MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 642 The upper realm is destroyed!

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Under Chu Rukuang's repeated persecution, the Six Fire God of War struggled hard, but he gritted his teeth and told the specific situation of the Endless Boundary Sea.

Even if he doesn't say it, the two of Jiang Dao can kill him and get news from other places.

Rather than saying it outright.

"The endless sea, incomparably mysterious and vast, is still an ancient legend that has been circulated since the ancient times. According to legend, the endless sea leads to the real perfect fairyland, and there are countless opportunities and fortunes in that perfect fairyland. By the way, you should know that there is a kind of dao fruit in this world, right? In fact, this kind of dao fruit flows out from that perfect fairy world, and it is said that the palace master of heaven and earth also got a supreme one long ago. Dao fruit, but he has never used it, worried that there are unknown factors in Dao fruit, and has been sealing that Dao fruit, but this time he was seriously injured and desperate, he will definitely use that Dao fruit."

Six Fire God of War said.

"What? The depths of the endless sea lead to a perfect fairyland?"

"Where did this news come from, and why have I never heard of it?"

Jiang Dao and Chu Rukuang were both startled and spoke quickly.

Especially Chu Rukuang, he was sealed for countless years and missed many major events in the world.

He is ignorant of many ancient secrets.

"This kind of news was obtained from the Night's Watch King in the First World War, and over the past countless years, we have indeed found the existence of the endless sea. In normal times, this endless sea is hidden in the depths of nothingness. It's hard to find, but only at the critical moment, a crack will appear in this endless sea, and if you rush out along the crack, you will be able to see the magnificent palace in the deepest part of the endless sea..."

Six Fire God of War's eyes were shocked, and he seemed to be caught in a long-term memory, "You will never know how vast and terrifying that kind of palace is. Before the endless years, we once broke into the endless sea with the Heavenly Dao Palace Master. At that time, endless The sea of ​​​​boundary has not yet been fully opened. It is a road forcibly opened up by the master of the Heavenly Dao Palace using the power of the Heavenly Dao. As a result, when we approached the palace, a kind of power spread within the palace to destroy Laxiu. More than a dozen **** emperors were shattered, four were seriously injured permanently, and seven died on the spot, and even the Heavenly Dao was directly injured by the power that spread from the palace at that time!"

"Tian Dao was also injured?"

Jiang Dao's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, otherwise why do you think Tiandao has been sleeping longer and longer in these countless years? It was the serious injury that made it so far that it has not recovered."

The God of War of Six Fires turned pale and said, "At that time, in addition to a terrifying power that spread out in the palace, there was also a Dao Fruit, which was obtained by the Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao, but the Dao Fruit was Almost flawless, far more perfect than any Dao Fruit you have encountered in the lower realm, even through the outer skin, you can feel the terrifying power inside, and..."

There was a faint look of fear in his eyes, and he said, "That Dao Fruit seems to be alive, the figure inside can affect people's hearts and can control people's thinking, and the God Emperor who is seriously injured can easily be controlled by it! "

"What does the figure in that fruit look like?"

Jiang Dao immediately asked.

"It's extremely weird, with a tall body, three eyes on his forehead, and a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand!"

Six Fire God of War said.


Jiang Dao was startled, almost unbelievable.

This look!

He couldn't be more familiar.

Almost immediately thought of the ancient myth of the previous life.

"That Dao Fruit has always been in the hands of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master?"

Jiang Dao asked.

"Yes, he should not have refining, otherwise, he would not have used the power of Dao Fruit before!"

Six Fire God of War said.

Jiang Dao's heart was tumbling rapidly, in chaos.

what is the problem?


All of them are actually related to the myth of his previous life.

Almost all of the Dao Fruits he encountered were like this.

"Is it true that the existences in the myths of the previous life are true, they were seriously injured, and this turned into the fruit of the Tao and went to this world?"

Jiang Dao was surprised.

"Where is the endless sea?"

Chu Rukang asked.

"It is usually hidden in the endless nothingness, but it will be opened soon. At that time, the endless sea will open a gap in the deepest part of the extraterritorial space. This time it is actively opened, and the temple inside will no longer be restricted. Will let others enter, as long as you follow the temple, you can enter the real perfect fairyland, where everyone has the possibility to take the last step!"

Six Fire God of War opened his mouth and said, "Fellow Daoist Chu, you have also reached the realm of God Emperor, you should know the difficulty of this last step, from ancient times to the present, whether it is your Spirit Eliminator Emperor or Night Watcher Emperor, Or the previous Heavenly Dao Palace Masters, without exception, all of them took the last step. When they reached their highest level, they suddenly collapsed and died tragically. That last step seems to be a taboo, and no one in the world can If you step out, once you force the impact, you will only die miserably, but it is different in the perfect fairyland, everyone has the possibility to take the last step!"

Jiang Dao was surprised and turned to look at Chu Rukuang.

The realm after the emperor is actually like this?

Once you step out, you will be in trouble!

Chu Rukuang's face was gloomy, and after realizing Jiang Dao's gaze, he nodded slowly and said, "What he said is true, this last step is extremely dangerous, it seems to be accompanied by some kind of terrible curse, once it is forced to attack, it will definitely die tragically! "

"What about Senior Wu Dao? Has Senior Wu Dao stepped out?"

Jiang Dao asked.

"It shouldn't be. He should have just taken this step in the flesh. The flesh has become holy, surpassing the emperor, but in terms of cultivation, he is still at the peak of the emperor!"

Chu Rukang said in a deep voice.

"The flesh is sanctified!"

Jiang Dao's heart was surging, and he suddenly thought of the curse and red hair on Wu Dao's body.

Are those curses and red hairs...

He suddenly looked at Chu Rukuang.

Chu Rukuang obviously thought of this, his eyes narrowed, and his heart was shocked.

How did the curse of Venerable Wu Dao come from this?

He was sanctified in the flesh, so he would encounter bad luck and be cursed in the flesh?

The two slowly exhaled, and then continued to ask the Six Fire God of War for more information.

The God of War of Six Fires knows everything and speaks inexhaustibly, and almost tells everything about what he knows.

It's a pity that he doesn't know anything about the finer things.

"You two, I have already said everything you want to know, should you let me go?"

The Six Fire God of War was pale, and he was extremely uneasy in his heart, and asked.

Although it is difficult to kill a God-Emperor-level master, Jiang Dao has the heavenly oven in his hands. If he is thrown into the oven by Jiang Dao, it must be extremely difficult for him.

Over time, you will surely die.

Chu Rukang pondered slightly, nodded and said, "You go, I hope you do it yourself!"

"Okay, many thanks to fellow Daoist Chu, and thanks to Gangmaster Jiang!"

The Six Fire God of War was overjoyed, hurriedly turned into a streamer, tore open the space, and quickly disappeared here.

Jiang Dao's eyes narrowed, and murderous intention sprouted in his heart.

The Six Fire Gods of War can't do anything in this world, so it's really cheap for him to let him go.

It is a pity that with his own power, it is difficult to completely leave the other party.

Can only wait for the next time to kill each other.

"Jiang Dao, let's go and see how senior is doing."

Chu Rukuang suddenly reacted and said.

"it is good!"

The two of them turned around immediately, turned into a streamer, and swept away directly into the distance.


The whole world shook.

After this battle, the upper realm almost fell apart.

The gods and emperors of the gods suffered heavy losses, and the master of the Heavenly Dao Palace was seriously injured.

The terrifying red-haired whirlwind swept over half of the Upper Realm directly from the battlefield area.

Such a tragic scene was seen by the demons of the virtual world, and all of them were reflected in their eyes.

"The upper realm is over!"

"After this battle, there will be no redemption!"

"If you don't take advantage of the fact that the upper realm is swept up now, when will you wait?"


For a time, many demons in the virtual world were born one after another, emitting a long howl, and one after another terrifying magic sound penetrated the void, mighty, and spread rapidly towards the distance.

Countless gods of death, evil gods, vicious monsters, and evil spirits gathered around them, black energy billowing toward the upper realm.

These devils are very tacit, and no one dares to approach the world.

They passed through the virtual realm, opened up a space channel directly, and rushed towards the upper realm.

Before the existence of the seal of the world, they had to take a warship to go to the upper realm, but now that the flag of the world has been destroyed, they only need to tear the space and they can penetrate it instantly.

"Hahaha, Upper Realm, after countless years, I'm finally back here!"

"Palace Master Tiandao, when we worked for you and killed countless night watchmen and spirit removers for you, how did you treat us? We only lost one game, and you pushed us into the virtual world and suffered endlessly. The pain, and now we are back, and we are back in an upright manner, hahahaha!"

"What a rich heaven and earth vitality, what a vast immortal family mountains and rivers!"

"Hey, Heavenly Dao Palace Master, you are doing the opposite, this is your retribution!"

Countless demons rushed into the upper realm, laughing wildly, with endless death energy and demon energy pouring out from their bodies.

The original upper realm was peaceful and peaceful, filled with sacred aura, mountains and rivers, flowing waterfalls, and countless animals, birds and animals, but at this moment, everything was rapidly polluted and turned into a smoky atmosphere.

The entire Upper Realm was bleak.

Numerous gods and **** kings were extremely frightened and angry.

They never imagined that at this moment, the demons of the virtual world would enter the upper world.

"What are you doing? Do you want to attack the upper bounds? Retreat quickly!"

"Aren't you afraid of being liquidated by the palace master?"

"Everyone step back immediately!"

Many gods and gods shouted loudly.

However, the immediate response to them was an extremely terrifying attack.


A God Sovereign shot, with a terrifying breath, tearing Mingyu apart, black energy like lightning, swept towards many God Kings, and a single encounter caused many God Kings to vomit blood and fly out, revealing panic.

"I don't know whether to live or die, and now I dare to make a noise in front of this deity!"

This God Sovereign is extremely domineering, with a turbulent breath, like an ancient demon god, strode towards the Temple of Heaven and said, "I heard that your upper realm has mastered the Holy Gate of Heaven, and there are countless within the Holy Gate of Heaven. Treasures and Immortal Herbs and Immortal Medicine, where is this Heavenly Dao Sacred Gate, tell the deity immediately, if not, the deity will take action and wash the blood for 100,000 miles!"

"You will be punished, and the Palace Master will definitely come back!"

A new **** vomited blood and angered.


The **** emperor's tone was indifferent, and he swept his palm.

The terrifying rays of light emanated, instantly shaking the new **** to pieces, turning it into a blood mist, and the dead could no longer die.

"Hey, Venerable Yinquan, why are you so cruel?"

Suddenly, bursts of terrifying laughter sounded directly in this area, and an incomparably huge face was revealed, extremely ugly, billowing black air, reflected in the sky, looking down at a group of new gods below, laughing loudly. Said, "I heard that the Lord of the Heavenly Dao Palace has the goodness of Longyang, but I was worried that the ordinary gods were too dirty, so I used the Heavenly Dao to recreate a group of new gods. If anything goes wrong, it seems that these guys are the new gods created by the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, hehe, if you don't like them, why don't you give them to this seat?"

"Oh? Venerable Violent Ape, do you like these guys?"

Venerable Yinquan smiled with an inexplicable expression on his face.

"Haha, such a stunner, wouldn't it be a pity to kill them all?"

The huge ugly face continued to grin.

"Since this is the case, then this group of new gods will all be given to Venerable Violent Ape!"

Venerable Yinquan laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The ugly-faced Venerable Violent Ape also laughed directly, turned into a terrifying demonic energy, and rushed past, sweeping away all the new gods in fear, rushing towards the distance.

Almost all other areas are like this.

One after another terrifying demons are rampaging wildly here. They are grinning and slaughtering frantically. With their fingers open, one after another magical light rushes out, penetrating one **** after another.

A large number of treasure troves were found by them, and the rays of light flickered inside, filled with all kinds of treasures, full of vitality, and the colors were dazzling and dizzying.

"Hehe, this is the treasure of the upper realm, and it will be ours from now on!"

"The fairy of the upper realm, the goddess of the upper realm, from now on, will become our possessions, hahaha..."

Countless demons were laughing wildly, and in their arrogance, slices of terrifying demonic energy rolled around, covering the sky and the sun, dyeing most of the upper realm black.


A terrifying roar suddenly sounded in the distance, and the coercion of the God-Emperor-level powerhouse spread out, shaking the world, surging out a large terrifying atmosphere of chaos.

Nine-headed God Sovereign, Undead God Sovereign, Zidian God Sovereign and other old **** Sovereigns are all resisting.


They roared in their mouths, even though they had suffered heavy losses before, they were still doing their best at this moment.

Boom boom boom!

Pieces of terrifying beams rushed out, smashing many demons in the realm of the gods, turning them into blood mist, and the demons in other directions showed horror.

But soon the emperor-level powerhouses in this group of demons began to appear.

"Nine-headed **** emperor, what kind of skill is it to bully the younger generation, why don't you play against the deity?"

A terrifying God-Emperor-level monster rushed out, revealing its body. It was extremely huge, with ferocious scales and armor, like a hill, billowing with blood, and its paw alone was as big as a star.


It grabbed the Nine-Headed God Emperor with one claws, making a rumbling muffled sound. It didn't know how many miles of space it destroyed along the way, and how many stars and meteorites were all wiped out.

The Nine-Headed God Emperor quickly backed away, his body was fast, and he rushed towards the distance all the way.

But the **** emperor showed a wicked smile and retreated all the way behind him. The terrifying body did not know how many miles away, covering the sky and the sun, with endless demonic energy, chasing towards the nine-headed **** emperor.

Along the way, more stars were crushed, the sound was terrifying, and the breath was violent, it was like the birth of a great ancient demon.

"Hehe, Nine-Headed God Emperor, what are you running for? Countless years ago, you relied on the support of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, you wantonly humiliated me, sealed me in the endless Demon Abyss, and made it difficult for me to see the sun for countless years, I have more than once I swear, once I get out of trouble, I will definitely make you cramp and skin you, so that you will die without a place to be buried, and now I am finally out of trouble, nine-headed **** emperor, why do you have to run?"

The huge ferocious monster let out a grotesque laugh, rushing all the way, with a rumbling sound, its mouth opened, and it was frantically biting towards the body of the nine-headed **** emperor.

Click! Click! Click!

Biting all the way, the pieces of space were completely shattered by him and turned into nothingness.

At the same time, the same goes for all other directions.

The Undead Emperor and the Purple Lightning Emperor were all under siege.

Except for those **** emperors who returned to the endless unknown for the first time, the rest were almost all the confidants of the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, and these confidants almost suffered disaster at this moment.


The Purple Lightning God Emperor once again forced the opponent back, his body turned into a streamer, and he was going to the extreme. As soon as he passed through, he directly brought the Purple Sun God King in the distance, and UU Reading rushed towards the distance. go.

He is the Emperor of Purple Electricity, and in his name, there is a word [electricity], which means galloping!

Among the heavens, except for the Heavenly Dao Palace Master, no one can beat him in speed.

If he wants to leave, there are absolutely not many who can leave him.


Almost as soon as the Purple Lightning God Emperor rushed out, an incomparably huge magic bird rushed past, its body was black, I don’t know how many feet, and it was wrapped in the breath of death, and its wings were 90,000 miles, towards the Purple Lightning God. The emperor's body chased away.

This is the Dapeng God Emperor of the virtual world!

It's been a monster for countless years.

He is blessed with speed and is extremely terrifying, and he is also one of the first powerhouses to escape from the Endless Demon Abyss.

His mouth let out a long whistle, his eyes were cold, and his huge claws quickly grabbed the Emperor Zidian.

But even if he was caught out at his speed, the Purple Lightning God Emperor was not completely left behind, and the Purple Lightning God Emperor escaped from the gap between his claws.

"God Emperor Zidian, you can escape for a while, but not for the rest of your life. The entire Upper Realm is destined to be destroyed, and you will never turn around!"

The Emperor Dapeng said in a cold tone.


He turned around and turned back, continuing to rush towards other areas of the upper bounds.

Countless inside and outside.

A mysterious unknown place.

There was an ancient, mysterious and **** smell.

In a black cliff, there are bones everywhere, and the breath is cold.

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master had a gloomy look on his face, staring at the divine mirror in front of him.

The picture in the divine mirror flickered, reflecting everything that happened in the upper realm with incomparable clarity, making him feel gloomy and blood surging.


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