MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2001 Send you down for revenge

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"Big... Big Brother... Let's go, even if Xiao Chen has artifacts, but our lives are more important, staying is just a dead end." Watching the two men stunned The tall and thin man is afraid that he is completely unwilling to stay.

The fear of the **** nodded, the man said: "Yes, Xiao Chen's strength is too terrible, he took the drug, the strength and injury have recovered 7788, the surname cloud is definitely not his opponent! ”

Speaking of this, the two people with extreme fear, at this moment, did not have the heart to see how the surname cloud was killed by Xiao Chen, immediately turned and fled with serious injuries.

If it is staying, Xiao Chen will not spare them! The consequences are only dead!

"What kind of gods do Xiao Chen show? You can grow wings! The speed has increased several times!" The heart shook, and the mysterious man was shocked.

"The order of the gods! Flows and clouds!"

Seeing that Xiao Chen’s distance was getting farther and farther away, the mysterious man quickly returned to his heart, and his heart suddenly burst into a burst of fire, fully urging the Shengyuan and exerting his body to pursue it.

"Your spirit that never gives up is worthy of praise. You can be stupid, but you still haven't figured out the gap between us." Seeing the man, instead of giving up, he also applied his body to pursue, and his face smirked with a sneer, Xiao. The dust is faint.

"You shut me up!" Xiao Chen's words, slamming his head, the mysterious man was so angry that his face was swollen, his face was more gloomy, and he finally roared.

"Master, almost!" After retreating for a distance, Xiao Chen’s injury and strength were nearing recovery, and the Excalibur suddenly rumored.

Slightly nodded, the retreating body suddenly stopped, slightly raised his face, bloodthirsty and full of cold and murderous eyes, sweeping the mysterious man chasing after.

"Your death is here!" The mouth spit out a very cold words, clenching the right hand of the Excalibur, and suddenly turned, the figure was bursting out with lightning.

"call out!"


The power of the horrible chaos is full of explosions. The speed of lightning is as fast as the sound of lightning. At the same time as the sound of sharp breaks, the space is full of vibrations, and the momentum is overbearing.

Feeling the overbearing momentum, the mysterious man's face was actually showing horror, and the body was shaking.

"Chaotic sword! No shadow to kill!"

The heart sighed coldly, and the overbearing and terrible power was injected into the Excalibur. The golden light of the sword flashed, and the speed of Xiao Chen was once again improved. It was a golden meteor.



The speed is almost at the extreme, and I can't see the shadow of Xiao Chen. Above the sky, a golden light surrounds the mysterious man, and the sound of the empty voice sweeps open. Every sword flashes, and the mysterious man has one more. Out of the sword, the wound is extremely deep, the blink of an eye, the mysterious man is covered with dense marks of sword wounds.

"How could this be? How could Xiao Chen be so terrible? His speed, I can't keep up with it!" Xiao Chen's speed is completely beyond his imagination. At this moment, he does not know how to avoid, but he can't avoid it. Xiao Chen's ruthless sword cut.

"It is your despicable and shameless, pushing me to this point. You are the first person to let me sacrifice artifacts. You can die in the hands of my artifacts. It is your blessing. You should feel very glorious." The emptiness of the cold and cold voice came, Xiao Chen faint.

When the voice fell, Xiao Chen’s strange appearance appeared, and Jin Guang was also dispersed. The mysterious man, at the moment, was bleeding everywhere, and the injury became very serious.

The haze of the eyes is staring at Xiao Chen, and the big mouth gasps for a moment. The mysterious man is struggling: "I don't think you have such a strong strength, I am... look at you. It’s a pity that I have carefully planned and failed to kill you."

"A well-planned plan? For your stupid generation, find two Saints to deal with me later. This is also a plan that is carefully laid out. It’s ridiculous, but unfortunately I am not you, or I really want to smash it." "The sneer of disdain, Xiao Chen faint.

Xiao Wei paused, Xiao Chen continued: "If I were you, I would choose to plant the blame and blame the next three ways to deal with the enemy. The most important thing to deal with the enemy is to save your life, life is gone, how? Deal with the enemy?"

"Oh, this is, if you don't have a cold emperor, they secretly protect, how long do you think you can live?" Cold smile, the mysterious man asked.

"It turns out that it is a pity that you will never understand." Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Chen disdain, the sword in his hand turned again, Xiao Chen burst into the lightning.

"You are so stupid, telling you that you are playing the piano, it is time to send you on the road." Blinking close to the mysterious man, Xiao Chensen cold road, Shenjian ruthlessly pierced the chest of mysterious man.


The moment the chest was pierced, the pain of the real knife stab in the heart was finally realized, and the mysterious man was also sprayed with blood.

"Your strength is not bad. It is commendable that among the people that Lin Xiaotian sent to kill me, you are more savvy, and you are cautious in doing things, but you are still too anxious." Slowly pull out the hole to wear mysterious man The sword of the chest, Xiao Chen is light and cold.

After the Excalibur was completely pulled out, the mysterious man seemed to lose support points in an instant, and his body began to fall down. The gods in the body were also gradually breaking apart.

Looking at the falling mysterious man, the corner of his mouth sneered a sneer, Xiao Chen said: "Lin Xiaotian, how many people have you sent to kill me? I can have the strength of today, most of your help, I have to thank you. But I thank you for the way, maybe it will be beyond your expectations."

When the voice fell, the armor and the sword were collected into the body, and the eyes swept in the direction of the two escapes. The eyes flashed and murdered. Xiao Chen said coldly: "Although it is innocent, you know that I have You can't live with the artifacts."

"call out!"

The soles of the feet slammed into the void, and the shadow of Xiao Chen was bursting out with lightning. The speed was fast, and the blink of an eye disappeared in this mountain.

The two men who were seriously injured simply did not escape. Xiao Chen wanted to catch up and there was no problem at all.

Just a few minutes, Xiao Chen’s knowledge of the two people has already been explored.

Frightened to escape from the road, suddenly noticed the sound of a sharp break in the back, and the terrible murderous, the face of the man and the tall and thin man, all suddenly changed, and looked back at fear.

"Yes... is Xiao Chen!" When they look back at the moment, when they see the face of the coming people, they are all trembled, and the fear is the same.

"Is the surname cloud killed?" The fear swallowed, and the man looked desperate.

"call out!"

Just a blink of an eye, a screaming sound, Xiao Chen has been strangely appearing behind the two, is looking at the two lightly.

Immediately after them, both of them were trembled in horror, and they immediately looked at each other and turned around with great fear and difficulty.

"Where are you going to go?" Seeing the two people turned to fear, Xiao Chen asked the mouth.

At the moment of hearing the words, the two men trembled again, all fears and emptiness, and the fear of seeking for mercy: "Xiao Chen, forgiveness, is the surname cloud that you have fairy and heavenly gods, we are all I was deceived by him, and spared us. We have no innocence, it is our impulse, it is our fault."

"Xiao Chen, we know it is wrong, as long as you don't kill me, you want me to do anything, forgive me, this body is not easy to cultivate, I still don't want to die."

"Yes, that's right! Anything can be done, as long as you spare us not to die."

The two were gimmicks and worshipped, crying and begging for mercy. For the first time, they felt so close to death and had already smelled the death.

"When you just wanted to kill me, why didn't you think of this?" A sneer with disdain, Xiao Chen asked faintly.

"We really know the wrong! Do not deserve to believe that the **** surname cloud, Xiao Chen brothers, you want us to do the horse for you, you can also spare us." It’s regret that the intestines are all green, and the hoes are never stopped.

"Now that I know that I have been deceived, I will be kind. The surname Yun is also your enemy. Is it?" The corner of the mouth evokes a sly smile, Xiao Xiao asked faintly.

"Yes! That **** is our enemy!" It seems that Xiao Chen wants to let them go. Both of them are with a focus on hope, like a chicken glutinous rice.

"That is the case, then I will fulfill you, send you down to find him revenge!" Suddenly, a flash of cold murderous, Xiao Chensen cold road, stretched out and grabbed a hand, a fairy sword flashed.


The fairy sword flashed, Xiao Chen was swept out, and there was a blood mark on the neck of the two. The terrible power of the overbearing power was the **** of the shattering.

Even if they ask for mercy again, Xiao Chen will not be known by others in order to keep the secrets of the artifacts. In any case, they will not let them go.

"That surname cloud is below, you should be able to kill him, you should thank me for helping you, go find him revenge." The face revealed a sneer, Xiao Chensen cold.

The fearful and desperate eyes of the two stared at Xiao Chen, who wanted to say something, but found that there was no consciousness. When the gods completely disappeared, they were already flying.

"Master, do a good job! This kind of person is the kill!" Shen Jian said loudly.

When the palms are turned over, the fairy swords are stored in the ring, and the corners of the mouth rise slightly. Xiao Chen faintly said: "Lin Xiaotian, sent so many people to kill me, but they were killed by me. I don't know what you think in your heart? Is it anger or fear? ?"

Slightly paused, the fist clenched, Xiao Chen said: "Now I don't move you, don't think I don't dare to move you, but I don't want to use other people's hands to kill you, then good rabbits, If you are in a hurry, you will bite people. Let’s go, I will let you regret the day that Xiao Chen will regret you."

Read The Mage of Eternity