MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 646 Get ready to break out!

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The scene was terrifying.

The heavenly fire in the heavenly oven spewed out, the rays of light were blazing, burning half of the sky, and instantly wrapped the suppressed strange temple.

In an instant, the yin around the temple began to collapse rapidly, and it was enveloped by the terrifying flames of heaven.

Countless large cracks appeared directly in the entire temple.

The Saintess Yaoyao who was trapped inside the temple's eyes flashed, and quickly shot, the light swept across, the inside and the outside should be closed, and the entire temple was completely blasted.

Youluo's pretty face changed, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, and the shawl was scattered. It seemed that she had received an extremely serious backlash. She let out a scream, and her body quickly retreated.

Then her body began to undergo extremely terrifying changes.

From the original youthful beauty, it quickly turned into an old state.

The skin and face were like withered tree bark, twisted and twisted, covered with thick bumps, and the long hair all over the head was rapidly withering and turning pale.

The whole person turned into a very ugly old woman in an instant.

Youluo quickly discovered her own change, her eyes were full of horror, she looked at her palm, and screamed, "No, it's not me, it's not me, I don't want to be like this, ah..."


As soon as Saint Yaoyao rushed out, she slapped her with her palm, knocking Youluo's body upside down on the spot, her chest sunken, and she smashed hard in the distance, spitting black blood out of her mouth.

Holy Maiden Yaoyao has a turbulent aura, peerless elegance, a dress that faces the wind, her eyes are indifferent, she stares at You Luo, and said, "Bitch, you will have today too!"

Youluo used the forbidden technique to try to use the temple to trap Jiang Dao inside, but it was unexpected that Jiang Dao had the heavenly oven in his hands and let out the flames of heaven, which could not help burning down the temple, and even her forbidden technique was destroyed.

So that Youluo encountered a terrible backlash in an instant, and was directly labeled as a prototype.

"cough cough..."

Youluo coughed up blood in her mouth, her shawl was scattered, her face was full of ugly and old, she raised her head and smiled miserably, "Yaoyao, you won't have a good time, neither of you will have a good time, the gods and emperors of the gods will not let you go. , Heavenly Dao Palace Master will not let you go!"


Holy Maiden Yaoyao came up and slapped her.

The fair and slender palms and fingers turned out, and on the spot, they hit You Luo's body with a somersault.

"I'm still stubborn when I die!"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao spoke indifferently and rudely.

Youluo continued to squeeze a smile on her face and looked at Jiang Dao, "Jiang Dao, I have already paid in advance, you will die, all of you will die, and in the near future, your fate will be a hundred times, a thousand times worse than mine. times, hahaha..."

"court death!"

Saintess Yaoyao snorted coldly and flicked her fingers.


A colorful streamer rushed out, and with a puff, it instantly penetrated Luo Luo's eyebrows, defeating her primordial spirit.

Originally, she didn't want to kill Youluo so early, and was going to leave her to concoct, but the other party's words angered her again and again, and she couldn't keep it anymore.


With the tragic death of Youluo, everything in the Blood Moon began to crack.

One after another, fine cracks, like cracked porcelain, extend in all directions, the more they extend, the more densely packed they appear, in the end, they appear directly on all the temples and ancient trees.

Bang bang bang!

The temple collapsed and the ancient trees burst.

Everything was turning to ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Red Moon World was shattered, like a dream.

Saintess Yaoyao let out a light sigh, her eyes were cold, and she only felt that the sullenness in her heart was swept away.

For so many years, she has been thinking about killing this woman completely!

Now that the blood moon of the other party has collapsed, the dream has finally come true.

"This should be the end of betrayal!"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao snorted coldly.

Jiang Dao turned to look at Saint Yaoyao and said, "Are you alright?"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao shook her head lightly, "I entered the virtual world, and she calculated that I was trapped by her for more than ten days. Although I lost some vitality, it was nothing."

"That's fine."

Jiang Dao opened his mouth, and immediately told the news of Venerable Wu Dao to Saint Yaoyao.

Holy Maiden Yaoyao suddenly showed excitement and said, "Uncle Wu Dao has really regained his consciousness?"

"It can't be said of complete recovery. Once he leaves the copper coffin for too long, he will still fall into confusion."

Jiang Dao said.

"Even if there is no complete recovery, but now it is finally a hope."

Holy Maiden Yaoyao nodded.

Next, she asked Jiang Dao about other matters from the outside world.

Jiang Dao pondered for a while, and still told Saintess Yaoyao about the endless sea.

"What? This is a false world of filth and concentration?"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao was startled, "Did the curse on Uncle Wu Dao come from the Endless Sea?"

"Yes, if the Taoist Palace Master was severely injured today, all the gods and emperors are preparing to enter the endless sea. By the way, the upper realm has also been breached, and countless demons rushed to the upper realm. It is estimated that all the gods are finished!"

Jiang Dao opened his mouth.

"It's done!"

Holy Maiden Yaoyao's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands, and said happily, "These parasites have been parasitic in the upper realm for many years, and they have calculated the night watchman and the spirit remover. If the cycle is reasonable today, it is retribution, right, the way of heaven. Where is the palace lord? He was seriously injured, have you pursued him?"

"I tried to find it several times, but unfortunately, I couldn't find any trace of him!"

Jiang Dao shook his head slightly.

The Heavenly Dao Palace Master had an arm and a calf beheaded, and suffered multiple wounds on his body. He was infected with that terrible curse by Venerable Wu Dao, and his absolute strength has plummeted. Now it must be an excellent time to eradicate him. Unfortunately, I can't find it. Nothing can be done about his body.

"Can't find him?"

Saintess Yaoyao thought about it, walked back and forth, and said, "This guy is cunning and rabbits, no one knows how many secret strongholds he has, and he has a complete Dao Fruit in his hands. If he is merged, it will be troublesome.

"That's right, so I'm going to start refining the complete emperor's blood in the near future!"

Jiang Dao narrowed his eyes.

"Do you want to refine the finished emperor's blood?"

The Holy Maiden Yaoyao was startled, she turned her head abruptly and looked at Jiang Dao, only then did she realize that Jiang Dao in front of her had already reached a height that she could not reach, and had entered the real God Emperor and became one of the overlords of the heavens.

"Senior Wu Dao passed that method to me. After I prepare, I should be 80% sure that it will succeed!"

Jiang Dao nodded.

Holy Goddess Yaoyao has a complicated complexion, with an indescribable expression on her beautiful face, her eyes are constantly scrutinizing Jiang Dao, to be honest, when he first saw Jiang Dao, he still looked down on Jiang Dao.

But who would have thought that just a few years later, the 'little guy' in his eyes had already entered the Divine Sovereign one step ahead of himself, and he was about to achieve the Holy Body of the Emperor Shah soon!

That is the Holy Body of the Emperor!

Even in the ancient times, the most glorious moment of the night watchman and the spirit remover took thousands of years to appear, and Jiang Dao was able to achieve it immediately.

Really good fortune.

"Jiang Dao, now there are only two young people left in our ethnic group. Do you still remember what I said back then?"

Holy Goddess Yaoyao said in a low voice with an unnatural look.

When Jiang Dao was weak, she regarded Jiang Dao as a breeding cow, and planned to let Jiang Dao help her give birth to a pure-blooded child.

But now that Jiang Dao is already a **** emperor, and she wants to achieve a complete emperor's holy body immediately, then she will let Jiang Dao help her give birth to a child, which will undoubtedly be too disrespectful to Jiang Dao, after all, her strength is not comparable to Jiang Dao now.


Jiang Dao reacted at once, and was speechless for a while.

He pondered in his heart, moved his body, and said, "Let's talk about giving birth to a child later. Now all the gods and emperors are staring at us, and the Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao may retaliate at any time. In addition, the endless sea is about to open, and we don't have it now. Energy can take care of children, even if you have children, it will become a burden, and if you are targeted by unscrupulous people, it will be troublesome.”

Holy Maiden Yaoyao's eyes flashed and she nodded lightly.

Anyway, there are only two young people left in their group, as long as Jiang Dao agrees.

"I don't know what the real world behind the endless sea is like?"

Jiang Dao narrowed his eyes.

Is that world your past life?

Otherwise, how could these dao fruits be so similar to the myths and legends that he was familiar with in his previous life?

"Saint Yaoyao, I have some other things in the virtual world. You might as well go back first, and take this opportunity to improve your strength!"

Jiang Dao opened his mouth.

Holy Maiden Yaoyao also nodded directly.

"Then be careful here yourself!"

Then the two began to separate here.

Jiang Dao disappeared here, and the Chiyang Demon Eye was mobilized to continue to search for all the remaining monsters and evil spirits to clear them.

Along the way, it is like a terrible destroyer.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Within three days, some of the remaining monsters and evil spirits in the entire virtual world were almost cleaned up by Jiang Dao. Even if some of them were not cleaned up, they were all terrified and fled towards the upper bound area.

Their hearts are filled with endless fear.

For them, Jiang Dao's name is simply a psychological shadow for a lifetime.

Jiang Dao turned his gaze to the panel in front of him again.

I saw that the number of revisions has reached 808 times!

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

"With these 808 revision opportunities, my Sovereign Supreme Physique will definitely reach a complete state. In this way, the probability of my achievement of the Emperor Sha Sacred Body will be even higher!"

Jiang Dao secretly said.

Thinking of this, he stared at the panel, moved in his heart, and clicked directly on the mind.


The whole panel starts to change rapidly.

All the data and words above were all changed. In an instant, Jiang Dao’s body seemed to undergo some kind of terrifying change, and even his pores began to spew out terrifying power, and the skin all over his body instantly turned golden yellow. A terrifying and rich energy aura began to surge back and forth under his skin, terrifying and unpredictable.

This scene lasted for a long time.

Jiang Dao remained motionless, and the billowing heat and terrifying energy continuously spewed out of his pores. His body seemed to be transformed into a terrifying machine, and there was a sound like a mountain and a tsunami.

Just like that, a few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

This terrifying change in Jiang Dao finally began to disappear.

With a swipe, all the light is restrained.

His breath returned to its original state all of a sudden, the heat and energy in the pores were all locked by his body, and even the originally golden pupils suddenly turned into pitch black color.

Even his blood turned normal scarlet at this moment!

Back to Basics!

Jiang Dao let out a sigh of turbid air, carefully feeling the changes in his body, his eyes flickering with light, "The emperor's hegemony body is completely complete!"

He glanced at the panel in front of him again.

I saw that the number of revisions was still 408 times.

He only used 400 revision opportunities to completely complete the Emperor Jueba!

But it is reasonable to think about it. After all, he was already at the God-Emperor level before, and this Supreme Emperor Body was created by a God-Emperor-level master. Since he reached the God-Emperor level, the Emperor's Supreme Body has already been on the verge of completion.

"408 revisions left..."

He pondered in his heart, and suddenly an idea emerged.

I don't know if I can create a practice that is stronger than the emperor's hegemony!

You must know that he is now cultivating various kinds of magic skills, and he has already practiced these magic skills to the perfect state, and his understanding of various kinds of skills has reached an incredible level!

Maybe it can really create a practice that surpasses the gods of the gods.

"No, if I start it now, it will be too exhausting. I will first wait for the Emperor's Holy Blood to be completed. At that time, it should be simpler and more practical to combine the characteristics of the Emperor's Holy Blood!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Dao acted again, his body flashed and disappeared here.

Shortly after.

He appeared in a mysterious area in the ancestral land of God Court, took out the Heavenly Dao oven, and cast out a mysterious light, and an incomparably vast and mysterious space suddenly emerged slowly, chilling, cold, and bloody.

As soon as it appeared, it was filled with a monstrous murderous intent.

Even if he has become a **** emperor, the breath here is still a little breathless.

This is what Venerable Wu Dao told him.

The cultivation of the Disha Sacred Body is a dead end, and it must be sublimated to the utmost in the nine-death life, and this method is hidden in this mysterious space, which can only be opened by relying on the heavenly oven.

Jiang Dao's heart was turbulent and his face was solemn, UU reading stepped forward and walked towards the space.

The murderous intent of the rich murderous intent was surging all around, which was disturbing, and soon a blood pool of blood appeared in front of him, scorchingly flickering, and the blood inside was overflowing, flashing piece by piece.

Every drop of blood seems to contain sky-shattering energy. Looking closely, there are faces one after another in these blood, they are screaming, cursing, and struggling desperately.

All of these blood waters are actually gathered from the blood of the **** emperor!

Jiang Dao's eyes shone with divine light, which was incredible.

"The Holy Body of the Emperor is indeed a different path!"

He muttered to himself.


He urged the heavenly oven to emit divine light, rushing towards all directions.

Immediately, all directions were buzzing and trembling, as if an ancient and terrifying formation had been activated, terrifying patterns emerged from the void, densely packed, and intertwined towards his body.