MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 634 rush out!

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The scene in front of him was extremely terrifying.

In Jiang Dao's hands, he held the golden-bright Heavenly Dao oven, and the whole body was covered with bright rays of light. It was burning and the breath was terrifying. As soon as he rushed out, the entire huge sea of ​​heavenly demons roared terribly and began to explode violently.

boom! boom! boom! boom...

In an instant, monstrous corpses rushed up from all directions.

There was surging heat everywhere, and it burst into flames.

The terrifying temperature made the sea of ​​​​dead corpses evaporate an unknown amount of water.

Jiang Dao carried Chu Rukuang on his back, his eyes were cold, and he watched the four celestial demons that turned into four firelights in the distance and quickly fled.

No matter what, these four demons must be silenced!

Otherwise, it will definitely be troublesome!

At the Tiandao Shrine, a large number of **** emperors are gathering at this moment, and once those **** emperors rush, he can't resist at all.


The speed of Jiang Dao's expansion was extremely fast, as if he had broken through the barriers of time and space, and soon appeared not far behind the four demons. The demon rushed over.


Under the control of Jiang Dao, the terrifying hot yang energy instantly turned into a fiery and terrifying golden dragon, with a piercing roar from his mouth, rushing directly past, and quickly swept away towards the bodies of the four demons.

"Run away, run away!"

"Heavenly Palace Lord, come and help, come and help!"

"The sky's the limit, the endless sea of ​​corpses, kill me!"

The four celestial demons were cornered and screamed wildly, corpse gas billowing up and down their bodies, and the corpse gas was full of death energy, and they blasted towards the rear.

However, in front of this terrifying golden dragon, everything had no effect.


All the corpse gas and death gas still exploded quickly.

A face-to-face is all shattered, vulnerable to a single blow.


The body of a demon was swept up, screaming frantically, burning all over with a terrible breath, and waving his hands desperately, but it was of no use at all. Come.


In the blink of an eye, he was dragged into the interior of the Heavenly Dao oven and encountered the frenzied refining of the fire.

The ultimate yang fire in this heavenly oven is their natural nemesis.

This demon had just fallen into it, and his body began to decay inch by inch. The screams were extremely shrill, and his body slowly shattered, dissipated, and turned into nothingness.

"The third one!"

"Run away!"

The remaining three celestial demons, with their eyes split open, roared and shouted desperately.

They were covered in flames and continued to flee towards the distance.

A strange color appeared in Jiang Dao's eyes.

How could the Tiandao oven actually accept people directly?

This function is much beyond his expectations.


Jiang Dao's body turned into a terrifying flame, and he continued to chase after the three demons, during which he activated the terrifying Tiandao oven again.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Three consecutive terrifying and abnormal roars sounded, earth-shattering, and the light burned.

Another three dazzling golden dragons rushed out.

Every golden dragon was burning with terrifying aura.

The three golden dragons each chose a demon and quickly rolled over.

The three celestial demons looked back, all terrified and terrified. They screamed desperately, and even performed forbidden techniques. In an instant, their bodies burst and turned into countless streams of light, fleeing in all directions.

In order to escape, they did not hesitate to directly explode their bodies.

You must know that they are all **** emperors, almost immortal, even if they are broken into countless pieces, but as long as a drop of blood is still alive, the whole person will be resurrected again.

Now they have exploded into countless copies, and it is enough to only escape a few.


Three golden dragons rushed past, and suddenly bursts of terrifying roars shattered the entire space.

Endless Chiyang Divine Fire rushed out, burning ragingly, burning most of the sky red.


The shattered streamers suddenly burned with these terrifying divine fires, and there were screams of shrill screams from inside.

It was as if there was a demon within each streamer.

Jiang Dao frowned, and he didn't stop. He continued to shake the heavenly oven, and once again rushed out six terrifying golden dragons from it.

Roar! Roar! Roar...

Pieces of light rushed through, earth-shattering and terrifying.

Explosive power is everywhere.

Even scarier than before.

Immediately, more streamers were completely destroyed, and the terrifying divine fire spread out, instantly melting the mountains in all directions, turning them into scarlet magma, flowing everywhere.

Pieces of terrifying scorching heat and waves of fire erupted directly across the world.

Jiang Dao's eyes turned to look in all directions, and Chiyang's magic pupil was urged to the extreme, "Should it be almost there?"

If he was burned like this in the Heavenly Dao oven, even if he didn't kill him completely, he would definitely hurt his vitality.

Even if he could reorganize his body in the future, he would not be a god-king-level expert, and it was already the pinnacle that he could retain the strength of a god-king level.


Jiang Dao made a decisive decision, immediately put away the sun-filled fire, held up the huge Heavenly Dao oven, carried Chu Rukuang on his back, and fled to the lower realm.

Originally, he was going to infiltrate the Tiandao Shrine to inquire about the conspiracy of the Tiandao Palace Master, but now that the movement here is so big, he suddenly lost his mind.

Once the news here reaches the Tiandao Shrine, the Lord of the Tiandao Palace will be furious.

So it is better to leave as soon as possible.


Jiang Dao directly shuttled through space and ran wildly towards the lower realm.

The last time he escaped from the upper realm, he was still on the **** bear's warship.

But this time it is completely unnecessary, and with his own strength, he can break the blockade of Kaifengtian Great Array.


Jiang Dao rushed out all the way, and soon completely disappeared in the Upper Realm area, leaving only the devastated, horrible atmosphere. There was a destructive atmosphere in countless miles, and the mountains, lakes, and dense forests were all turned into dust.

Even the sea of ​​​​dead corpses was evaporated by nearly half of the power of the heavenly oven.

A terrifying fiery aura filled the surroundings of the Sea of ​​​​Devils.

From then on, the sea of ​​corpses will never exist, and the high temperature there will last for a long time.


With a flash of light, Jiang Dao finally returned to the lower realm, looked around, and finally rushed into the ancestral land of God Court with Chu Rukuang on his back.

"Senior, how are you?"

Jiang Dao put Chu Rukuang down and asked.

"Jiang... Boy Jiang, give me a burst of infuriating energy first!"

Chu Rukuang gasped.

"it is good!"

Jiang Dao immediately did as he did, putting his palm on Chu Rukuang's back, converting the extreme yang real fire in his body into extreme yang real qi, and surging towards Chu Rukuang's back, Chu Rukuang's body froze for a moment, and his body froze. He began to absorb Jiang Dao's infuriating energy quickly.

After a few minutes of work, Chu Rukuang's body finally burst out with a layer of bright golden light, shaking Jiang Dao's palms, his hands quickly formed marks on his chest, his voice was low, and his breath was turbulent.

"The world is infinite!"


As if his body suddenly turned into a bottomless black hole, he began to frantically absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth in all directions, making the whole world tremble suddenly.

Endless rays of light surged towards him overwhelmingly.

The essence of plants and trees, the power of mountains and rivers, the power of the sun and the moon... are all rushing in quickly.

The entire sky became more dazzling because of the violent suction in his body. In an instant, it was like hundreds of huge suns appeared.

Looking closely, where is the sun, it is clearly a huge star.

These terrifying stars quickly approached due to the violent suction in Chu Rukuang's body, and pieces of light quickly poured out from these stars, converging towards Chu Rukuang's body.


Chu Rukuang's body suddenly sent out a low roar, like a mountain and a tsunami, as if there were thousands of troops galloping in his body, his body was like a dry farmland, greedily absorbing the berserk in all directions. strength.

Jiang Dao looked at the scene in front of him, his heart trembled, and he couldn't help but quickly retreat.

What a terrible vision!

From this point of view, Chu Rukuang's cultivation is definitely far higher than himself.

He is definitely the pinnacle powerhouse among the **** emperors!

It should be only one step away from this realm.


A terrifying thunderstorm suddenly appeared in the sky, and the dazzling thunder and lightning were also sucked down by Chu Ru, and began to gather towards his body.

This scene is horrific!

That is to say, this place is located in the ancestral land of God Court. Otherwise, it will definitely shock the world.

It lasted quite a long time.

Most of the day passed.

The movement on Chu Rukang's side finally stopped slowly, the speed of the influx of vitality from the heavens and the earth began to slow down, and the originally huge planet in the high sky had also dimmed, and flew out again, returning to its original trajectory.

When I looked up, I saw that it was withered in all directions.

All kinds of forests, spirit grass, spirit wood, and many small animals in the ancestral land of God Court were all drained of their essence.

Jiang Dao's heart trembled, and he was speechless.

The pinnacle **** emperor, so terrifying!

Such an existence really has the power to destroy the world!

"Senior, how are you?"

Jiang Do asked.

The light on Chu Rukuang's body began to quickly restrain himself, his breath changed drastically, his eyes opened, like a flash of lightning, the light was bright, and the whole person stood up directly from the ground.

"Probably 70% to 80% has recovered."

"Seventy or eighty percent?"

Jiang Dao's face changed, and he said, "It seems like a major event has happened in the upper realm. The Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace actually summoned all the **** emperors who were hidden in the endless unknown and gathered them in the Heavenly Dao Shrine. They seem to be conspiring!"


Chu Rukuang frowned.

"Yes, I'm worried that they may go crazy against the Nether!"

Jiang Dao opened his mouth.


Chu Rukuang was keenly aware of the wrong, frowned and said, "Now the lower realm is almost half-abandoned, even if you have to deal with the lower realm, it is impossible to summon so many **** emperors, and those **** emperors who are secluded in endless unknown places, all eyes are higher than the top, They are arrogant and arrogant, and they have no interests, they will never obey the orders of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, and they are definitely not to deal with the lower realm!"

"What's that for?"

Jiang Dao asked.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

Chu Rukang's eyes flashed, and he said, "I always feel that this is going to happen. No, we have to go over and see!"

"Senior, wait a minute, our previous movement was so big, the Heavenly Dao Palace Master must have known it, and it is estimated that it will kill us soon, we should seek shelter as soon as possible, the last Chaos Qinglian has already arrived, I don't know. Can you make that senior recover!"

Jiang Dao suddenly spoke.

"Yes, you are right, let's go, let's go to open the museum!"

Chu Rukuang suddenly reacted and said.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two turned into streamers and swept away directly towards the deepest part of the ancestral land of God Court.


The upper bound area has long been in chaos.

Countless gods were terrified and saw the endless fire field burned by Jiang Dao.

The three major demons were almost half-crippled by him, and each of them only escaped a small part of their bodies, and fled to the Heavenly Dao Shrine in horror.

"Palace Master, something big has happened, come and help!"

A Heavenly Demon screamed miserably and rushed towards the Heavenly Dao Shrine.

Inside the gigantic shrine.

It is solemn and sacred. There are towering temples, row upon row, continuous and mighty. There are secret realms and shrines everywhere.

In a temple in the middle, there are nearly a hundred mysterious and hazy powerhouses sitting in a dense cross-section. Each of them has a terrifying aura and is surrounded by countless mysterious runes. Sitting there, it is like carrying a Like the ancient world, it is vast, vicissitudes, civilized and unfathomable.

Without exception, they are all gods.

At the forefront of the many **** emperors is the Heavenly Dao Palace Lord, sitting high and high.

He was covered in a hazy haze, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

Only a pair of eyes are exposed, mysterious and vicissitudes, and the stars, sun and moon are circulating, as if it contains a magical machine that opens up the world.

Suddenly, his palm moved lightly.

A piece of divine light rushed out, flew directly out of the Heavenly Dao Shrine, and rolled over the remnants of the three Heavenly Demons and pulled them directly.

With a flash of light, the remnants of the three demons have already appeared in the temple.

The **** emperors who were sitting cross-legged in all directions frowned, and their eyes fell on the three demons.

"Has something happened to the Tiandao oven?"

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master's tone was indifferent, high above, and glanced at the three demons.

"That Jiang Dao robbed the Tiandao oven, rescued Chu Rukuang, and killed the third and fifth children. The three of us managed to escape from the Tiandao oven. In order to escape, we lost 90% of our money. The power of the source!"

One of the demons had a bleak face and said, "I beg the palace lord to be the master!"

"Yeah, ask the palace master to call the shots!"

The other two all fell to their knees.

The eyes of many gods are condensed, cold and terrifying.

"That Jiang Dao actually robbed Tiandao's oven? He also saved Chu Rukuang?"

"It's been so long, this human is still jumping around?"

"As early as I said back then, if the roots are not cut off, the spring breeze will regenerate..."

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