MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 628 Official breakthrough!

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Remember [New] for a second,! A scene in the mountains in the distance made the countless demons in the virtual world shake.

Jiang Dao!

It's this human!

He didn't leave, but he actually broke through the God Emperor in the virtual world?

Is he dying?

Also, he has only broken through the God Emperor now, so wasn't he the one who leveled the Devil Peak before?

All the evil gods and gods of death shivered and panicked in their hearts.

They were completely terrified.

This human is growing too fast.

It's so close that everyone can't believe it.


The entire virtual world shook, and pieces of terrifying death magic rose into the sky, as vast as the sea, surging towards the surroundings.

For these super devils in the virtual world, it is impossible to see a living person breaking through in the virtual world.

One after another, vast and depressing ghosts came out from the places of retreat.

Like the terrifying Primordial Demon Mountains, it slowly approached the land of thunder and roaring ahead.

The earth trembled.

Space shaking.

All the evil gods and gods of death are quickly retreating.

They knew something was wrong.

These super old ancestors are going to shoot.

They didn't want to see Jiang Dao's breakthrough, and were ready to obliterate Jiang Dao's thunder tribulation when it disappeared.

"This human being is finished, dare to break through the **** emperor in the virtual world, this is not putting the virtual world into the eyes!"

"Yes, wait for the end of his thunder tribulation in a while and see how he dies!"

"After bouncing around for so long, this human being is finally over!"

"It really deserves it!"

Many evil gods and gods of death grinned and watched from a distance.

Stripes of golden dragon-shaped lightning flashed with claws and claws, with a terrifying aura, attacked from high altitude and continuously swept towards Jiang Dao's body, making a terrifying roar.

Jiang Dao was still using the fighting spear to resist at first, but when he blocked him, he discovered a strange scene.

These thunder tribulations actually contain a very strong heavenly breath.

It was as if they were one with the Seal of Heavenly Punishment that he possessed.

His heart moved, and he was taken aback.

"Understood, all thunder tribulations are issued by the Dao of Heaven, and my Seal of Heavenly Punishment was made by the night watchman intercepting the fragments of the Dao of Heaven, so fundamentally speaking, the seal of thunder tribulation and God's Punishment It's the same power!"

This discovery made his eyes flash, and his heart was filled with excitement.

In this way, he didn't even want to resist, and suddenly scattered the fighting spear, his arms were open, his body was huge, and the whole person directly raised his head to face the high-altitude thunder tribulation, and the seal of punishment in his body was urged by him. to the extreme.


Pieces of terrifying dragon-shaped lightning surged forward, rushing towards Jiang Dao, but at the moment of approaching Jiang Dao, they were directly and automatically absorbed by the seal of punishment in his body. , the light is burning, as if it has turned into a mysterious sea eye, and it begins to automatically absorb the thunder and lightning in the sky.

Boom boom boom boom!

Pieces of thunder light continued to converge towards Jiang Dao's body.

From a distance, everyone only felt that Jiang Dao's body was submerged by the thunder sea, but they never thought that Jiang Dao in the thunder sea not only had nothing, but the power of the seal of punishment was still increasing rapidly.

All the thunder tribulations that were bombarded were actually stored in it by the Seal of Heaven's Punishment.

This is definitely a huge killer.

Any God-Emperor-level powerhouse will stand up when they see it.

Just like that, time passed.

The endless destructive aura is surging here, the whole sky is shining with golden light, the roar of the golden dragon is constantly sounding, and I don't know how many golden thunder dragons are swooping down, and the entire virtual world is illuminated gorgeously.

Countless evil gods and death gods trembled, collapsed to the ground, shivering, unable to breathe.

For them, it was impossible to see such a scene in their entire life.

It was difficult for them to **** the threshold of the God Emperor all their hardships, but Jiang Dao reached it easily. For many evil gods and death gods, they all felt desperate and fearful.

I don't know it's over.

It seems to be three days, and it seems to be five days.

This terrifying and vast fluctuation finally began to end slowly, and as the last splendid golden thunder robbery slammed down, the entire virtual world became dark again.

All the evil gods and death gods condensed their eyes to the extreme, each with sharp eyes, looking towards the front.

Soon, their eyes widened in horror, unacceptable.

"That human is still there!"

"He's not dead yet?"

"Why didn't he die?"

"how so?"

Many evil gods and gods of death shouted and cursed.

Between the dark and chaotic mountains.

Jiang Dao's body is tall, full of blood, densely covered with scales and armor, and his body thousands of feet tall is like a world-class **** and demon, terrifying and depressing.

Finally entered the realm of the emperor.

The God-Emperor realm is a surge in all three aspects of speed, strength, and spirit.

"Well, it seems that my movement is not small, and it has attracted so many big guys."

Jiang Dao's voice roared, echoing in this area.

His flesh and blood was full of explosive power, and there was a feeling of destroying everything all over his body. His huge body landed directly on the ground, turned around, and walked outside.

"Hey, what are you guys looking at furtively?"

His voice roared, his footsteps stepped out, and when he walked here, he made a terrifying rumbling sound, as if an ancient magic mountain was moving.

The power that Emperor Jueba's body brought to him was so terrifying that every drop of his blood was like a giant dragon, and his body was filled with endless divine power, wanting to destroy everything.

In all directions, ice-cold and huge ghosts looked at Jiang Dao coldly.

They are tall, standing on the ground, and their whole body is shrouded in a strong demonic energy.

"act recklessly!"

One of the ghosts made an icy voice, and a pair of eyes were like green vortexes, looking at Jiang Dao, "Dare to break through in the virtual world, you don't put the virtual world in your eyes at all!"

"You dare to be so messy just after breaking through, human beings, you should be punished!"

Another ghost said coldly.

"Jiang Dao should die today!"

The third ghost approached, with a cold tone and a turbulent breath.

The other ghosts also all looked indifferent, looking at Jiang Dao as if they were dead.

Without exception, all those who dare to emerge at this moment are the real emperors!

Jiang Dao grinned directly and said, "Should I die? I'll be punished? Hahaha, I remember someone told me this many years ago, but I'm still alive and well, you guys, fight if you want. , if you don't fight, get out, what kind of spectrum is there in front of me!"


He took a huge step forward, his body was full of surging breath, his blood was like a furnace, and his terrifying body directly brought an unspeakable huge depression, and he shouted, "Who dares to fight me to the death!"


The sound fell, shaking all directions, and the entire virtual world seemed to be shaking.

The land collapsed, the black mist rolled, and dozens of thick lightning bolts appeared between the sky and the earth.

In the distance, countless evil gods and gods of death were so frightened that they looked pale, shivered, and looked at Jiang Dao in shock.

The gap between the two sides is too great.

Now Jiang Dao is the real God Emperor, and his life level has reached an incredible level, which is already completely different from them. If you want to kill them, you don't even need to do anything, just taking a breath is enough to spray them to death.

The many ghosts in all directions are all gloomy, looking at Jiang Dao coldly.

Jiang Dao squeezed a grin on his face and said, "This is the virtual world? This is the **** emperor? What? There is no one who dares to fight in the vast virtual world?"

He roared again, with a loud voice, "Who dares to fight me to the death!"


There was another terrifying vibration, the thunder was rolling, and the thick lightning continued to crash down, and the breath was terrifying.

Many evil gods and gods of death were so frightened that they retreated in a hurry, and they did not dare to get close.

"I don't know whether to live or die, you are too noisy!"

A terrifying shadow made an icy voice, and its pupils were like vortexes, looking towards Jiang Dao.


Jiang Dao turned his head, with a pair of golden eyes, runes flowing and flickering, he looked at the terrifying ghost with a grin on his face, "You, get out of here!"

The phantom's face turned cold, and his heart was filled with murderous aura.

"Get out and die!"

Jiang Dao roared.


The gigantic ghost roared in anger, unbearable to be humiliated, and the terrifying body carried the endless demonic energy of death.

Jiang Dao's eyes froze, and the huge and terrifying body immediately rushed over.


The two sides were immediately slaughtered together, the rays of light were surging, and the breath swept across, like countless rounds of scorching sun rising, and like endless black tide swept up, the terrifying chaotic aura swept the ten directions.

The speed of the fight between the two sides was too fast, and it was completely unclear from the emperor below.


Jiang Dao completely relied on the strength of his physical body. He did not dodge or dodge. He exchanged wounds for wounds. He was extremely fierce, and his fists smashed out in a series. The strength of the whole body exploded, and I don't know how strong it is. After turning the opponent's body in turn, it smashed wildly in all directions.

The phantom let out a hoarse roar, almost fainting from anger.

However, no matter how you resist, UU reading www. However, he could never get rid of Jiang Dao, so he could only let Jiang Dao grab his face and smash it everywhere, giving off a terrifying reputation.

In the end, the ghost directly smashed his body, and countless flesh and blood rushed out quickly, and then he escaped from Jiang Dao's men and reorganized the demon body again in the distance.

"Human, **** you!"

This phantom looked resentful and shouted loudly.


A strong smile appeared on Jiang Dao's face, "This is the **** emperor of the virtual world, and it seems like this now, hahahaha..."

He let out a burst of terrifying laughter again, earth-shattering, golden light rolling like a terrifying astral wind swept through, taking off sand and rocks, and the mountains swaying.

The many ghosts in all directions all sank their eyes, their hearts were murderous, and their faces were cold.

"Fellow Daoists, take action together and kill him!"

The previous ghost shouted resentfully, "Don't let him go, otherwise I will never be able to raise my head again and kill him!"