MTL - Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1254 The longest day of the earth

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“After entering the inner chaotic world, the elements will be concentrated in the central position and prevented from dissipating too quickly. Therefore, as long as the core of the power of the elemental robbery is destroyed, the elemental robbery will dissipate. The elemental robbery of the star of Xi Yao is to be slowly dissipated after being defeated by the core." Ye Tianxie swept over the crowd and spoke out words that made them extremely shocked.

Elemental robbery has its core, and once the core is broken, the power of elemental robbery will slowly dissipate. And Beckham is undoubtedly the first creature in the world to know this secret. At the same time, in addition to it, there is a layer of terrible power that can break through the elements of the robbery, and then the core is crushed - although the cost is really heavy.

The gods present were all the first to hear about the elemental robbery and the core. Because of the place where the elements are robbed, the gods are shunned, let alone explore the composition of the elemental robbery. However, despite this, they did not have a look of relief. They shattered and shook their eyes and said: "What you think is too simple. No one knows more about the terrible power of the elements than the enemy. A small piece of elemental robbery can be easily It is ruining a god. Now it is close to the earth. It is an elemental robbery with a 60,000-kilometer area. Even if you are going back to the night, once you enter, for a maximum of ten seconds, you will be destroyed into nothingness, not to say that the core is destroyed. No chance of seeing the core at all, unless..."

"Unless" the word export, the words that shattered the king of the gods suddenly stopped, and the eyes drifted to the fruit on the shoulders of Ye Tianxie. What he suddenly thought of.

Ye Tianxie smiled slightly: "It seems that you already understand what I have to do."

"But even if there is a real possibility of touching the core... If you want to keep the earth, the time left for us is only less than one day. At this time, you have to cross at least 30,000 kilometers, then We must also destroy the core. The core of power gathered by the elements of the 60,000-kilometer area... Can you imagine how terrible it is? That power root is far beyond our imagination, and it is what we can Destroyed in a short time." The King of Destruction is still worried. In the face of such a huge elemental robbery, no matter what he thinks, he feels that it is impossible. 60,000 kilometers of elements robbery............

"It's not us, but me and Xianer. We can be two people. There are too many people, and it will only delay more time. You should also know that in the world of elemental robbery, the rapid movement ratio of tearing space It’s still hard to go to heaven. Fairy, let’s go.”

"But...ah! Son, no, fruit."

"God King!"

Did not stop, after finishing the last sentence, Ye Tianxie has left the glass fairy and the star glass, leaving the gods face each other.

Returning to the earth, everything has become so strange, looking at the completely chaotic world below, Ye Tianxie and Liu Xianer have been silent for a long time, silently watching for a long time...

"Fairy, do you like it here?" The taste of the wind is no longer familiar. The land that was once peaceful was filled with madness, fear, screaming, and countless sins and ugliness that would only appear in the darkness. If it weren't for the coming of this day, perhaps even humans couldn't think of it. The **** that humans have not fully revealed is actually so dirty.

"Like...because, this is the place where I lived with Tianxie." Glass fairy squatted on him and said softly. If there is a person in the world who knows him better than Ye Tianxie, it will only be a glass fairy. If there is a person in the world who is more than Ye Tianxie himself, he will also be a glass fairy. The last life was sensational for him. This world has forsaken all the possessions of this world to find him, and for his willingness to fall into the "eternal blockade." Just as Ye Tianxie often mourns, he owes the glass fairy, and he can't pay off in this life.

"Then let us save it together. No matter how hard it will be, I will never forget what Boa said..."

With the glass fairy and the star glass, they returned to the home where they once lived together.

Standing in front of the familiar home, Ye Tianxie reached out and did not dare to open the door for a while. At the beginning, he did not say goodbye, he could not bear to see their sadness and disappointment... At this time, the return of the guilt made him unable to give birth to the courage to see them again.

The glass fairy smiled, the palm of the hand swayed, and the closed door was opened. Then, a gentle force pushed Ye Tianxie into it.

Pushed into the hall by the glass fairy, Ye Tianxie stopped and suddenly saw a pair of familiar eyes...

He wouldn't have thought that after he returned, he saw all the people he was worried about at a glance. The girl at home... Feifei, Xiaoxi, Chen Xinchen snow, feather coat, falling rain, water. There are all the little cockroaches floating there, all in the middle position, he saw Liu Yanyue... and the other side, broken army, autumn water, instant, ruthless, happy, Xiaojie... all watching he.

They gathered here on this day... Are you feeling that you are coming back, waiting for yourself to come back? The hardships are coming, they are fully qualified to carry the spacecraft to leave, but until today, no one has left - they are waiting for themselves...

The world has become so quiet all of a sudden, Ye Tianxie feels that there is something in his eyes that seems to be pouring out. His soft, soft and guilty voice: "I'm sorry... I am late..."

Is this a dream? Looking at the face of this dream, the girls almost fainted, and in a pair of eyes, the tears could not be controlled.

"Heavenly evil!" Sophie rushed up, clung to his shoulder, crying and screaming, "Heavenly evil... Heaven evil... Heaven evil..."

She cried hard, everything would tend to be destroyed, and she waited with all her beliefs and attachments. How much she hopes to see him again before everything is destroyed... The string of thoughts in her heart is completely broken. She shouts his name over and over again, crying and hoarse, almost fainting.

"Fifi... Sorry... I am late..." Ye Tianxie hugged her shoulder and could only repeat what she had just said.

His body was immediately held by another girl, and Situ fell to his shoulders and bitten, while beating him while crying fiercely in the cry: "How come you are willing to come back now, how are you? Willing to leave us no matter... I hate you, I hate you, I hate you... Hey... I miss you..."

"Brother, you are finally back, I think what you think is dying... my brother..."

In the blurred sight, he saw Feifei and the trembling shoulders of the rain. He felt that Chen Xue and Xiao Xi almost used all the strength to hold them tightly. They saw Chen Xin and the water and water with their hands covering their faces and crying, and they always saw it. The indifferent feather coat has also been wet with tears on the cheeks. Even the pears that only know how to eat and play are crying with rain. Only Liu Yuyue smiles in silence, but the beautiful and unparalleled cheeks are printed. Clear tears. Broken army, autumn water, instant, ruthless, happy, Xiaojie... These ones who are stronger than one, never shed tears, are all red eyes at this time, trying to keep their heads down and not letting the tears fall.

He closed his eyes hard and endured this heavy emotion. Each of their eyes was the memory and wealth that he would have printed in the depths of his soul for a lifetime.

"Fairy, you are finally back. God has done it. You are back, and there will be no regrets after the evil spirits." Liu Yuyue came to the side of the glass fairy, gently wiped away the tear marks, smiled Said.

"Well, I am back... Thank you for taking care of the evil spirits when I left." The glass fairy filled the mist and said in the most sincere voice.

"So, do you mind if we have the evil spirit with you?"

“How come?” The glass fairy shook his head gently: “The evil spirits should be favored by more people. As long as he likes it, no matter what, I am willing. I am only deeply grateful to you.”

"Fairy is back... I am dreaming? Too good, great!!" Zuo Bianjun kept licking his eyes and flesh on his face, and his excitement was already incoherent. Just waiting for desperation, in the twinkling of an eye, he felt as if he had come to the most beautiful paradise.

"Ah!!!" The excited left-handed army suddenly made a big pig-like scream: "You are a demon swearing me."

"Hey, I am just helping you prove that you are not dreaming." Murong Qiu Shui recovered the white palm, slowly said.

"She... is the glass fairy sister you said? Tianna... She is really beautiful, like a fairy... No, it is more beautiful than a fairy." Looking at Ye Tianxie’s beautiful and indescribable girl, Ling Jie has completely slugged in the past.

Situ was holding his head and a painful groan: "Let me see the beautiful girl who is so earth-shattering... Oh! God, how can I find a wife in the future... No wonder even the dear head is so crazy for her. ......"

Tired and tired, Sufifi finally raised her head from Ye Tianxie's chest. The beautiful face was completely wet by tears. She left Ye Tianxie's body and then slammed into the glass fairy, clinging tightly. Her: "Sister, I finally... finally saw you again... oh..."

Glass fairy also hugged her, and the trembling tears in the beautiful eyes: "Muer, our sisters will never be separated again... and Xiaoxi, you have grown so big..."

"Everyone waiting for the evil spirits here... Thank you for your concern and care for the evil spirits... Thank you..."

"Thank you also to every reader who came with Mars."



The new book of Mars is released, the title of the book - "The online game of the sacred Shura", link: bookzongheng / book / 213223html (there is a through train below), starting today to update, welcome all students to report, click on the ticket, what is the new book Let's go. Next week, we will be the first to rush to the new book list. (As soon as I thought of the release of the new book, the evil dragon is still not finished... there is an impulse to cry...)

A new beginning, I hope that there will still be everyone's company.

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