MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-~ Epilogue: We are in the world of fairies... (finale)

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&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"The man disappeared, disappeared with his own expectations, disappeared in this world."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"The heart of the man who was sad has been filled. The heart that was overflowing with sadness and lonely for four hundred years was completely sublimated by the love after the fulfillment of expectations..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;I've already... "Origin of Mythology", the edge of the land, looking at the smoky deep canyon that can't be seen at a glance, Princess Emerald of the Kingdom of Fiore clutched her windbreaker, her hair hanging With a few crystal dewdrops.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"It's time to go back, Your Royal Highness." Not far behind, Alucadios, who had been silent for a long time, broke the silence in the field, "Today's 'birthday celebration' still needs you to host .”

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Only のbirthday, a festival held by all parts of the mainland every year, every year on July 7th, all people around the world will put down their things to celebrate this day together One day is the grandest and most important festival in the world today, there is no one—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Time, has it been five years? It's been five years since that scene—" Looking up, Princess Emerald's eyes were blurred in the distant sky of the demon king. Is it the time of the year..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Before you know it, it's been a long time since I left that man."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Hearing this, looking at the melancholy Emerald Princess, Alucadios opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"You must be wondering. You didn't even tell me about the Eclipse Plan 2, Colonel Arucadios, no, it should be the Secretary of State now." Back, the Emerald Princess directly said what Arucadios wanted to ask, "Actually, I just want to heal the man's sorrow. Go back to the era when the man just lost his love, and use all my love to heal the man's heart." the sadness of..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"As long as the man's sorrow can be healed, then even if the script fails in the end, the world will not be destroyed, right? That's what I thought at the beginning." The princess murmured, "Of course, I also know this is childish..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"It's not childish at all, Your Royal Highness!" Arucadios interrupted Princess Emerald's words directly, looked up at her back, and said in a deep voice, "After all, this It was the only way to turn things around, wasn't it?! I can understand your thoughts!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The eyes are full of firmness and seriousness!

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Is this so..." The hands that clenched the collar of the clothes slightly loosened, and finally took a deep breath, staring deeply at the abyss in front of her, Princess Jade turned and looked into the distance.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;There, a cold woman with long black straight hair stood facing the wind, clutching an unsheathed knife in her hand, lonely, although there were also many people behind her, but It was standing quietly on the edge of the abyss alone without saying a word.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In the silence, there is a bit of waiting and sadness that goes deep into the bone marrow.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Sure enough, you are still here this year." Looking at the girl in the distance, Emerald Princess has the same sadness on her brow...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"The current president of Mermaid Bell, Kagura Mikazuki." Looking at the black-haired girl as well, Alucadios whispered her name.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Princess, aren't you the same?" The last sentence was addressed to Princess Jade, looking at the sadness on Princess Jade's face, Alucadios said.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head slightly, dispelling the sadness in his heart. The fact is the same as what Alucadios said. In the early morning of this day, she would come to the back of the capital early.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Come to this abyss that seems to have no end-"Myth Origin" and pray silently.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Stay until sunrise...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Maybe, like her, I have always held some unrealistic expectations in my heart?

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Thinking of this, Emerald Princess regained her calm expression, took a deep look at that cold figure, turned and walked towards the capital:

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Let's go, the birthday celebration is about to begin—"


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;A round of golden yellow slowly rises from the far east, breaking through the cover of the dawn mist, and illuminating the entire earth.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;At the end of the abyss, where the sun rises again, what is reflected is also the new hope of the new birth...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Standing on the edge of the abyss, the cold woman shrouded in the golden morning light, Kagura quietly looked into the distance, looking at the endless abyss shrouded in clouds and mist under the golden sun.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;will definitely come back...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Closely holding the Taidao in his hand, holding the only "treasure" he left to himself, long black hair fluttering in the morning breeze, Kagura's cold face is full of faith and confidence keep watch!

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;No matter how long it takes, I will—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Little Kagami Meow..." Looking at the figure she had been waiting for, Milianna, who accompanied her here every year, couldn't help but sighed sadly.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Even knowing that he is no longer coming back, he still chooses to wait unswervingly alone, stubbornly and forever.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Every time I think of this, the members of Mermaid Bell who came together sighed deeply like Milianna...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Let her go, every path she takes is her own choice." Pressing his palm on Miriana's head, Kagura's big brother, Simon took a deep look at his sister With a glance, he said quietly, "In this case, as big brothers and companions, we just need to watch—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"No matter what, I support her choice!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Five years have passed, and five years have passed since the last battle.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The battle of love and faith, the battle that almost destroyed the world, left people with the light of myth and miracle.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The only magic, the only heart, the bond of love released by myths and miracles, is stronger than everything else! touched everyone's heart...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;x791, July 7th, a day that the world will never forget, longing and anticipation, what blooms beautifully on that day is the eternal and eternal "only"——

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Forever's only myth'...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Is this a miracle of 'me'?" Chen Wuming opened his eyes in a small apartment on Earth.

& nbp;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"I see."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Squeeze lightly, a pair of small and exquisite beautiful wind chimes appear in the palm of your hand, hook up the wind chimes with your fingers, and listen to the crisp sound of the silver wind chimes colliding in the air, the corners of your mouth can't help showing a trace of nostalgia smile.

& nbp;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Hooking her fingers around the pair of wind chimes that she placed in her palm last, the lights in the room went off with a snap, Chen Wuming walked out of the room, and the door behind him closed automatically.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Walking on the moonlit night path, facing the cool summer night wind, listening to the insects and frogs ringing in his ears from time to time, Chen Wuming softly hummed the wind chimes shaking his fingers.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"I used magic to bring 'you' into the world over there, and you used the only one to bring me back to the origin of everything."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The "self" before the time travel, repeatedly entered the world; and finally because of the "self", returned to before the time travel...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"One breaks the order, does it really need to be restored?" Facing the breeze, looking at Qiongyue above his head, Chen Wuming sighed slightly.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"But what is the change you gave?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Looking at the pair of silver wind chimes hanging on his fingertips, muttering to himself, Chen Wuming's figure quietly disappeared into the dark night of the evening wind.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Another 'me'..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;'One' is born for change, the only magic born in response to the fetters of the 'heart', whether it is breaking the original order, or returning the disrupted order to integrity, since it is If it changes, then what comes with it at the same time—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;It is a 'brand new' guard given by each...


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Be careful, little Lingling."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;At the same time, in a certain detached villa in the suburbs, although it was almost midnight, this one was still brightly lit.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Seeing the only daughter waiting on the balcony, the young couple couldn't help but said worriedly: "You don't have to wait until twelve o'clock for your birthday, or we'll cut it now— "

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"No way." Before the parents finished speaking, they were interrupted softly by the girl, with a quiet arc on the corner of their mouth. On the balcony, the girl in a white dress sitting in a wheelchair heard the words Smiling and shaking his head slightly.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"If that's the case, it won't work." Stretching out his hand to lift the strands of hair next to his ears, he vaguely heard the wind chimes coming from a distance, raised his head, and looked at the bright silver moon in the sky, Under the shining starlight, that slightly sickly pale pretty face was full of longing and anticipation for the future life, "It's only an hour away."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"This is, after all, I didn't have to spend my birthday in the hospital..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;White hair like snow, which became crystal clear due to illness, swayed and fluttered slightly in the cool night wind. The girl turned her head and looked at her parents behind her with a smile. He smiled and said, "I, but from a long time ago, I wanted to spend my birthday well."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"But..." As if infected by the girl's smiling face full of vitality, the voice of the girl's parents couldn't help but become choked up. My birthday is full of pain and self-blame.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Remembering the girl's birthday in the past could only be spent in a cold hospital bed, and the smiling face that the girl always forced to make in order not to make them worry too much, I felt even more uncomfortable.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;But no matter how regretful and self-blaming the reality is, there is always nothing that can be done. The girl's life is like a fragile pampas grass, which may leave them at any time due to the strange disease that the girl has from birth. go.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In order to try my best to save the girl's life, even if I know the girl's heart's wish, I can only suppress the girl's little wish every time with tears in my eyes.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Originally this time, they also wanted to spend the girl's birthday in the hospital like last year, but after all, they still couldn't stand the girl's hopeful, yearning and hopeful smiling face. Regardless of the strong opposition of the attending doctor, the girl was taken back home to celebrate the girl's eighteenth birthday, which was also the first birthday spent at home in a place other than the hospital.

Andnbp; "I was born on July 7th, so I won't die so easily—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"My prince hasn't come yet. On the day of the coming-of-age ceremony for the dying princess, the prince will return with happiness and gifts, and the magic that can bring the dead back to life."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Isn't it usually described like this in fairy tales?" There was a peaceful and happy smile on the beautiful face, "I, too, have always thought so—"


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The crisp wind chimes from a distance, gently rippling in the quiet night wind.


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"This way, it's the best ending."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In front of the window sill, put the finished coffee on the table, stand up, and open the wooden window in front of the table, letting the fresh sunlight blow in with the cool breeze.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"He made me with 'expectation' as a reward." His black hair was slightly blown, and looking at the blue sky with white clouds in the distance, Aqier said lightly to himself, "I use 'Desire' fulfilled him."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The desire born in the expectation is another extension of the watch of the heart. If the expectation can create the desire, then the desire can also achieve the long-awaited expectation—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Maybe this is the best change..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Looking quietly at the blue sky in the distance, Aqier couldn't help stretching himself a lot.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Crack—" At this time, Mira was wearing a white long skirt, opened the door with a smile and stepped in.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"The banquet is all ready, Aqier." He came to Aqier, holding a cute girl about two years old in his arms, watching the little thing in his arms babbling Ah, thinking about grabbing her father's face with her white and tender hands, Mira couldn't help but put a motherly smile on her face, "Old friends are coming soon, so it's okay to hide here and be lazy, and don't help to prepare?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;As he spoke, he gave him a slightly dissatisfied look.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"An annual gathering." Hearing this, Aqier couldn't help but smile with emotion, "It's really impossible not to prepare."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Gripping the white tender little hand dangling in front of his eyes, he took his little daughter from Mira's arms, and then raised her high above his head.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Did you obey my mother obediently today?" She pressed her forehead against the little thing's smooth forehead, rubbed her tender face with her face, and gently hugged her in her arms.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Passing the soft and beautiful white hair tied into a tuft on the little guy's forehead, and hearing the little guy's immature giggling in his arms, Aqier couldn't help but have a faint twitch Petting: "Little Ellie..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Hmmm!" Little Ellie smiled happily with her little arms around her father's neck.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Passing the little guy's head, Achill and Mira walked out of the house. Outside is a piece of green crisp grass, and there are all kinds of ancient houses on the hillside covering an area of ​​more than ten miles , several clear rivers, like the Milky Way, twisted and interspersed through the air from all over the hillside against the laws of nature under the influence of magic, and they were instantly beautiful.

& nbp;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The warm sunlight comes in from the sky, and the river and the things in the water reflect the crystal clear and beautiful luster. On the warm grassland illuminated by the sun, there are also various strange creatures jumping happily. Opening the door, Achill saw the little guy Angel, who hadn't changed in the past five years, giggling and running around, laughing and chasing a huge fluffy ball several times his size.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The pet at the beginning was also bigger than herself. It has been upgraded from being held in her arms and on the head to being able to carry her around, but she has no Variety.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Seeing this scene, Aqier couldn't help shaking his head with emotion, looked at Mira and smiled.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Let go of me, let me go—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;At this moment, the yelling coming from one side caught his attention, and he followed the reputation, and saw the mature Le Qi who had the demeanor of a big sister at this moment, as if she was holding a child, Hugged under the arm of a certain loli who had been eating and drinking here for five years, and dragged it away from the long row of luxurious dining tables over there despite the loli's resistance and struggle.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Damn it... I told you to let go of me!" Clutching her little hands, she watched the table get farther and farther away from her, and was pinched by Le Qi The dumb-haired Lolita who was raised high couldn't help staring at Le Qi angrily with a condescending expression.

Andnbp; Rubbed it on the face.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Ah! Hurry up and put me down! And you are so young—" He gave Le Qi's full chest a look, then looked down at her empty chest , new hatred and old hatred, a certain unscrupulous first generation immediately waved his small fist to express his strong dissatisfaction, and protested loudly without dignity, "I am your first generation president! How could I do such an unscrupulous thing like stealing food?" thing-"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Since you know that you are the first generation president, then at least show some dignity as the first generation president—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Looking at the jokes over there, Mira couldn't help but put her hand on her forehead, with a helpless expression on her face.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Have you prepared so much for this year's party dinner?" Aqier asked in surprise, looking at the sumptuous food filled with dozens of long tables.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Of course." Hearing this, Mira turned to look at Achill, and Mira said with a half-smile, "As in previous years, Miss Angel came to help early, of course There is her sister Xue Nai."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"They are the first ones to come every year, hehe." It seems to be meaning something intentionally or unintentionally.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Cough." Coughed twice, ignoring Mira's voice, Achill looked around but didn't see the scarlet figure, and said strangely:

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Where are the Elsa people?"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Her." Hearing this, Mira covered her forehead with helplessness...


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Stare at..." In the backyard, Elusa stared seriously at the little lady who was about three or four years old in front of her.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;On the other hand, Mrs. Zheng sat on the small stool with an uneasy expression, like a little cat, with dirty dirt on her face.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Are you ready?" Erza said with a serious face as if facing a big enemy.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Hearing this, he flinched and glanced at Ersha, Xiaozheng nodded hesitantly.


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;A set of brushes and towels for bathing appeared in Ersha's hand instantly!


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Remember! Little Kira—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Well..." Fair baby face, black hair, small puffed mouth, raised face dotted with crimson pupils like beautiful rubies...


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"I'm taking your precious son to take a bath."


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Ah, it's so troublesome... Why did that fellow Achill build his house in such a remote place, really, ugh..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In the dense mountains, a group of people rode a horse-drawn carriage to a certain hillside deep in the mountains. One sentence, but before he finished speaking, he continued to foam at the mouth on Lucy's lap.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Hey, you still have no way to use transportation as always..." Holding Natsu's head and letting it rest safely on her lap, Lucy's face was full of helplessness.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"This one over here is the same..." Opposite Lucy, Lebby pointed helplessly at the iron dragon lying on her lap.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Oh..." The two of them sighed at the same time.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"When you two grow up, you can't be as useless as them!" After finishing speaking, the two women looked at the back of the carriage at the same time.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;I saw one black and one pink, the two kids wrestling and playing together nodded their heads half-understanding, and kicked each other at the end.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Achille, they are here—" Putting the last pair of bowls and chopsticks on the table, Mira turned her head and rushed to Achill who was playing with Angel and Ellie in her arms laughed.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;While speaking, an old roar has already broken through the obstacles of the surrounding barriers and reverberated around the hillside—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Why don't you hurry up and meet the old friends of the guild, you bastard—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;As soon as the words fell, I saw one, two... The mighty familiar figure of dozens of people walked into this secluded barrier in groups.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Long time no see, Achill!"

& nbp; Fuman, Gerald, Urudia, Melti, Doron Balut, Rahal, Jura, Wally, Hugh, Milianna, Simon and Kagura who came with them, and even Mistgang, etc., who came here from the world of Edras with a brand-new mechanical civilization, looked at the cheerful smiling faces, looked at these familiar smiling faces, looked at these already married and now came with their families For the partners who attended today's party, Aqier couldn't help showing a faint smile called Wenxin.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Long time no see, everyone..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Chronology of events from x791 to x796:

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;x791, October 1st, the third month after the "big event", Lucy and Lisanna, who have gone through the life and death test of the big event and understood the true meaning of cherishing the present, asked Naz at the same time After expressing their feelings, the three fell into a year-long triangle relationship;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The freshman council was forcibly disbanded in the voice of the people due to repeated unfair practices;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The vanished dragons reappeared in the world, raising Natsu and other dragon slayers. After the promise of never infringing, she retired again and disappeared.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;At the same time, July 7th every year is also positioned as the world's "birthday celebration", the only birthday celebration, to celebrate the new life of the world.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In x792, Naz, who was annoyed by the triangle relationship and was on the verge of collapse, finally yelled "It's too much trouble" and "If you like it, let's just get married together" and announced his declaration of independence, At the same time as it completely shocked others, it also announced the end of the era of the Great Triangle, which is gratifying;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;At the same time, the construction of the new capital of the Fiore Kingdom, the "Mythical City", was completed, and Princess Emerald was appointed as the next king.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In x793, Lucy had a son. In the same year, Gajeel and Lebby married. Elfman also married Eba Green. It is worth mentioning that the two were born a year later. Her children are not as terrifying as Mira imagined, uh...

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In the same year, after finally sorting out some trivial matters around him, Achille went to the opposite world of Aedlas, intending to restore the magical civilization of Aedlas with the powerful magic of One , but was rejected by Mystergang, the current king of Edras, on the grounds that "new hope has been found in industrial civilization, and there is no need to stick to the lost civilization in the past".

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;So far, Edras has announced his journey into the highly developed mechanical industrial civilization.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;x794, Rebby gave birth to a son, Gerald, Urudia and Melti had a silent marriage, each gave birth to a son and a daughter the following year, Gray and Zhu Biya also got married in the same year, and gave birth to a little rain girl and twin little ice boys in the following year. Sydney and a certain unscrupulous cat, Habi, both got married, and people and cats lived happily ever after... (Ah, this is A sentence is purely a joke~)

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;In x795, Makarov retired and announced that

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Y-tail's seventh-generation president is Aqier, but when Laxus changed hands, Aqier appointed the eighth-generation president. Regarding this, Makarov was full of enthusiasm …

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;x796, that is, this year, Lisanna was pregnant, and the old king announced his abdication due to poor health. Princess Emerald will also become the new queen of Fiore on her birthday this year.

& nbp;

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;One thousand years later—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"This is the biggest myth and legend that has ever happened in this country, or even in this world." A faint smile appeared on the corner of the student's mouth, "The only myth..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Wow..." After the old man finished speaking, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The entrance ceremony is over, even though they have heard the legend told by the old dean countless times since they were young, but when they heard it again, they still couldn't hold back the excitement in their hearts. Discussing loudly in groups and groups.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Dragon Slayer is really powerful. Just hearing this title makes me feel very handsome—do you think so?"

&np; And forbidden magic~!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Sacred ten magic arts and the like, just hearing the title makes me feel super handsome!"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"Enh! But the only magic is the most handsome—"

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"After all, it is the magic mastered by the protagonist of the myth..."


&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Listening to the discussions and emotions of these students, the old dean of the Great Magic Academy looked behind with a smile.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;There is the stage of history. Among the countless stone statues of great men standing in two rows, a stone statue with arms folded around his chest and a long knife hanging from his waist stood quietly in front of all the stone statues.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;Even after thousands of years and the erosion of a thousand years, you can still see the pride and heaviness of that year—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;"It's been a thousand years, what time period did you take your grandmothers to travel?" Shaking his head, the old dean couldn't help showing a wry smile, "Master Ancestor..."

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;The voice is full of respect for the ancestors and helplessness.

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;If Achill and the others heard it here at this time, they would definitely answer with a smile:

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;We are in the world of fairies—

&nbp;&nbp;&nbp;&nbp; (End of the book)

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