MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 357 War, infinite refill——

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Inscribed sad man—

The 'Continuation of the King' written with blood and tears! If the world doesn't have the meaning you want, if the world doesn't have the destiny you want, then this history will be accomplished by me...

Create the history you want! Use your own strength to give the world the only one with a "destiny"! Looking forward to my only one~ this one and only

Is the only one that belongs to me...

"Fate, sorrow, the end of history, and the beginning of this whole world." The Kingdom of Fiore, the capital of Kulocas, Princess Emerald rested her hands on the window sill of her room above the palace castle, her eyes sad Looking forward, looking at the tens of thousands of dragons roaring and soaring above the city, her white palms unconsciously grasped the window rails, and muttered to herself, "The script has begun, and everything, until today, will have the final day." the result of."

"However, what will be the result..." Looking into the distance, Princess Emerald's face became more and more sad, and she muttered to herself without a trace of focus in her eyes, "Will your expectation be realized in the end? With this only The 'script' that belongs to the king, this script you wrote—”

"The group banquet has already begun. This is the last ceremony, feast, and the last Dragon King Sacrifice."

"However 'Eclipse'..."

Human beings are already in despair.... When seeing not only Akunorollia and Wanlong, but even the most terrifying magician in the legend - the strongest and most evil black magician in human history, Jeref Appears here too! When appearing in this country, this city! The vast majority of people in this country have completely fallen into an abyss of terror and despair...

The so-called fate, the fate destined to be destroyed, is probably like this...

The world has been developing silently according to someone's will a long time ago, running silently with an absolute script... The man who gave the world the word "destiny", that expectation that lasts for a hundred years, is above all the sorrows in the world!

The saddest man in the world, the saddest man in history since ancient times, his expectations are about to come to an end under the fate script he wants, and everything is coming to an end.

"Akunorollia." He stared coldly at Zeref in front of him, ignoring the completely puzzling words of the other party, raised his head directly, and turned his gaze to the black dragon of natural disaster roaring in the sky. A slight arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and Achill, who seemed to be mocking and disdainful, whispered softly and indifferently, "I haven't looked for you yet, but you took the initiative to appear in front of me, remember."

"Last time I said—"

With no sadness or joy on his face, Achill just raised his head and glanced at Akunorollia indifferently, without any change in his expression.

On the other hand, Akunorollia was staring at him fiercely with his huge eyes full of violence and cruel killing intent, and the cruelty and resentment that was about to come out almost turned into reality! Burning with blazing vengeance—

"Aw—" Looking up, a vigorous roar piercing the sky broke out! Once again slamming the heavy wings on his back, Akunorollia panted heavily like this, standing high in the sky tense and ready to go!

Upon receiving the reminder of its roar, tens of thousands of dragons hovering in the sky immediately flapped their heavy giant wings and lined up neatly around their bodies! Thousands of dragons gathered around him, and Akunorollia roared again, full of hatred and threats! As if it is possible to lead Wanlong down to the sky at any time—

The atmosphere suddenly condensed! Looking at the dark shadow in the sky, his scalp felt numb and almost exploded, but he also felt the strong suffocation of the scene! This feeling, as if a taut string may break and explode at any time—

War is imminent!

In the city, the hearts of those who noticed this scene of Wanlong confronting this man couldn't help but skip half a point, but not everyone gave up their preparations to fight against it.

"Demon Saber Red Sakura..." The light of the dress on her body flashed, and with a whisper, Erza, who was standing on Achill's right hand, had already started her red-tasseled dress-up form with the highest attack power and abandoning all defenses!

The fiery red pants are flying in the wind, the snow-white shoulders and arms are exposed to the air, and the two hands are holding knives! Clenching the red-tasseled long knife tightly in his hand, the magic power on his body floated, suddenly! A magical aura that was several times stronger than before suddenly burst from his shoulders along his arms and his whole body—

"Instant opening—" covered in a restless magic power emanating from the body, the blazing white magic power was rippling, revealing a faint cherry red color, the long hair behind her was flying, and the long cherry red hair fluttered wantonly with the wind, Ersha raised her head His eyes were incomparably solemn and he said word by word: "The dance of the red tassel..."

The whole person is shrouded in strong magic light. If you look carefully, you will find that on the shoulders and arms of Ersha's highly concentrated magic power, little red lines with strange and mysterious colors slowly emerge. These are exactly Achill branched on Erza's ghost path!

"It's troublesome." The smile on Mira's face also disappeared. She hugged the little guy in her arms, Angel, and stroked the long hair next to her ear with her slender hands. ...."

"Conquer him, Queen of the Sharks! And~" raised his head, and said softly, "Sing it..."

"The Oryx Rider—"

"Compound return blade—"

Peng! The storm of magic power swept across and raged in an instant, and then disappeared and receded in an instant...

The snow-white fur and the noble and shiny black antelope hooves lightly stepped on the ground. After the magic power dissipated, Mira stood gracefully and indifferently on the left side of Achill.

Holding a white bone shark-tooth wide-backed sword in one hand, and a double-headed spear with snow-white antelope horns in the other, a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, his long snow-white hair flutters in the wind, and his white earlobe shakes There are two small white bone earrings, one antelope and one shark.

"Knight King..."

Mira murmured the form's name.

Face-shattering Soul, Composite Returning Blade Receive—

And Angel, who was originally held in Mira's arms, was sitting gently on Mira's left shoulder at this moment.

"This is—" Makarov stared wide-eyed at Mira and Erza who had changed greatly. The surprise in his eyes could not be concealed. He could feel whether it was Erza or Mira at this time! The aura revealed is by no means below the Dao of the Ten Great Demons!

Or, to put it another way—

Anyone can feel it! It comes from the terrifying magic power contained in the new state of Erza and Mira at this time!

"An Qier, come here." At this time, Le Qi also reached out and pushed her glasses, and said.

Hearing this, the little guy sitting on Mira's shoulder first glanced at Le Qi in confusion, but in a blink of an eye, he appeared in her embrace.

"It's so good." She praised casually, hugging little An Qi with her left hand, Le Qi looked up at A Qier, nodded, then took a few steps back with Angel in her arms, and came behind A Qier.

I saw that she had just retreated to within Achill's default safe distance, and Achill nodded slightly, and then without warning, all the Fairy Tail people who had gathered together as if they were facing a big enemy all disappeared one after another, not only that, The people in the whole city were all emptied in an instant.

He actually moved the entire Kulocas people far away with a wide range of azimuths—

The current battle is not something that ordinary people can participate in!

Except for those whose magical power exceeds the Holy Ten level, it can be said bluntly that anyone else who stays will only get in the way~!

This is not a contempt for the weak, but if the strength is too weak, then when the war really starts, the weak will just become the souls of the dead under the aftermath of the war.

Only Erza and Mira, who are now in the strongest new form of power and have a level of magic power far exceeding that of the Holy Ten Demons, are qualified to fight side by side with themselves in this battle situation!

In the face of the most terrifying and powerful existence in the legend, the black mage Jeref, even if he is as strong as Achill, he would not dare to underestimate the enemy or be careless—

But before that, we still need to get rid of those dragons that get in the way.

Using his ability to remove everyone in this city is to facilitate his next actions.

Otherwise, he can't guarantee that the people whose fighting strength is lower than the ten great magic ways will be affected in their own battles if they let go!

It is better to let them stay away from the battlefield as soon as possible, rather than hindering myself from fully performing at that time—

The large-scale teleportation he used just now, although the distance is not particularly far, is finally far away from the vicinity of the city!

"In this case, for the rest, I just hope that the old man and Doron Barut can take people a little further away, otherwise this distance." Raising his head, Achill said lightly, "I still feel that it is still not enough..."

"Then, next...war—" A strange light flashed in his eyes!

"It's already started..."

"If that's the case." Raising his right hand, his palm pointed at the sky, the long clothes on Achill's body fluttered with the wind, and the blue-purple magic power all over his body slowly emerged. Said, "Chasing and killing him, pack of wolves—"

"Infinite Refill—"

Peng! The voice just fell! An extremely powerful and strong blue-purple magic power immediately enveloped Achill's whole body! The magic power rolled up and down, and then one point, one point, one or two! Countless small black and white ripples, like a breeze, danced and entwined around the space around Aqier's body at an extremely fast speed, and condensed wantonly—

The countless black and white magical powers that symbolize the magic power of death and the magic power of void are fused rapidly under the command of Aqier at this moment! Almost in just a blink of an eye, it has already condensed into thousands of slowly rotating small Yin-Yang Tai Chi balls, flying around Aqier's body.

Each of them exudes an extremely terrifying breath of death!

"This is—" Jeref's eyes narrowed slightly, but before he could say anything, the sky was hovering high, but after seeing all the people in the city of Kulocas suddenly disappearing almost inexplicably, Immediately, Wanlong and Akunorollia, who swooped down angrily, roared in panic when they saw this! Then they flapped their wings desperately, trying to escape from the terrifying shadow below that made all the dragons feel creepy from the bottom of their hearts!

Especially Akunorollia! It has seen this terrifying move before, and now it sees that the other party is so effortless, after performing such a terrifying amount of despair in one breath! It even roared and galloped crazily towards the distance—

Such a terrifying amount is enough to make anyone who has seen this move feel heartbroken!

Rao is based on Jeff's calmness, and after seeing this scene suddenly, the pupils in his eyes can't help shrinking to the size of a needle point in an instant...

However, Achill is not interested in caring about Zeref's thoughts. Seeing Wanlong in the sky who was showing off his might just now, but now fleeing frantically after being frightened by his unprepared moves, the corner of Achill's mouth Can't help showing a sneer of disdain.

But it's too late to run now—

I saw that between Achill's raised right hand, the magical aura condensed and distributed all over his body became deeper and deeper, more and more terrifying! In the end, all the Tai Chi **** around Achill's body were immediately dyed into abyssal black like a black hole! Then the next moment, all the breath was completely restrained, all faded into a transparent nothing that seemed harmless to humans and animals—

to blame-

The open palm was slowly clenched, and the horror and depression that had spread all over Achill's body disappeared in an instant~ and the terrifying fluctuations in magic power that originally radiated also disappeared in an instant, but it only lasted for such a short moment~ because the next moment —

Achill's clenched right hand suddenly opened and opened again!

I can only blame you guys for looking for death! !

At the same time, a huge black and white magic circle that almost covered the sky appeared in front of Achill's open right hand—

"Extreme abyss, infinite filling mode..." He didn't even bother to lock it, Aqier stared coldly at the group of dragons in the sky that were about to scatter and escape, the magic circle in front of his hand was spinning faster and faster. Come brighter! to the end! At the same time, the entire giant magic circle exudes dazzling magic light! The mysterious and ancient black and white double-horned demon totem in the middle of the magic circle opened its hideous giant eyes that were originally closed in a majestic way...

"Endless Abyss—"

As soon as the voice fell, a breath of silence swept across the world instantly! Space and time seem to be completely frozen at this time—


"Boom—" Countless dragons exploded and collapsed in the sky! Disappeared into nothingness—

Just for a moment! From appearing to making moves is just such a short moment~! The tens of thousands of dragons led by Akunorollia have almost all disappeared—

Comes fast, goes I don't even have the qualifications to let out a scream! There are a total of tens of thousands of powerful dragons! In this way, they were all slaughtered mercilessly by Archer's infinite filling version of the extreme abyss...

The sky is dripping with drizzle, which is the blood of the dragon.

Achill was bathed in the rain of dragon blood, his long clothes were as old as before, and the hem of his white clothes fluttered in the wind, without any blood staining. Jumping behind him was the black Fairy Tail logo.

At this time, in the sky, there is only one who survived by luck! There is only one natural disaster black dragon, Akunorollia, who is known as the king of dragons—

"I said, this is not a place where you can intervene..." The pupils in the eyes slowly returned to their original size, sighed, and stared deeply at Archie who remained completely unchanged after casting such a terrifying large-scale magic. Well, Jeff murmured, "Because of the teacher I know."

"Never lost to anyone..."

(ps: In the later stage, there are basically all kinds of big moves, so cute, please ask for a recommendation ticket~~)

Read The Duke's Passion