MTL - Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite-Chapter 13 Haven't you seen a woman?

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Zhou assistant rushed to help him pull the door openly, watching Mu Tianye sit in the back seat, watching him not lose his temper, this is cautious.

"Do you want to go back with your wife?"

Mu Tianye looked over at the side, his eyes and eyes, Ning Xiaofei, who had a messy cheeks and cheeks, just came out of the elevator and heard the voice of Zhou’s assistant. Ning Xiaofei was busy waving his hand.

"No need to go, I will go back on my own, you are busy with you." In the eyes of Mu Tianye, she immediately put a smile on her face and smiled at him. Sweetly: "Husband, be careful on the road." ""

I noticed that she was casually dressed, two small beans that were faintly prominent, and his lower abdomen was a strange pain.

Mu Tianye withdrew his gaze and the people ordered it.

"back office!"

"Mrs, goodbye."

Zhou Assistant was busy owing to Ning Xiaofei, quickly ran over and sat in the passenger seat. The driver nodded to Ning Xiaofei through the window and started the car.

Lifting his right hand and waving in the air, watching the taillights of the car disappear at the corner of the parking lot, Ning Xiaofei was relieved.

so close!

Fortunately, the driver and assistant appeared, otherwise, the traces on her were not seen by the guy, and the guy could not kill her.

Pulling up the collar, she stepped forward to the exit, relaxed as soon as she felt nervous, and immediately felt the difference in her body.

Dropping her face and looking at the two small bumps on her chest, she suddenly yelled.

This guy, hands up fast!

Look at the left and right no one noticed, she pulled the clothes, quickly fled to a secluded angle, lifted the back of both hands to the back and will be re-buttoned by Mu Tianye untied.

The skin that was tortured yesterday was rubbed over the bra, and there was a rustling pain.

"Death metamorphosis!"

Ning Xiaofei snorted, pulled clothes, walked out of the parking lot, walked to the side of the road and raised her hand. She was busy taking her hand back and turned to the subway station.

Every day, she can only get out of it, her wallet is getting thinner and thinner, and she can naturally save the province.

Take the subway back to the luxury villa community, soaked a box of instant noodles, Ning Xiaofei came to the big restaurant with instant noodles, sitting cross-legged on the expensive solid wood dining table, and immediately rudely screaming.

Feeding the last soup into the stomach, she satisfactorily touched the stomach that she had drummed up, threw the instant noodle box into the trash can and turned it to the floor.

When she walked into the bathroom and opened the water inlet of the smart bathtub, she took off her clothes with a little song.

After having a full bath, and then taking a big sleep, this is the day that the weekend should be...

Her eyes touched her body in the mirror, and she frowned and turned and stood straight in front of the mirror.

A slender figure is reflected in the mirror. The fine place is fine, and the place with meat is not ambiguous...

Ning Xiaofei is still a little proud of her body, but now she does not appreciate her feelings, just crying and crying.

What are the traces on the legs, her upper body is called spectacular, two little rabbits needless to say, even the abdomen has several lavender hickeys...

"Is it a pervert, haven't you seen a woman?"

Ning Xiaofei snorted and snorted, turned and walked into the bathtub. When the chest that had been smashed touched the water, it was a sand pain. She couldn’t help but lick the pervert.

"Death metamorphosis, cursing you for a lifetime can no longer be a cannon, the next life can only accept, get AIDS, get genital warts..."