MTL - Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh-Chapter 7 bandits blocking the way

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It's getting dusk.

The red sun falls.

Hengzhou City in the evening was extremely desolate.

Almost no one could be seen on the street.

In the evening, everyone stayed at home and dared not go out.

Jiang Dao rushed his horse all the way, and soon came to the South City Gate.

"Who is coming? No one is allowed to leave the city now!"

At the head of the city, a patrolman shouted loudly.

"In Xiajiang Road, if you have to go out on something important, please ask Brother Zhang to make it easier!"

Jiang Dao hurried his horse and shouted.

"Jiang Dao?"

On the head of the city, a middle-aged catcher frowned and his eyes turned cold.

He had been instructed by the magistrate before that a few members of the Jiang family would leave the city. When it was convenient, open the small door to let them out, and someone outside the city would kill them.

At that time, the obtained property will be divided into several thousand taels to him.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged catcher shouted fiercely, "Open the small door, hurry up!"

"Thank you Brother Zhang!"

Jiang Dao greeted him, and immediately rode out of the city, and the five younger brothers quickly followed behind.

The middle-aged Chakuai sneered, watching Jiang Dao's leaving back, "Want to leave? Don't you know that leaving Hengzhou is also a death, staying in Hengzhou City, anyway, there will be a chance of life, leaving Hengzhou City, hehe, evil Ling won't kill you, but the magistrate wants you to die..."

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

Horses hoofs galloping, all the way away.

Soon, Jiang Dao had rushed out seven or eight miles away.

Seeing that the sky turned completely dark, Jiang Dao looked around and said, "There seems to be a broken temple in front of you, go there to rest for the night."

"Brother said yes!"

"Everything is according to Big Brother."

Several waste brothers laughed again and again.

They drove their horses forward, and not long after they saw the dimly devastated temple in the dark.

Just when a few people got off their horses and were tying their horses.


Jiang Dao frowned, felt a sense, and turned back suddenly.

"Clap clap clap..."

There were bursts of applause.

A dozen black shadows suddenly emerged from the broken temple, holding torches high, all smiling, steel knives and guns in their hands, surrounding the surroundings.

"Hey, another wave!"

A shadow smiled and said, "This kind of speed of making a fortune is really refreshing... Wang Zhixian deserves to be a scholar, he just pays attention, hahahaha..."


"Brother, there are bandits!"

A few trash younger brothers panicked and quickly backed away, panicking.

"Little thing, what's your name, and one more word, cut down your basket, believe it or not?"

A masked black figure showed a hideous smile, stuck out his tongue and licked the steel knife in his hand, watching a few people, when he saw Jiang Ruyan, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with a smile, "There is another young child here, brothers. , everyone is blessed!"




A group of people in black all laughed strangely.

Jiang Ruyan turned pale and frightened, and hurriedly grabbed Jiang Dao's clothes.

Jiang Dao's heart sank, his eyes narrowed, and a cold light emerged.

Wang Zhi County?

The shadow just mentioned Wang Zhi County?

Could it be that Wang Zhixian deliberately let them out, and then let them kill them so as to loot their money?

"Are you ordered by Wang Zhixian?"

Jiang Dao asked.

"Little thing, are you calm?"

The dark figure laughed strangely before and said, "Unfortunately, I don't know anything. If you want to blame it, you will be blamed for your bad life. You escaped the strange things in the city, but died in our hands, haha..."

"Brother, let's do it!"

Someone next to him laughed.

"Well, all the men were killed, and the woman was kept. We haven't tasted the daughter raised by a rich family..."

The leader laughed.

Three black shadows swung their steel knives up and rushed towards them like lightning.

The younger brothers were all terrified and their legs were weak.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, three consecutive muffled noises came out, the clothes burst, blood splashed, and it was terrible.

The black shadow that rushed over was punched by Jiang Dao, and all of them hit the door with precision, just like hitting a watermelon.

Jiang Dao was burly and indifferent, his clothes swayed in the wind, and he shook the blood on his fist.

too weak!

The three bandits were as weak as paper.




The remaining bandits all widened their eyes and looked at Jiang Dao in horror, unable to believe their own eyes.

What kind of monster is this kid?

"Big brother, there are masters!"

A man in black said angrily.

"Damn, let's go together, kill that kid, and slash him with a thousand swords!"

The leader of the bandits roared loudly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The rest of the men in black all waved their weapons and rushed towards Jiang Dao.

The famous masters in their vicinity have different martial arts and different weapons. They were secretly recruited by Wang Zhixian to do some shameful things for him.

However, in the face of these people rushing in, Jiang Dao's face was indifferent, and suddenly he strode forward, as if he turned into a goshawk, with five fingers like hooks, fast as lightning, and grabbed one person's neck in an instant.

With a click, he grabbed a large piece of the man's neck bone, as if it had been bitten by a wild beast.

Then suddenly a punch came out, with a bang, it passed through a person's head, and exploded instantly, red and white, splashing everywhere, and the headless corpse died directly.

Then he grabbed it out, UU Reading Five fingers were like iron rods, and they were pressed from one person's face, and the whole cheek was buckled.

Just like that, Jiang Dao shot continuously.

Every time the Eagle Claw was caught, one person died tragically on the spot.

These powerful men in black are like ragdolls in his hands, and they have no resistance at all. Some people even waved steel knives and attacked from behind. , five fingers pierced into the man's forehead like a lightning bolt, and with one hand, he pulled out a large piece of the other's forehead.

Finally, the man in black at the head was completely terrified.

"You... what kind of monster are you?"

He widened his eyes in horror, and suddenly turned around and ran away.

More than a dozen companions were actually killed by this young man in the blink of an eye.

Can you grab a weapon with your bare hands?

What power is this?

He had never seen such a master before?

"Want to go?"

Jiang Dao's tone was indifferent, and his body instantly chased after him.

The man in black was horrified, he turned around quickly, his palms turned black, and he quickly slapped Jiang Dao.


Jiang Dao threw a punch, sending the bandit's vomit blood flying all over the place, smashing it into the distance.

Behind him, the five waste brothers were all stunned and shivering.

The little sister Jiang Ruyan was also paralyzed on the ground, dizzy and dizzy. Looking at the corpses, she suddenly felt nauseated and started to retching.

"Tell me, Wang Zhixian asked you to do it?"

Jiang Dao looked down at the bandit leader and asked indifferently.

The man in black had his entire arm bone shattered by his punch, his face was in pain, his body trembled, and he said, "Don't kill me, I said, please don't kill me..."?

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

Read The Duke's Passion