MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 282 The strongest showdown! ! Jura vs Achill!

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There is nothing to say about the next fight, Lucy will fight against Freya of Crow's Tail. Lucy is still unambiguous when using these four keys

Cooperating with her original six zodiac keys, a total of ten protoss keys were playing in her hands~ she kept using two-two combinations to double-open protoss, and then Lucy, who had the protoss fusion magic, almost never From the beginning to the end, Freya with the crow's tail was completely suppressed—

Of course, during the period, Freya also wanted to play tricks to reverse the defeat, and secretly used her long magic hair to sneak into the Fairy Tail spectator seats, trying to force Lucy to fail by means of hostage coercion【】//: Read the novel.// ? first timing?

But the idea is good, or the old saying, the reality is always so scary, uh, it seems a bit wrong to say that?

In short, just as her hair sneaked into the area of ​​Fairy Tail, it was blown away by Aqier's casual flash—

Seeing this, Freya was terrified and terrified. She no longer dared to make any wrong ideas, but was forced to struggle hard under Lucy's strong oppression...

Not only that, but in the end, facing the shocking magic that Lucy used to decide the outcome, she tried to use the Gemini protoss coordination—"Star Map·History" and looked at Freya struggling helplessly, Crow Tail Obra, that is, the black wild cat who was almost killed by Achill on the night of the qualifiers, wanted to secretly steal Lucy's magic power quietly and prevent the magic from being activated, but it was a pity that , these are of course unable to hide from Aqier's perception detection that has been covering the entire Magic Fighting Martial arts venue with the perception network—

The moment he was about to steal the magic power, Achill took the lead and cast his gaze directly on him. Facing Achill's targeted coercion, which was so powerful that it almost froze the air, Obra, let alone He continued to steal Lucy's magic power, and he didn't even dare to move at all. In the end, he could only freeze in place with sweat profusely, until Aqier took his eyes away from him, and finally let out a big breath like collapsed …

But at this time, the ending had already been settled. Facing the powerful magic that Lucy used, Freya didn't even have the power to resist at all, and was completely defeated in an instant.

Naturally, the jaws of the audience were shocked by this. Although they would occasionally cheer for Fairy Tail, this was basically for Achill's sake. In this competitive match, Aqier showed his great strength very well—

In fact, it can be said that in the entire Fairy Tail a/b team, there are only two people who the audience really pay attention to. One is naturally the real **** of death, Achill, and the other is little Angel~

The former is because the fame he created before was too great and amazing, and the previous secret competition has also proved that his powerful name is not in vain. As for the latter, it will be paid attention to entirely because of the three halos. The reason is that there are three halos in total: the halo of the youngest contestant, the halo of S-level strength, and the halo of the adopted daughter of Achill, the **** of death.

But now, all the spectators present were really surprised. They were shocked by the "stunning" magic that Lucy used. The charm, undoubtedly conquered the audience present and let everyone fall in love with this beautiful magic—

They have finally looked at Fairy Tail's true strength until now, and they have finally curbed the contempt and contempt for Fairy Tail in their hearts, and no longer use too colored glasses to look at Fairy Tail. There is no such thing as before, where all the glory and halo are only attributed to Achill, the true death god—

And up to now, because of winning 10 points after defeating Crow Tail Freya, the ranking of Fairy Tail Team A has also jumped up and instantly reached the same position as Fairy Tail Team B. Team b, two teams, tied for first place—

Occupy the top two seats together

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene was slightly strangely dignified, and everyone kept scanning the Fairy Tail exclusive spectator area with eyes full of surprise and expectation—

They are looking forward to what amazing performance this sudden guild will have in the future? Will Fairy Tail, the former number one guild in the kingdom that has been down and out for a long time, still show the glory and brilliance of the past? Everyone is silently looking forward to...

"Boring" turned the little angel sitting on his lap to face him, then stretched out **** to pinch a certain fluffy in her arms, and pinched this fluffy The white fur on the small animal's head, and then gently pulled it out of Angel's embrace

Putting it on the palm of his hand, looking at the white fluff curled into a ball in his palm, suddenly a palm-sized clear water droplet appeared in Aqier's hand, and the clear water drop directly touched a certain fluffy on the palm of his hand. Wrapped in it, then slightly stirred and rotated

"Boring" looked at a certain fluffy in the palm of his hand with a small white head exposed outside the water drop, and its short limbs were constantly flapping and flapping inside the water drop. He repeated this sentence in his mouth again, and Achill said lightly. "This level of fighting is really boring..."

What he was evaluating was the second duel that was going on in the arena after the match between Lucy and Freya the Crowtail—

Lian Chiyue of the Cyan Pegasus, against Alania Vibe of the Mermaid Bell

In Archie's eyes, this fierce duel, which seems to be evenly matched, extremely hot and eye-catching, is just like a child's play, and he has no interest in watching it~...

No, he was really bored, so he simply started the job of cleaning his beloved pets for his precious Angel.

The little guy squatted on Aqier's lap, staring at the movements in Aqier's hands with wide eyes, watching his "pet" seem to be panicked and "painful" in the water mass With that, a pitiful expression appeared on his face.

"How can you be so swollen?" The silly loli Mebis suddenly jumped out from nowhere, and her little finger pointed to the plush in Aqier's hand that was wrapped in water droplets for a bath. Filled with righteous indignation, he exclaimed, "It will scare the 'cute fluffy'—Tuanzi's." Coupled with the action of little Angel gently pulling the corner of Achill's clothes, there is quite an aura of common hatred

Alright, a certain plush labeled as cute and code-named dumpling is thrashing vigorously in the water ball in Achill's palm at this moment... It seems that this guy is resisting taking a bath, can't it?

Okay, please continue to ignore the protests of a certain lolita, and by the way, Tuanzi has such a ~sexual name, no doubt, it is the masterpiece of this **** who has no integrity~ Although I really want to complain, this At a glance, you can tell that it was taken out casually based on the approximate pictogram of a certain animal. Well, the pictographic name...

Ignoring the strong condemnation of this unscrupulous loli, Aqier reached out and touched the moon-white fur on Angel's head. At the same time, the water ball spinning in his left hand disappeared instantly, and a certain fur that was expected to be wet Fluffy, but fluffy, curled up into a lazy little ball, curled up in Achill's palm

As for the water stains on the body, together with the disappearance of the water mass, Achill evaporated them with magic power.

Gently handing the cleaned object to Angel's palm, Aqier rubbed Angel's head again, and hugged her in his arms

"Giggle~" There were dimples on her face, Angel held a ball of fluffy in her small hands and rubbed it gently on her face, her crescent-like eyes narrowed, and she let out a series of crisp and delicate smiles like silver bells

"Woo..." The small mouth pouted slightly, and the silly loli also had an expression of 'I really want', her eyes kept scanning the certain ball of fluff that Angel was holding in her hand to gently rub against her face, and then Swipe over Makarov again

Seeing this, Makarov suddenly felt that the pear mountain was huge...

"Watch..." Mebis pouted so much that he could almost hang a soy sauce bottle

"..." Wiping the cold sweat off his brow with his hand, Makarov knew what he had to say, so "Ahem, that... I heard that there is a street in Kulocas, which is pretty good~ It seems quite lively..."

"Stare..." Mebis still stared at Makarov without blinking, waiting for the next

"There are a lot of very good things for sale, such as small animals..." Makarov finished this sentence quickly, feeling the disappearance of the pressured eyes, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then took out a handkerchief to wipe own genghis khan

"Duanzi, Duanzi~Duanzi..." Humming an unknown song, Mebis swayed on the guardrail contentedly, and glanced at a certain ball of fluff in Angel's hand from time to time

At this time, the match in the arena was over. Lian of the Cyan Pegasus successfully defeated Alanya of the Mermaid Bell, and won a 10-point ranking for their guild, instantly replacing the top-ranked Fairy Tail a/b teams. To the first position of the overall score -

However, the cyan pegasus didn't sit in this position for long, because on the first day of the Damo Dou performance, the third duel of the second part of the duel has already begun. 'Oruga, Vorkulai against the Four Hounds

There is no doubt that this is a highly anticipated match, because one of the sides in the battle is the main member of the strongest Saber-toothed tiger

However, the battle was over at the very beginning. After receiving the order from the president of his own family, to wash away the humiliation of being defeated by the goblin twice in a row, Oluga used all his strength at the very beginning. Hei Lei, his specialty, instantly killed the four hounds Vokulai—

This beautiful move undoubtedly shocked the audience, as if proclaiming to the world the majesty of the strongest saber-toothed tiger—

Because of the two duels just now, the score was temporarily squeezed to the fourth-ranked Saber-Toothed Tiger, and it immediately replaced the blue Pegasus who had just climbed to the first position-

It is worth mentioning that when Oluga walked off the field, accompanied by the thunderous cheers of the audience, he actually gave a thumbs down in the direction of the Fairy Tail viewing area, which is Achill. Extremely provocative gesture—

This provocative action undoubtedly made the atmosphere of the scene extremely hot in an instant

"This guy is so arrogant, Mr. Achill won't be a fool of your level—" Natsu spouted flames angrily, and shouted loudly while looking at Oruga's back, "A guy of your level Mr. Archer just need ~ one punch to knock you out of the air—”

"That's it" Next to Natsu, several other members of Fairy Tail also responded angrily and loudly, "The **** of Saber-toothed Tiger are too arrogant—"

Although the members of Fairy Tail beside him were very angry and furious at Oluga's straightforward provocation, but Achill himself seemed to have not seen it, and he was teasing Angel from the beginning to the end. Then, to the provocation of the saber-toothed tiger and Oluga, he didn't even respond to it, he didn't even show interest in taking a glance at it.

No lion would be interested in a mere ant jumping around in front of its eyes~ It’s probably like this

But at this moment, in the huge arena, the exclamation of the fact reporter Chabati suddenly came out

"Oh my **** this, this isn't true—"

The audience looked towards the rostrum suspiciously, and saw that Chabati was trembling with excitement, and he didn't even realize that his wig had fallen off.

"Guess, guess what I saw on this list of duels—" Holding a list that I just got in my hands tightly, his face was completely flushed with excitement, and Chabati roared loudly regardless of his image "The strongest duel is the strongest duel in the true sense. This is the last match of the duel part of the first day of Dama Dou Yanwu - it is actually a duel between the two strongest candidates."

"The strongest?" Hearing this, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The audience in the com arena was surprised and puzzled for a while, but then, they were all shocked as if they thought of something, and at the same time, their eyes were all brushed and looked straight at the two spectating areas that were far apart. —

"The fourth and final battle of today's duel in Daimotoenbu—"

"The ace of Snake's Scale, Saint Ten Jura, will face off against Fairy Tail Team B, the True Death God who also has the title of the strongest Saint Ten Demon Dao—"


Excited and excited shouts, with the amplification effect of the microphone amplification magic, instantly spread throughout the entire arena.

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Fairy Tail: The Nameless Reaper Volume 3 Reaper's Judgment Chapter 282 The Strongest Showdown Jura vs Achill


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