MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 290 An instant chariot, an instant ending! flash

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"The topic has come out. The event of today's competitive competition is 'chariot'! I think everyone has seen it. This runs through the entire 'chariot' of Kulocas—" Chabati explained loudly, "the content It's very simple, simply speaking, it's a racing action on a 'chariot'! But this is not a simple running competition! All the selected contestants must be connected here Race on a piece of 'chariot'! If you accidentally fall from the top, you will lose the qualification of the race immediately! The starting point is outside the city, and the end point is the arena of this big magic fighting performance! Dome · Fra bird-"

"By the way, since it's called 'chariot', there is no doubt that the 'car' connected to the feet will move! This will undoubtedly increase the difficulty for everyone to pass, but the competition does not prohibit competitors from passing Your own ability, harassing and obstructing other teams—" After quickly explaining the content and rules of the 'Chariot' competition, Chabati couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat that had oozed out of his head at some point, and concluded He stammered, "Now the contestants from the eight teams have all reached the starting point outside the city. Everyone can see their individual postures through the magic crystal in the field! Also, by the way, I think , everyone should have seen it—"

"In this chariot competition, Fairy Tail's Team B contestant! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly—"

"It's still the true **** of death of the holy ten!"


"Although my heart is as shocked as everyone else's, but although this seems to be a bit of a suspicion, the behavior of the Fairy Tail B team unexpectedly did not violate any rules—" Wiping the cold sweat on his head again, Chabati said helplessly, "There is no rule in the conference that a person can only participate in one game~ because usually no one has such strong magic power and energy to support themselves for several consecutive games, and generally for the guild to be able to To achieve greater results in the conference, in order to go further in the Damo Dou Yanwu, almost all participating guilds will unanimously try to preserve the strength of each of their players as much as possible, even if they have the strength to compete in the entire competition. The team members usually choose to temporarily hide them. Even when they play, they will be separated at a relatively large interval, in order to reduce their consumption as much as possible! Then they exist as trump cards! Show their strength at the most critical time —”

"But now, the situation has changed. Because of Mr. Achill's re-entry, the situation has become subtle and weird..." Chabati shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I don't think anyone will doubt it." Mr. Achill's huge magic power as one of the ten holy magic ways, if he really insists on sweeping all the competitions and conducting the whole competition of big magic fighting and performing martial arts, at least in terms of magic power, I think it is absolutely impossible. If there is any shortage or something like that! Even if he just participated in two games yesterday, he just played against Mr. Jura, one of the Holy Ten..."

"And what's even more unfortunate is that the **** of death! He can fly—" Chabati was about to cry, "Mr. Archer is a magician who can fly! Everyone has known this a long time ago The thing about it—although the chariot rules say that it is not allowed to fall on the ground, but, but it does not say that the race must not be completed in the sky! That is to say, the difficulty of the chariot is limited for Mr. Achill who can fly magic It can be said to be completely ignored! After all, no matter how fast and unstable the chariot below is running! It is impossible to have any effect on Mr. Achill flying in the sky! And what is even more terrifying is that during the competition But it is clearly stated that they can interfere with other contestants! That is to say, other contestants should not only be depressed about their own disadvantages in flying magic in the chariot competition~! They should also worry about the possibility of coming from Mr. Achill The powerful threat and attack! Destroy their game!"

"I bet! Next year! In the next year - the contestants are not allowed to participate in competitive competitions consecutively. This will definitely become the new rule of Damo Dou Yanwu!" Chabati explained with a look of embarrassment, "I can almost imagine, At the very beginning of the competition, Mr. Aqier directly destroyed all the chariots with a powerful magic! While disqualifying all the competitors, the scene of flying slowly to the finish line by himself... Although I am not The contestants, but it is still inevitable to feel sad for all the contestants who competed with Mr. Aqier, what is the feeling of this feeling of death?"

"Huge flying advantage, and that absolutely powerful strength as the second layer of protection! Almost no one can beat Achill in this situation! What's the difference between this and giving him the victory directly?! I really don't know. I can't imagine who else can win the chariot championship under such an absolute disadvantage! No! It should be said that it is unknown whether he can get points! After all, none of us know what Mr. Achill will do next —If all tanks are really destroyed from the very beginning of the race as we all imagined, then the other contestants really have no chance to continue, and they can’t even judge the score! Don’t be afraid to say something here, in fact The organizers are already discussing how to deal with it next! They are discussing how to judge the rankings of other contestants if this happens—”

"Wow—" Undoubtedly, Chabati's words caused another shock in the audience, but after thinking about it, it is true that according to the current ability and strength of Achill, this competition There is indeed no need for the game~ It is almost the same as giving away points for free~!

But no one said it was unfair. After all, in their view, the Damo Dou performance itself is just a stage festival to show the strength of the individual and the guild! It would be too unfair to restrict a contestant just because he is too strong!

Regarding this, apart from expressing admiration for Achill's toughness, they could only secretly scold Fairy Tail's president for being too shameless, after all, he actually let Lord Achill fight the competition alone! Under normal circumstances, who can imagine~

In this regard, in the face of everyone's strange eyes, Makarov said that he was very sad, saying...

It wasn't my idea, bastard! Nima was shot while lying down, did she—

Not to mention the little old man who suffered an indiscriminate disaster over there, while the Saber-Toothed Tiger was watching the battle zone, Germaine's expression was unusually gloomy, and the stone handle on the seat had already been crushed to pieces by the enormous force in his hands!

"Reaper..." Rolling roared in his mouth, almost dripping water from his face, listening to the audience and Chabati's conclusion that the chariot race had been sealed, Germaine slammed the seat into pieces Stand up! Through the display of the magic crystal surface in the field, the eyes were fixed on the indifferent Achill. Even from such a distance, he could feel the opponent's indifference to this kind of game! That is a kind of indifference that can only be possessed by those who are completely at their fingertips! Germain thought that this kind of thing could only be found in himself! On the body of their guild! However, now he sees the emergence of such an emotion from the eyes of a miscellaneous guild mage whom he completely despises—

"Obviously, obviously it's just a guild of miscellaneous brands! But it's always arrogant on the head of a powerful tiger over and over again—" The magic power surged wildly on his body, and Germain growled in a low voice, "You think you can rely on yourself alone? Human strength, can you really save a garbage guild that has completely declined! Don’t be kidding! What a **** of death! Your era is over—as early as the moment you disappeared seven years ago, this era has passed It's all ours!"

"Whether it's the past, the present, or the future! Only our saber-toothed tiger can be called the strongest forever! No one, no guild can take away this honor—" The spray of magic power was put down and danced wantonly, and Germain shouted in a deep voice, "No one can try to take away the majesty of my strongest guild! Even you! You are the same as the majestic **** of death—"

"I'll make you tremble under the majesty of the tiger! Wait for me, **** of death, fairy-tail—"

Looking at the president who was basically in a state of anger and rampage, behind him, all the members of the Saber-toothed tiger were reluctant to step forward, and they didn't even dare to take a loud breath, because everyone could feel that they were coming from him. No one wants to touch the brows of their president at such a time with the powerful anger surging on his body.

Regarding this, a sword-browed woman standing behind several people couldn't help but slightly shook her head, and an imperceptible trace of ridicule and disdain flashed in her eyes.

At this time, under the loud announcement of live broadcaster Chabati, the bell that symbolized the start of the game also rang loudly in the entire venue—


"Ding..." His fingers lightly tapped the finishing bell on the rope, and Aqier stood in the arena of the Dome-Fra Bird with his long clothes fluttering, and glanced at the audience indifferently, and then, Throwing Natsu, who was clutching the collar in his hands, to the ground...

"..." The mouth opened wide, including everyone on the rostrum, everyone in the audience opened their mouths stupidly, staring blankly at Aqier standing proudly on the finish line, in their eyes, Full of indescribable disbelief...

God, God, what did they see... the game bell has just rung! ~The difference is almost less than 0.1 seconds, and they have not had time to react from the excitement at the beginning of the game! The game is already over...

The bell rang at the same time as the beginning bell, the bell announcing the end! It sounded at the same time almost at the moment of the beginning~ During this period, there was almost no time gap! However, the distance between here and the starting point spans half of the city!

Could it be a difficult magic like teleportation? ? It was the same as the agility he used yesterday when he was fighting against the Holy Ten... Everyone couldn't help but have such an almost unanimous thought in their hearts.

Ignoring the shocked, terrified, or dazed gazes of the people around me, and not paying attention to Naz, who seemed to have not recovered from the trance just now, who was sitting on the ground and looking at the audience in a daze. , Achill turned around, and walked towards the Fairy Tail viewing seats without looking back.


The indifferent words spread throughout the huge arena with the effect of the built-in loudspeaker magic in the arena.

And at this time, following the stimulating reminder of the words, everyone recovered from the shock just now, and in an instant, huge cheers and restlessness burst out and resounded throughout the arena! Resounding throughout the city of Kurokas—

Lines of sight filled with incomparable respect and awe, followed Achill's light steps, all the way to the spectator seats of Fairy Tail, and they continued for a long time! No one is paying attention to the chariot races of those other people anymore—

In other words, with the strong performance of this powerful True Death God, there is no need to pay attention to other people's competitions anymore! All the glory and halo, with the eyes of everyone, directly passed to Achill! Spread to the whole Fairy Tail!

At this time, he is like a god!

He didn't pay attention to what other people think about him at this time, and he was not interested in paying attention to how hot other people's eyes were looking at him. As usual, he nodded slightly towards Makarov and Fairy Tail After that, Achill sat back in his seat lightly.

The beginning is the It's just a blink of an eye! Instantaneous speed—

It completely combines the perfect new walking formed by Shinigami's Shunpo and Xuren's ringing. Any place within the range of its own magic perception network can be reached instantly regardless of any time, any space, and any distance! It's not like teleportation, but it's better than teleportation! This is the instant step...

As early as the moment he fully fused the power of void and the power of death in his body, and broke out from Sirius Island! The so-called distance is completely meaningless to him.

This is one of his powerful manifestations now~! Don't ask him how he was able to reach such a level of strength—

Because he is God!

(ps: Well, I have almost explained the abilities of a certain Achill, and now I can start to torture all kinds of arrogant things, such as the saber-toothed tiger~ and the saber-toothed tiger, And saber-toothed tigers and the like~! I came back from my grandma's house all the way. I said that because I didn't have a car, I was depressed and walked more than ten miles. The egg hurts. I will continue to explode today. After the explosion, I will return I have to keep walking back, I don’t have much time, so I’ll post three or four at once! I hope everyone will continue to help me get my impressions and recommendations down, thank you very much! This is the first one—)