MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 684 See you again Tuoyun!

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call out!

The sound is harsh and the breath is terrifying.

There was a terrifying murderous intent.

Jiang Dao held the Holy Spear of Fighting, and directly separated countless miles, piercing through a terrifying evil spirit, causing it to scream miserably, his body was covered in murderous intent, and countless cracks appeared all over his body, like broken porcelain.

"Do not..."


Its body exploded directly, turning into pieces in situ.

Then even these fragments began to burn blazingly, melting away quickly.


Jiang Dao breathed out, his face was calm, he put away the holy spear again, and looked towards the panel in front of him.

Name: Jiang Dao

Strength: 120000

Speed: 110000

Spirit: 105500

Martial Arts: Dou Zhan Hegemony (178%) [unmodifiable]

Top Ten Martial Arts (90%)【Unmodifiable】

Sun Moon Cosmos Heart Method (80%) [unmodifiable]

Modifications: 4


"It's still too slow, there are not many evil spirits and monsters in the endless sea..."

Jiang Dao said to himself.

During this period of time, he wreaked havoc here, looking for their traces everywhere, causing those evil spirits and ominous monsters to flee in haste, not knowing how far away they were.

You must know that this endless boundless sea is boundless and huge. If those evil spirits and monsters want to hide, it will be difficult for even Jiang Dao to find them.

Seeing that the three months had passed completely, Jiang Dao frowned, showing a look of helplessness.

Now I can only give up temporarily and go back first.

"I don't know what about the people of the source in the cracks in the world? If I kill them, can I provide me with a chance to practice?"

Jiang Dao thought about it in his heart.

The people of the source are born from the darkest and most intense magic energy in the cracks of the world.

From the root, they are almost the ancestors of those evil spirits and monsters.

All the people of the source are born by devouring demon energy and filth.

Everyone is vicious and vicious, and they cannot be understood normally.

Jiang Dao stepped forward and immediately walked towards the ancient city.

He concentrated his attention and once again focused on the [Sun Moon Universe Mind Method].



The 4 revision opportunities were all added to the [Sun Moon Universe Heart Method] at once, and Jiang Dao's entire brain began to surge, each and every nerve in his brain was lit up, shining bright rays of light.

It was as if there was a mysterious universe in his brain.

Stars, sun and moon emerged one after another, densely packed, spinning in his mind.

He used up all 4 revision opportunities in the blink of an eye.

Sun Moon Cosmos Heart Method (88%).

"I hope that the people of the source will not disappoint me. Otherwise, even if I reach the crack in the world, I'm afraid I won't be able to break into the real world with my current cultivation."

Jiang Dao secretly said.

Suddenly, he felt a sense, and a picture automatically appeared in his mind.

It was as if an eye had grown in the back of the head.

The situation behind him was clearly reflected in his brain.

"It's you!"

Jiang Dao's face turned cold, he turned around and looked behind him.

Behind him, a stream of light passed by.

A tall figure wearing scarlet armor and long scarlet hair appeared not far from Jiang Dao. His whole body was filled with a strong **** aura, his skin was pale, and his eyes were sunken.

A pair of eyeballs shone with a light red luster, and there was a weird smile on his face.


I haven't seen him for many years, and he actually entered the endless sea.

"Unexpected, really unexpected."

With a deep smile on his face, Tuoyun said, "When was a person who was insignificant in my eyes, he can achieve such a great achievement today, even the master of the Heavenly Dao Palace died in your hands, Jiang Dao, you It really makes me jealous!"

His eyes narrowed, he stared at Jiang Dao closely, and a wave of hysterical madness rose in his heart.

He is the son of the Emperor of the Night Watchman, and his bloodline is also the closest to that of the Emperor of the Night Watchman.

It stands to reason that he should be the earliest existence to become the Holy Body of Dicha.

But the injustice of the heavens made him sink for many years without achieving anything, and in the end he had to abolish his bloodline and transform into an undead creature.

Now that he saw that Jiang Dao had overcome obstacles step by step and achieved achievements he could not have imagined, the madness in his heart became stronger.


Jiang Dao said indifferently, "Then what are you looking for me for today? Are you going to do something?"

His body walked towards Tuoyun, and there was an invisible and terrifying aura in his flesh and blood, as heavy as a mountain.

He never forgot that Tuoyun once had his own affairs in the dark.


Tuoyun snorted coldly and said, "I came to you today to inquire about the world's rift. I want to know everything about the world's rift?"

"You want to know?"

Jiang Dao smiled, continued to walk forward step by step, and said, "If you want to know, you can ask Venerable Wu Dao in person, why did you come to ask me, and, if you want to know, do I have to tell you?"


Tuoyun's eyes narrowed, revealing two bloodthirsty rays of light.

Does Jiang Dao want to make a move today?

"What? Gang leader Jiang forgot that you and I were going to join forces?"

Tuoyun said coldly.

"One moment and another moment."

Jiang Dao's tone was cold, and he said, "Besides, you once tricked me once, and today we may have a thorough understanding of it!"


His body rushed over at once, piercing through the space, reaching the extreme speed, like a **** lightning, making it difficult to reflect, a palm stab directly pierced through Tuoyun's body fiercely.

Tuo Yun's eyes turned cold, and a layer of terrifying blood burst out from his body. The aura was pungent, filled with dirty, bloody, decayed, and depraved aura, as if it had turned into a sea of ​​blood all at once.


As his body shook, the terrifying sea of ​​blood around him flooded towards Jiang Dao's body directly, making noises and pungent breaths, and every drop of blood carried a pungent smell, corroding the space. hissing.


The attacks of the two collided violently.

After a face-to-face meeting, the sea of ​​blood controlled by Tuoyun was crushed by Jiang Dao.

It's just that, after these blood seas were crushed, they quickly regrouped again, clattering, as if they were eternal, and continued to slap towards Jiang Dao's body.

More importantly, Jiang Dao directly felt a strong nausea from the sea of ​​blood.

This sea of ​​blood seems to be able to stain a person's golden body.

"Small tricks!"

Jiang Dao let out a cold snort, his whole body was shining with golden light, and suddenly a strong terrifying wave erupted, with a bang, mighty, and the sound was piercing, like thunder.

His body began to magnify rapidly, rising against the wind, with golden light surging, and he punched again, hitting the sea of ​​blood in front of him.

At the same time, he grasped it with five fingers on the other palm, and a Holy Battle Spear emerged, shining golden light.


call out!

Slices of terrifying and unusual murderous intent erupted from the Holy Spear of Fighting, soul-stirring and soul-stirring. A face-to-face smashed the sea of ​​blood in front of him on the spot, and with a bang, it pierced towards Tuoyun's body fiercely.


Tuoyun's body was pierced by terrifying murderous intent on the spot, spewing blood, his body flew upside down, and hit Yuan Chu directly with a bang, his face was pale, and half of his body almost collapsed on the spot.

He was frightened and angry, a mad light flashed in his eyes, he turned and left, his body turned into a terrifying **** light, and fled away quickly.

"Where to go!"

Jiang Dao's tone was cold, and he rushed over quickly.

A holy fighting spear in his hand moved, and pierced towards Tuoyun's body again.

Not to kill this person is really a serious worry.

Keep the other party, I don't know when it will appear again.

call out!


There was another muffled sound.

Tuoyun's body was pierced fiercely, flesh and blood exploded, and flew out fiercely, the blood on the surface of his body became blurred, a large amount of blood rained, flesh and blood scattered randomly, and he vomited blood from his mouth.

Just when Jiang Dao swung the Holy Spear for the third time and pierced through Tuo Yun's body.

A golden light appeared in the distance, extremely fast.

"Jiang Dao wait a minute!"

call out!


The murderous intent from Jiang Dao was stopped by the golden light on the spot, roared, and disappeared quickly.

Jiang Dao frowned, looked at the person who came, and said, "Senior, why are you here?"

I saw the golden light spread out, revealing a slender and tall figure inside, wearing a spotless white robe, full of black long hair, complex complexion, looking at Tuoyun on one side.

It was Wu Dao!

"Tuoyun, you still refuse to turn around?"

He sighed.

Tuoyun vomited blood, and the moment he saw Wu Zunzun, he smiled wryly, laughed loudly, and said, "Is it right to turn back? Do I still have a head to turn back? Hahaha... I can't go back, I can't go back. ..”

With sadness in his eyes, he looked at Jiang Dao and said solemnly, "Jiang Dao, kill me."

Jiang Dao frowned, and was about to strike again.

Venerable Wu Dao had a complex expression on his face. He waved his hand lightly and stopped Jiang Dao again, "Tuoyun, turn around, you still have a chance. I met your father not long ago, and he asked me to give this to you!"

A white jade bottle flew out of his hand and flew towards Tuo Yun.

Tuoyun grabbed the white jade bottle, opened the lid, and looked inside.

In an instant, his heart shook, he couldn't believe it, and then tears flowed.

"Father, father..."

"Turn back!"

Venerable Wu Dao sighed, but a golden palm finger suddenly protruded from him, like a millstone, shining golden light, with powerful mysterious power, pressing towards Tuoyun's body, covering Tuoyun's entire body inside.

Chi Chi Chi!

Pieces of thick blood glowed, boiling.

Tuoyun's body seemed to be undergoing some incredible changes.


Venerable Wu Dao retracted his palm again.

I saw that Tuoyun's body became extremely thin, and the original scarlet blood hair and blood eyes all disappeared.

Instead, it turned into normal black hair and black eyes.

Even the madness on his face disappeared at this moment, and there were only bursts of bitterness and relief.

"Thank you Uncle Wu Dao!"

He turned around, UU reading bowed respectfully to Wu Dao, then his body swayed, lost his mind, and walked slowly towards the distance.

Jiang Dao looked suspicious.

This is reversed?

Reversed from an undead creature to a night watchman again?


Jiang Dao looked puzzled and looked at Venerable Wu Dao.

Venerable Wu Dao shook his head lightly, "From now on, he will never be an enemy again."

Jiang Dao had no choice but to nod slowly without asking any more questions.

"Let's go, let's go back to the ancient city first!"

Venerable Wu Dao sighed.

Jiang Dao turned around and followed behind Venerable Wu Dao.

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