MTL - Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1188 丫丫 request

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Stars and small dreams come to this world, and naturally everything is full of freshness in this world. On the first day, Ye Tianxie took two girls to pick up some of the best places in Jinghua City for a whole day. When I went home, it was already 7:00 pm, the stars were very quiet along the way, and the little dreams were small. Calling Ye Tianxie from time to time, he was scared. His true appearance has long been crazy on the Internet, and almost everyone knows that if he is recognized, it will definitely lead to a lot of trouble. Ye Tianxie originally wanted to play with the whole family, but after thinking about it, he finally had to give up the idea. The girls at home, even the youngest ones, were at the level of disaster, appearing together in the bustling streets, not It is absolutely impossible to cause a sensation, especially the level of Meng Yuyi. Once it appears, the next day will be the headlines of the major newspapers. The scouts will take her three layers and three layers. It’s not a problem. The problem is that if the “Choucheng Shura”, which is like a human being, is murderous, the consequences are not wonderful.

Back home, Ye Tianxie planted it on the sofa and didn't want to get up for a long time. Shopping is not a lot of work, but it is totally different to go shopping with women. Women will make your body tired while adding more mental fatigue... Even Star Glass and Little Dream are just girls. Starry glass sat quietly beside him, giving him a squat on his shoulders, and a small dream rushed back to his room with the things he bought, and gave the bought gifts one by one to each sister. Then I took Chen Xue to play video games... This girl who came back to her dreams, seems to have endless vitality.

"Star glass, from here to the loss of the mainland, is it expensive for you?" Ye Tianxie enjoyed the massage of the small glass hand, said with his eyes closed. The movement of the star glass is very raw, and the power is in the body. Occasionally, because of the poor control, he makes his painful fangs, but he enjoys the feeling of being so caretapped by her.

"I thought that even if it can be successful, it will take a lot of effort, but in fact, the consumption is not as big as expected. The space where the earth is located and the space where the continent is lost seems to have some kind of space in space. The special connection makes this ultra-long-distance transmission much easier." Star Glass replied.

The connection between the earth and the lost continent?

... Is it because of the joint efforts of Glass Fairy and ProLogis? The goal of ProLogis now is to transfer all the people on the planet to the Star of Xiyao. Perhaps this is that ProLogis is striving to build a spatial connection between the Earth and the Star of Xi Yao. After all, it is impossible to directly transmit such a huge crowd. If a channel can be established, there is still a trace of implementability.

"So, if you move with others, how much can you transfer at most once with your current ability?" Ye Tianxie said.

Star Glass thought for a while and said: "It is much easier to move by yourself. If you take someone else, close up, there will be no problem in transferring the entire lost man, but if it is such a long distance, every one person, It takes more than double the effort. With my current ability, I can bring up to a hundred people at a time... Brother, do you want to bring some people lost on the mainland to here?"

Once, with a maximum of 100 people... Sure enough, crossing a half chaotic space, even for Star Glass, is not an easy task. If elemental robbing really comes to earth, then is there any way to save it? Transfer? The hope that can be realized is too embarrassing. As Pross said, I can only expect miracles. Hard resistance element robbery? Even the night was almost destroyed by the elements, and there is nothing to resist.

"No, I just ask casually... Every time I send it, how long does it take?" Ye Tianxie then asked. Yesterday, when the star was with a little dream, it was three minutes since he left the world of destiny... a full three-minute transfer time.

Star Glass shook his head: "No. Because I didn't know where the Earth was in the first place, it took a long time to sense the strength of my strength left on my brother. A large part of the time was spent on sensing my brother. In the same direction, a large part of the time is used to confirm that the space transfer is only a few seconds."

"That's good." Ye Tianxie got a very satisfactory answer. At present, it seems that the transmission caused by the trans-space is not unacceptable to the loss of the star glass. It is not a problem to transmit it several times a day. He thought about it and annihilated the plan to buy game equipment for Star Glass and Xiaomeng. It is much more convenient to use the game device to enter the game, but the starry dream will also become the player's identity. It will not be their real body to enter the lost continent. For Star Glass, entering as a player, her power must not be able to play, because her power is not like Ye Tianxie, the dragon power of Ye Tianxie is dependent on the existence of the Dragon Soul, and the Holy Mark and the Magic Seal are also The imprint of the soul will follow the soul into the world of destiny. The carrier of the magical power of the starry glass is mainly the body. It is enough to see from the crystal of the power around her body that these forces cannot naturally enter the world of destiny through the soul. And Xiaomeng... There are so many differences in her body, and her identity is much more blurred than the star.

"Tomorrow, it seems that the countries are fighting. I don't know how they performed in the broken army." Ye Tianxie whispered a low voice. Although he did not care about this game, he did not completely forget it.

Turning on the TV, as expected, the major concern of the major radio stations is the debates between the countries of tomorrow. With the status of the world of destiny in the human world, the attention of the debates of the countries every four years is no less than the same every four. The annual World Olympics is even too much.

Ye Tianxie thought for a while, clicked on his game equipment and entered the world of destiny.

"Oh... welcome to the world of destiny, I wish you a happy game."

"Oh!! Big brother, you are finally back... I want to go to the earth! I have to go, I have to go!!"

When Ye Tianxie just appeared, he was shocked by the sound of his ear. Yongzheng was floating in front of him, sitting on the clouds, carrying a snow-white skirt in both hands, Jingjing's shining eyes looked straight at him, and there was an anxious and excited light flashing. Yesterday, before he went offline, she said that she was clearly heard in the ear. After Ye Tianxie left yesterday, she even witnessed the disappearance of the starry glass with a small dream in the white light. Then, the star glass The breath disappeared completely on the lost continent. Then she waited... I didn't see Ye Tianxie coming back all day, obviously, they were reunited in the place called Earth!

Finally, when Ye Tianxie appeared, this curious baby couldn’t wait to rush up... She also went to the place called Earth. Because there are countless lost sweets, snacks, etc. that are not on the mainland. A lot of them, the ones that Ye Tianxie usually brought to her are brought from the place called the earth. In the twinkling of the stars, she seems to have seen herself plunged into the heap of candy, and can enjoy all kinds of the best things in the world.

If Ye Tianxie knows that she is so eager to go to the earth just to eat, it is estimated that she will slap her from the clouds.

Ye Tianxie clicked on the chin and said slowly: "Oh, you really want to go to the earth?"

Seeing Ye Tianxie, there was a sign of promise, and the eyes of the cockroaches flashed a lot. The chicks nodded like a glutinous rice: "Hmm er er er er! Think about it! Especially special, big brother, Let the star glass sister take it with me? I want to go!"

"But you are a lost goddess of the mainland, you need to protect this continent. If you are on the other side of the earth, you will lose the mainland without a guardian. This is not very good." Ye Tianxue hesitated. Said.

"I won't won't! No, I haven't been a guardian **** for a long time, and don't want to be. Big brother and Star Glass sister are so powerful, no one dares to bully the lost continent, big brother, let the star glass sister take the 丫丫Going well? I really want to go." He twisted his body, puffed the pink lips and sprinkled it.

It’s no problem to bring this little girl to his own world. The only trouble is to explain her existence to Fifi. The dragonfly and the fruit are always following him, and they are already intimate with each other. Of course, he also wants this girl to go to her real life.

But... how can it be so easy to promise her, this is a good chance of extortion.

"If you want to go, it's okay...but, you have to look at the performance of the cockroach first." Ye Tianxie turned his body and sat on the soft grass, talking slowly and unconsciously. There was a little treacherousness... Well, it’s better to extort something from her.

丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫 丫丫Big brother will be like this... Hey, but I’m fine. If you want to do what your big brother wants, you must let Sister Star Glass take you to the earth!”

"Well? Do you know what I want you to do?" Ye Tianxie said, swearing... He hasn’t thought about the secret of extorting this girl. But he is completely ready, as if he had anticipated in advance what kind of exchange request he would make.

"Oh! Of course I know, big brother is a super big wolf, super big bad guy... look at my awkwardness!"

In a group of white to gold, the body of the cockroach quickly turned into a form of the goddess of the goddess. Creamy skin, cold and deep squatting, rose petal-like lips, exquisite face like a magical work, long and beautiful neck... A perfect look can not see any traces of secular traces appear in Ye Tianxie In the sight of it, it releases a breathtaking beauty.

Ye Tianxie blinked for a while... He suddenly became the goddess of Xi Yao.

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