MTL - Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1172 Fragments of memory - continued

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The southern chaotic space is endless. In such a vast space, the night does not know that its location is just the center of the South Chaos.

The colorful stone in front of him attracts the gaze and heart of the night, and his thoughts tell him that this colorful stone has brought him here. What it unleashes is something he never perceives, and his powerful power makes him barely dare to face it... this is the feeling he has never had since birth. What surprised him even more is that this kind of power is completely different from the power of the Three Protoss and does not belong to any power he already knows.

Is this the power of the Southern chaotic space? Looking back at the night.

There is no doubt that the pursuit of a stronger force will not give up this **** stone that releases unprecedented power. However, just as he tried to touch the colorful stone with his hand, a huge black shadow appeared in front of him, attacking him with terrible black power... that is a kind of he never The souls that have been seen, its power reveals endless darkness and evil. Its strength is also greater than all the beasts he has seen before.

Everything I saw in this Southern chaotic space is breaking his perception.

The powerful child of the **** of despair is not so easy to be defeated. The evil creature that suddenly appears does not hurt him, and shortly after it appears, a whole body is white, and the soul with endless sacred and gentle power appears in the night. On the other side, and attacked the black creature...

The mysterious fox and the nightmare beast brought the night to a long distance, quietly watching the battle between two black and white strong creatures, it seems that this scene has become accustomed.

The battle of black and white spirits was extremely fierce and lasted for a month. In that month, the surrounding space was destroyed by huge forces again and again, and the colorful stones in the battle center remained intact, without any slightest Traces of damage. Finally, after a month of fierce fighting, the black and white beasts were exhausted at the same time, and there was no longer the ability to engage in war. Their forms also changed at the same time, and they were transformed into initial forms with almost no power... Their initial forms were Very small, one is only the size of the adult god's head, no limbs, it was later called "the beast of the catastrophe", another body is swollen, short limbs, it was later called "the sacred beast."

The chaotic space has its own balance and order. After being separated into four chaos in the southeast and northwest, each chaotic space will generate a new balance. In this Southern chaotic space, there are only four creatures in total. The beast of the nightmare is a symbol of destruction and destruction. The West derives the beast of the mysterious spirit, symbolizing the opposite healing and recovery. The north derives the sacred beast, which means light and sacred, and the south is derived from the beast of the catastrophe. It means the opposite darkness and sin.

The center is a colorful stone with the most core strength of the Southern Chaos space.

The intrusion into the night unintentionally affected the delicate balance here. Not because of his divine power, but because of his arrival, the beast and the nightmare beast that was quiet in this world walked with him, letting the original quiet beast and the sacred beast sleep. Being awakened at the same time...has always attracted their endless battles with completely different attributes.

The power of the sinister beast and the sacred beast is exhausted...the original will stand forever, until the colorful stone that produces the strongest creature is picked up by the night under the imbalance of power, becoming his own Things. At that moment, the weak beastly beast and the sacred beast were turned into a black and white light, which was integrated into the right hand and left hand of the night, and turned into two special marks on the back of the hand. The mysterious fox and the nightmare beast also showed him loyalty without any impurities at this moment.

He inadvertently got the core of the power of the world... The four creatures of this space are also bred by its power. He got the colorful stone, which is equivalent to the soul attachment of these four souls.

It was only at that time that the night was completely ignorant of the cause and effect. He was amazed at the power of the colorful stones, and then derived the idea of ​​integrating the power into a weapon... If this idea can be successful, then it must be the most terrible weapon in the entire chaotic space.

So he put it into action.

The power of the colorful stone is powerful and strange, but there is no rejection of the night. With the help of the mysterious fox and the beast of the nightmare, after going through the night after thousands of failures, I finally got my wish, and injected the seven forces of the colorful stone one by one into the hardest and most capable material in the southern chaotic space. Among them, with the help of most of my own power, it took nearly a hundred years to achieve a strange device that released the colorful mans...

It was named after the "Wild God" by the night, and was named "The Seal of the Wild".

When he was holding the moment of the gods, he found that he could feel the breath of every corner of the vast chaotic space. It was a strange feeling that could control everything here. It was also at that time that the night found the gap between the southern chaos and the outside world...

So, after disappearing for a hundred years, the late night finally returned to the wild gods and caused a huge shock. Even with the life of God, a hundred years is not a snap. In the eyes of the Protoss, he was annihilated in the elements of the chaotic space a hundred years ago, and a hundred years is enough to change a lot of things. A hundred years later, the wild gods have been corrupted and desperate. The "death" of the night, the king of the gods of the wild gods have long been depressed, and in the battle with the creation of the Protoss, only the power of parry, and finally the power of parry is gradually lost. There is no late-night, the power of the wilderness in addition to the **** of the gods, no one can stop the creation of the goddess Hesfield, the wisdom is even more difficult to match, a hundred years, the wild gods were destroyed by the creation of the Protoss to almost Withered. When returning to the night, most of the eastern chaotic space has been occupied by the creation of the Protoss, and the wild Protoss has been forced to the corner of the East Chaos, on the verge of destruction.

The shattered Protoss in the north remain neutral and have never interfered in the war between the two races, which has been the case for centuries.

The return of the night made the creation of the Protoss shocked, but although the night is powerful, its ability to root can not change the status quo of the wild Protoss and the fate of the Protoss destroyed. However, they are very wrong.

Because today's night-time is no longer the last night of a hundred years ago. Because the returning night at this moment is the "strongest god" in the history of the Protoss, what he brings is the "strongest instrument" in the history of the Protoss, and the "strongest beast" in the protoss power. .

On the third day after the return of the night, the wild gods launched the first active attack on the creation of the Protoss in these years... The fierceness of the creation of the Protoss was fierce, and the healing power of the fox of the mysterious spirit made all the gods If God has an undead body, the auxiliary ability gives them a seemingly endless power. The claws of the nightmare beast tear apart the bodies of the gods of creation, their gods are under their claws. The fragile dead leaves are broken... The most horrible, the night-time ridiculous moment, the waves can destroy thousands of miles, the gods are fragile in front of him, and almost no **** can have a moment under him. Struggling...

In that battle, the Three Protoss were completely shaken.

Since then, the fading wild gods have re-emerged due to the return of the night. Under the overwhelming power of the latent and his partners, the creation of the Protoss has been defeated, and the East Chaos region has been forced step by step. In three years, the wild gods recovered all the space occupied by the creation of the Protoss. At that time, the night has become the most powerful **** recognized by the Protoss. "The beast of the mysterious spirit is not dead, the wild gods can never be destroyed, the beast of the nightmare is not dead, the creation of the protoss is permanently chilling, the night is not destroyed, the wild gods will never decline." This is the Protoss, the night, and the side of his side Evaluation of the beast and the nightmare beast. The mysterious beast makes people's incredible healing ability make the creation of the Protoss weak, the destructive ability of the nightmare beast makes them fear, and the night, the wild **** in his hand, makes his power even beyond the level of "God" .

After the rise of the wild gods, it must be a revenge for the creation of the Protoss...

And entering the Western chaotic area, the first battle of revenge, the first to stand in front of the night, has not been seen for a hundred years, originally irritating him, let him give birth to a powerful **** eager to create a goddess - He Sfeija.

In the infinite chaotic space, they have not seen a word in the past few years. They have no one to open the long-term confrontation. No one is going to break the calm that makes them difficult. In the end, they still have to fight. Back to the night, there is no use of the **** of the gods, and the sword of the **** of despair is fighting with Hesfiya. For example, a hundred years ago, they were dark and dark, but they could not be separated. Later, the night of the night abandoned the sword of the gods, using the power of the gods of the wilderness... But in a hundred collisions, Hesfia was completely suppressed by the power of the gods, and finally defeated on the spot.

The name of the **** of despair is on the beautiful snow neck of Hesfiah, facing Hesfiya, whose **** power has been shaken. He only needs a little bit to destroy the next **** of the creation god, catharsis The hatred of the pioneering protoss to the creation of the Protoss... But looking at the face of the Southern Chaos in the centuries, and the eyes that are more than ten times more beautiful than the stars, his hands can't be clicked anyway.

Defeat Hesfield, once his strongest desire, for this reason, he even risked his life, to step into the outer chaos space to seek a breakthrough.

Now, he finally did it...

However, it is also at this moment that he really understands why he is so eager to beat her...

It is not a simple desire for "winning," but a ignorant desire to overcome her and be recognized by her...

Because, in his subconscious, only by defeating her, can she have her.

In the creation of the Protoss, Hesperia is unattainable. She has the noble status of the next creation king, has a strong power close to the creation king... and her beauty transcends the cognition of beauty by the creation gods. Even with God's state of mind, when she sees her, she will lose her heart. Throughout the creation of the Protoss, she is as dazzling as the most beautiful stars in the night sky, and people can only look at it...

Her perfection appeals to everyone, including the night.

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