MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 638 Unparalleled God!

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The huge oven was burning, and the breath was terrifying, filled with a terrifying red sun, scorching hot breath, and at the same time, the terrifying coercion of heaven was surging, rolling and mighty.

There is a supreme, endless, incomparable aura of catastrophe.

All the **** emperors showed their anger and stared at the heavenly oven.


The head of the crying soul is still not dead. In the raging flames of the Heavenly Dao oven, a shrill scream, hoarse, as if suffering from endless torture, burning blazingly, extremely miserable.

"Damn it, it's the heavenly oven, and it's the heavenly oven again!"

A Heavenly Demon gritted his teeth, jumped his feet angrily, and shouted, "Palace Master, quickly take back the Heavenly Dao oven!"

"Yes, Palace Master, quickly take back the oven!"

The other two Heavenly Demons also all turned ashen, jumping and shouting.

The lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace aloof, with cold eyes and a mysterious mist all over his body, looked down at the vast world.


He speaks the truth and has the power to open up the world.

A font fell, and the whole world was shaking.

The Tiandao oven originally controlled by Jiang Dao began to shake violently, rising into the sky from his side, and was about to rush into the sky.

Jiang Dao's expression changed, his huge palms had already protruded out, and his claws were terrifying. He instantly grabbed the feet of the oven, and the seal of punishment revolved.


The entire Tiandao oven was instantly enveloped by the power of terrifying thunder and punishment.

Originally, the Tiandao oven was still rushing towards the sky, but after this scene, the entire Tiandao oven started to stop, and it stopped rushing forward.

This Heavenly Dao oven is the supreme treasure bred from the Heavenly Dao.

Since the Heavenly Dao Palace Master obtained this treasure, he has never really refined it.

But now, as soon as the Heavenly Dao oven was hit by the power of Jiang Dao's punishment, he immediately felt a breath of the same origin from Jiang Dao, so he was no longer under the control of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, and turned to be close to Jiang Dao.


Jiang Dao grabbed it hard and pressed the Tiandao oven firmly on the ground again, and there were bursts of clear metallic sounds.

The raging fire inside is still burning.

Venerable Crying Soul's head was still screaming mournfully, suffering unimaginable pain.

Having cultivated to his level does not mean that you can kill by killing.

Chu Rukuang was trapped in the Heavenly Dao oven for so long without dying, and the same is true of the Crying Soul Venerable.

Although he is not as strong as Chu Rukuang, he can at least last for a few days.

The Lord of Tiandao Palace watched the Tiandao oven gradually lose control, and his face suddenly became more gloomy.

"Which fellow Daoist is willing to take this son?"

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master's tone was cold and dignified, and he said with a high voice.

All the gods and emperors looked down at Jiang Dao with indifferent eyes, like light and electricity.

"Little beast, can turn the sky upside down!"

"It's okay to run over him with one finger, why bother with him?"

"Don't fight with him alone, let's take action together and destroy the world!"

"It's just a bug, why waste time on him?"


A series of icy voices sounded from the upper realm.

Jiang Dao's heart sank, and his eyes were cold.

Are these **** emperors going to swarm?

He suddenly sneered, "I thought the upper realm was a group of masters, but all of them are greedy for life and fear of death, hiding their heads and showing their tails, what's wrong? Is there no one who dares to fight me openly?"

"Human, don't be crazy, we want to crush you, it's almost like crushing a bug."

A God Sovereign was aloof and his voice was expressionless, "How brilliant were the Night Watchmen and Spirit Eliminators back then, today is not the same as dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust, almost died tragically, compared with them, you are far worse!"

"Really? If so, why don't you dare to fight me?"

Jiang Dao said coldly.

"Why fight with you?"

The Divine Emperor said indifferently, "You, sooner or later, are dead, and this deity disdains to fight against the dead!"

"After all, I'm still scared!"

Jiang Dao sneered.

"Whatever you say, you just need to know that the night watchmen and spirit removers have all been wiped out. You are far inferior to them."

The Divine Emperor said indifferently, "Fellow Daoists, don't waste any more time, let's take action together, smooth the world, and let's go to the endless sea!"

"It's long overdue, why fight them alone?"

"Yes, let's make a move, smooth it out as soon as possible, so I can leave as soon as possible, take a look here, this seat feels disgusting!"

A group of **** emperors were expressionless and spoke recklessly.

"Since this is the case, then please all the channels to take action together and destroy this world!"

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master was aloof, his voice was icy cold, echoing the heavens and the earth, and completely pronounced the fate of this world.

Numerous **** emperors all showed cruel colors, no more words, they raised their fingers and clicked down.

Chi Chi Chi!

One after another terrifying rays of light rushed out from their fingertips, and they turned into terrifying long dragons.

Jiang Dao's expression changed, showing his anger, and without thinking, he quickly shot out the Tiandao oven, and all the power from his body poured into the Tiandao oven.


A monstrous sunlight suddenly erupted in the entire oven, earth-shattering, like endless magma, sweeping towards the sky, catching all the terrifying energy beams in the sky.


Jiang Da roared.

Chu Rukuang opened his eyes instantly, like light and electricity, and his huge body suddenly appeared under the heavenly oven, and his palm slapped directly on the heavenly oven, and the power of the entire heavenly oven was instantly urged to the extreme.


Even more terrifying golden rays of light rushed toward the sky, and at the same time, there were countless densely packed dazzling runes, flying everywhere, and each rune seemed to turn into a terrifying sun, rushing towards the terrifying energy of the gods and emperors.

"Jiang Dao, go to the altar, here is me!"

Chu Rukang drank lowly, pushing his own strength to the extreme.

As an old-fashioned spirit remover, he also inherits the seal of heavenly punishment on his body. At this moment, he uses the seal of heavenly punishment to drive the furnace of heaven. The light is terrifying, the breath is vast, and he is trying his best to compete with the gods of the gods.

The mighty and terrifying energy simply wants to destroy all visible qualities.

The terrifying energy aura made all the **** kings and gods watching the battle extremely terrified, and all of them were horrified.

Every **** king and **** was horrified from beginning to end.

Even a trace of such energy is enough to completely destroy them.

"Okay, senior be careful!"

Jiang Dao gritted his teeth, withdrew his infuriating energy, his body flashed, and he rushed towards the altar of the ancestral land of Shenting at an unimaginable speed.

Hula, almost a few ups and downs, he has reappeared on the huge altar.

As soon as he landed on the altar, he heard a low roar from the first copper coffin, a rumbling sound, like a tsunami, and it was as if there were thousands of troops galloping, and the sound was loud and scary.

"Senior, the situation has changed, the **** emperors of the heavens are going to exterminate the human world..."

Jiang Dao hurriedly came to the copper coffin and transmitted his voice to the inside of the copper coffin.

The sound inside the copper coffin roared, rumbling and deafening, like a dull thunder.

Jiang Dao's face changed, and he said again, "Senior, can you take action now? The emperors of the heavens are going to exterminate the world, and senior Chu and junior will be unable to resist..."

"Okay, okay, I heard that."

An obscure and terrifying sound came from inside the copper coffin, accompanied by a terrifying roar, and said, "I only have a quarter of an hour to wake up, and after a quarter of an hour, you will ring the soul bell and call me back. Otherwise, once I get lost, I will not distinguish between the enemy and me, and start killing..."

"Soul Soul Bell? But where is Soul Soul Bell?"

Jiang Dao spoke quickly.

"Soul Soul Bell, I'll give it to you right away, I'm coming out!"


The sound fell, the lid of the entire copper coffin was suddenly lifted, and an unimaginable terrifying aura instantly erupted from the entire copper coffin, billowing and surging, like endless volcanoes spewing, accompanied by endless magical energy, shaking the sky and the earth. , the sun and the moon are dull.

The entire Divine Court ancestral land shook violently under this terrifying aura.


Accompanied by terrifying roars, an earth-shattering shadow rushes up directly from the copper coffin, the wind grows bigger, and the whole body is accompanied by a monstrous gloomy aura, as if the unparalleled devil is returning to the world, and like an ancient demon, Angry the world.

The terrifying howling sound is deafening, and it seems to be enough to destroy everything.


This terrifying ghost quickly disappeared, rushing towards the outside, rapidly expanding while rushing, and the breath was monstrous, and just as he rushed out, a bronze-colored ancient bell was thrown by him in front of Jiang Dao.

It is the Soul Town Bell!


In an instant, the entire dark sky shattered.

The high altitude originally sealed by the Fengjie Flag was directly torn to shreds by Wu Dao. His terrifying and huge demon body crossed all time and space constraints. body.

As soon as it appeared, the gods and emperors of the heavens changed their expressions.





Wu Dao once again made an earth-shattering demonic howl, which rolled through the endless time and space, and reversed the six cycles of reincarnation. The huge mouth seemed to have turned into a terrifying gate of hell, and swallowed it directly towards the nearest **** emperor. past.

"What are you doing? Friends, help me!"

The **** emperor screamed in panic.

At the same time, rays of light erupted from his body, and he bombarded with both hands, and began to rush towards Wu Dao's body desperately.

All the energy blasted out, and all collapsed automatically.

The gloom and coldness on Wu Dao's body was too fiery, and the red hair on half of his body was even more terrifying. He had not really approached the God Emperor yet. These terrifying red hairs and unknowns had already invaded his body first, making his The body was also covered with red hair instantly, and there was a terrifying feeling in Bingsen.


The **** emperor screamed directly, and his body began to mutate in an instant, densely packed.

He approached to resist, and at the same time the killing technique in his hand became more terrifying, but he was still bitten by Wu Dao's huge **** mouth.


Blood splattered, ferocious and terrifying.

Wu Dao's unparalleled demon body turned into a sky-shattering troll, swallowing the world with blood, and biting the emperor-level powerhouse in his mouth in one bite, frantically swallowing the source of the opponent's body.


"kill him!"

"Let go of Ling Daozi!"


The gods and emperors of the gods were frightened, shouted fiercely, and rushed towards Wu Dao's body frantically, and the gods and emperors of the gods shot together.

Even the Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace froze and shot a terrifying beam of light.

"It's you, you're not dead yet!"

The eyes of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master were extremely terrifying, his body was full of turbulent aura, and his murderous intent could hardly be suppressed.

Even though Wu Dao has become like this, he still recognizes this terrifying rival at a glance!

This is the Holy Body of the Emperor of the Year!

"kill him!"

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master roared violently.

Chi Chi Chi!

He opened his five fingers and rushed out endless divine light directly from the palm of his hand. It was mighty and shrouded Wu Dao's body.


Wu Dao's body is terrifying and terrifying. The unparalleled demon body is full of endless and terrifying power. He is still biting the body of the **** emperor in his mouth, absorbing as much as 90% of his source.

Boom boom boom boom!

Thousands of killing techniques slammed into his body, sending out a terrifying and heavy roar, but his body was like an indomitable ancient divine mountain, allowing all kinds of bombardment by the gods and emperors of the heavens, and there was no sign of injury at all. .

The red hair on his body is intertwined with the black energy, and the strong ominous power is surging everywhere, and every kind of ominousness is enough to destroy everything.

"You trash fish, it's you who hurt me, it's you who hurt me..."

Wu Dao's voice was terrifying and huge.

A pair of terrifying eyes turned into a scarlet color, as if they had become two terrifying blood moons.

He directly tore the Ling Daozi's body, and the unparalleled demon body rushed through wildly, breaking through all attacks and the mouth of time and space. The mouth opened wide, and four sharp and huge fangs emerged, facing the second god. The emperor pounced fiercely.

Letting all kinds of killing techniques blast towards his body, his body is like a real King Kong that is not broken, and there is no shaking or shaking at all.

The second God Sovereign screamed in horror, his body shivered, and desperately retreated towards the rear.

At this moment, he really felt the danger of death.

What the **** is this monster?

Wu Dao, how could it become like this.

"Palace Master Tiandao, come and save me!"

The **** emperor shouted.


The ferocious and terrifying fangs directly slammed into his neck.

Wu Dao's huge demon body directly slammed into his body, his hands clasped his body tightly and devoured his origin frantically.


The second God Sovereign also screamed and screamed hoarsely.

The entire body was rapidly withered and dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that all the vitality and life energy in the body are rapidly rushing towards Wu Dao's mouth, his body is infected with red hair, and soon endless hair grows densely, and the voice is even more tragic and desperate.

At this moment, he seemed to have completely lost control of his life.


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