MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2062 Unknown power

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"Yiyang City Lord, you and I have no enmity, you are harming me today, almost let me die, how? The ancient city has surrendered to the temple of the Kui Kui? Or do you want to marry the temple, and seek benefits from it? "The cold eyes swept toward Yiyang, and Xiao Chensen asked coldly. The bloodthirsty murderousness made the many powerful people on the crowd scared."

The strong men of the late emperor were unable to stand in front of Xiao Chen, let alone they, and no one would dare to scream at the moment.

Yiyang’s heart is more and more frightened. If he wants to leave, he will not go, and he will not be able to walk. Even if he leaves, Xiao Chen will go to the ancient city.

Seeing that Yiyang did not speak, Xiao Chen immediately followed Mori’s cold: "It seems that it is not for the sake of self-protection. Is it for self-protection? Is it afraid to offend the squad? If you are afraid of offending, you are not afraid of offending me?"

At the end of the day, Xiao Chen’s voice became extremely cold. Obviously, Yiyang would rather offend the Patriarchal Temple and not offend the Kuiju Temple, which made Xiao Chen extremely angry.

"How? Don't talk? Is it because of the strong relationship between power? Do not dare to say, do you regret it? Late!" The cold eyes stared at Yiyang, Xiao Chensen sneered.


The power of terror is motivated, and the space that has just been restored is now collapsed again. The power is horrible, but it does not sense the breath of Xiao Chen. It is very strange.

"call out!"



The body slammed out like a lightning bolt. The speed was fast, and the blink of an eye was heard. Only a thunderous explosion was heard. A blood from Yiyang suddenly sprayed out, and the figure was like a shell.

Xiao Chen’s attack, let alone the other sacred powers of the Holy Emperor, is not as strong as the reliance of the late Emperor.

The power of a punch has already caused Yiyang to be seriously injured, his face pale and extremely extreme. He has to stop for tens of thousands of meters before he stops, and his body is shaking.

A flash, Xiao Chen has come to the side of Yiyang, a serious injury, the cold eyes staring at Yiyang.

The corner of the mouth sneered a little sneer, Xiao Chensen said coldly: "If you have the ability, you can block my fist, you are very smart, prefer to bear it, do not want to involve the ancient city, but offend me, you should know is What is going on."

"The old man has no choice. You are different from others. You have the soul to support you. No one dares to threaten you. Who is going to support the ancient city? Qiyuan takes the ancient city to threaten the old man. The old man can't do anything." The seriously injured Yiyang, even if his heart is scared, At the moment, it is also an open channel.

It is said that Xiao Chen, who was just about to kill Yiyang, was frowning and the terrorist power that was urging it also dissipated.

"The old man has been retiring for many years, only to advance to the Holy Spirit. If it is not related to the survival of the ancient city, the old man will not go out." Yiyang continued.

"Hey! Can stop my punch, count your life." Slightly sneer, Xiao Chen faint, the figure immediately disappeared.

If it is not Yiyang and an explanation, I am afraid that Xiao Chen will not be merciful.

Xiao Chen does not kill him. Yiyang’s heart is also relieved. It is not easy to achieve this cultivation. It is not easy for him to bury himself because of a small thing.

On the way back to the Bawang Temple, Xiao Chen worried that this mysterious power would disappear, and it was already urging the Shengyuan power to block some of the mysterious forces.

Such a mysterious power, Xiao Chen is also very curious about what power is in the end, Xiao Xiao's experience will never know, even if the sword regains memory, do not know what power.

To this end, Xiao Chen can only bring back to find the hegemony has broken the wind to ask.

"Master, do you say that this mysterious power will destroy the power?" asked the Shenjian voice guess.

Hearing words, frowning, slightly silent, Xiao Chen immediately shook his head: "It should not be, this mysterious force can not sense the breath completely, I do not know if I am not enough, or this power itself does not exist, I remember that the masters and the predecessors of the winds sensed the power of destruction in the sacred treasure box. Since it can sense the scent of destruction, the mysterious power in my body should not be the power of destruction."

Looking at his palm, his face showed a bitter smile, Xiao Chen said faintly: "This mysterious force has slowly disappeared, will it appear when I am in danger?"

However, this mysterious power has made Xiao Chen’s heart see hope. The horror of this mysterious force is beyond the imagination of Xiao Chen. Although it is not his strength now, at least when Xiao Chen is in danger, this force will Appeared, and Xiao Chen can control this mysterious power.

"Where does this mysterious force come from? I feel that this power is more powerful than the power of chaos. Controlling that power makes my strength more terrible than the late Emperor. Perhaps even the peak of the late Emperor is not My opponent." The eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and Xiao Chen was delighted.

It is precisely because this mysterious force is terrible, Xiao Chen is so eager to understand what power.


After successfully arriving at the Bawang Temple, Xiao Chen went directly to the palace where the soul was.

"See the Lord of the Temple!" Seeing the return of Xiao Chen, the guards of the palace and many powerful people, now is a respectful one knee.

Today's Xiao Chen is no longer Xiao Chen of the year. Everyone in the room knows that Xiao Chen's horror cultivation is now, and no one dares to show the disrespectful color in the face of Xiao Chen.

"Little temple master, what is so anxious?" **** respectful welcome to ask.

"Wang Zun can have been out?" while walking quickly, Xiao Chen asked.

Slightly shook his head, **** and respectful said: "No, but the herb developed by Yaoshen seems to be very effective. The injury of the lord has been restored to 90% again. This is what the big guard said."

"Oh? Is it a recovery? It is so fast! It seems that the wounds of the predecessors of the wind are also healed! Such a powerful medicine, if it is refining nine turns, it will be very helpful to us!" "In the moment of hearing the words, the face suddenly appeared a bright smile, Xiao Chen smiled happily.

All the way to Xiao Chen came to the unique loft of the domineering practice, the cold emperor and the wind emperor are guarding.

"See the Lord of the Lord!" The two respectful greetings.

"Come with me." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

At this moment, the soul of the bully is healing, and a few people enter the attic. The atmosphere of destruction is the oncoming attack, which makes Xiao Chen and **** shocked to the extreme.

The ancient drug **** is now practicing in the side of the domineering soul, and opened his eyes first.

Xiao Chen just came in, the soul of the soul has slowly opened his eyes, faintly asked: "Xiao Chen, what makes you so happy?"

"Congratulations to the Master is about to recover!" The face showed a bright smile, Xiao Chen smiled happily.

He smiled slightly and looked at the ancient medicine **** beside him. He said: "This is also thanks to the herb developed by Yao Shen, which is very powerful. Otherwise, it is impossible for the teacher to recover so quickly."

"Master, the **** of medicine, I have something to show you." Nodded slightly, the palm flipped, a golden energy ball appeared on the palm of the hand.

A few people of the domineering soul are all looking at each other with doubts. I don’t know what Xiao Chen means.

"Master, I just met the odd yuan, almost died in his hands, but at a critical moment, my body has a mysterious force, very powerful, but there is no breath, I have sealed some, Other forces have now disappeared." The face was a little dignified, Xiao Chen said.

"Don't the powerful force just be the battle between the Lord of the Temple and the odd yuan?" The face was stunned, and the wind queen asked, and did not seem to know that it was Xiao Chen's breath.

"Yes, Qi Yuan has prepared in advance, and I don't know what powder is spilled. You can't feel my breath. It is this mysterious power that makes me risky and kills the odd yuan." Nodded. Xiao Chen is serious.

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen gently waved, blocking the mysterious power of the Shengyuan scattered, Xiao Chen's palm, beating a golden glow of energy, can go without any breath.

"This is the mysterious power?" I was shocked to see the golden glow on Xiao Chen's palm, and asked the soul to frown.

"Well, I don't know what power is, I don't know when it appears in my body. In short, it is very powerful." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"There is no breath, but I can feel that this power is terrible." After watching it for a long time, the hegemony dignified, even he did not know what power.

"The strange power, the old man has never seen, the power without breath, what strength will it be?" Wrinkled, the ancient medicine **** touched the beard and wondered.

"Break the wind, please come over and see what power is this." The heart is also very curious, the soul of the soul quickly sent to the wind.

The wind of the words, in the twinkling of an eye, has appeared in the attic. The domineering spirit simply explains a few words, and the wind is also curious to observe.

Just a moment later, the mysterious power of Xiao Chen’s palm was dispersed.

The wind broke down and quickly pressed the palm of Xiao Xiao's eyebrows. After a while, he frowned and said: "The power has disappeared, and a mysterious force has completely disappeared in Xiao Chen's body."

"Hey, the master of the soul, the predecessor of the wind, will it be the power of destruction?" Bloody guess asked.

Slightly shaking his head, breaking the wind and condensing the road "No, this is not the power of destruction, this mysterious force has no breath, this seat does not know what power, this seat has never seen, but one thing is certain, this power Perhaps it can compete with the power of chaos, perhaps stronger than the power of chaos."

"Strong than the power of chaos? Is the power of chaos not the number one force in the ancient times? Is it stronger than the power of chaos?" Fenghuang shocked and asked, and the eyelids were enlarged.

Touching the beard, the domineering soul is faint: "There was no such thing as the ancient times. The power of chaos is indeed the number one force, but some mysterious forces that are unknown are not necessarily weaker than the power of chaos."

"Xiao Chen, try to speed up this mysterious force." The eyes quickly looked at Xiao Chen, and the wind was looking forward to it.

Wen Yan, Xiao Chen's face suddenly revealed a bitter smile, but helplessly said: "Break the wind predecessors, this power I can not sense now, can not be motivated, it is only when I am very dangerous."

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