MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2055 Forced to retreat

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"Xiao Chen, be careful, the elders of Jin Yuan will be shot, the president will not dare to stop them, and you should not expect them to help you, unless you have great interests for them, they are only looking at the interests, especially that A few elders." Seeing Jinyuan slowly came, Liu Mei slightly stunned, Caiyun hurriedly voiced.

Xiao Chen nodded secretly. In the past, the situation of the Chamber of Commerce was the most beneficial to the Chamber of Commerce. Xiao Chen did not expect the people of the Chamber of Commerce to help him.

Entering Xiao Chen, the deep eyelids flashed and suffocated, and Jin Yuan coldly asked: "Xiao Chen, what are you doing here?"

Wen Yan, Xiao Chen did not stand up, the corner of his mouth sneered a little sneer, Xiao Chen said faintly: "I still need your consent to come here? You seem to have no power to drive me away?"

"Jin Yuanda elders, president, Xiao Chen Shaodian main house to the auction house is to buy eight Pindan to do medicine powder." Fang Xiangshui quickly followed.

"Five Pindan?" The face showed a touch of disdain, Jin Yuan sneered: "How? The soul of the soul was injured, can't refine the medicinal herbs? As the owner of the temple, he actually came to the Chamber of Commerce to buy Ba Pin Dan."

"My business does not require you to worry about." Spread the stalls, Xiao Chen faint, still no fear.

The eyes immediately looked at the president, and Xiao dust laughed cheerfully: "President, three elders, how are you."

The president and the three elders all smiled and nodded. They didn't say much.

"Master, the president and the three elders are very terrible!" Shen Jian said, the horrible breath emanating from them can be seen.

Xiao Chen’s unhurried attitude made Jin Yuan’s heart irritated, and the old face was gloomy. Sen cold asked: “Xiao Chen, are you ordering the moon shadow to destroy the northern powers?”

"Oh? Moon Shadow, did they destroy the strength of the Northern Region? What time?" The face was slightly stunned, and Xiao Chen asked a very surprised look.

"Hey! You don't wear garlic anymore. This elder knows that it is your order. It is very uncomfortable to be taken away by the master of the squad. But this elder can tell you that those wastes are not used at all, you have to How much is killing casually." Disdainful sneer, Jin Yuansen cold road, more smothering in the eyes.

Wen Yan, gently nodded, and immediately spread the staller, Xiao Chen smiled: "Because I know that they are not used, so I will help you clean up, you should thank me."

"Hey! The teeth are sharp, the elders will light your teeth sooner or later." The fierce cold screamed, Jin Yuan squinted at the cold road.

Indifferently spread the stalls, Xiao Chen is still faint: "As long as you have this ability, feel free to give it a try, now you can."

Wrinkled, the gods suddenly exploded, and looked at the entire Chamber of Commerce. Jin Yuan’s heart said: “The Chamber of Commerce does not have the atmosphere of the cold emperor. It should not be in the middle domain. No, the last time in the Forgotten Valley, we are not aware of it. They are cold, they seem to be able to completely hide their breath."

Thinking of this, the face evokes a fierce sneer, Jin Yuansen coldly said: "Try and try."

When the voice fell, the power of the sacred soul of the horror in the body quickly spurred, and the power of the horror of the nine spirits of the alchemy was instantly swept out. The invisible power of the intangible force was terrible, and only the alchemy could feel it.

The two elders of the Chamber of Commerce, their faces have suddenly changed dramatically, and they became terrified, apparently shocked by the power of the sacred soul of Jin Yuan.

"Sure enough, it is the nine-inner alchemy!" A slight frown, Xiao Chen's heart is dignified, Jinyuan's holy soul is extremely violent.



Jin Yuan’s fierce cold screams, the power of the horrible holy soul suddenly rushed to Xiao Chen, just a blink of an eye, Xiao Chen’s face changed slightly, and immediately a blood sprayed out.

For a moment, Xiao Chen's face was pale and extremely serious, and the injury was serious. The colorful clouds on the side did not dare to act rashly. It was already terrified and terrified, and the pretty faces were slightly white.

The people in the hall, at this moment, were trembling with horror, and the courage was small and the teeth were fighting.

The president and several elders behind Jin Yuan, as true as Cai Yun said, will not block Jin Yuan, and will not help Xiao Chen, they only look at interests.

"Live it! Arrogance! Not self-reliant! I really think that I am a young master. Is it great?" Seeing Xiao Chen was seriously injured, his face showed a smile of gloating, and it seemed like a sneer of water.

"Master!" The sword and the reincarnation screamed in horror.

Severely injured Xiao Chen, the **** murderous in the eyelids, the terrible eyes, the trepidation.

Struggling to stand up, take a deep breath, suppress the body's tumbling breath, Xiao Chen's hard-working Mori cold road: "Old things, do you believe that I will let you never go out of the Chamber of Commerce?"

Wen Yan, Jin Yuan’s face is also a bit more gloomy. Sen cold asked: “Are you threatening this elder? You still have no qualifications.”

"You try again, I promise to let you die here! Don't forget that you can't help you with the old things!" The fierceness of the effort, Xiao Chen's face also became extremely difficult to look.

Seeing Xiao Chen’s fierce gaze, it’s not like joking. For a time, Jin Yuan was scared, and he really didn’t dare to do it again.

After all, Xiao Chen said that there is a reason, and Qi Kui is now refining the power of chaos. If Xiao Chen let the cold emperor take their shots, Jin Yuan can be defeated, and Qi Kui can not pull out to support.

"The law-protection and the nine people are still breaking the seal. Now there is no help for the lord of the lord. It takes a long time to break, and the power needed is great. I rush to call them, I am afraid there is fraud." Wrinkled, The murderousness of the eyelids is extremely cold, and Jin Yuan’s heart is dark.

The president and the three elders, at this moment are watching Xiao Chen with horror. They really didn't expect Xiao Chen to be so strong. He did not put Jin Yuan in his eyes. Now it is a tough pressure on Jin Yuan.

"Xiao Chen, this guy is too arrogant? Even the Jinyuan elders dare to threaten, but he is a nine-product alchemy teacher!" Looking at Xiao Chen with a look of horror, the water is already stiff on the spot, the shock of the face has been Solidified.

In the face of many people being threatened by Xiao Chen, Jin Yuan’s heart is already full of anger, but he can’t help it. He really doesn’t dare to move Xiao Chen now, because he knows that Xiao Chen is not joking.

"How? Do you want to try it?" After taking the medicinal medicine out of the potion, Xiao Chen asked coldly.

"Count you! Hey!" The whispered cold voice, the eyes flashed with grievances, Jinyuan immediately angered away.

"Small temple master, how is your injury?" Jin Yuan left, the horrified Caiyun quickly asked Xiao Chen to ask.

After taking the remedy, Xiao Chen’s injury is recovering at a terrible speed. Xiao Chen is struggling: “I’m fine, I should be able to recover from the injury of six or seven.”

With the improvement of Xiao Chen Xiu, the nine-turn of the six products returned to the soul, and the effect was gradually weakened. It was unable to help Xiao Chen recover.

"Fortunately, I was forced to retreat, otherwise this old thing will really kill me!" The heart is also secretly relieved, Xiao dust heart secretly.

Looking back at the back of Jin Yuan, the bloodthirsty murder in the eyelids is a bit heavier. Xiao Chen’s heart is cold and cold: “Old things, you give me waiting, one day I will kill you personally! I Xiao Xiao said it was done!"

"Oh, the injury of the Lord of the Temple is not a problem?" At this time, the president asked with a smile.

Hearing his words, turning his head, the bloodthirsty eyes subsided and shook his head slightly. Xiao Chen said faintly: "The injury is much better, no problem."

Gently nodded, the president touched the beard and smiled: "It's okay."

"Little Master, I will introduce you to you. This is the president of the General Assembly. This is the great elders, the elders have no cliffs, and the three elders are white." The fear of suppressing the heart, Caiyun introduced, Only do not introduce square water.

Xiao Chen is a nod to each other, returning to the ruddy face, but also with a smile.

The performance of today's broken flaws made Xiao Chen feel a bit of resistance, and their impression was not very good. If it wasn't for Ba Pin Dan, Xiao Chen would definitely turn around and leave.

The great elders Tianyou and the two elders and no cliffs were both surprised to see Xiao Chen, and they immediately looked at each other and saw the shock from the other's eyes.

"This is a nine-turn resurgence Dan! It is better not to have such a powerful effect, Xiao Chen is at least the realm of six-instrument alchemy! It is really a genius!" The elders were shocked.

"Break the president, I heard the girl said that there are two eight Pindans here. The chief said that only the elders can sell. I don't know if I can sell them to me?" Looking at the broken marks, a few people, Xiao Chenxiao asked Road.

"The main prince, the price of this eight Pindan, can not be bought by Shengyuan Stone, and the price is relatively expensive. Moreover, these two eight Pindans are all remedies that can be improved. In the Holy Land, In the unlikely event of the treasure, I believe that the Lord of the Temple is also very clear." Wrinkled, broken traces eve a little bitter smile.

"It doesn't matter." A smile, a palm flip, a scroll appeared out of thin air, Xiao Chen said faintly: "I believe this is enough for me to buy two eight Pindan, I don't know if I will sell long and not sell."

Looking at the scroll of Xiao Chen's hand, since I look at it, my heart is guessing what is the law, whether it is a yellow step or a ground order or a powerful law.

Seeing their curious eyes on the broken eve, Xiao Chen gently opened the reel and said: "This is the alchemy that was created by the master of the tyrants, and it is not as good as the alchemy of the tyrants. Surgery, but I can guarantee that it is ten times more powerful than the alchemy of the two elders."

"Baby Soul's own alchemy? Ten times more powerful?" In the moment of hearing the words, the faces of several people on the breaks suddenly changed dramatically, and they were full of shock.

If you say someone else's own alchemy, they are absolutely disdainful, but it is said that the sacred soul of the most powerful nine-instrumental sect of the sacred world, it is another matter.

Xiao smiled and Xiao Chen went on to say: "For the two elders and for the entire Chamber of Commerce, my scroll, let alone buy two eight Pindan, even if I buy the entire Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid it is not a problem."

PS: These two days are busy, update two chapters.