MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 320 Le Qi, what ability?

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"You did a good job, little Ailu." Under the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, Erza, who had just returned to the Fairy Tail area, welcomed her returning victoriously with the members of her own guild who treated her like a hero. After saying hello with a smile, he slumped down in his seat as if he was relieved.

The ghost magic just now has consumed too much of her mana and stamina~ After all, she has entered the super-strength path of No. 91! Moreover, it was performed after greatly increasing its power by singing with all its strength, and being able to support it safely until now has proved her strong will and her own deep foundation.

But just before he had time to catch his breath and was about to take a good rest, a familiar word came from his ears~

Along with the words, there was also a glass of iced drink in his hand.

Looking back, what I saw was Achill's calm and familiar face with a hint of admiration amidst his indifference.

"Brother Anonymous, when did you come back?" Seeing this, Erza stretched out her hand to take the frozen juice from Aqier, and after she drank it in one gulp, she couldn't help but sighed comfortably~ Then she looked like Like a child waiting for an adult to praise him, he raised his head and looked expectantly at Achill who was standing beside him, and asked with some expectation, "Hey~ Unnamed brother, how was my performance just now? There shouldn't be anything wrong. Wrong??"

"Of course." Hearing this, Aqier reached out and touched Erza's scarlet head, and said lightly without hesitation in his appreciation, "You have performed very well, whether it is the subtle control of ghost magic, or In terms of the distribution of magic power when chanting at full strength, they have done a pretty good job!"

"As for me, I came back directly after breaking the last magic-absorbing device installed in a cold drink shop just now." Shaking the empty cup handed over by Erza in his hand, Achill said lightly, "By the way For our hard-working hero, bring a cup of consolation drink, of course~ you paid for it.” Speaking of this, he pretended to be casual, and glanced at the little old man Makarov who had just looked at him with strange eyes .

It seems to be saying, don't think about it, old guy~! I won't use my magic ability to eat free food like you, it's too cheap.

"Ahem." Makarov coughed twice, pretending he didn't see it, and looked at the sky, muttering in his heart, I don't seem to have used my magic ability to eat for nothing, have I? Cough cough, Yajima's guy doesn't seems a little guilty~

Not to mention the wretched history of a little old man here, the Angel who was playing in Mira's arms over there, saw Aqier come back, and immediately got into his arms impatiently. , holding her own fluffy ball with one hand, hugging Achill with the other hand and stretching out to tease her right hand, and then very happy, rubbing against Achill with her little head with a long moon white hair The chin and chest look very perky with sticky Archer.

This scene undoubtedly made all the Fairy Tail staff amused~ at the same time, they also showed a faint and warm smile.

This kind of family-like feeling is exactly the warm atmosphere that the entire Fairy Tail guild has always surrounded everyone's hearts.

"But it seems that the organizer may have an urge to cry." After teasing the little loli Angel in his arms for a while, Achill reached out and put the moon white long knife stuck in his position. Pulling it out, with a little force from the palm of the hand, the long knife turned into a faint moon-white light and re-integrated into Achill's body.

"After all, Xiao Ailu's blow just now pierced through the ground of the entire field." Looking at the huge 'hole' below that almost covered the entire competition field, Achill said with disdain: " Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, and it is probably about this time."

"They don't know that the device they placed in the depths of the competition field to absorb magic power was actually destroyed by magic as early as when you, Achill, instantly suppressed the Demon Temple." Mira said with a smile Said, "They probably thought that the device was blown away with the ground by the powerful magic of Elusa sauce just now~ If they think so, they will indeed want to cry, after all, it is difficult to pass the magic power in the imagination The large amount of magic power collected by the simple test method of the tester has been completely destroyed before it can be transported away after receiving the magic of Elsa-chan~ With this kind of completely kept in the dark If you think about it in a different way, it is indeed a true sense of stealing chickens and losing money~”

"It's really a group of poor guys..." Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at the organizer with pity for the tragedy in their hearts, but then again, if you count according to the real and real eyes! The reality that you just saw it full of expectations, but in the end you didn't even get any soup, is more blood-spitting than stealing chickens and losing money, right? ? !

Thinking about it this way, everyone's sympathy for the organizer can't help but become more and more intense. Now, in the eyes of everyone in Fairy Tail, the kingdom as the organizer-is completely incarnated at this moment. A whole cup! Or a complete set, downright—

"Hmph, I really want to play on stage too~ I always see you showing off your powers..." At this time, a girl with glasses who was dissatisfied in her arms slid out from nowhere and played with her hand. Holding his small carving knife, tapping his glasses frame lightly with one hand, he expressed his strong dissatisfaction towards a man with a child who pretended not to see, "I want to go up and make a few gestures too~Aqier They have all been tested, and I am the only one who has not tested the abilities you gave me..."

Hearing this, a certain little old man's eyelids jumped wildly! He was still scared and complained about Achill, Angel, Mira, and the fact that Erza's appearance could destroy the entire field just now! When I heard this, I couldn't help but give a **** on the spot! Dare there actually be a hidden boss here? ! Damn, if she is allowed to play again, it will be fine! Although I had some doubts in my heart before, although I had some guesses and thoughts in my heart when I saw the new magic attack methods of Mira, Erza and others,! But when he got the accuracy of this guess from the other party's mouth, Makarov couldn't help but cut me decisively again—

Although I still don't know exactly what kind of magic attack method Achill gave to Le Qi, but judging from the above, it can be used as a typical teaching material for demolition professional households! Even if you think about it with your butt, you know it must be some kind of super strong forbidden series that is not suitable for children—

Thinking of this, the corners of the little old man's mouth couldn't help twitching, he really wanted to curse, are you planning to completely arm your whole family to the teeth? !

Do you think your family is engaged in a forbidden magic buy one get one free reward activity! asshole! !

So as soon as Le Qi finished speaking, the little old man couldn't sit still~ I couldn't help lying down for the third time, but at the same time, I tried my best to put on a smile, and said to Le Qi with a smile: "Little Le Qi Ah, you don't need to play, look, everyone has already performed very well~ So you don't play for the time being, after all, you have to leave some hope for other guilds, don't you think? Of course, I promise! In the following games, if any guild is likely to overtake our guild! Then no matter which one of the a/b team may be overtaken!~ I will definitely let you go up to the rescue immediately, what do you think?"

After finishing speaking, she still looked pitiful, blinked her eyes, and looked at Le Qi eagerly waiting for her answer.

"Hmm... this..." Hearing this, Le Qi couldn't help frowning in thought.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing Le Qi's performance." A certain unscrupulous dog sat on the guardrail with a heartless look, while shaking its clean and white feet, turned around and said with a smile, " Speaking of which, I have seen the abilities given to Mira and Erza, but I haven't seen the abilities given to you by Azir, Le Qi~ I really want to see it soon, hehe... "

Still hee hee? ! Hearing that a certain little old man wailed frantically in his heart, please don't make trouble with me! First Generation! ! If you accidentally offended the group of organizers—

Our guild will definitely go bankrupt! ! Definitely going bankrupt! Makarov thought in his heart, I don't want to go back to the old life of writing self-criticism every day... Absolutely not! !

Leaving aside the little old man who had completely fallen into a state of self-madness here, Le Qi's consideration over there was obediently dismissed because of Achill's words.

"Okay, stop thinking about it, little Leqi." He reached out and patted Leqi's head in meditation, interrupting her train of thought, and Achill said flatly, "There will always be times for you to behave, but But not now, your ability is used to protect everyone when I have no time to clone or when I am not around, so you can't use it casually."

"Aqier is right~ Le Qi sauce! At that time, we will all rely on your protection at the critical moment." Mira stepped forward and patted Le Qi on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "You We can’t expose our abilities in advance at such a time~ Otherwise, we will be in danger if the possible enemies are on”

"Mira and the nameless brother are right." Hearing this, Erusa also nodded in deep thought, and pressed Le Qi's other shoulder and said seriously, "So it's better not to show it on stage. Le Qi, besides, the abilities bestowed on you by Unnamed Big Brother are really not suitable for this kind of competition, because a bad one will cause big trouble!"

At this moment, the little old man's heart was full of inner emotions~ I said in my heart that I am not fighting alone! Not alone—

Of course, it seems that people are still being ignored~

"Okay, okay, people are just talking~ Why are you so serious!" Xiaozui couldn't help but pouted slightly. Although she said this, Le Qi couldn't help but whispered, "And go on stage It’s not necessarily necessary to use those bt abilities to say…”

Seeing this, Aqier, Erza, and Mira all looked at each other and smiled, only a certain unscrupulous face had a really regretful expression~

Don't regret it anymore! First Generation! ! The above is the crazy heartfelt voice of a little old man...

Read The Duke's Passion