MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 104 Eat dreams

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Because of Zhu Miaomiao's disgust, the pickup truck sounded two horns in protest. Seeing this, Lu Qingjiu quickly comforted him, saying that we are cute, so I don’t know the same as Zhu Miaomiao, and I will give you delicious jelly candy when I get home, and the truck quieted down.

Knowing the real body of the small truck, Zhu Miaomiao was really restless on it, and finally reached Wu Xiao downstairs, and almost climbed out of the car. She is very courageous, but she is most afraid of these soft reptiles. When she thinks of a giant slug under her body, her whole body is not good.

Wu Xiao was very calm, and asked Lu Qingjiu whether this car consumes fuel. Lu Qingjiu said that it not only does not consume fuel but can also drive automatically, and it can even be transformed into a sports car. It is a must-have product for home travel. Wu Xiao revealed this. The color of envy. After all, a good car, but every man's dream, he doesn't care what it becomes.

Zhu Miaomiao was so far away from the pickup truck that he didn't even dare to look at it again.

Lu Qingjiu and Wu Xiao got off the car and walked to the elevator in the garage. The environment where Wu Xiao lives is very good. It is a large flat with more than two hundred square meters. It is said that he is the only one in the house except the cleaning aunt. He is a very standard golden bachelor.

When the elevator reached the twelfth floor, there was a small ding-dong sound, everyone walked out of the elevator, Wu Xiao took the key and opened the door carefully.

This was the first time Lu Qingjiu came to Wu Xiao's house. The lights in the room were on, and he noticed the pile of gadgets on the sofa at first glance. Obviously, the real situation is more serious than what Wu Xiao said. The things he brought back from the market were not limited to the few things he said. On the contrary, the things placed on the sofa at this time, I'm afraid Both have something to do with the market.

When he was questioned by Lu Qingjiu, Wu Xiao was a little bit embarrassed. After a dry cough, he explained, "Isn't there too many weird things...I couldn't hold back."

Zhu Miaomiao cried out strangely: "How much did you buy?" She walked to the edge of the sofa, picked up a doll-like toy, and squeezed it gently, "What is this?"

Wu Xiao said: "Music box."

Zhu Miaomiao: "Music box?"

Wu Xiao nodded, took the doll from Zhu Miaomiao, then twisted the clockwork behind the doll, and put the doll on the ground. The next moment, the cute doll danced on the ground, its body is like a human being. Soft and agile, with beautiful ballads singing in his mouth, it doesn't look like a doll made of cloth at all, but like a shrunken ballerina.

This was supposed to be a very cute toy, but Zhu Miaomiao felt a little creepy when she thought of where Wu Xiao brought it back from. She trembled, "Isn't it a human change?"

Wu Xiao: "It shouldn't be. I turned it inside. It's indeed cotton."

Zhu Miaomiao was still a little scared.

Lu Qingjiu sat on the sofa. As soon as he sat on it, he felt as if he was trapped in a soft cloud, his physical fatigue was relieved, and he even felt a little lazy sleep.

"Sake?" Zhu Miaomiao saw Lu Qingjiu's expression a little puzzled, "What's the matter with you?"

When Zhu Miaomiao called so, Lu Qingjiu suddenly said, "No...this cushion is so comfortable to sit on."

Wu Xiao said: "Yes, yes, this cushion is easy to use, it perfectly solves the problem of my lumbar disc herniation, I am still thinking about whether to buy another cushion for cervical spine treatment next time..."

Lu Qingjiu: "Can this cure lumbar disc herniation?"

Wu Xiao: "That's not it." Now the office worker sits in front of the computer every day. The lumbar and cervical spine are the hardest hit areas. He bought two of these cushions. One of them was placed in the company. After sitting on it, the waist discomfort got For perfect relief, it doesn’t hurt anymore.

"Otherwise, this will be for you?" Wu Xiao was very generous, "It's really comfortable to sit."

Lu Qingjiu quickly declined, saying that he could not use it at all. Since returning to the countryside, the lumbar and cervical spine problems have been well alleviated, and there is no uncomfortable situation. When Lu Qingjiu was talking with Wu Xiao, Bai Yuehu had already walked to the table and picked up the eye-catching red apple on the table. This apple looks very attractive from the outside, the size of a fist, and no blemishes can be seen on the ruddy skin. Close to the tip of the nose, it can smell the rich fragrance of apple.

Lu Qingjiu watched by the side, before he could speak, he saw Bai Yuehu biting down. In the next moment, two neat rows of tooth marks were left on the apple, and a little juice overflowed from the yellow flesh, which showed that the apple was full of water.

Zhu Miaomiao swallowed while watching, and asked in a low voice, "Is it sweet?"

Bai Yuehu glanced at her, did not speak, and passed the apple in his hand to Lu Qingjiu's mouth. Lu Qingjiu also took a bite, and then showed a stunning color. The taste of this apple is very good, sweet and sour with a strong aroma, the flesh is crispy, and the juice inside is full. After eating, the whole mouth is filled with the sweet taste of apple.

"It's delicious." Lu Qingjiu said.

Zhu Miaomiao swallowed even harder, but she was not as courageous enough to compete with the white moon fox, so she could only stare eagerly.

"It's delicious!!" Wu Xiao bought something that was praised by Lu Qingjiu, and he was in a wonderful mood. "You only have one core left after you gnaw the apple, and it will grow again one night!"

"Can it be like this?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Isn't it enough to buy more for a lifetime?"

Wu Xiao said, "Oh, I just bought this one. When I went there for the second time, the kid selling apples was gone."

Then a few people discussed fiercely. Wu Xiao introduced many objects with magical effects. Lu Qingjiu was full of gusto. Finally, it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening. After Wu Xiao yawned and revealed sleepiness, Lu Qingjiu suddenly I was surprised that their purpose seemed to be wrong-they were clearly here to help Wu Xiao solve the problem, but they abruptly became the Product Amway Club.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it for now." Lu Qingjiu sat on the extremely soft cushion, enjoying the feeling of being massaged on his lumbar spine, "Yuehu, help Wu Xiao to see if there is a sound in his ears. what happened."

Wu Xiao had generously given his apple to Bai Yuehu just now, and Bai Yuehu was nibbling with relish. After hearing Lu Qingjiu's words, he raised his eyes and looked at Wu Xiao.

Wu Xiao was a little nervous when Bai Yuehu saw it.

"What are your sleeping habits?" Bai Yuehu asked.

Wu Xiao said: "A habit? What habit?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's something you will bring to sleep, regardless of location and time." He paused for a moment when he said, "You shouldn't have this sound when you take a nap in the company?"

When Bai Yuehu reminded him like this, Wu Xiao seemed to think of something: "Yes, there was no such sound when I took a nap!"

"Then what do you usually bring to sleep?" Zhu Miaomiao asked.

Wu Xiao thought for a while: "I have a poor sleep quality. If I have to say what I will bring, it is eye masks and earplugs."

Bai Yuehu said: "Let me see."

Wu Xiao nodded, went into the bedroom and took his eye mask and earplugs.

"But I bought this online, not at the market." Wu Xiao was a little nervous, "Is there any problem?"

Bai Yuehu took the eye mask and looked at it, then put it down casually, and then picked up the earplugs. The earplugs are the most common noise-proof earplugs. They are placed in a small plastic box and look the same as ordinary earplugs.

It was Bai Yuehu's frowning brows that seemed to explain what the earplugs seemed to be different. He opened the small plastic box and took the earplugs out of it.

The little earplugs were pinched by the white moon fox in his hand. He turned his head and said to Wu Xiao: "Go get a bowl of water."

Wu Xiao hummed, rushed to the kitchen and took a bowl of water with a bowl, and put it in front of Bai Yuehu. Baiyue Fox pinched the earplugs and gently put them in the water.

Wu Xiao immediately became nervous when he saw this: "Is there something in my earplugs?"

Bai Yuehu said.

After the earplugs were in the water, they did not sink because of their light weight. Instead, they just floated on the water. Everyone's eyes fell on the earplugs placed in the water, and the atmosphere became tense. About two or three minutes later, some strange changes began to appear on the earplugs. Some small black spots gradually appeared on the light green surface. Zhu Miaomiao leaned over to take a closer look, and said in horror: "This... this Isn't it a bug?"

Bai Yuehu said, "It's a bug."

These bugs are smaller than sesame seeds, and look like little fleas, forced by the water to crawl out of the earplugs, and they are densely attached to the outside of the earplugs.

What Wu Xiao saw was creepy. When he thought of putting such earplugs in his ears, he couldn't help but stretched out his hands to cover his ears, and said with a trembled, "These things are shattered in my ears. Read?"

Bai Yuehu said: "It's almost as it is."

Wu Xiao was dizzy and dizzy: "Then maybe there are these things in my ears..."

Baiyue Fox said: "No, they can't survive on human bodies." He looked at the bedroom, "These bugs should have other sources, did you bring back something from the outside and put it in? In the bedroom."

Wu Xiao said: "...I brought back a lot of things."

Baiyuehu stepped into the bedroom, and after looking in the bedroom, he quickly found the target-the pillow with bamboo patterns on Wu Xiao's bed.

Wu Xiao followed Bai Yuehu's sight and quickly explained that he had bought this pillow from the market. For a while, his sleep quality was poor, but after using this pillow, he immediately improved. There was no strange sound at the time, so Wu Xiao was quite relieved. Besides, when he sleeps in a different room, there is still a sound, so he didn't suspect the pillow.

Baiyue Fox picked up the pillow and tore the outer fabric to reveal the cotton inside. Then he reached into the cotton and drew it out.

After the cotton fell on the ground, the other three quickly noticed that something else seemed to be hidden in the cotton. Lu Qingjiu bent down, but found a small milky white particle in the cotton. Picked it up: "What is this..."

The White Moon Fox calmly said: "The eggs."

The expressions of the three of them changed, and Lu Qingjiu quickly threw the eggs in his hands to the ground.

"It's okay, this worm egg won't hatch out under normal circumstances." Baiyue Fox said.

Wu Xiao was so scared that he was confused. He didn't dare to imagine how many bugs hatched from the pillow when he was sleeping, crawling into his ears along his ear canal, and in his ears every night. There was a strange noise.

Zhu Miaomiao, a girl who is afraid of insects, is no better to see where she is than Wu Xiao. Her voice is distorted: "Then, under what circumstances will these insects hatch?"

The white moon fox calmly grabbed an egg, and after careful observation, he said: "They seem to feed on dreams."

This is similar to the dream catcher, but the dream catcher catches nightmares. These bugs don’t distinguish between dreams and nightmares. They eat everything clean, without dreams, and the quality of sleep has indeed improved a lot. As more and more dreams were devoured, bugs began to hatch. But because the worms cannot be parasitic in the human ear canal, the old tree failed to find the abnormal condition of Wu Xiao's body, causing Wu Xiao to bear the noise pollution for more than a month.

Compared with Wu Xiao and Zhu Miaomiao, who seem to be about to collapse, Lu Qingjiu is the calmest one, and he is still in the mood to ask what Baiyuefox these bugs want to do when they crawl into Wu Xiao's ears, and why they don’t. Stop making a sound.

Bai Yuehu thought for a moment and looked at Wu Xiao: "Do you want to know?"

Wu Xiao trembled: "Let's talk..." The situation was already bad enough at this time, he didn't believe there was anything he could not accept.

Bai Yuehu said, "They are in your ear canal."

Wu Xiao: "..."

The white moon fox's tone was very calm, but Wu Xiao almost fainted from the words he said: "Sound is a way for males to attract females. Although the temperature of the ear canal is not suitable for their long-term survival, it is used to lay eggs and hatch. Good place, as long as you succeed, dense eggs will hatch in your ear canal..."

"Brother, brother, please stop talking." For the first time, Wu Xiao realized that he was so afraid of bugs. When he thought of the scene described by Baiyue Fox, his scalp was numb, and his arm came up directly. Layers of goose bumps, "I really can't do it."

Zhu Miaomiao has blocked her ears.

"How can I clean up these things?" Wu Xiao was going crazy, "I feel itchy in my head now..."

I once heard about cockroaches accidentally crawling into the human ear canal. At the time, I thought it was a joke, but now it finally landed on him. Wu Xiao could not wait to rush to the toilet and put his head in the basin. Take a wash.

Bai Yuehu said: "It's okay. They probably haven't succeeded in laying eggs. Your ears are still clean now."

Wu Xiao said: "Brother, but you didn't look at my ears."

Bai Yuehu glanced at him: "I don't really want to see it."

Wu Xiao: "..."

Lu Qingjiu coughed and suppressed the smile on his lips.

Then Bai Yuehu simply told Wu Xiao how to clean up these bugs. It was actually quite simple. Just burn it with a fire, but Bai Yuehu was very interested in the person who sold Wu Xiao this pillow. Inquired. Wu Xiao didn't dare to conceal it at this moment. He told him about buying pillows.

The pillow was bought at the market, and the price was not cheap. The person who sold his pillow was a beautiful woman. The woman saw that his sleep quality was not good at a glance and strongly recommended this pillow to him. At that time, Wu Xiao bought the pillow back home in a dubious manner, but he didn't expect the effect to be very good, but since then he has never seen a woman. This is normal for the crowded bazaar, and Wu Xiao didn't think much about it, so he left it behind.

"What does that woman look like?" Bai Yuehu asked.

"It's pretty," Wu Xiao said, "but it doesn't have any characteristics, she must say something... she carries a very beautiful violin on her back."

The white moon fox looked slightly solemn, he said: "When will the market start?"

Wu Xiao said, "The 25th of every month, probably next Tuesday."

Bai Yuehu said: "You will take us there when the time comes."

Wu Xiao didn't expect that Bai Yuehu would be interested in the market. He didn't dare to ask anything. He nodded and quickly agreed, and enthusiastically gave the apple to Bai Yuehu, asking Bai Yuehu to help him see it. He threw out anything in the house that he could not use.

Bai Yuehu said: "These things can't be bought and sold with humans casually. You'd better not go to the market anymore, as accidents are easy to happen."

Wu Xiao said obediently.

Lu Qingjiu said: "Then there is nothing in Wu Xiao's ear canal, right?"

Bai Yuehu shook his head, indicating that there was indeed no such thing, but before Wu Xiao's heart was let go, he said, "It doesn't matter at all, anyway, after hatching, those insects can't survive in his body. If he hears the sound again" , Just change the bedding again and there is no problem.

Wu Xiao almost cried, he didn't want his ear canal to become a hatchery.

After arranging a good time with Wu Xiao, the three of them left. Lu Qingjiu originally wanted to send Zhu Miaomiao home, but who knew Zhu Miaomiao insisted on taking a taxi.

"No, I can't ride a slug cart anymore, I will die." Zhu Miaomiao cried, pointing to the goose bumps on his arm.

The small truck was next to her. After listening to her words, the horn blared with no energy, and the two round headlights dimmed.

Zhu Miaomiao said, "What's wrong with it?"

Lu Qingjiu said: "It is sad by you."

Zhu Miaomiao: "..."

"Think about it, how many times it took you from the train station to your home and transported so many things to you. It worked so hard and never complained about it." Lu Qingjiu was heartbroken for his family. The cute minivan rehabilitated, "Even if you dislike it so much, it wants to send you home safely." The sentimental Zhu Miaomiao was caused by Lu Qingjiu's words with tears in his eyes, and he actually felt that he was really a man. Ruthless scum.

Lu Qingjiu patted the light of the small truck and continued: "If it has eyes, it will already shed sad tears at this time, but it's okay. I think it will also understand your dislike of molluscs. Come, let Let me call a taxi for you."

"No need." Zhu Miaomiao finally couldn't stand the tragic atmosphere, and cried holding the rearview mirror of the small truck. "Sorry for the small truck, I shouldn't dislike you. Even if you are a slug, you still have to snot Worm! Why am I so shallow? I actually dislike you for such a small problem!"

Lu Qingjiu showed a faint smile beside him, and Bai Yuehu glanced at Lu Qingjiu. He hadn't noticed that Lu Qingjiu felt a bit naturally dark before.

"Do you want a taxi?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"No more." Zhu Miaomiao wiped away his tears and voluntarily climbed onto the co-pilot of the minivan. "I don't dislike minivans anymore."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Okay, let's go home."

Toot toot, the pickup truck rang a cheerful horn again, and the three of them moved forward and sent Zhu Miaomiao home. After Zhu Miaomiao arrived home, he even took his favorite jelly candy from the small truck at home, and carried out feeding activities, which greatly increased the feelings of one person and one car. Lu Qingjiu watched by the side, his expression kindly like an old man who saw his children arguing. father.

After sending away Zhu Miaomiao, Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu also planned to return to the hotel.

"Why must Zhu Miaomiao like small trucks?" Bai Yuehu asked on the co-pilot.

"Because..." Lu Qingjiu held the steering wheel, "Because I can save a lot of taxi fare?"

White Moon Fox: "..."

Lu Qingjiu said: "From Wu Xiao's house to Zhu Miaomiao's house, you have to pay at least 20 yuan." He began to calculate the bill seriously, "And if she is afraid of a small truck, she will have to take a taxi to our house in the future. It's expensive, it costs a few hundred yuan..." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at the white moon fox, "you can buy dozens of candied haws."

Bai Yuehu stopped her voice instantly, no longer entangled in this matter, and even felt that Lu Qingjiu had made a very right decision.

The truck made two loud bangs, agreeing with Lu Qingjiu's words.

"When I go to the market next Tuesday, I have to say hello to Yin Xun." Lu Qingjiu said, "Tell him we have to postpone it for two days."

Bai Yuehu said.

Yin Xun, who was at home, quickly received a call from Lu Qingjiu. After learning that Lu Qingjiu's return was delayed, he cried sadly, saying that he had almost eaten the meatballs. If Lu Qingjiu didn't come back, he would have to eat soak. Face up. Lu Qingjiu quickly comforted him that there were still a lot of quick-frozen foods such as dumplings and buns in the refrigerator, so Yin Xun insisted on making do with two more days. They still had something to do with them. When they came back, they would bring some gifts to Yin Xun. make up.

Although Yin Xun was very sad, he could only respond. Lu Qingjiu said, "Shall we buy something by the way when we go to the market on Tuesday? I think the things there are quite interesting."

Bai Yuehu nodded in agreement.

After another few days in the city, Lu Qingjiu took Baiyuehu to eat all the famous restaurants around him these days. It was delicious and not good. I tried all of them for Baiyuehu. It gave Bai Yuehu more life experience, so that he would not be too easily abducted by others.

On Tuesday, Lu Qingjiu got up early and drove a truck with Bai Yuehu to pick up Wu Xiao and Zhu Miaomiao.

Originally, I didn't intend to take Zhu Miaomiao with me in this matter, but Zhu Miaomiao had no choice but to go to the world.

A few people got in the car, and under Wu Xiao's guidance, they drove away from the city and reached the desolate suburbs. If Wu Xiao was not familiar with the route, no one would have thought that such a remote place would be really real. There will be a crowded market.

Read The Duke's Passion