MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 364 The face of the person I saw at that time... (encounter

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"Wow ah ah ah ah - what exactly is this ghost place??"! "

On the tall tree, the black-haired boy screamed strangely and rolled down like Tarzan of the ape, his face was covered with dust, and the clothes on his body had already become tattered.

This is a vast primeval forest, except for the towering giant trees full of dozens of people hugging each other, even the weeds on the ground are as big as a sturdy adult.

It is also fortunate that the very soft 'grass' grows everywhere here, otherwise, with the height of this tree, the boy would have rolled down from it to see Marx long ago.

"Roar—brat! How dare you **** on my uncle's head! See if I don't swallow you—" There was a roar that exploded in the sky from behind, accompanied by the sound of trees being trampled, and the fan In the violent gust of wind, a ferocious head more than ten meters long flapped its huge wings on its back, roaring and landing heavily on the ground!


The young man who just fell to the ground with the help of the weeds and rubbed his **** against a nest of weeds, groaning in pain, was sent flying upwards by the huge vibration from the ground before he could react.

"Yoooooooooo~ It's too unscientific to be blown away, bastard—"

The black-haired boy slammed into a tree with a howling "Boom", his eyes turned into mosquito-repellent incense and his head floated down with blue smoke~

"Boom—" There was another violent bang, the giant claws tore through the trees, and the long tail flew away the debris. I saw a giant roaring with its head up, walking in with heavy steps, step by step.

Panting heavily, his body was rippling with depressing and terrifying magic power, his ferocious giant eyes, the size of a gong, filled with ferocious murderous intent, stared straight at the black-haired boy who fell back to the ground...

"Run! You run again! Damn human—" A giant claw pressed heavily on the boy's side, and the ground sank at the same time that the boy was violently shaken up again. "It's just a mere Human! It’s just a human! When did a weak and incompetent human dare to **** and pee on top of my dragon of the earth! Roar! I’m going to kill you—”

"Crush you into pieces bit by bit in despair!"

Looking up to the sky and letting out a huge roar, the earth dragon, which calls itself the Dragon of the Earth, raised its giant tail high, and then slammed heavily at the boy's body not far away!

"Boom~—" In an instant, the smoke and dust filled the air, but it obviously didn't intend to kill the boy right away. It wanted to play with this guy who offended him little by little!

"Who is this super-expansion trying to trick—" Although his body was almost falling apart, the boy still failed to bring himself into this world well.

"Drinking too much alcohol will cause such hallucinations? What the **** is this—" the boy roared, "You **** has such real hallucinations!"

He really couldn't figure out why Mao himself just drank too much and ran to the toilet, why did he run here for no reason while he was on tm! Or tm **** all over the head of this monster that looks like an unprecedented monster "Godzilla"? ? This is unscientific, Nima—

I'm not a bumpy man ah **** ho!

What's more, the opponent still meows a talking monster with high IQ—

Every time he thinks of this, the young man's heart feels like crying out loud.

In other words, he has been in this cheating world for almost half a day. Although time travel is a dream, but this kind of unfolding that is chased and killed by monsters as soon as he appears on the stage-you, the director, must have gone to the wrong set!

But seeing that his body was shaken again by the powerful vibration from the ground, he didn't have time to think about resentment.

Compared with wondering why this prehistoric monster that looks like Godzilla can speak human language and how deceitful this world is, the immediate priority is obviously how to save his own life first—

He doesn't think that the other party will continue to play in this cat-and-mouse state. Presumably, as long as the other party gets tired of playing or has almost vented, and loses the patience to continue playing with him, he will undoubtedly be punished. Was it torn to pieces in an instant?

With a wry smile, thinking of this, no matter how painful and tired his body was, the young man struggled to prop up his body, pulled himself together and gritted his teeth, waddling himself to stand up again.

"I, I don't want to die in a place like this..." He raised his head and shouted, dragging his broken body, the boy stumbled towards the depths of the forest.

Seeing the young man's unwillingness to give up, Tu Long snorted disdainfully.

"Stupid human beings, human beings are annoying because they are too stupid! Knowing that it is impossible to escape, but still refuse to give up this useless struggle, that's why I said—" Earth Dragon raised his head With a thick front paw, it laughed wantonly and sneered loudly, "Human beings are just our food—"


As soon as the words fell, the giant claws with magical power slapped heavily on the ground, and in a frenzy of shattering and shaking on the ground, a long sunken gap spread rapidly towards the boy in the distance—

"It's over..." Feeling the vain weightlessness coming from under his feet, as he fell, the young man thought in his heart.

I knelt down as soon as I appeared on the stage, my life is worth it... With a forced smile, the clenched fist was unable to let go, and the young man was full of helplessness and unwillingness.

However, so what...

This is the sorrow of being powerless...

"Sign of Glory—" Just as the young man's consciousness was about to plunge into darkness, a soft screech suddenly sounded in his ears, and then he felt that his falling body was slowly supported by something.

"Dingling~—" The crisp sound of the wind chime, feeling the comfort and warmth enveloping his whole body, the young man couldn't help but opened his blank eyes.

It was the light that supported him, and a girl shrouded in beautiful moon-white light stood quietly in front of him.

"Shimeng Myth—" Surrounded by hundreds of rings of white floating magic runes, a long beautiful moon-white long hair flutters slightly with the fluctuations of magic, mysterious and extremely warm light The breath of light illuminates the entire forest, the soft light wraps around the whole body, hands are gently opened to the sides, eyes are slightly closed, the snow-white head is raised to face the sky, a pair of slightly trembling snow-white feather ears are shining It looks more beautiful and sacred under the impression of it.

The white arms bathed in the magic power of light embraced the sky—

Opening her chest, all the magic runes spinning and floating around the girl immediately released a bright but not the slightest dazzling intense white light—

Like a beautiful fairy, angel.

"Fairy's trial??!" The earth dragon, whose eyes were wide open and forced back by the light, raised his head and roared in disbelief, "You, you are—"

"Fairy Musician!"

"Dingling~" The outstretched arms were closed in front of the chest, and a melodious and crisp wind chime rang softly with the wind. The girl drooped her head slightly, and the girl with slightly closed eyes lowered her head and made a gesture of embracing something...

"Bastard!" Seeing the girl's posture, the earth dragon showed a horrified look, as if seeing something terrible, flapped its wings and roared into the distance without thinking!

"The soul of the fairy that reverberates between the heaven and the earth, accept the guidance of the 'light', and play the music of judgment that penetrates into the soul—"

"Things that breed evil! They will be wiped out!" The slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and the magic light flashed in the beautiful ice-blue eyes, and the terrifying magic power of light burst out from under the feet crazily! A large moon white magic circle immediately spread and floated from the ground under the feet, echoing it in the distance, is the totem of bright light that appeared in vain in the sky—

The light shone all over the earth, and there seemed to be the soft singing and low moaning of goblins in the sky and the earth.

"Sunday Fairy Judgment—"

The blazing beam of light instantly connects the sky and the earth! Although the earth dragon had already flapped its wings desperately to escape the attack range of this large-scale magic move, it was still enveloped by the white light covering the sky and the earth.

He didn't even have a chance to scream, and was directly engulfed by the light...

"This kind of light—" the white light lazily sprinkled on his body, and the boy couldn't help closing his eyes, "It's so warm..."

After a long time, the warm light finally receded slowly, and the forest returned to calm again. The breeze was blowing on the face, carrying a trace of fresh fragrance, and the tip of the nose moved.

The boy opened his eyes again.

"Are you okay." Opening his eyes, what caught his eyes was a beautiful face with a quiet smile. The little finger raised the bundle of hair that slid down from the ear, and a long curly long hair was on the top.

The girl with beautiful moon-white long hair smiled and stretched out her white jade palm to the young man who was sitting on the grass and staring blankly at her: "Ling, Ling Viamilio, my name is Ling..."

"Can you tell me your name?"

Long beautiful moon-white A pair of small and delicate silver wind chimes touch each other slightly in the wind.

Send out the sweet and clear sound that touches the heartstrings...

Hearing this, the young man who recovered from his trance stretched out his hand and lightly grasped the slender hand extended by the girl.

"Chen Nameless—"

In the setting sun, the figures of the two were drawn far away.

Year, July 7th, this is the first encounter of fate...

(ps: Sure enough, it will always feel weird not to have a memory or something, so let’s write a little bit about what happened four hundred years ago, and the next one will start deciphering, solving some of the mysteries that have always been, about the protagonist The mystery of time-traveling and the origin of his power form, although I hinted at it a few times during the sword festival, but I think everyone probably didn’t understand it well, and finally please collect and recommend, thank you!)


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