MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 632 5 Great Demons

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The scene in front of him made Jiang Dao's heart deeply awe-inspiring.

The rich black sea water is like the most filthy and chaotic opponent in the world.

Just the corpses floating out from above are enough to make people sick.

Many corpses were rotting out of shape, and the stench could be heard from countless miles away.

He walked back and forth overseas in this piece of demon corpse, and his heart was surging.

He is not afraid of the corrosion of sea water, mainly because of the dirty.

Suddenly, Jiang Dao remembered something, he took out a white jade bottle, moved it, and released a giant blood-colored spider from it, scarlet all over, filled with mysterious veins.

This blood-colored spider was obtained in the ancestral land of Shenting a long time ago. It was abandoned by General Feng and picked up by him.

"Go, go and help me see if this seabed really has no space."

Jiang Dao's eyes flickered, staring at the blood-colored spider, his palms stuck out, and he lightly patted the blood-colored spider a few times.

A layer of mysterious and vast power directly enveloped the blood-colored spider, which could help it resist the corrosion of the sea of ​​​​dead corpses.


The blood-colored spider let out a piercing cry in response to Jiang Dao, and the huge body began to wade towards the dark sea in front of him.

The rich black sea water eroded over and was completely blocked by the mysterious power on the body surface.

Its body quickly dived into the filthy seabed.

Next, Jiang Dao began to wait quietly.

time passed.

In a blink of an eye, most of the day was spent.

The smell of integrating the sea of ​​​​dead corpses is simply choking. Even if Jiang Dao has closed the pores all over his body, he can still smell the pungent breath.

Suddenly, there was a bubbling sound in the sea of ​​corpses in front of him.

Jiang Dao's eyes flashed, and his golden eyes glanced over instantly.

I saw the previous blood-colored spider quickly crawled out from the seabed area, and the black seawater above and below the body quickly fell, and the huge body crawled to the shore in a blink of an eye.

"How is it? Is there really no room down there?"

Jiang Dao's eyes flashed.


The blood-colored spider made a harsh sound, and its claws began to move quickly on the ground.

Soon, a general layout of the seabed emerged.

A ray of light flashed in Jiang Dao's eyes.

Sure enough!

"Okay, okay, you have done a great job for me."

Jiang Dao nodded again and again, very satisfied, took out the white jade bottle, and put the big blood-colored spider in it again.

Next, Jiang Dao fixed his gaze on the layout on the ground, brought the entire layout into his mind, and then wiped away all the traces on the ground with a swipe. Gold light floated all over his body, enveloped himself, and quickly jumped into the seabed.

The powerful Chiyang zhenqi firmly wrapped him, he was like a vigorous fish in the bottom of the sea, traversing quickly towards the distance, a pair of eyes flashed with golden light, staring away towards the distance, his body was like electricity, Act fast.

After half an hour.

Jiang Dao's body quickly dived and touched a powerful barrier. His eyes flashed and he stopped.

"I found it, it seems to be here!"

His heart was turbulent, and he carefully touched the enchantment in front of him. Countless lines of all things returning to the original appeared in the palm of his hand, and they quickly passed through the surface of these enchantments.

The entire surface of the enchantment began to corrode directly, making a sound.

In the blink of an eye, a small hole appeared on the surface of the barrier.

Jiang Dao's body flashed, and quickly became smaller. Along this small hole, he disappeared into the enchantment in a blink of an eye.

I have to say, this enchantment is really big enough.

It doesn't look like the bottom of the sea at all. There are continuous mountains in the distance, mighty, surrounded by large gray ancient trees, densely packed and endless.

Flakes of fallen leaves piled up on the ground, making the ground bumpy, one deep and one shallow.

Jiang Dao restrained his breathing, his eyes flashed, and he rose directly into the sky, looking down at this vast enchantment, Chiyang Demon Eyes turned and looked away in all directions.

Finally, he caught a breath of heaven.

"found it!"

Jiang Dao's body flashed and quickly disappeared here.

another area.

In the vast and deep cave.

A huge oven was suspended in the air, and countless mysterious and dazzling runes appeared on the surface, densely packed, full of profound truths, flashing and flickering, filled with the unspeakable breath of heaven.

The flame in the furnace was burning automatically, the breath was terrifying, and it was rumbling.

In all directions, there are five hideous and terrifying figures standing here, watching the burning furnace in front of them.

These five figures have blue faces and fangs, huge bodies, and metallic luster on their skins. The breath of each figure is extremely terrifying, and some of them even have white bone scales on their surfaces.

Without exception, they are all God-Emperor-level existences.

They were god-king-level masters who fell countless years ago, and their corpses sank into the sea of ​​​​dead corpses, but in the process of countless years, these god-level corpses gave birth to spiritual wisdom again, and they formed them.

"Hey, Chu Rukuang is dead. After being burned by the Heavenly Dao oven for so long, even if his cultivation is stronger, he will definitely die!"

One of the ferocious shadows let out a low laugh, staring at the burning furnace in front of him.

"Don't be so careless, Chu Rukuang has a very strong and strong foundation, and it is not so easy to burn to death. He swallowed the seven-colored divine lotus in his early years. "

Another phantom laughed.

"Haha, this is the end of going against the palace lord, this guy is a peerless powerhouse among the slayers!"

The third ghost smiled.

"Okay, let's continue to wait and see what kind of elixir this old man can become after he dies!"

The fourth ghost said with a smile.

At this moment, they suddenly felt a sense of the same time, all turned back, their eyes twinkled.

"Something's wrong, there seems to be some movement outside, is there someone approaching?"

The first ghost said.

"Impossible. Except for the envoy of the palace lord, no one will come over in our area, but if the envoy of the palace lord comes, they will definitely notify in advance, it is impossible to be so silent!"

The second ghost said.

"What's the matter? Fifth, go out and see!"

The third ghost said.

"Alright, the four older brothers are waiting here with peace of mind, I'll come when I go!"

The fifth ghost nodded again and again, opened his wide feet, and walked towards the outside.

He was covered in copper skin and iron bones, with a huge body, covered with thick black hairs.

After he walked out, a pair of scarlet eyes immediately swept in all directions.

After seeing that there was no movement around him, he stepped forward again and walked directly to other places in the distance.

Soon he had completely left the cave.

"Strange, obviously there is no movement, why do you have to say that there is movement here?"

This ghost figure frowned, and displeasure rose in his heart.

After carefully checking the surroundings again, the ghost turned around and was about to return to the cave, but just as he turned around, his face changed, and he was shocked.

At some point behind him, there was an incomparably huge figure, burly and ferocious, covered with scales and barbs, and his body was even bigger than him.


The phantom was startled and was about to roar, but Jiang Dao's fist had already landed on his forehead like lightning.


There was a muffled sound, the sound was terrifying, and the terrifying energy rushed towards all directions.

This phantom's head was sunk on the spot, bleeding from the seven orifices, and it was horrible to see. There was a buzzing sound in his mind, half of his head disappeared, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

Then Jiang Dao's body suddenly embraced him.


The body of the ghost was hugged by him on the spot, and a big hand was still holding the opponent's mouth tightly, so that the other party could not shout at all, Jiang Dao's face showed a grin, and his body suddenly squeezed .


The terrifying force was released, and the opponent's body was crushed by him on the spot like a broken egg.

Blood splattered!


Just as the opponent's countless flesh and blood fragments were about to rush out, Jiang Dao's body suddenly burst out with a golden light, quickly wrapping the opponent's flesh and blood into a huge ball.

These flesh-and-blood fragments did not die directly, but wriggled and regrouped quickly inside, and soon formed the appearance of the ghost again, uttering bursts of angry roars, struggling frantically within the ball, and banging in all directions Kill and go, trying to blast the ball.

The entire ball was shaken rapidly, buzzing and shaking.

Jiang Dao couldn't help but be moved.

These five celestial demons really live up to their reputation!

His body was smashed into pieces by himself, but nothing was the same.

Seeing the opponent struggling frantically inside, Jiang Dao's complexion changed, he took out the animal control bag, threw the ball directly into the animal control bag, and tied it again.

The thirty-six boys in the animal control bag had just woken up when they saw the huge ball sent in by Jiang Dao.

An extremely tragic scene suddenly occurred in the entire animal control bag. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Jiang Dao quickly put away the animal control bag with a solemn expression, and glanced at the cave in the distance.

With his current strength, it is easy to defeat a demon, but it is very difficult to kill!

Moreover, there are still four demons in the cave, even if the Baiyin boy is released, they will not be able to eat them steadily.

Once they escape or notify the Heavenly Dao Palace Master in other ways, it will be bad.

At the current Tiandao Shrine, there are countless God-Emperor-level masters gathered.


He pondered in his heart, walked back and forth, and suddenly his heart moved, and all the bones in his body were crackling, and he quickly squirmed. In the blink of an eye, his body and shape changed drastically.

It has already transformed into the appearance of the previous demon.

With a strange smile on Jiang Dao's face, he walked directly towards the original cave again.

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