so that the source space can get this part of high-quality source energy a few years in advance, shouldn't this be the son's credit?

   What's more, the cub is so good, he will definitely be able to complete the task even better in the future, so that the source space will benefit more, the small investment now will have a big return in the future, how can he pick and search?

  These days, the source space has long been familiar with Tuanzi's routines, and also knows its ability to talk nonsense for the objects it protects. It cannot be said that it is wrong, but it is not completely right.

   Forget it, what can it do?

   Just give the points, anyway, the wool comes from the sheep, and the points will be returned one day.

  Yuan Space checked Ayu's current points and sent a message to Tuanzi.

  【! ! 】

  【Can the points be exchanged for the fate of the cub in the next life? ! 】

  【Can also be customized? ! 】

  【Ten million points? ! ! 】

  【...Should I also convert my energy into points? ...Okay, I see...]

   Tuanzi saw the 200 credits earned, and then thought of the 10 million credits that the cub needed in his next life. In an instant, he felt as if a drop of water had flowed into the sea.

  Before it came, the cub had experienced fifteen years of miserable life. After it came and fell asleep, the cub also had a hard time for four years.

  Although the cub has not been blackened from the beginning to the end, it is very distressed and distressed. If there is an afterlife, it hopes that even if it does not come in the first time, the cub can live happily and happily.

   Then it realized that in order to customize the afterlife of the cub, it first had to allow the cub to have an afterlife, and secondly, it had to customize an afterlife that would not cause the world to collapse, which required—

   While Ayu was waiting, he saw a stack of paper and a virtual pen appearing in front of Tuanzi.

   "Elf, what are you doing?"

  【Practice writing. ] Tuanzi said categorically.


  Just as Ayu was about to ask more questions, Qin Huai came, holding a big golden thing in his hand.

   Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a crab, the size of a basin!

   I don’t know if it’s a common cold or an infection. I felt uncomfortable all day before I got up and updated. There are more in the back, and I am writing slowly.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion
Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes