MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 653 Is he... Sacramento? !

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An extremely harsh metallic sound came out, and sparks splashed.

The terrifying power swept in all directions directly from this place as the center, rumbling and rumbling, causing the space to be distorted, and how many mountains and cities below were instantly turned into dust.

Jiang Dao's face was icy cold, and he had turned around at some point, holding the fighting holy spear pierced by the opponent firmly in his palm.

The thick and terrifying combat holy spear seems to have become a toy.

"Woman, you are courting death!"

His voice was indifferent, and his five fingers squeezed hard.


Countless cracks appeared in the entire golden battle spear in an instant, like cracked porcelain, the runes and light on it quickly dimmed, and then the entire spear exploded with a bang, turning into stars.

The woman's expression changed, she couldn't believe it.

But she quickly shouted loudly, her body flashed, and colorful rays of light appeared in her palm, which was strange and mysterious, penetrated the space, and slapped Jiang Dao's chest with a heavy palm.

This blow directly used the power of the Thousand Tribulations Slaughtering Spirit.


Jiang Dao's body was motionless, his face was icy cold, and he had to endure her blow.

The body is like the supreme divine mountain that cannot be lifted up for eternity. Let this woman bombard, the terrifying power shakes the space in all directions, and the terrifying colorful divine light is surging everywhere.

Jiang Dao's face was indifferent, and his eyes looked at the woman like a dead man.

The woman's heart froze completely.

Such a scene had a great impact on her, making her feel suspicious of her life.


Before she could react, Jiang Dao's big hand had already grabbed out like lightning, pinched the woman's neck, and lifted her up with only one arm.

"Senior, if you have something to say, please let go of the second elder!"

"Senior, I was just wrong, let go of the second elder!"

The bald-headed and strong man holding a black Zen staff looked horrified and spoke quickly.

As for the other **** emperors, they all took action and quickly surrounded them.

"Do you still want to start?"

Jiang Dao looked at the people around him with indifferent eyes.

Although this group of people used to be spirit removers, he still wouldn't show mercy.


In an instant, endless Chiyang flames emerged from his arm, which instantly enveloped the woman's body, causing the woman to scream directly, hoarse and extremely painful.


In the blink of an eye, her body was shrouded in terrifying extreme sun flames, melting little by little.

Facing Jiang Dao's power, her previous attack was weak and pitiful.

The **** emperors in all directions were shocked, and they all rushed towards Jiang Dao.

Only the man with the bald head and the black Zen staff did not move, but instead shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, this is a misunderstanding!"

"Senior, please be merciful!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Jiang Dao's body rushed forward, as fast as lightning, and he was still holding the woman's body firmly in his right hand, so he carried the woman's body and rushed among the others. The sound is terrifying.

In the end, Jiang Dao was completely furious, and with a roar, the whole body began to expand and change uncontrollably. With a bang, the whole body seemed to be inflated, and quickly drilled out one after another of ferocious barbs and scale armor, which turned into Thousands of feet high.

In this state, Jiang Dao's strength has increased more than ten times more than just now.

A group of besieged **** emperors, without exception, could no longer withstand his terrifying attack. His body exploded, flesh and blood flew, bones exploded, and the whole sky was in chaos, and the scene was terrible.

In his eyes, all the **** emperors exploded like broken eggs.

All the killing techniques were vulnerable.

It shatters when slapped by Jiang Dao, and explodes when hit.

In a blink of an eye, the entire sky calmed down again.

Jiang Dao's body is huge, full of breath, terrifying and unpredictable, his majestic body is like the most terrifying magic weapon in the world, and every inch of skin and scales is full of endless power.

He looked indifferent, moved his neck, and said, "The strength is good, but it's still a pity!"

Suddenly, he raised his arm.

I saw that in his right arm, the woman's breath was weak and extremely painful. The body that was burned by his extreme yang real fire had melted halfway, and was struggling with difficulty.

But she is still far from her real death.

Divine Emperor-level spirit scavengers are not so easy to die.

Jiang Dao directly carried the woman and rushed towards Qianyuan City, ignoring other people, his body glowed with light, his breath was restrained, and he quickly returned to his original shape and returned to his normal size.

He had smashed many **** emperors to pieces before, but at this moment he began to wriggle quickly, reorganizing his body again, all faces were terrified and horrified, looking at Jiang Dao's body was like looking at some demon.

The bald man and the man holding the black Zen staff trembled even more.

"Emperor...Dicha Sacrament!"

The man holding the black Zen staff spoke in horror and opened his mouth in disbelief.

The other **** emperors also reacted and were even more shocked.


The aura just now was pure and fierce, full of extremely yang aura, and it was clearly the aura of the Sacred Body of the Emperor Chakra!

Is this actually a complete Sacramento?

"Quick, go back and report to the Great Elder!"

"This is a brand-new Emperor's Sacrament. Could it be that we in the outside world have already won?"

"Go, let's go!"

A group of **** emperors were very excited and quickly returned to the distance.

the other direction.

Jiang Dao hand frowned while holding the woman's soul.

The woman's body has been completely burned by her.

Only the soul is left alive.

He directly took out a white jade bottle, stuffed the woman's soul into it, sealed it heavily, and then slowly descended toward the city below.

Here is a huge plain, vast and endless.

In the middle of the plain is where Qianyuan City is located. It is majestic and heavy, like a crawling giant beast. Inside the city, it is densely packed, filled with countless figures, and it is very lively.

It can be seen that after being sent over, everyone in Qianyuan City was doing well.

Jiang Dao glanced around, and soon found his Raging Flame Gang and saw his family.

He finally let go of his heart, descended from the sky, and entered the Lieyang Gang.

"Help...Help Master, your old man is finally back!"

Yan Wuduo was excited and spoke quickly.

Xiang An, Guo Dutian, Du Feng, the corpse pill demon, Jing Huang and some other members also quickly got the news, UU reading www. uukanshu. com have come over.

"Help Master, it's really your old man!"

"Help Master, the environment outside the city has completely changed, and it seems that this place is no longer the Great Ye Dynasty!"

The crowd kept talking and talking.

"Don't worry, I know all this!"

Jiang Dao's tone was flat, and he waved his hand lightly to signal everyone to be quiet, "Now we are indeed not in the Daye Dynasty, not only in the Daye Dynasty, but also in the original mainland. Now the area we are in is called Qiankun Space, which is a mysterious and unpredictable area. In this area, you can temporarily shelter everyone's safety, so you can just stay here temporarily."

"I see!"

"It's actually Qiankun space."

"Help Master, how is the situation outside?"

"Yes, helper!"

The crowd began to discuss again and again. Latest URL:

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