MTL - Fairy Tail: Start To Capture the Fairy Queen Erza-Chapter 13 Egwene vs Gildarth

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In the corner of the Fairy Tail guild...

"of course not…"

Erza crossed her arms in front of her body while shaking her head constantly.

Egwene was her brother! How could it be the illegitimate child of a stranger?

But she had heard from Irene that Yiwen didn't seem to be her biological brother...

But speaking of...

There are so many magic guilds in this world, why did Yiwen choose to join Fairy Tail?

And Egwene's hair is almost the same color as that uncle named Gildas...

Thinking of this, beads of sweat kept falling on Ersha's forehead.

The main reason is that this is too frightening to think about, she can't help but think about it...

So much so that in the end, Erusa herself was a little uncertain.

"So, it should, probably, not... right?!"

Erza looked at Karna and replied hesitantly.

"So, is it, or is it not?"

Karna felt like her heart was going to be broken. It had been two years since she joined Fairy Tail. During these two years, she never had the courage to find Kildath to recognize her.

However, this is not the most painful thing. The most painful thing is that in two years, not only did she not get to know Kildas' father and daughter, but what she waited for was a brother who was suspected of being her half-brother...

Karna didn't know what to say at the moment.

"Lacusas was seconded?!"

"Is the new kid a monster?"

"I heard that the new kid wants to challenge Kildath?!"

"real or fake?"

Just as Kanna was talking with Erza, the entire guild suddenly went into an uproar. Members of the guild lowered their wine glasses and gathered in front of Egwene and Gildas.

At this moment, Yi Wen and Gildas were facing each other, and between them lay a yellow-haired boy who was foaming at the mouth. Yes, that yellow-haired boy was Lacusas.

"Kildas wants to fight someone else?!"

Kana was taken aback, as if no one had challenged Kildas since she joined the guild, and Kildas has always been the strongest and most invincible existence.

"Brother Mingming himself said that it's best not to cause a big disturbance! It's really worry-free!"

When Erza heard that Yiwen was going to fight Gildas, she put her hands on her hips, frowned, and complained.

"Anyway, let's go and have a look together!"

Erza sighed, looking around, her friend Kana, whom she had just made, sent an invitation.

"it is good!"

Kara nodded slightly upon hearing this.

at the same time…

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Gildas looked at Egwene with a smile on his face.

"Hmm! I want to see the gap between myself and the strongest guild."

Yiwen nodded. He could feel that the magic power in Kildath's body was higher than his. That is to say, Kildas in front of him had inhuman level magic power and was a real monster.


"Then let's go out and compete for a while? With our strength, if we fight in this guild, the president will probably cry, right?"

Gildas looked around, looked at the crowd, shook his head slightly, the guild was too small, both for him and for Ewen, he couldn't let go.

"it is good…"

Egwene nodded slightly.

"Then how about going to the back mountain of the guild? There are usually no one to bother you there!"

Kildath suggested.


Egwene nodded, no matter where he fought, it didn't matter.

"follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Gildas put on a cloak and walked towards the outside of the guild.


When Yiwen agreed, her body floated up from the ground lightly.

The two of them headed towards the back mountain like this.

As for Lacusas lying in the middle of the two, they have completely forgotten about it.

"Let's go and watch the fun!"

The magisters in the guild looked at Gildas and Yiwen, who were about to go out for a fight, and ran out of the guild excitedly.

When Gildas and Yiwen found a good position in the back mountain, there were already people standing around them, and even Makarov left his guild and came to the back mountain.

I saw Makarov holding a small box in his hand and kept yelling: "Beer and popcorn are sold in the front row!"

Behind Makarov, there are crates of beer and snacks brought up by him using giant magic...

In addition, Makarov has other jobs.

"The market is open, the market is open! Bet on Gildas to win red, and bet on super rookie Yiwen to win blue! Everyone, take a bet now and drive a limited-edition magic four-wheel drive next year!"

Makarov kept making noises, and as the president of Fairy Tail, he chose to take the lead in opening the game.

As for whether Makarov would feel unconscionable by opening a gambling game to make money, he would die laughingly, not at all, who knows how many times he has to wipe the **** of his group of **** every year, every time these **** get into trouble, How much does he need to spend? !

If he doesn't get some money from these **** now, his conscience will hurt instead.

"I'll buy 10,000 j Gildas to win!"

With a pipe in his mouth, Wakaba took out 10,000 j symbolically.

In fact, everyone didn't take this gamble seriously. Everyone just wanted to have fun and get a lottery.

"I also buy Gildas..."

"Kildas ten thousand j!"

"Sure enough, Kildas will never lose..."

With the opening of the game, it almost became a one-sided situation, and everyone bought Kildas to win.

"You all buy Kildas to win, this bet will not work!"

Makarov wanted to cry but didn't cry, although, in fact, he also bought Gildas to win.

"I'll buy 100,000, Brother Yiwen, and win!"

However, just when everyone was betting on Gildas to win, a distinctive voice sounded slowly.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this distinctive voice. In fact, no one would think that someone other than Kildas would win the victory.

"Who? Who bought Egwene to win?"

Hearing this distinctive voice, Makarov was so moved that tears flickered in his eyes, and he asked excitedly who bought Egwene.


Erza in the crowd stretched out her little hand, and what she held in her hand was a hundred thousand j banknote.

"Very good! Erza!" Makarov held Ersa's hand excitedly. He took out the banknotes from Ersa's hand and kept them while watching the other people in the guild say dissatisfiedly. Said: "You should learn from Ersha, UU Reading Who said Yiwen will definitely lose?"

"So president, don't just talk about us! You can buy Yiwen to win!"

Makao walked up to Makarov, with a smile in his eyes, and teased.

"Uh, me! Cough cough, I bet on Kildas to win, he has a reason..."

Makarov turned his head, not daring to meet Makao's eyes.

"Don't you want to win money too?!"

The other people in the guild looked at Makarov's appearance and complained one after another.

"Shut up! I'm the president!"

Makarov saw himself being exposed, and immediately took on his identity as the president to suppress everyone.


However, the members of Fairy Tail don't take Makarov's tricks at all.

At the same time, Kildas and Yiwen, who were confronting each other, moved first!

The first to Egwene!

I saw the magic power riot in his body...

"Add flames!"

In just an instant, Yiwen added flames to the air!


In an instant, the air in front of Gildas was directly ignited!

At the same time, the spectators at the rear only felt the heat in front of their eyes, and saw that there was no sign in front of them, and a huge fireball with a radius of more than ten meters rose up! That fireball is like a miniature sun! The horrible temperature seems to ignite the surrounding trees...

"Are you kidding? Such a big fireball?!"

"Could it be... is this kid a real monster?!"

The members of Fairy Tail, who were returning to watch the battle, stared wide-eyed at the huge fireball and the oncoming heat wave.

Read The Duke's Passion