MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 624 Take away Xuanhuang Holy Mountain

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A group of boys smiled brightly, their faces flushed, their belly was round and bulging, their ears and nostrils were emitting essence, and they stretched out their little white hands, constantly patting their belly.

It seems that every child is extremely satisfied.

Suddenly, they turned their eyes to the huge warship on one side, their bodies flashed, swish, turned into black light, and quickly rushed towards the warship.


The entire warship disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was swallowed up by this group of boys.

Their eloquence made Jiang Dao speechless.

Except for the [Haotian Tower], this group of boys couldn't bite, and there was almost nothing that could stop them.

"It's scary!"

Jiang Dao was stunned.

Fortunately, I was the first to discover and get this group of boys, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to resist it if someone else got it.

There is a great possibility that he will be directly devoured by these boys.


These boys are too perverted.

Jiang Dao took the fighting holy spear in a flash, and turned his eyes to the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain in front of him, his eyes flashing for a while.

"It's really a waste of time for this thing to stay here. It's time to go to Megatron."

With a flip of his palm, the Haotian Pagoda appeared in his palm, and the Chiyang True Fire instantly poured into the Haotian Pagoda.

The entire Haotian Pagoda immediately began to bloom, and pieces of mysterious runes emerged, densely packed, reflecting the heavens, and the pagoda directly began to rise against the storm, like a balloon, reaching a height of thousands of feet in an instant.

The pagoda tower is suspended high, and a terrifying suction force blooms directly from the lower layer of the pagoda, shrouding the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain below.



Space depression.

The entire black sea of ​​Yin and Ming Sea churns up in an instant, humming harshly.

A large number of tides rose into the sky and quickly rushed towards the Haotian Tower.

At the same time, the huge Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain, which had half of its body sunk into the seabed, began to tremble at this moment, like a behemoth that had been silent for a long time, exuding bursts of heavy and terrifying depression all over its body. The breath makes the space constantly distorted and shattered.

hum! hum! hum! hum!

A heavy sound came out.

The Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain began to rise slowly from under the sea water, and the entire Yin and Ming Sea was violently tumbling.

Like a huge underworld beast turning over, the terrifying aura vibrated around, making the endless sea of ​​yin and underworld in turmoil.

The various evil gods and gods of death in other directions were startled at this moment and noticed the change in the sea water.

Pieces of monstrous waves, rolling incessantly.

Huge waves rushed hundreds of meters high.

The scene in front of me is simply terrifying!

"what happened?"

"Why did Yin Minghai become turbulent?"

"How is this going?"

Many people were shocked and shouted.

The terrifying Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain is still in constant turmoil, more and more mountains are being sucked out from the sea below, and the endless sea water is surging towards the Haotian Tower frantically.

Boom boom boom!

There was a constant roar in all directions, and a piece of terrifying explosions continued to sound.

This is entirely caused by the terrifying weight of Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain. The power of the mountain oppresses the space and directly causes the surrounding space to burst.


The huge Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain began to slowly approach the Haotian Tower in the sky, and quickly became smaller under the light of the Haotian Tower. Inside.


In the blink of an eye, the entire huge Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain completely disappeared.

The Yin and Ming Sea shook violently, and the sea was surging.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

Jiang Dao was secretly delighted, and when he grabbed his palm, the Haotian Pagoda began to shrink quickly, and it became the size of a fingernail again, which was put away by him.

"Very good, Xuanhuang Shengshan was taken away by me so easily."

Jiang Dao thought to himself.

Originally thought it was destined to spend a lot of hands and feet, but I didn't expect it to be so simple.

With Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain, it will be easier for him to deal with [Devil Peak].

Just throwing this mountain far away can kill a large group of evil spirits and monsters.

Suddenly, Jiang Dao looked up at the 36 Baiyin Boys not far away.

"come over!"

He urged the animal control bag to cover the 36 boys directly, sending out a strange suction force, and he was about to **** all the 36 boys into it and take it again.

"These 36 boys can even kill the emperor, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with [Devil's Peak]."

Jiang Dao's heart rolled.

The only thing he is worried about now is that after throwing the Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain, it will disturb the super demon kings in the [Devil Peak], but if there are these boys around, it will give him some confidence.

After all, these boys can even swallow the nine-headed **** emperor alive.


Jiang Dao's body immediately moved, flickering lightly, hiding his breath, and disappearing.


The entire Yin and Ming Sea was in chaos.

I don't know how many forces were disturbed in all directions.

A large number of Asura experts are flying towards this area.

They were in groups with shocked expressions on their faces. After patrolling the entire vast Yin and Nether Sea, when they arrived at the area where Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain was originally stored, they suddenly showed surprise and exclaimed.

"Xuan... Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain is gone!"

"Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain was taken away!"


When the news came out, there was a sensation in all directions.

All forces were shocked.

Someone took away the Xuanhuang Holy Mountain?

This is something that even the God King cannot shake.

The Yin and Nether Sea area instantly became more turbulent.

All the forces are guessing, wanting to know which powerhouse took the Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain.

a few days later.

Devil's Peak area.

Dark mist lingered, and the breath was suppressed.

It was pitch black in all directions, filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

Several strange evil figures are patrolling here, with obscure breaths, strange appearances, and fluttering bodies, as if they have no body, as if they are bodies composed of mist, wandering around the Devil's Peak.

call out!

Suddenly, a terrifying murderous intent flashed past, as fast as lightning, directly penetrating the space, and instantly acting on the headed evil spirit without warning, so that the evil spirit did not snort, the body exploded instantly, and turned into a bang. For black fog.

After that, the terrifying murderous intent did not stop at all, and continued to penetrate the remaining few evil spirits, like wearing a candied gourd, with a puff sound, and even the other evil spirits behind him were not spared, and with a miserable snort, they all exploded. Come on.

Modifications +8.

Jiang Dao's body appeared not far away, his pupils flickered, and mysterious runes appeared in the depths of his eyes, spinning rapidly, like a strange golden vortex, he smiled gloomily, glanced at a distance, his body flashed, and again Disappear.

Jiang Dao did not throw the Xuanhuang Sacred Mountain as soon as he came up, but chose the method of concealing the shot first.

He is going to remove the evil spirits and monsters on the periphery first, so that there will be some opportunities for modification first.

If he encounters some other changes later, he can add some points at any time, and it can be regarded as a bit of confidence.

In this way, Jiang Dao disappeared in an instant and approached the other direction of Devil Peak.

He kept secretly attacking.

Almost none of the evil spirits and monsters he was staring at survived, all of them were directly penetrated by his fighting holy spear, their bodies shattered and turned into nothingness.

The number of revisions on him is rapidly increasing.

And as he kept attacking, the other evil spirits and monsters in Devil Peak finally realized that something was wrong.

A large number of evil spirits and monsters rushed out and began to patrol around.

"Who? Who is secretly dealing with my Devil Peak?"

"You are so bold, you dare to fight wildfires here, is it impossible to find death?"

"Come out, come out now!"

Some evil spirits and monsters shouted loudly.

They look ferocious, have a strange breath, and fly in all directions.

Even some terrifying evil spirits of more than 100,000 years have been alerted.


A cryptic and terrifying aura erupted, black death aura surging, a tall, thin body, wearing a black cloak, with a pale face, a figure like a vampire, flew out of a cave in Devil's Peak, and his body was surging with death energy, As soon as it appeared, a large number of evil spirits and fierce monsters quickly gathered.

"I have seen His Holiness Montenegro."

"His Holiness, Montenegro, someone is on my Devil's Peak and has killed many strong men!"

"I beg His Holiness of Montenegro to call the shots!"

A group of evil spirits and monsters saluted one after another.

"Anyone dare to mess around here?"

This tall and thin figure has a hoarse voice, scary white skin, an open mouth, a slender tongue, scarlet and strange, and green eyes looking in all directions.

"Search around for me immediately to see who dares to attack my Devil Peak?"

The old demon of Montenegro said hoarsely.

"Yes, Your Honor!"

"Go, keep searching!"

Numerous evil spirits and ferocious monsters dispersed immediately and continued to search in all directions.

The eyes of the old demon of Montenegro were very cold, filled with a strong ominousness, and he glanced around, with a strong death energy on his body, and began to search around.

The entire Devil's Peak is stacked with mountains and peaks, surrounded by black mist, and the terrain is complicated. There are bones everywhere, and it is almost a forbidden place in the entire virtual world.

Jiang Dao's body emerged from the shadow of a big rock, his eyes flashed, and he looked towards the back of the old black mountain demon.

"The old demon of Montenegro, a half-step **** emperor-level powerhouse!"

He pondered in his heart, his body was silent, and he quickly approached behind the old black mountain demon.

The whole figure is like a strange black fog, shapeless, without any peculiarities, perfectly integrated into the space in front of him.

It wasn't until he got close to the old demon of Montenegro that Jiang Dao's eyes flickered, and he suddenly raised his palm, the real fire of Chiyang condensed in his palm, and suddenly slapped the old demon of Montenegro fiercely behind him.

Burning God Splitting Palm!


The power of this palm was almost condensed to the extreme. At first, the power was not obvious, and it suddenly exploded until it was close to the back of the old demon queen of Montenegro.

However, the old demon of Montenegro is worthy of being a demon who has lived for more than 100,000 years, and his perception of danger has reached an incredible level. Even in this situation, he can actually avoid it.

His body suddenly flashed, as if moving sideways.


Jiang Dao's palm fell in an instant, and Chiyang True Fire burst out, with terrifying power, and immediately steamed off a mountain in front of him.

The old demon of Montenegro changed color, he couldn't believe it.


His voice was sharp, and his shots were like lightning. Almost at the moment when he noticed the strangeness, the two ghostly claws rushed towards him like lightning with heavy death energy. The breath was terrifying, and the afterimages continued.

The rich dead aura in the ghost claw makes the space corrode.

Jiang Dao's expression changed slightly, and he missed a move, and immediately his hands turned into claws, turning into red gold, and quickly grabbed the two gloomy ghost claws of the old black mountain demon.

Puff puff puff!

The voice was dull, and the two grabbed dozens of times at lightning speed.

The old demon of Montenegro let out a long howl, and all ten fingers were shattered, and a strong and terrifying gloomy death quickly poured into his arms along his severed fingers, making his There was a tingling sensation in the body.

"You are Jiang..."

He opened his mouth to drink.

However, without giving him more time to speak, Jiang Dao's body suddenly enlarged, with a terrifying and unpredictable aura, and instantly slaughtered, like a huge and eerie black shadow, instantly shrouded the old black mountain demon.


The old demon of Montenegro was directly embraced by Jiang Dao.

The whole person seemed to be completely attached to Jiang Dao's body, unable to move, and even his face was embedded in Jiang Dao's arms.


He was horrified.


A terrifying and majestic force erupted out, instantly acting on him, the power of Heavenly Punishment and Chiyang True Fire all surging out, pouring into the body of the old black mountain demon at once.

The old demon of Montenegro screamed, and his entire body was crushed on the spot like an egg.

His voice didn't come out at all, his mouth was firmly blocked by Jiang Dao's body, and his death was terrible.


A burst of flames emerged, instantly burning the remains of the old Montenegrin demon, destroying all its vitality.

Jiang Dao's face was gloomy, and he shook his palm.

"Damn it, the vigilance is so strong."

He turned around and walked away, turning into a shadow and quickly disappearing into the area.

Not long after, there was a strong movement in the distance, and a head of evil and fierce monsters rushed from a distance.

"what happened?"

"His Holiness of Montenegro, this is Lord of Montenegro!"

"His Holiness Montenegro was killed, please inform the ancestors!"

Numerous evil spirits and monsters screamed in horror, all panicking.

boom! boom!

An incomparably terrifying coercion struck from a distance, overwhelming the sky and rolling black light, with a feeling of breaking one's soul. UU Reading made the space in this area quickly dim.

It was as if an incomparably huge black vortex appeared, shrouding everyone.

All the evil spirits and monsters were trembling and terrified.

"Old... The ancestor is here!"

"Montenegro is dead?"

A hoarse and terrible voice came out slowly.

In the thick darkness, there seems to be a huge shadow that shakes the earth, carrying the eternity, and the breath is terrifying, and the sound alone is enough to make people tremble, "The strong Yang Qi and thunder tribulation atmosphere are really familiar and annoying. ..."

"Yang... Yang Qi and Thunder Tribulation?"

A group of evil and ferocious monsters trembled in unbelievable voices.

"Could it be that Jiang Dao?"


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