MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2046 Even the battle

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"Yellow-level holy decision! Vientiane three burned seal!"

The power of terror was motivated, and the hands quickly flashed, and finally the tenth, the heart of the wind suddenly screamed, and the huge blue seal with many mysterious runes appeared.

"Seal?" The fast-moving dodge in the dodge, the body suddenly can not move, and found that there are many dozens of sizes of the foot under the foot, the singer faint smile, there is no surprise.

"Ghosts and gods!"

When Kui Kui was sealed, he also knew that he couldn’t be trapped for a long time. The soul of the tyrant screamed and the speed suddenly increased several times, and the lightning exploded.

Just a blink of an eye, the soul of the soul has come to the left side of the squad, the left palm attacked the squad, the right hand is to catch Xiao Chen.

"Hey!" A slight sneer, and seeing the hegemony is about to succeed, and the squad has disappeared.

"What?" The face suddenly turned aside, and the soul of the fighters rushed.

"Is there a seal in the seal?" The face was a bit stunned, and the wind broke his heart and he was shocked.

"Space is forbidden!"

The heart screamed again, the power of destruction swept wildly, and the blink of an eye spread to hundreds of thousands of feet. Wherever it passed, the space seemed to be still.


However, the space was imprisoned and displayed, and the high-altitude squad appeared out of thin air. It was a faint smile. When waved, it was the space imprisonment that shattered the soul.

"Big soul, after the First World War, your strength seems to be a lot weaker. Why didn't your power of God's blood flow out of Cui?" Looking at the soul of the tyrant, he asked.

"No." The voice just fell, his face slightly stunned, and he looked at what he was looking at. His eyes suddenly looked at Xiao Chen, and some were awkward.

"It turns out." After a while, the face was with a hint of joy, and the squad was slightly excited: "The original chaos of Xiao Chen contains other forces! There is the power of blood, and Xiao Chen has already Other forces are integrated into the power of chaos, and it’s no wonder that you are so anxious."

It is said that the face of the tyrant is extremely extreme, and a blood vessel is skyrocketing. It is not a hard touch of power. There is no way to take advantage of the squad and the wind. The speed of horror alone is not the soul and the wind. Counterbalanced.

"call out!"

The next moment, the shadow of the wind, the sudden appearance of the body appeared behind the 湮 湮 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Go out.



When a palm falls, the squadron also instantly condenses an energy hood, and the bang blows, the power of destruction unfolds and spreads, and the space of the sacred space sways again.

"Breaking the wind, relying on the strength of each of you, is not the opponent of this seat. In the first battle of the year, if the soul of the soul burns the soul and enhances its own strength, do you really think that you can deal with this seat with your hands?" It is completely blocking the power of the wind, and the eyes are looking at the wind, and the squad is faint.

After a slight pause, Zhai Kui then smiled: "Now the seat has gained the power of chaos. After the refining of this seat, your death is coming."

"That is the power of Xiao Chen! It is not your strength!"

"Oh, the person can live." A smile smiled, looking at the soul of the hegemony, and immediately waved his hand, Xiao Chen, who had fallen into a semi-conscious state, actually flew out.

"Xiao Chen!" The face changed, and the domineering spirit immediately applied the teleport to Xiao Chen.

"Master...respected..." Xiao Chen, who was in a semi-conscious state, spit out two words, and even stunned the past.

"Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen!" The heart panicked, quickly took out the medicinal herbs to Xiao Chen, and also urged the spirit of the Holy Spirit to protect the soul of Xiao Chen, so as not to break the Yuanshen.

"Xiao Chen's power of chaos is gone! Nothing! Mixing!" Just look at it, the more and more violent tyrants, all trembled because of anger, the boundless murderous madness sweeping, inciting the entire sacred world.

"It is a sacred soul, this murder is indeed a fear!" In the direction of the middle ground, in an ornate palace, an old man slowly opened his eyes and said faintly.

"The Patriarchal Temple and the Suikui Temple are afraid that in the near future, there will be another big war." Another old man shook his head and sighed.

"In the first battle of the year, the domineering spirit did not have such an angry murderousness. Why is this so angry this time?" Wrinkled, the former old man wondered.

When the heart is curious, the figure of the old man has disappeared from the air, and the other old people immediately disappeared.

"The power of the Lord's lord was sucked out." The face was very gloomy, and the cold emperor was angry.

"The power of chaos has been obtained, the soul is overwhelming, the wind is broken, and there will be a period later." The power of chaos in Xiao Chen's body has been completely sucked up, and the squad has also been on the side of the nine great lords, facing the soul of the soul. Smiled lightly.

"Breaking the wind! Stop him!" His face was violently twitching, and the soul of the tyrant was completely angry. He immediately yelled at the cold emperor: "Cold Emperor, optimistic about Xiao Chen! Medicine God, immediately healed Xiao Chen!"

One of the cold emperors was taken over, and Xiao Chen was taken back. The ancient medicine **** looked at it and drankly: "The medicinal herbs of the tyrants have no effect, and Xiao Chen’s injury is too serious."

"Presidents of the drug god, the young master will not..." The face was full of urgency, and the moon shadow hurriedly asked.

Shaking his head slightly, the ancient medicine Shinto: "Reassured, the master of the domineering spirit has been using the power of the Holy Spirit to protect the soul of Xiao Chen, there will be no worry of life, but the power of chaos is forcibly extracted, I am afraid that Xiao Chen in the future Will lose this power."

"What!" The face of the cold emperor and others suddenly changed.

However, what they did not notice was that among the dust storage rings, the Sanctuary Box was emitting a faint golden glow, and it constantly poured into Xiao Chen’s body.


At high altitude, the power of destruction is fully motivated, and the soul of the tyrant and the wind are broken. At the same time, the foot is empty, and suddenly the violent momentum is burst out, bringing a harsh sound.

The power of destruction is madly released and madly ravages the sanctuary space.

The soul of the tyrant is a beckoning, and the sword in the body of Xiao Chen is actually flying away. The blink of an eye is held in the hands of the tyrant, and the momentum suddenly rises.

"湮魁! Leave the power of Xiao Chen! Otherwise, this seat will be with you today!" The fierce tyrant's soul is extremely fierce and angry.

No smile, no smile, singer whispered: "Big soul, if you have the ability to take back."

"Destroy the sword! Destroy the shadow!"

The heart sighed and the power of destruction was injected into the Excalibur. The magical light of the Excalibur was shining, and the power of the swordsman who deterred the whole world of God was swept.

The temperament of destruction and the power of the swordsman of destruction are all horrors that cannot be imagined by all. The forces of the sanctuary and the numerous scattered repairs are now shocked by the swordsmanship that permeates.

"call out!"


The tyrannical fierce wave of the sword, suddenly a 100,000-foot huge golden sword blasting out, the power is extremely horrible, unstoppable, the sharp and harsh sound of the sound, all scared everyone to cover their ears.

The same is the destruction of the sword, but at this moment by the domineering of the soul, whether it is momentum or strength, it is hundreds or even thousands of times stronger than Xiao Chen.

"The order of the holy world! Burning the soul!"

With a wave of hand, the top-of-the-line artifact flashed, and the momentum of breaking the wind was also skyrocketing. Both hands made a mysterious mark, and the wind broke suddenly.

The devastating fire attribute power mad eruption, immediately centered on the wind, quickly condensed a huge fire tornado, full of 100,000 feet huge, carrying the overbearing momentum toward the squad.

Two hundred thousand feet of huge destructive power, even if it is far away, everyone feels that the two forces of destruction are in front of them several meters.

The power of destruction has scared the people underneath, the six gods, the pale face, full of fear.


In the face of the power of the domineering spirit and the full force of the wind, the squadron did not dare to squat, and the power in the body was also madly motivated, and the two were forced to rush, but it was not so easy to deal with.

The nine-members and others are horrified and violently retreating, for fear of being hurt by the power of the squad.

"The order of the holy! The ancient anti-Thunder!"

The right hand lifts the sky, the destructive thunder attribute power condenses out, and the head of the squad is over the top of the head. A huge 100,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-strength energy gathers out and is filled with the atmosphere of destruction.

The dark space is shrouded in the light of the three terrorist forces, as if the entire sacred world was filled with the power of these three destructions.

"It's not the level of the late sage, the power is terrible." A few old men who watched the battle in the distance, the old man who was headed, exclaimed, the deep eyes were awkward.



The three devastating forces slammed into the eye, and a thunderous explosion rang through every corner of the sacred world, followed by an extremely devastating energy madness sweeping through, like a huge tsunami, rolling out in all directions.

The energy of extreme horror swept down, and the cold emperor shouted: "All people are transferred!"

The sacred environment and the Holy Emperor are all helping others to evacuate, and the Beidou Temple can only give up. After all, no one can stop this power of destruction.

Even the ruins of the refining sun far away from the Beidou Temple, the enchantment set by Qiu Kui was violently shaken at the moment, but it did not affect the enchantment. The two guards and the three elders were breaking the seal.

Just in the blink of an eye, the lower mountain range instantly turns into ash, where the power of destruction passes, the earth is largely sunken, and the Beidou Temple is instantly razed to the ground.


The domineering spirit and the broken wind supported for a while, and immediately they both spit blood at the same time, apparently being shocked by the power of the destruction of the squad.

The calm face reveals a smile, and Kui Kui smiles faintly: "The power of chaos is enough to be overbearing. It has not been refining, but it has also made some improvements in the cultivation of this seat! In this chaotic force, there seems to be water god. The power, the injury of this seat is also restored a lot, the soul of the soul, breaking the wind, you are fighting the seat."