MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 11 Fight for freedom! !

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Before leaving, Gerald did not forget to take the half-cut sword in his hand, and Chen Wuming did not stop it. After all, he has decided to fight to the end, so the winning rate after having the weapon is Undoubtedly it could be bigger.

Just like that, Gerald, who was holding a half-cut machete, walked ahead to explore the way, and Chen Wuming, who was carrying Elsa on his back, followed quickly. They quickly left the dark room and prepared to follow the time they came. Returning the same way, the most important thing now is to send the injured Elsa back to the residence. As for other matters, it is not too late to make a decision after arriving at the residence!

But before they had gone far, rows of red magic circles suddenly shone on the ground around them! Then one by one mechanical heads slowly emerged from these magic circles.

"Damn it! It's the magic soldiers!!" Gerald's face became extremely ugly, because they were now surrounded by these magic soldiers in the middle!

"..." Chen Wuming's face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water. Senhan's eyes swept over the magic soldiers surrounding them one by one, and there was a palpitating coldness in his eyes.

Resolutely put Elsa off his back, and then carefully placed it on Gerald's back under the surprised eyes of the two, ignoring the shocked expressions of the two, Chen Wuming said in a deep voice He ordered: "Jeral, be careful to carry Elsa on your back! As long as I give the order later, you don't care about other things, just run forward as fast as you can! Also, put your Give me the knife..." As he spoke, he didn't care whether the other party was willing or not, and directly took the half-cut big knife from Gerald's hand.

"What about you? What are you going to do?!" Gerald asked eagerly. Chen Wuming's sudden strange behavior made him feel uneasy in his instinctive heart. It felt like something important was about to come. Lost in general, and this feeling is still very clear, which makes him unconsciously feel a burst of irritability.

It was said that Elsa was also staring at Chen Wuming with the same gaze, and she also felt Gerald's inexplicable feeling, which made her very uneasy.

"It's nothing..." Putting half of the big knife on his back, Chen Wuming waved his left hand as if he didn't care, and said with a smile, "I'm just responsible for opening a road for you and cutting it off for you. , it's no big deal..." Of course, it's also to attract the attention of the enemy and buy you time to escape successfully...

But he won't say these words, because there is no need for that anymore, since he has already made a decision in his heart, why bother to increase the worries in others' hearts...

"Brother Wuming—" opened his mouth, but he couldn't say it after all. Although Chen Wuming didn't say it on purpose, they had already guessed his plan. What is the difference between sending it to death? They all knew very clearly in their hearts that Brother Wuming was sacrificing his own life to protect the safety of the two of them.

"Okay, time is running out. When I count to three, you all rush forward!" Speaking of this, regardless of whether the two listened to it, Chen Wuming just carried half of the big knife and walked forward without hesitation. Fang rushed out!

"One!" With the knife in his hand, Chen Wuming brutally chopped off the three magic soldiers standing in front of him!

"Two!" Having no time to pay attention to the three magic soldiers who fell to the ground, Chen Wuming came to the front of the other magic soldiers without the slightest pause. Arm, the veins on the arm protruded from the root, Chen Wuming immediately used all his strength to slash forward again! I only heard a series of muffled sounds of "bang bang bang" cutting solid objects, and the row of four magic soldiers in front of me were all cut in half obliquely!

"Three!!" Chen Wuming held the saber with both hands, kicked his feet on the ground suddenly, and jumped up into the air. He slashed down fiercely! Immediately, without any suspense, the last magic soldier standing in front of him was split in half from head to toe by this fierce knife! !

"Run!!" Chen Wuming raised his voice and hissed at the two people who were staring blankly at the stupefied two without any relief from the enemy's joy, "Run forward quickly!! Don't look back!!!"

"Take care! Unnamed brother—" He gritted his teeth hard, trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall. After Gerald dropped such a sentence, he walked along his unnamed brother behind Elsa's back and never looked back. The road that came out was struggling to run forward.

"Hehe, hehehehehe—" Seeing that Gerald had run away with Elsa on his back, Chen Wuming's legs finally gave way, and he half-kneeled on the ground, panting heavily. The series of attacks seemed simple, but they had already consumed most of his energy and physical strength. No one could understand how nervous he was at that time. He had never had any physical contact with anyone on earth. Conflicting him, today is the first time he has fought with all his strength against a human being! Fortunately, the fused memory in my mind has a lot of experience related to combat, otherwise, when Gerald came to rescue Elsa and fought with those guards, he would have been killed by someone! But fortunately, according to the memory in my mind, the former owner of this body, the guy named Achill, is still very capable in melee combat! Maybe it's because his magic talent is so bad that he worked so hard in other areas? Chen Wuming thought so in his heart...

Shaking his head fiercely, he threw all these irrelevant thoughts out of his mind! Looking at the magic soldiers slowly approaching him step by step, Chen Wuming's mind was clear.

Now is far from the time to relax! Holding the big knife in his hand tightly, Chen Wuming endured the exhaustion of his whole body and gritted his teeth to support the handle of the knife in his hand, forcing himself to stand up again!

"As a standard nerd in my previous life, I once dreamed in my heart that I could travel to other worlds..." Holding the big knife in his hand, he staggered upright, and suddenly grinned, Chen Wuming seemed to be He muttered softly to himself, "Now, I finally got my wish, I don't want to just die aggrieved like this..."

"Since I don't want to die yet, the only ones who die are you—" Chen Wuming stretched out his free left hand while speaking, and roared to the sky with a ferocious expression, "You must succeed for me!! Change your clothes !!!" Roaring, all the magic power in his body poured into his left hand.

"噗—" A melodious sword cry suddenly sounded in my ears, and I saw a wave of space around me, and a bright magic rapier appeared in my left hand!

"Huh—" Seeing this, Chen Wuming breathed a sigh of relief and felt deeply fortunate! It seems that as I originally guessed, with the difference of the soul, even the same body, but the magic talent displayed is quite different! At least the ability to use the magic of changing clothes that I have shown so far is far better than the former owner of this body, Achill!

"Now—" Holding a sword in his left hand and a knife in his right, Chen Wuming looked confidently at the magic soldiers in front of him, and shouted excitedly, "It's my turn to make a comeback!" After shouting, he held the two weapons tightly , Chen Wugui rushed towards the group of magic soldiers without hesitation.

At the same time, on the other side, after Gerald ran with Elsa on his back for a while, trouble came. A group of overseers and guards holding magic wands led a large number of magic soldiers to surround them firmly. !

Although Gerald fought hard, he was not a mage after all, and the number of opponents far exceeded his own. After knocking down more than a dozen magic soldiers in a row, Gerald, who was starting to lose his physical strength, finally became a magician. Hit by the magic of a magician on the other side, he lost his ability to fight.

Obviously, Gerald was captured, and then taken by the fat and thin wizard to the dark room where Elsa was originally held. As for Elsa, he was escorted back to the dilapidated room by two supervisors. residence.

"Sister Elsa! What's wrong with you?" Xiu rushed forward with a worried expression on his face, and asked with concern while holding Elsa's shoulder, "Where's the nameless brother? Where's Geral? Are they going to go?" Have you been rescued?" Hearing this, the other people also looked at Elsa who was in a daze as if she had lost her soul. The reason for Chen Wuming and Gerald's sudden disappearance was as early as they The first time they found out that the two disappeared at the same time, they had probably already guessed the purpose of their disappearance! Needless to say, it was definitely time to rescue Elsa!

But now I see that only Elsa came back alone, and he was escorted back! Everyone's hearts sank suddenly in vain, feeling that their hearts had fallen deeply into the bottom of the valley...

Could it be that something happened to them?

This thought rose in everyone's mind in vain, and the faces of the big guys couldn't help but darken. This is the result that everyone doesn't want to see...

"Brother Anonymous... Geral..." He muttered to himself a few times, the look in his eyes became clearer and clearer, UU reading www. uukanshu.comFinally, two hot tears could no longer be controlled, gushing out from the corners of Elsa's eyes, "Ah—"

"Boom—" There was a loud noise, and a figure was thrown into the air, and everyone who was shocked by this scene looked at the culprit who took the picture in a daze—only to see the expression on his face. With two lines of clear tears hanging down, Elsa stood there with a determined face, her eyes revealing incomparable bravery and determination!

"Elsa?! Could it be that you..." Everyone looked at Elsa in surprise, with expressions of surprise and disbelief.

"Someone is rebelling!!" The overseer who was knocked into the air held his chest in pain, but couldn't care about anything else, and immediately roared at the top of his voice.

"What?! Someone rebelled?! Courting death!" For a moment, the overseers who had reacted from the shock were all frightened and angry, grabbed their own weapons and rushed towards this side loudly!

The only thing we can do is fight!

The words of the two clearly echoed in their minds repeatedly. Elsa, who had already figured it out completely, ignored everyone's shocked gazes, raised the shovel in his hand, and said loudly in an extremely firm tone: "Take up weapons, everyone! No matter what! Obey or run, we will never be free! In this case—"

"Then we only have to fight! Stand up for freedom! Let's fight for freedom!!"


"Fight for freedom!!"

Awakened, the oppressed people finally awakened again under the inspiration of Elsa's shocking words! The blood that had been cooled for a long time also boiled again under Elsa's brave young figure! !

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